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Editar .stat



Olá amigos na frozen contem o mod command voice .stat porem ele mostra poucas opções... Consegui fazer aparecer patk e pdef... Mas não consegui o mesmo com o m.atk e m.def... Alguem saberia como arrumo isso? Acho que as variaveis são diferentes.. Ou algo do tipo..


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Olha a diferença de onde puxa os stats


esse é o de patk


public int getPAtk(final L2Character target)
if (_activeChar == null)
return 1;
float bonusAtk = 1;
if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && _activeChar.isChampion())
bonusAtk = Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ATK;
return (int) calcStat(Stats.POWER_ATTACK, _activeChar.getTemplate().basePAtk * bonusAtk, target, null);
esse o de mAtak :
public int getMAtk(final L2Character target, final L2Skill skill)
if (_activeChar == null)
return 1;
float bonusAtk = 1;
if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && _activeChar.isChampion())
bonusAtk = Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ATK;
double attack = _activeChar.getTemplate().baseMAtk * bonusAtk;




esse "final L2skill skill" que deve ta faltando la :/



C:\Users\Elisson Milani\workspace\L2jFrozen_GameServer\head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers\ error: method getMAtk in class CharStat cannot be applied to given types;
[javac] replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">M. Atk: " + targetp.getStat().getMAtk(targetp) + "</font><br>");
[javac] ^
[javac] required: L2Character,L2Skill
[javac] found: L2PcInstance
[javac] reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
[javac] C:\Users\Elisson Milani\workspace\L2jFrozen_GameServer\head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers\ error: method getMDef in class CharStat cannot be applied to given types;
[javac] replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">M. Def: " + targetp.getStat().getMDef(targetp) + "</font><br>");
[javac] ^
[javac] required: L2Character,L2Skill
[javac] found: L2PcInstance
[javac] reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
[javac] 2 errors
Editado por TerroRTotal


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