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  1. /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 L2J DataPack * * This file is part of L2J DataPack. * * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <[Hidden Content];. */ package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.scripts.custom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.Quest; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.holder.IntIntHolder; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.QuestState; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.SpawnLocation; public final class L2Day extends Quest { private final static int EVENT_HUMAN = 12260; private final static int EVENT_ELF = 12261; private final static int EVENT_DARK_ELF = 12262; private final static int EVENT_DWARF = 12263; private final static int EVENT_ORC = 12264; private static final Map<Integer, String> MANAGERS = new HashMap<>(); { MANAGERS.put(EVENT_HUMAN, "manager-1.htm"); MANAGERS.put(EVENT_ELF, "manager-1.htm"); MANAGERS.put(EVENT_DARK_ELF, "manager-1.htm"); MANAGERS.put(EVENT_DWARF, "manager-1.htm"); MANAGERS.put(EVENT_ORC, "manager-1.htm"); } // Items private final static int LETTER_A = 3875; private final static int LETTER_C = 3876; private final static int LETTER_E = 3877; private final static int LETTER_F = 3878; private final static int LETTER_G = 3879; private final static int LETTER_H = 3880; private final static int LETTER_I = 3881; private final static int LETTER_L = 3882; private final static int LETTER_N = 3883; private final static int LETTER_O = 3884; private final static int LETTER_R = 3885; private final static int LETTER_S = 3886; private final static int LETTER_T = 3887; private final static int LETTER_II = 3888; private static final SpawnLocation[] spawns_human = { new SpawnLocation(-13073, 122801, -3117, 0), // gludio08_npc1921_lc01 new SpawnLocation(-13949, 121934, -2988, 32768), // gludio08_npc1921_lc02 new SpawnLocation(-14822, 123708, -3117, 8192), // gludio08_npc1921_lc03 new SpawnLocation(18178, 145149, -3054, 7400), // dion09_npc2022_lc01 new SpawnLocation(19208, 144380, -3097, 32768), // dion09_npc2022_lc02 new SpawnLocation(19508, 145775, -3086, 48000), // dion09_npc2022_lc03 new SpawnLocation(17396, 170259, -3507, 30000), // dion10_npc2023_lc01 new SpawnLocation(79806, 55570, -1560, 0), // oren17_npc2219_lc01 new SpawnLocation(83328, 55824, -1525, 32768), // oren17_npc2219_lc02 new SpawnLocation(80986, 54504, -1525, 32768), // oren17_npc2219_lc03 new SpawnLocation(83332, 149160, -3405, 49152), // giran11_npc2222_lc01 new SpawnLocation(82277, 148598, -3467, 0), // giran11_npc2222_lc02 new SpawnLocation(81621, 148725, -3467, 32768), // giran11_npc2222_lc03 new SpawnLocation(81680, 145656, -3533, 32768), // giran11_npc2222_lc04 new SpawnLocation(-80762, 151118, -3043, 28672), // gludio06_npc1722_lc01 new SpawnLocation(-84049, 150176, -3129, 4096), // gludio06_npc1722_lc02 new SpawnLocation(-82623, 151666, -3129, 49152), // gludio06_npc1722_lc03 new SpawnLocation(117498, 76630, -2695, 38000), // aden14_npc2320_lc01 new SpawnLocation(115914, 76449, -2711, 59000), // aden14_npc2320_lc02 new SpawnLocation(119536, 76988, -2275, 40960), // aden14_npc2320_lc03 new SpawnLocation(-84516, 242971, -3730, 34000), // gludio25_npc1725_lc01 new SpawnLocation(-86003, 243205, -3730, 60000), // gludio24_npc1725_lc02 new SpawnLocation(147120, 27312, -2192, 40960), // aden13_npc2418_lc01 new SpawnLocation(147920, 25664, -2000, 16384), // aden13_npc2418_lc02 new SpawnLocation(147888, -58048, -2979, 49000), // godard02_npc2416_lc01 new SpawnLocation(147285, -56461, -2776, 11500), // godard02_npc2416_lc02 new SpawnLocation(44176, -48732, -800, 33000), // rune02_npc2116_lc01 new SpawnLocation(44294, -47642, -792, 50000), // rune02_npc2116_lc02 }; private static final SpawnLocation[] spawns_elf = { new SpawnLocation(47151, 49436, -3059, 32000), // oren04_npc2119_lc01 new SpawnLocation(44122, 50784, -3059, 57344), // oren04_npc2119_lc01 new SpawnLocation(111776, 221104, -3543, 16384), // innadril09_npc2324_lc01 new SpawnLocation(107904, 218096, -3675, 0), // innadril09_npc2324_lc02 new SpawnLocation(114920, 220020, -3632, 32768), // innadril09_npc2324_lc03 }; private static final SpawnLocation[] spawns_darkelf = { new SpawnLocation(11281, 15652, -4584, 25000), // oren09_npc2018_lc01 new SpawnLocation(11303, 17732, -4574, 57344), // oren09_npc2018_lc02 }; private static final SpawnLocation[] spawns_dwarf = { new SpawnLocation(114733, -178691, -821, 0), // schuttgart03_npc2312_lc01 new SpawnLocation(115708, -182362, -1449, 0), // schuttgart03_npc2312_lc02 }; private static final SpawnLocation[] spawns_orc = { new SpawnLocation(-44337, -113669, -224, 0),// schuttgart03_npc2312_lc01 new SpawnLocation(-44628, -115409, -240, 22500), // schuttgart03_npc2312_lc02 }; public L2Day() { super(-1, "custom"); addStartNpc(EVENT_HUMAN, EVENT_ELF, EVENT_DARK_ELF, EVENT_DWARF, EVENT_ORC); addFirstTalkId(EVENT_HUMAN, EVENT_ELF, EVENT_DARK_ELF, EVENT_DWARF, EVENT_ORC); addTalkId(EVENT_HUMAN, EVENT_ELF, EVENT_DARK_ELF, EVENT_DWARF, EVENT_ORC); for (SpawnLocation loc : spawns_human) addSpawn(12260, loc, false, 0, false); for (SpawnLocation loc : spawns_elf) addSpawn(12261, loc, false, 0, false); for (SpawnLocation loc : spawns_darkelf) addSpawn(12262, loc, false, 0, false); for (SpawnLocation loc : spawns_dwarf) addSpawn(12263, loc, false, 0, false); for (SpawnLocation loc : spawns_orc) addSpawn(12264, loc, false, 0, false); } // Rewards private static final IntIntHolder[] L2_REWARDS = { new IntIntHolder(10260, 1), // Ring of Ant Queen new IntIntHolder(10261, 1), // Ring of Core new IntIntHolder(10262, 1), // Scroll: Enchant Weapon: A Grade new IntIntHolder(10263, 2), // Scroll: Enchant Weapon: B Grade new IntIntHolder(10264, 3), // Blessed Scroll of Resurrection new IntIntHolder(10265, 3), // Blessed Scroll of Escape new IntIntHolder(10266, 3), // Scrolls of Buff - L2Day }; private static final IntIntHolder[] NC_REWARDS = { new IntIntHolder(10260, 1), // Ring of Ant Queen new IntIntHolder(10261, 1), // Ring of Core new IntIntHolder(10262, 2), // Scroll: Enchant Weapon: B Grade new IntIntHolder(10263, 3), // Scroll: Enchant Weapon: C Grade new IntIntHolder(10264, 2), // Blessed Scroll of Resurrection new IntIntHolder(10265, 2), // Blessed Scroll of Escape new IntIntHolder(10266, 2), // Scrolls of Buff - L2Day }; private static final IntIntHolder[] CH_REWARDS = { new IntIntHolder(10260, 1), // Ring of Ant Queen new IntIntHolder(10261, 1), // Ring of Core new IntIntHolder(10262, 2), // Scroll: Enchant Weapon: C Grade new IntIntHolder(10263, 3), // Scroll: Enchant Weapon: D Grade new IntIntHolder(10264, 2), // Blessed Scroll of Resurrection new IntIntHolder(10265, 2), // Blessed Scroll of Escape new IntIntHolder(10266, 2), // Scrolls of Buff - L2Day }; @Override public String onAdvEvent(String event, Npc npc, Player player) { QuestState st = null; String htmltext = ""; switch (event) { case "collect_l2": { st = player.getQuestState(getName()); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_L) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_I) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_N) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_E) >= 2 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_A) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_G) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_II) >= 1) { st.takeItems(LETTER_L, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_I, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_N, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_E, 2); st.takeItems(LETTER_A, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_G, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_II, 1); final int random = getRandom(100); if (random >= 95) { rewardItems(player, MANAGERS.get(npc.getNpcId()), 2); } else { for (IntIntHolder holder : L2_REWARDS) { if (random >= holder.getChance()) { rewardItems(player, holder); break; } } } htmltext = "manager-1.htm"; } else { htmltext = "manager-no.htm"; } break; } case "collect_nc": { st = player.getQuestState(getName()); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_N) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_C) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_S) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_O) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_F) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_T) >= 1) { st.takeItems(LETTER_N, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_C, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_S, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_O, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_F, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_T, 1); final int random = getRandom(100); if (random >= 95) { rewardItems(player, MANAGERS.get(npc.getNpcId()), 1); } else { for (IntIntHolder holder : NC_REWARDS) { if (random >= holder.getChance()) { rewardItems(player, holder); break; } } } htmltext = "manager-1.htm"; } else { htmltext = "manager-no.htm"; } break; } case "collect_ch": { st = player.getQuestState(getName()); if (st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_C) >= 2 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_H) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_R) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_O) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_N) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_I) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_L) >= 1 && st.getQuestItemsCount(LETTER_E) >= 1) { st.takeItems(LETTER_C, 2); st.takeItems(LETTER_H, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_R, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_O, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_N, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_I, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_L, 1); st.takeItems(LETTER_E, 1); final int random = getRandom(100); if (random >= 95) { rewardItems(player, MANAGERS.get(npc.getNpcId()), 1); } else { for (IntIntHolder holder : CH_REWARDS) { if (random >= holder.getChance()) { rewardItems(player, holder); break; } } } htmltext = "manager-1.htm"; } else { htmltext = "manager-no.htm"; } break; } } return htmltext; } @Override public String onFirstTalk(Npc npc, Player player) { return "manager-1.htm"; } public static void main(String[] args) { new L2Day(); } } ERRO final int random = getRandom(100); if (random >= 95) { rewardItems(player, MANAGERS.get(npc.getNpcId()), 1); } else { for (IntIntHolder holder : CH_REWARDS) { if (random >= holder.getChance()) { rewardItems(player, holder);
  2. Meu funcionou perfeitamente usei como exemplo o herbsdroplist
  3. todos downgrade mais projeto vivo mesmo e so acis , ate o famosinho do fórum aqui parou , nao vou te desanimar mais downgrade sem uma comunidade ativa para ajudar nos fix e dificil ir para frente
  4. TERMS OF AGREEMENT Using aCis, you accept the following : You can't sell a revision of aCis pack, customized or not. If you want to sell customs, sell diff patches. You can't sell aCis as a base for your pack. You can't freely share, as Customer/Inner Circle, any revision posterior to free revision share. aCis forks are allowed for following conditions and only for those conditions : Your pack stays open source (in order useful fixes can be used in the main pack). You use one of the free shared versions as base (aka no current cycle revision) and don't update your fork with posterior changesets of current free revision. A miss to one of those rules can lead to following punishements : As Customer/Inner Circle, an immediate forum rank drop. In case you donated, I won't refund your money either, as you made me lose money yourself. All your cookies will be probably stolen by others members to punish you ! In case I was supporting your server with hotfixes/testing, you're alone. In case you post on known forums, such as MxC, an immediate drop of the thread, with if you persist, dekarma sanctions.
  5. Meu amigo vejo sempre voce querendo informação de protocol , vou ter da uma dica pega o projeto lucera tem ele para download em forum russo vai conseguir entender como foi elaborado o protocol ,sei como funciona mais entregar de mão beijada e complicado mais segue a dica que te mandei , mais se achar alguem que conhece do php eu bolo para voce a parte java
  6. E contra a política do projeto acis , sou contribuidor do projeto , mais amigo logo logo chega aqui
  7. To de boa com 365 , 360-365 de boa as diff
  8. Parti do dia 05 de fevereiro tem novidades a frozen , porem nada de implementação e sim correção de bugs encontrado na frozen 1004 onde retornara o trabalho do mesmo. a novidade que o nefer vai desmembrar todo o core , e talvez vamos comecar rescrever todos os codicos no metodo 1.8 . Aguardem logo logo a frozen vai surgir novamente
  9. Mozartem

    Cancell 100%

  10. Mozartem

    Cancell 100%

    qual qualquer weapons ela e 100% pode ser um sa de uma arma
  11. Mozartem

    Cancell 100%

    altere para ficar igual abaixo <set name="maxNegated" val="2" /> <set name="power" val="25" /> <!-- Base Land Rate --> remove <set name="staticReuse" val="true" />
  12. Boriz verdade meu amigo , a frozen e muito criticada mais e uns dos projetos mais utilizados e nao recebe nada por isso simplismente contribui para muitas empresa que basea projeto em cima dela O Shyla tomou a frente do projeto e estamos precisando muito de ajuda sao poucos developers ajudando e muitos feeds bug , com a chegada da acis muitos se esqueceram da frozen , por isso o Shyla fez o desabafo no forum sobre o mesmo.
  13. Exatamente pelo fato do Nefer esta super ocupado com a faculdade e apenas o Shyla ajudando o membros do git foi removido e os trabalhos vamos voltar da 1004 onde o Nefer parou
  14. muito bom , isto e melhor que tomar um java coffe kkkkkkk
  15. E verdade que vendem servidores com estas iformacao quem e burro de comprar ,rsrsrsrs Postagem legal , se quiser investir te mando a source ***** 13.0 tem muita coisa que pode da contiuidade amigo
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