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  1. KaouS

    npc hanking

    o povo para de ajudar de-repente né? --'
  2. KaouS

    npc hanking

    estes que estao ai, já são os importes da dash...
  3. KaouS

    npc hanking

    Uploaded with Uploaded with dá esse erro aqui. agora.. o arquivo .py import sys from import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from net.fs.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from net.fs.l2j import L2DatabaseFactory from import PcAppearance from import State from import PcAppearance from import QuestState from import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "50300_PKlist" NPC=[50300] Precio_ID = 57 QuestId = 50300 QuestName = "PKlist" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "..............! - Importing Custom: 50300: IL_PKlist - .............." class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) # *********************** # Si hablas con el NPC: * # *********************** def onTalk (self,npc,player): return InitialHtml # *********************** # ***************************************************** # Ahora gobernamos los eventos que vienen desde el HTML # ***************************************************** def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event cantidad_pago = st.getQuestItemsCount(Precio_ID) # ********* # PK info * # ********* if event == "1" and cantidad_pago >= 3000 : st.takeItems(Precio_ID,3000) total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Pk Info Online</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF00FF\">Pos.</td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">*** Player ***</color></center></td><td><center>*** Kills ***</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc limit 100") rs = pks.executeQuery() while ( : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("pkkills") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"FF0000\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "A Total of " + str(total_asesinados) + " Pk's.</center></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "1" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 3000 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # ********** # PvP info * # ********** if event == "2" and cantidad_pago >= 3000 : st.takeItems(Precio_ID,3000) total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>PvP info Online</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF00FF\">Pos.</td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">*** Player ***</color></center></td><td><center>*** Kills ***</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pvpkills FROM characters WHERE pvpkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pvpkills desc limit 100") rs = pks.executeQuery() while ( : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("pvpkills") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"FF0000\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "A Total of " + str(total_asesinados) + " Kills.</center></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "2" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 3000 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # ************* # Medal Of Victory info * # ************* if event == "3" and cantidad_pago >= 100000 : st.takeItems(Precio_ID,100000) total_cantidad = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Medal Of Victory info Online</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF00FF\">Pos.</td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">*** Name ***</color></center></td><td><center>*** Adenas ***</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT count,owner_id FROM items WHERE item_id=57 order by count desc limit 50") rs = pks.executeQuery() while ( : cantidad = rs.getString("count") pj_id = rs.getString("owner_id") total_cantidad = total_cantidad + long(cantidad) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) charname = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name FROM characters WHERE charId=" + pj_id) rs2 = charname.executeQuery() while ( : char_name = rs2.getString("char_name") if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + cantidad + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"FF0000\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + cantidad + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "Los TOPS suman " + str(total_cantidad) + " adenas.</center></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "3" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>Adenas info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 100k adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) CREATED=State('Start',QUEST) STARTED=State('Started',QUEST) COMPLETED=State('Completed',QUEST) QUEST.setInitialState(CREATED) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId)
  4. KaouS

    npc hanking

    Galera, estou aqui para perguntar o seguinte: eu coloquei um npc Ranking pvp/pk na rev. até ai blz. dei spawn nele... ai aparece.. *Deseja ver o ranking? clique aqui: (mais ou menos isso.) ai eu clico e nao aparece nada..dá um erro de scripit...como arruma? vlw!
  5. mais nesse post é só para weapon nao é? :S
  6. eu gostaria tambem de saber se da pra punir o uso ao inves da weapons o uso por exemplo de Dagger nao poder usar Heavy, ou Archer usar Heavy....
  7. KaouS

    Ranking Pvp e Pk

    tente por para gm/adm nao ganhar ponto de pvp/pk :) talvez funcione... n precisa de ponto '-'
  8. Galera, se alguem por favor puder mandar o Codigo que add no java para Proibir o Uso do set heavy para dagger / arch... Eu agradeço :) obrigado.
  9. KaouS

    Itens Restritos.

    esse ja tem, eu quero para proibir Heavy para Archers / dagger... @Edit// alguem pode mandar? ou ngm tem? :S pouxa...
  10. KaouS

    Itens Restritos.

    Qual seria o codigo para add a restrição entao?
  11. Olha, vc deve estar testando revs pré configuradas... teste uma limpa :) e sempre veja o timeline to usando a l2jDash... tá boa ela... só nao axei ainda uma geodata / pathnode para ela. mais a Teon, Frozen...sao boas tambem. :)
  12. KaouS


    vai no navicat tabela "npc", cria um mob com os dados q vc quer, ai qdo for "Idtemplate" vc poe o ID do vai pedir + pra frente vai pedir dois dados do darion (Colision_Radius e Colisiom_Height)...mais é só ver no mob..:) ai o resto vc vai editando. :)
  13. KaouS

    Limite de Invetory

    2 posts atoa.... bom... procure em altsettings.ini em sua config/main axo que é assim e altere. : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------ # Grade Weight Config # #------------------------ # Disable Weight Penalty DisableWeightPenalty = False - Coloque True. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ depois procure por ai o arquivo l2jserver...(deve ser assim) e altere... ---------------------------------- # Factor weight limit for players WeightLimit = 99999 - coloque um valor alto que vc queira...puis esse e ficou ok!
  14. KaouS

    Itens Restritos.

    n sei compilar, pode me ajudar?
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