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Sobre edsonfelix18

  • Data de Nascimento 06/27/1991

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  1. Bom pessoal alguem ai poderiar mudar a quest 235 de sub classe para quando o player termina de fazer a quest 235, ele tambem completar a quest 234 junto! tipo 2 quest em apenas uma, pq no server que estou montando queria colocar apenas a quest 235 para fazer, mais se o player faz somente a quest 235 quando vai pegar sua sub classe, o npc tbm pedi a quest 234 Quest 234 # Made by Fulminus, version 0.1 import sys from import State from import QuestState from import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "234_FatesWhisper" PIPETTE_KNIFE = 4665 REIRIAS_SOUL_ORB = 4666 KERMONS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER = 4667 GOLCONDAS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER = 4668 HALLATES_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER = 4669 REORINS_HAMMER = 4670 REORINS_MOLD = 4671 INFERNIUM_VARNISH = 4672 RED_PIPETTE_KNIFE = 4673 STAR_OF_DESTINY = 5011 CRYSTAL_B = 1460 #Leorin, Cliff, Ferris, Zenkin, Kaspar, Kernon's Chest, Golkonda's Chest, Hallate's Chest, Cabrio's "Coffer of the Dead" NPC = [31002, 30182, 30847, 30178, 30833, 31028, 31029, 31030, 31027] CHEST_SPAWNS = { 25035:31027, # Shilen's Messenger Cabrio 25054:31028, # Demon Kernon 25126:31029, # Golkonda, the Longhorn General 25220:31030 # Death Lord Hallate } #mobId=[cond,dropId,rate] DROPLIST = { 29020: [7, RED_PIPETTE_KNIFE, 100] #Baium...NOTE: rate may need adjustment } ## START: Weapon exchange section (any top B grade for 2nd best A grade) # TopBGradeWeaponData{ weaponType: (max pdam, max mdam)} #(top weapon has at least one of pdam or mdam equal to the max for its type) TopBGradeWeaponData = { \ "Big Sword":(236, 99), \ "Blunt":(194, 132), \ "Bow":(400, 101), \ "Dagger":(170, 132), \ "Dual Fist":(236, 99), \ "Etc":(170, 143), \ "Pole":(194, 99), \ "Sword":(194, 132), \ "Big Blunt":(236, 99), \ "Dual Sword":(236, 99)} class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) : htmltext = event st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return #accept quest if event == "1" : st.set("cond", "1") st.setState(State.STARTED) htmltext = "31002-03.htm" # talking with cliff...last dialog to get the Infernium Varnish elif event == "30182_01" : htmltext = "30182-01c.htm" st.giveItems(INFERNIUM_VARNISH, 1) # open Kernon's Chest elif event == "31028_01" : htmltext = "31028-02.htm" st.giveItems(KERMONS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER, 1) # open Hallate's Chest elif event == "31029_01" : htmltext = "31029-02.htm" st.giveItems(GOLCONDAS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER, 1) # open Golkonda's Chest elif event == "31030_01" : htmltext = "31030-02.htm" st.giveItems(HALLATES_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER, 1) # dialog with Zenkin elif event == "30178_01" : st.set("cond", "6") htmltext = "30178-01a.htm" # dialog with Kaspar - go to baium elif event == "30833_01a" : htmltext = "30833-01b.htm" st.giveItems(PIPETTE_KNIFE, 1) st.set("cond", "7") ## FINAL ITEM EXCHANGE SECTION elif event == "showWeapons" : htmltext = "" for Item in st.getPlayer().getInventory().getItems(): #given an item instance, get the item template to check what type it is itemTemplate = Item.getItem() weaponType = str(itemTemplate.getItemType()) if TopBGradeWeaponData.has_key(weaponType) and not Item.isEquipped() and itemTemplate.getCrystalType() == 0x03 and itemTemplate.getCrystalCount() >= 1346 and itemTemplate.getDuration() == -1 : # for acceptable types, check if they fit the description of topB from that type. pDam, mDam = itemTemplate.getPDamage(), itemTemplate.getMDamage() if pDam >= TopBGradeWeaponData[weaponType][0] or mDam >= TopBGradeWeaponData[weaponType][1] : htmltext += "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest 234_FatesWhisper selectBGrade_" + str(Item.getObjectId()) + "\">" + itemTemplate.getName() + "+" + str(Item.getEnchantLevel()) + "</a><br>" if htmltext == "": htmltext = "You have no acceptable top B grade weapon in your inventory" htmltext = "<html><body>Maestro Reorin:<br>Please choose which weapon you wish to give me to melt, from the below list:<br>" + htmltext + "</body></html>" elif event.startswith("selectBGrade_"): # store the object id of the selected weapon for the trade bGradeObjId = int(event.replace("selectBGrade_", "")) # to avoid exploitation, check if the stored objectId still corresponds to an existing item # and if that item is still not equipped Item = st.getPlayer().getInventory().getItemByObjectId(bGradeObjId) if Item and not Item.isEquipped() : st.getPlayer().destroyItem("234_FatesWhisper", bGradeObjId, 1, st.getPlayer(), 0) st.set("bypass", "1") # now show the A Grade weapon list htmltext = "31002-AGradeList.htm" else : htmltext = "<html><body>Maestro Reorin:<br>Are you trying to cheat me?! What happenned to the weapon you were about to give me for the neutralization of Infernum's evil aura?</body></html>" elif event.startswith("selectAGrade_"): if st.getInt("bypass"): aGradeItemId = int(event.replace("selectAGrade_", "")) if aGradeItemId in (80, 98, 150, 212, 235, 269, 288, 2504, 5233, 7884, 7894, 7899): htmltext = "31002-12.htm" st.giveItems(aGradeItemId, 1) st.giveItems(STAR_OF_DESTINY, 1) st.exitQuest(False) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") st.unset("cond") st.unset("bypass") else: htmltext = "bye" st.exitQuest(1) else: htmltext = "<html><body>Maestro Reorin:<br>Are you trying to cheat me?! What happenned to the weapon you were about to give me for the neutralization of Infernum's evil aura?</body></html>" #st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext def onTalk (self, npc, player): htmltext = "<html><body>You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() # first time when a player join the quest if id == State.CREATED: if player.getLevel() >= 75: htmltext = "31002-02.htm" else: htmltext = "31002-01.htm" st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext # if quest is already State.COMPLETED elif id == State.COMPLETED: return "<html><body>This quest has already been completed.</body></html>" # if quest is accepted and in progress elif id == State.STARTED: cond = st.getInt("cond") if npcId == NPC[0] : if cond == 1 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(REIRIAS_SOUL_ORB) : # waiting for the orb htmltext = "31002-04b.htm" elif cond == 1 : #got the orb! Go to the next step (infernium scepter pieces) st.takeItems(REIRIAS_SOUL_ORB, 1) htmltext = "31002-05.htm" st.set("cond", "2") # waiting for infernium scepter pieces elif cond == 2 and (st.getQuestItemsCount(KERMONS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER) + st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLCONDAS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER) + st.getQuestItemsCount(HALLATES_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER) < 3) : htmltext = "31002-05c.htm" elif cond == 2 : #got the infernium scepter pieces! Go to the next step (infernium Varnish) st.takeItems(KERMONS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER, 1) st.takeItems(GOLCONDAS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER, 1) st.takeItems(HALLATES_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER, 1) htmltext = "31002-06.htm" st.set("cond", "3") # waiting for infernium varnish elif cond == 3 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(INFERNIUM_VARNISH) : htmltext = "31002-06b.htm" elif cond == 3 : #got the infernium varnish! Go to the next step (Leorin's Hammer) st.takeItems(INFERNIUM_VARNISH, 1) htmltext = "31002-07.htm" st.set("cond", "4") # waiting for Leorin's Hammer elif cond == 4 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(REORINS_HAMMER) : htmltext = "31002-07b.htm" elif cond == 4 : # got Leorin's Hammer! Go to the next step (Leorin's Mold) st.takeItems(REORINS_HAMMER, 1) htmltext = "31002-08.htm" st.set("cond", "5") elif cond < 10 : # waiting for Leorin's Mold htmltext = "31002-08b.htm" elif cond == 10 : # got Leorin's Mold! Go to the next step (B Crystals) st.takeItems(REORINS_MOLD, 1) htmltext = "31002-09.htm" st.set("cond", "11") qs = st.getPlayer().getQuestState("255_Tutorial") if qs: st.showQuestionMark(13) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_tutorial") # waiting for 984 B Grade Crystals elif cond == 11 and (st.getQuestItemsCount(CRYSTAL_B) < 984) : htmltext = "31002-09a.htm" elif cond == 11 : # got the crystals st.takeItems(CRYSTAL_B, 984) htmltext = "31002-10.htm" st.set("cond", "12") # all is ready. Now give a menu to trade the B weapon for the player's choice of A Weapon. elif cond == 12: if st.getInt("bypass") : htmltext = "31002-AGradeList.htm" else : htmltext = "31002-11.htm" ## CLIFF. # came to take the varnish elif npcId == NPC[1] and cond == 3 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(INFERNIUM_VARNISH) : htmltext = "30182-01.htm" # you already got the varnish...why are you back? elif npcId == NPC[1] and (cond >= 3 or st.getQuestItemsCount(INFERNIUM_VARNISH)) : htmltext = "30182-02.htm" ## FERRIS # go to take the mold elif npcId == NPC[2] and cond == 4 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(REORINS_HAMMER) : htmltext = "30847-01.htm" # go to trader Zenkin st.giveItems(REORINS_HAMMER, 1) # I already told you I don't have it! elif npcId == NPC[2] and cond >= 4 : htmltext = "30847-02.htm" # go to trader Zenkin ## ZENKIN # go to take mold elif npcId == NPC[3] and cond == 5 : htmltext = "30178-01.htm" # go to Magister Kaspar # I already told you I don't have it! elif npcId == NPC[3] and cond > 5 : htmltext = "30178-02.htm" # go to Magister Kaspar ## KASPAR elif npcId == NPC[4]: # first visit: You have neither plain nor blooded knife. if cond == 6 : htmltext = "30833-01.htm" # go to Magister Hanellin,etc. Get Baium's Blood with the pipette # revisit before getting the blood: remind "go get the blood" if cond == 7 and st.getQuestItemsCount(PIPETTE_KNIFE) and not st.getQuestItemsCount(RED_PIPETTE_KNIFE) : htmltext = "30833-02.htm" # go to Magister Hanellin,etc. Get Baium's Blood with the pipette # got the blood and I'm ready to proceed if cond == 7 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(PIPETTE_KNIFE) and st.getQuestItemsCount(RED_PIPETTE_KNIFE) : htmltext = "30833-03.htm" # great! Here is your mold for Leorin st.takeItems(RED_PIPETTE_KNIFE, 1) st.giveItems(REORINS_MOLD, 1) st.set("cond", "10") #revisit after you've gotten the mold: What are you still doing here? if st.getInt("cond") > 7 : htmltext = "30833-04.htm" # Have you given the mold to Leorin, yet? ## CHESTS FROM RAIDBOSSES elif cond == 1 : if npcId == NPC[8] and st.getQuestItemsCount(REIRIAS_SOUL_ORB) == 0 : htmltext = "31027-01.htm" st.giveItems(REIRIAS_SOUL_ORB, 1) st.playSound("Itemsound.quest_itemget") elif cond == 2 : # Kernon's Chest if npcId == NPC[5] and st.getQuestItemsCount(KERMONS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER) == 0 : htmltext = "31028-01.htm" elif npcId == NPC[5] : htmltext = "<html><body>This chest looks empty</body></html>" # Golkonda's Chest elif npcId == NPC[6] and st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLCONDAS_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER) == 0 : htmltext = "31029-01.htm" elif npcId == NPC[6] : htmltext = "<html><body>This chest looks empty</body></html>" # Hallate's Chest elif npcId == NPC[7] and st.getQuestItemsCount(HALLATES_INFERNIUM_SCEPTER) == 0 : htmltext = "31030-01.htm" elif npcId == NPC[7] : htmltext = "<html><body>This chest looks empty</body></html>" return htmltext def onAttack (self, npc, player, damage, isPet, skill): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return if st.getState() != State.STARTED : return npcId = npc.getNpcId() value, dropId, chance = DROPLIST[npcId] if value == st.getInt("cond") and npcId == 29020 : if player.getActiveWeaponItem() and player.getActiveWeaponItem().getItemId() == PIPETTE_KNIFE and st.getRandom(100) < chance and st.getQuestItemsCount(dropId) == 0: st.giveItems(dropId, 1) st.takeItems(PIPETTE_KNIFE, 1) st.playSound("Itemsound.quest_itemget") return def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() # the chests always spawn, even if the RB is killed with nobody nearby doing the quest. if npcId in CHEST_SPAWNS.keys() : self.addSpawn(CHEST_SPAWNS[npcId], npc.getX(), npc.getY(), npc.getZ(), npc.getHeading(), True, 60000) else : st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return if st.getState() != State.STARTED : return if npcId in DROPLIST.keys() : value, dropId, chance = DROPLIST[npcId] if st.getInt("cond") == value: if chance > 0: if st.getRandom(100) < chance and st.getQuestItemsCount(dropId) == 0: st.giveItems(dropId, 1) st.playSound("Itemsound.quest_itemget") if npcId == 29020: st.takeItems(PIPETTE_KNIFE, 1) return QUEST = Quest(234, qn, "Fate's Whisper") QUEST.addStartNpc(NPC[0]) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) for mobId in DROPLIST.keys() : QUEST.addKillId(mobId) for mobId in CHEST_SPAWNS.keys() : QUEST.addKillId(mobId) QUEST.addAttackId(29020) Quest 235 # Mimir's Elixir version 0.1 # by Fulminus import sys from import State from import QuestState from import QuestJython as JQuest from com.l2emu.gameserver.model.base import Race #Quest info qn = "235_MimirsElixir" QUEST_NUMBER, QUEST_NAME, QUEST_DESCRIPTION = 235, "MimirsElixir", "Mimir's Elixir" DROP_RATE = 50 #prerequisites: STAR_OF_DESTINY = 5011 MINLEVEL = 75 #Quest items PURE_SILVER = 6320 TRUE_GOLD = 6321 SAGES_STONE = 6322 BLOOD_FIRE = 6318 MIMIRS_ELIXIR = 6319 SCROLL_ENCHANT_WEAPON_A = 729 #NPCs LADD, JOAN = 30721, 30718 #Mobs, cond, Drop DROPLIST = { 20965: [3, SAGES_STONE], #Chimera Piece 21090: [6, BLOOD_FIRE] #Bloody Guardian } class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self, id, name, descr): JQuest.__init__(self, id, name, descr) def onAdvEvent (self, event, npc, player) : st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return if event == "1" : st.setState(State.STARTED) st.set("cond", "1") htmltext = "30166-02a.htm" elif event == "30718_1" : st.set("cond", "3") htmltext = "30718-01a.htm" return htmltext def onTalk (self, npc, player): htmltext = "<html><body>You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.</body></html>" st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return htmltext npcId = npc.getNpcId() id = st.getState() cond = st.getInt("cond") if npcId == LADD : if id == State.CREATED : st.set("cond", "0") if player.getRace() == Race.Kamael : st.exitQuest(1) htmltext = "<html><body>I'm sorry, but I am not allowed to offer this quest to Kamael. Talk to Hierarch Kekropus.</body></html>" elif player.getLevel() < MINLEVEL : st.exitQuest(1) htmltext = "30166-01.htm" #not qualified elif not st.getQuestItemsCount(STAR_OF_DESTINY) : st.exitQuest(1) htmltext = "30166-01a.htm" #not qualified elif st.getInt("cond") == 0 : htmltext = "30166-02.htm" # Successful start: Bring me Pure silver from Reagents quest elif id == State.COMPLETED : htmltext = "<html><body>You have already completed this quest.</body></html>" # was asked to get pure silver but has not done so yet. Repeat: get pure silver elif cond == 1 and not st.getQuestItemsCount(PURE_SILVER) : htmltext = "30166-03.htm" # Bring me Pure silver from Reagents quest # got the pure silver and came back. Ask for TrueGold. elif cond == 1 and st.getQuestItemsCount(PURE_SILVER) : st.set("cond", "2") htmltext = "30166-04.htm" # Bring me True Gold from Joan elif 1 < cond < 5 : htmltext = "30166-05.htm" # Where is my GOLD?! Bring to me first. # got the true gold...look for Blood fire elif cond == 5 : st.set("cond", "6") htmltext = "30166-06.htm" # find Blood Fire from "bloody guardians" # still looking for blood fire? elif cond == 6 : htmltext = "30166-07.htm" # find Blood Fire from "bloody guardians" # Ah, you got the blood fire! Time to mix them up! elif cond == 7 and st.getQuestItemsCount(PURE_SILVER) and st.getQuestItemsCount(TRUE_GOLD): htmltext = "30166-08.htm" # what are you standing there for? Go to the cauldron and mix them... # you idiot, how did you lose your quest items? elif cond == 7 : htmltext = "30166-09.htm" # already know what to do...go get the 3 items... st.set("cond", "3") # start over...yay... # cond for this quest is set to 8 from Supplier or Reagents, when you create Mimir's Elixir. # Finally, all is done...time to learn how to use the Elixir... elif cond == 8 : htmltext = "30166-10.htm" # here's what you do... st.takeItems(MIMIRS_ELIXIR, -1) #remove this line for compatibility with L2JServer revisions prior to 376 st.giveItems(SCROLL_ENCHANT_WEAPON_A, 1) st.exitQuest(False) st.unset("cond") elif npcId == JOAN and id == State.STARTED: # first time talking to Joan: You ask for True Gold, she sends you for Sage's stone if cond == 2 : htmltext = "30718-01.htm" # You want True Gold? Please get the sage's stone. Kill Chimera! # Why are you back alraedy? You don't have the stone. elif cond == 3 : htmltext = "30718-02.htm" # you haven't gotten the sage's stone yet? # aha! Here is the sage's stone! Cool, now we can make true gold elif cond == 4 : st.takeItems(SAGES_STONE, -1) st.giveItems(TRUE_GOLD, 1) st.set("cond", "5") htmltext = "30718-03.htm" # here you go...take the gold. Now go back to ladd. elif cond >= 5 : htmltext = "30718-04.htm" # Go back to ladd already! return htmltext def onKill(self, npc, player, isPet): st = player.getQuestState(qn) if not st : return if st.getState() != State.STARTED : return npcId = npc.getNpcId() drop = st.getRandom(100) cond = st.getInt("cond") dropcond = DROPLIST[npcId][0] if drop < DROP_RATE and cond == dropcond : if st.getQuestItemsCount(DROPLIST[npcId][1]) == 0 : st.giveItems(DROPLIST[npcId][1], 1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_itemget") st.set("cond", str(cond + 1)) return # Quest class and state definition QUEST = Quest(QUEST_NUMBER, qn, QUEST_DESCRIPTION) # Quest NPC starter initialization QUEST.addStartNpc(LADD) # Quest initialization QUEST.addTalkId(LADD) QUEST.addTalkId(JOAN) for i in DROPLIST.keys(): QUEST.addKillId(i)
  2. Não estou conseguindo usar mais de 3 teleporte seguidos sem tomar Critical error, se o player esta upando e morre para os moobs quando volta para cidade toma critical error, se vc teleporta de ADM, vc toma critical erro se vc usa escape vc toma critical error ou seja tudo que envolve teleportação esta tomando cricital error, ja troquei minha tablela de teleporte e nao resolveu. 2016.12.6 19:38:01 OS : Windows Vista 6.1 (Build: 7600) CPU : GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz @ 3192 MHz 4095MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 (7595) PosCode : LS1(87) 116551:-182493:-1521 4/1 [450] General protection fault! History: UStruct::SerializeBinGC <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial52) <- ObjectTestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial52) <- UStruct::SerializeBinGC <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector Transient.ShadowProjector53) <- AActor::Serialize <- ObjectTestReach <- (ShadowProjector Transient.ShadowProjector53) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- UMasterLevel::Serialize <- ObjectTestReach <- (MasterLevel Transient.MasterLevel0) <- UStruct::SerializeBinGC <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- ObjectTestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UMasterLevel::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::ScreenFadeDone <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  3. Reupa link completo pq so tem a sql ta faltando o html!
  4. Alguem sabe como abrir as portas do modem roteador D-Link 2730R, pq eu ja tentei de tudo e não consigo abrir as portas do modem para liga meu Servidor =/
  5. eu queria saber como faço para criar uma skill que cancela todos buffs,songs e dances dos personagens na party de uma vez só!
  6. edsonfelix18


    Alguem pode me dizer a localização que esse codigo esta dizendo? <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Subclass 1">Add subclass.</a><br> Não achei <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Subclass 2">Change subclass.</a><br> Não achei <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Subclass 3">Cancel current subclass and change to a new subclass.</a><br> Não achei <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9002_SubClassCertification">Subclass skill certification.</a> Achei ja procurei em tudo e nao achei ja procurei no database e no java tbm nao achei =/
  7. Não deu certo mais valeu assim mesmo! :D
  8. Alguem ai tem algum Filedit que aceita acentuação?? o sabe como coloco ele para aceitar? ....
  9. quando abre a pagina congela o tempo, tipo nao fica contando os segundos ex: 59,58,57,56 .... como eu ativo isso?
  10. bom eu quero criar uns bosses para evento, e quando o player mata ele quero que ele nunca mais apareça!, apenas se eu der respaw nele de novo, como faço isso?
  11. *Quest SubClasse* Pessoal é o seguinte, eu coloquei o item STAR OF DESTINY item necessario para começar a quest de subclasse, para vender para o player não precisa fazer a quest 234_FatesWhisper, e ja começar fazer direto a quest 235_MimirsElixir, até ai tudo bem o player fazer a quest 235, recebe o item MimirsElixir certinho, database também tudo certinho mostrando a quest completada, só que quando o player vai pega sua SubClasse, o npc fica pedindo a quest 235, com ela feita, beleza resolvi fazer um teste, adicionei pelo database a quest 234 como se ela tambem tivesse sido feita, ai deu certo no npc!, mais eu quero tira a necessidade da quest 234, porque a quest 234 serve para você recebe o item STAR OF DESTINY o mesmo que ja coloquei para vender, queria saber como tiro da quest 235 a necessidade de fazer a quest 234, alguem pode me ajudar????
  12. Aii Vicio estou usando essa REV, só quero dizer que esta perfeita, tem alguns erros basicos que vc pode arrumar de boa, mais eu achei 4 erros aki q nao sei como arrumar? 1° Classes, dagger esta mutio apelao, se vc me passar algun tutorial eu mesmo posso fazer isso. 2° Barcos, Aquele barco que leva e traz da ilha dos dinos ele nao para no porto ele fica tocando de roda até passar o tempo dele sair, ai ele sai e vai enbora, o barco de rune fica parado e nem sai do lugar 3° SubClasse, os players estao fazendo a quest de subclasse mais quando eles terminao e vai la fazer sua sub o npc fica pedindo a quest de subclasse, mais ela ja esta feita. 4° Hero, Como eu coloca para ficar automatico?, pq quando acaba o mes os players nao ficao hero automatico tem que ser tudo manual --'.
  13. edsonfelix18


    Estou precisando de uma system gracia final limpa, urgentementee... aguardando vlw, boa noite a todos!
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