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Atualizações de Status postados por osvaldotl2015

  1. ==================================================
    # Price for buffs. NpcId (50008) 
    PriceBuff = 50000
    PriceBuffVip = 25000
    +# The List of Mage Buffs
    +# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln
    +BufferNpcMageBuffList = 1204,2;1040,3;1035,4;1045,6;1048,6;1036,2;1303,2;1085,3;1059,3;1078,6;\
    +# The List of Fighter Buffs
    +# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln
    +BufferNpcFighterBuffList = 1204,2;1068,3;1040,3;1035,4;1036,2;1045,6;1086,2;1077,3;1240,3;1242,3;\
    	public static int PRICE_BUFF;
    	public static int PRICE_BUFF_VIP;
    +	public static int[][] NPC_BUFFER_MAGE_BUFF_LIST;
    +	public static int[][] NPC_BUFFER_FIGHT_BUFF_LIST;
    	PRICE_BUFF = npcs.getProperty("PriceBuff", 1000);
    	PRICE_BUFF_VIP = npcs.getProperty("PriceBuffVip", 500);	
    +	NPC_BUFFER_MAGE_BUFF_LIST = parseItemsList(npcs.getProperty("BufferNpcMageBuffList", "789,1223"));
    +	NPC_BUFFER_FIGHT_BUFF_LIST = parseItemsList(npcs.getProperty("BufferNpcFighterBuffList", "123,456"));
    		public List<IntIntHolder> getRequiredItems(int job)
    			return _claimItems.get(job);
    +	private static final int[][] parseItemsList(String line)
    +	{
    +		String[] propertySplit = line.split(";");
    +		if (propertySplit.length == 0)
    +		{
    +			return null;
    +		}
    +		int i = 0;
    +		int[][] result = new int[propertySplit.length][];
    +		for (String value : propertySplit)
    +		{
    +			String[] valueSplit = value.split(",");
    +			if (valueSplit.length != 2)
    +			{
    +				LOGGER.warn("Config: Error parsing entry -> \"" + valueSplit[0] + "\", should be itemId,itemNumber");
    +				return null;
    +			}
    +			result[i] = new int[2];
    +			try
    +			{
    +				result[i][0] = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[0]);
    +			}
    +			catch (NumberFormatException e)
    +			{
    +				LOGGER.warn("Config: Error parsing item ID -> \"" + valueSplit[0] + "\"");
    +				return null;
    +			}
    +			try
    +			{
    +				result[i][1] = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[1]);
    +			}
    +			catch (NumberFormatException e)
    +			{
    +				LOGGER.warn("Config: Error parsing item amount -> \"" + valueSplit[1] + "\"");
    +				return null;
    +			}
    +			i++;
    +		}
    +		return result;
    +	}
    }//Last Line Don´t Delete
    -		if (currentCommand.startsWith("autobuff"))
    -		{
    -			for (int buffId : PlayerData.getInstance().getTemplate(player.getClassId()).getBuffIds())
    -				SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffId, SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffId)).getEffects(player, player);
    -		}
    +		if (currentCommand.startsWith("autobuff"))
    +		{
    +			if (player.isMageClass())
    +			{
    +				for (int[] mageBuffs : Config.NPC_BUFFER_MAGE_BUFF_LIST)
    +				{
    +					if (mageBuffs != null)
    +					{
    +						SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(mageBuffs[0], mageBuffs[1]).getEffects(player, player);
    +					}
    +				}
    +			}
    +			else
    +			{
    +				for (int[] fighterBuffs : Config.NPC_BUFFER_FIGHT_BUFF_LIST)
    +				{
    +					if (fighterBuffs != null)
    +					{
    +						SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(fighterBuffs[0], fighterBuffs[1]).getEffects(player, player);
    +					}
    +				}
    +			}
    +		}


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