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Tudo que Nando-Crazy postou

  1. Vinicius vc tem o item do nubles ai ainda ? estou presisando.
  2. Bom amigos estou tendo poblesmas com o nubles eu compro a carta nubles e ela nao aparese no inventario como poso arumar iso ?
  3. vlw pela ajuda mais ai so tem o topco pq nao tem as armas :(
  4. amigos nao consigo axar nenhuma demo no jbrasil todas dao ero e nao pegao vcs podem me arumar as armas ?
  5. Bom amigos estou querendo saber como faser para deixar o hero do meu servidor fixo. Agadeço
  6. ese ero ke aparese [Msg] Decompressing... [Msg] Table Created: account_data [Msg] Table Created: accounts [Msg] Table Created: armor [Msg] Table Created: armorsets [Msg] Table Created: auction [Msg] Table Created: auction_bid [Msg] Table Created: auction_watch [Msg] Table Created: augmentations [Msg] Table Created: auto_announcements [Msg] Table Created: auto_chat [Msg] Table Created: auto_chat_text [Msg] Table Created: boxaccess [Msg] Table Created: boxes [Msg] Table Created: buff_templates [Msg] Table Created: castle [Msg] Table Created: castle_door [Msg] Table Created: castle_doorupgrade [Msg] Table Created: castle_manor_procure [Msg] Table Created: castle_manor_production [Msg] Table Created: castle_siege_guards [Msg] Table Created: char_templates [Msg] Table Created: character_blocklist [Msg] Table Created: character_colors [Msg] Table Created: character_friends [Msg] Table Created: character_hennas [Msg] Table Created: character_macroses [Msg] Table Created: character_quests [Msg] Table Created: character_raid_points [Msg] Table Created: character_recipebook [Msg] Table Created: character_recommends [Msg] Table Created: character_shortcuts [Msg] Table Created: character_skills [Msg] Table Created: character_skills_save [Msg] Table Created: character_subclasses [Msg] Table Created: characters [Msg] Table Created: clan_data [Msg] Table Created: clan_notices [Msg] Table Created: clan_privs [Msg] Table Created: clan_skills [Msg] Table Created: clan_subpledges [Msg] Table Created: clan_wars [Msg] Table Created: clanhall [Msg] Table Created: clanhall_functions [Msg] Table Created: clanhall_siege [Msg] Table Created: class_list [Msg] Table Created: connection_test_table [Msg] Table Created: couples [Msg] Table Created: ctf [Msg] Table Created: ctf_teams [Msg] Table Created: cursed_weapons [Msg] Table Created: custom_armor [Msg] Table Created: custom_armorsets [Msg] Table Created: custom_droplist [Msg] Table Created: custom_etcitem [Msg] Table Created: custom_merchant_buylists [Msg] Table Created: custom_merchant_shopids [Msg] Table Created: custom_npc [Msg] Table Created: custom_spawnlist [Msg] Table Created: custom_teleport [Msg] Table Created: custom_weapon [Msg] Table Created: dimensional_rift [Msg] Table Created: dm [Msg] Table Created: droplist [Msg] Table Created: enchant_skill_trees [Msg] Table Created: etcitem [Msg] Table Created: fish [Msg] Table Created: fishing_skill_trees [Msg] Table Created: fort [Msg] Table Created: fort_door [Msg] Table Created: fort_doorupgrade [Msg] Table Created: fort_functions [Msg] Table Created: fort_siege_guards [Msg] Table Created: fort_spawnlist [Msg] Table Created: fort_staticobjects [Msg] 1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes [Msg] Importing Data... [Msg] Finished - Stopped before completion --------------------------------------------------
  7. Caros amigos estou aki com uma rev linpa mais quando vo faser backup ele da ero e servidor nao fica online eu ja fis te tudo data base ja arumei e nada presiso da ajuda de vcs bgd :)
  8. Fico legalzinho parabems :) comtinue asim
  9. Amigos eu keria saber como eu poso colocar anunsios no meu servidor tipo de hero e vipp espero ajunda vlw :)
  10. Bon! galera estou aqui pedindo, see alguem sabe algum editor UTX ou um tutorial bom se poderia postar para mi ajudar. vlw ai :)
  11. Tenho minha rev aki e os players nao conseguen muda clase oke eu faso
  12. Bon caros amigos estou com um poblema de clase meu serv nao esta trocando as clases dos players poderioa me ajudar vlw .
  13. eu kero modifica online ele ja esta :S obs Estamos aqui para sermos ajudados e ajuda nao para fala co geito dos usuarios :)
  14. Bom amigos keria sabe onde fica o anunsio de dono do clan pois eu kero traduzir ele. agradeso :)
  15. Nando-Crazy

    Mod Clan Full

    RETO mand coloca level 8 oks :)
  16. Nando-Crazy

    Mod Clan Full

    amigo eu nao tenho um mod mais tenho uma sql boa pra iso vc so vai prasisa coloca ele INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '370', '3', 'Clan Vitality'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '371', '3', 'Clan Spirituality'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '372', '3', 'Clan Essence'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '373', '3', 'Clan Lifeblood'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '374', '3', 'Clan Morale'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '375', '3', 'Clan Clarity'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '376', '3', 'Clan Might'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '377', '3', 'Clan Aegis'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '378', '3', 'Clan Empowerment'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '379', '3', 'Clan Magic Protection'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '380', '3', 'Clan Guidance'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '381', '3', 'Clan Agility'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '382', '3', 'Clan Withstand-Attack'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '383', '3', 'Clan Shield Boost'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '384', '3', 'Clan Cyclonic Resistance'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '385', '3', 'Clan Magmatic Resistance'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '386', '3', 'Clan Fortitude'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '387', '3', 'Clan Freedom'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '388', '3', 'Clan Vigilance'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '389', '3', 'Clan March'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '390', '3', 'Clan Luck'); INSERT INTO `clan_skills` VALUES ('268477497', '391', '1', 'Clan Imperium'); so coloca a id do cln ai amigo espero ter ajudado
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