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já sei qual o problema amigo vai em gameserver\config\protected\


procura essa linha que fica no fim da tabela


# Bot Protection #
# L2WalkerProtection
# True: protection from bots ON
# False: protection from bots OFF
L2WalkerProtection = True <---- coloca False
# Anti bot protection against all possible bots
# IMPORTANT: Start bot checker if player is in combat online without shop and in a zone not peacefull
# On / off protection against bots by giving the char to write a word.
# IMPORTANT: you must modify the file server/config/questionwords.txt
BotProtect = True <---- coloca False
# The time after which after entering a character in the game will be asked (minutes).
#! Attention to display the questions used by the window with training nubov.
#! so do not recommend a small number, because the quest may be broken.
BotProtectFirstCheck = 30
# The time interval, which will take place from the previous question until the next (minutes).
BotProtectNextCheck = 60
# Amount of time allowed for giving the answer (seconds).
BotProtectAnsver = 300


Não Tiro Duvidas Por Pm !! Se Ajudei Clique Em xBzrTCH.jpgaqui não burro no outro :D

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Muito Obrigado OTO, era isso mesmo.


Uma proteção contra o L2Walker, duvido que alguém use esse antigo hack ainda kkk, no meu server tava aparecendo pra verificar, só que não mostrava o código apenas a linha ai nem adianta em nada mesmo, muito obrigado manin :D


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