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FULL_LOL last won the day on Dezembro 13 2017

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  • Data de Nascimento 12/12/1990

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  1. Infelizmente a system não esta funcionando como esperado, demora muito pra abri, isso quando abre, talvez seja a system errada.
  2. Recentemente você mexeu em alguma configuração do FakePlayer ?
  3. Não tenho muito conhecimento em Java Porém seguindo os tutoriais aqui da L2JBR, consegui remover os Fakeplayer de forma quase cirúrgica quando você tiver um tempo, poderia analisar o diff, só pra ter certeza de que nada foi removido de forma errada do seu devido lugar? Na verdade, eu fiz " // " nas linhas de códigos, para depois apaga-los. excerto as class da pasta "phantom", elas foram apagadas por completo. .DIFF
  4. Changeset 368 (712) Chamberlain Manor's Certificates feature, Cleanup Config, Login, MMOCore, Instance rename && reorganization part II, Logging rework, Misc Chamberlain Manor's Certificates - Implement a missing castle chamberlain feature, the possibility to buy Manor's Certificates. HTMs and behavior is OFF-like. - Added "//reset_certificates castleName" admincommand. Integrate it on the castle panel (had to reorganize it a little). Cleanup Config - Drop DATABASE_MAX_IDLE_TIME time (set to 0 by default). - Re-order login/server .properties - Drop ACCEPT_ALTERNATE_ID / REQUEST_ID from login on (weren't existing on .properties, not used by login) Login - Drop external/internal hostnames system ; only one hostname is allowed. - LoginServerThread cleanup : - Drop _waitingClients (synchronized, check logic already handled by the other CHMap). - Drop some variables (7 were calling Config), some unused methods. Some rename are made. - Move some of the security check logic here and there to make it cleaner. - ServerStatus content is reorganized in both LS and GS sides. Addition of age limit / pvp server tags. - FloodProtectedListener connections are registered on a ConcurrentHashMap. - Creation of ServerData class (was part of ServerList packet). Cleanup of ServerList for easier proxy handler implementation. - Creation of GameServerInfo class (was part of GameServerTable). MMOCore - Avoid to crash on packet read buffer underflow (client connection is dropped instead). - Tweak MMOCore values to process packets x4 faster (5k packets = from 16s to 4s). - Tweak CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_PACKETS_PER_SECOND && CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_AVERAGE_PACKETS_PER_SECOND default values (x2 now). Instance rename && reorganization part II - L2Object is renamed WorldObject. - Character (previously L2Character) is renamed Creature due to class already defined on JDK (and making imports complicated). - AI models are renamed to fit with new naming convention (PlayerAI, PlayableAI, CreatureAI, etc). - The package is now moved on (best location). ai.model is renamed ai.type (because was redundant). - Templates, Stat && Status models are renamed to fit with new naming convention. Logging rework - log.cfg is renamed - Drop 'audit' layer && associated IllegalPlayerAction system (all punishements are deleted, DefaultPunish && DefaultPunishParam configs are dropped). Reason : that's the point you write integrity checks. - Drop GMAudit, uses the default formatter/handler/filter (all GMs are written on the same file). - Whole logging system is moved into commons. Create 'filter', 'formatter' && 'handler' packages on log. Rename package 'log' to 'logging'. - All handlers got a limit and a count to avoid to flood server with logs. The log limit is set to 1mo instead of 500ko. The count is setted to 5 files. - All logs are now moved in their own folders (those folders are created by default). - Logs name pattern has been edited (typeName_count.txt), the extension is now .txt. - All formatters are based on same writting style. Misc - Merge math methods from Util with MathUtil. Delete Util. - banned_ip.cfg is renamed - FloodProtectors class is moved from gameserver.util to - Addition of SysUtil, holding system related methods. - L2Bookmark > Bookmark + basic cleanup of BookmarkTable. - Minor cleanup of GameServer and L2LoginServer (don't keep references when not needed, drop of "L2" > LoginServer). - MinionList cleanup, replace the CopyOnWriteArrayList (poor performance). - Minor cleanup of RaidBoss (drop a double isMovementDisabled() check). - Fix a typo error on query prior to sieges rework, ty HaddWik for report. Minor Siege class cleanup. - SevenSigns minor cleanup (drop 3 redundant static variables and one method). - Slight cleanup of RecipeShopSellList packet (avoid .get on a for loop). - villagemaster/30594.htm edit. PS: if you got better log writting style, I would eventually integrate it. PS2: build.xml is edited, some .properties are edited.
  5. Você pretende remover por completo os phantom ? eles estão um pouco bugado, andam com os braços duros.

    Como criar uma UTX?

    Muda a Pasta do UE2Runtime para a pasta raiz do sistema, por ex: X:\UE2Runtime-22261903\ ai sim, depois de todos os passos você salva dentro da pasta Textures que vai dar certo!
  7. Não, essa e limpa, estou utilizando ela pra usar a rev do @S.Christian, que e a versão limpa e sem custom.
  8. Tem haver com a system, você usou a que foi oferecida nesse tópico ? Eu Estou utilizando essa: <System>
  9. Da uma olhada nessa minha duvida, e vai descendo que você vai entender.
  10. Eu estou achando que esse e o código em questão! da uma olhadinha. Tem também essa outra opção, um pouco semelhante. + +
  11. @S.Christianme tira uma duvida. O arquivo PackV15, e a versão mais atual compilada por você certo ? Já o arquivo SourceV13, e o source para compilação, correto ? Porem o SourceV13, deve receber uma atualização do Diff ChangetSetV13.rar, para receber todas as suas atualizações, para depois dai em diante continuar ou não adicionando Mods e/ou correções, correto ?
  12. — Яндекс.Диск (
  13. Tem essas duas opções. Percebi que são a mesma coisa, mais com ID's diferentes. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] SENHA: d0ds0153
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