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L2 ATLAS Interlude x1000 PvP - 07/06/2024 18:00 UTC!

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Server Website: https://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=atlasadmin

07/06/2024 18:00 UTC!          7th of June!

Server Information

MeJgGuu.png  General

Lineage2 Interlude No-Custom PVP Server
Main Town Giran
Quick Start with full A grade
Easy Farm S Grade
RB Jewel from Raid Bosses
Hero every 3 days
Tournament event [1v1, 3v3, 5v5, 9v9]
Advanced Classic like Client
Automatic potions use (MP/HP/CP) - right click in skill bar.

Autofarm  .farm

Autofarm system

t09XQ3i.png Enchant Rates

Safe Enchant: +4
Max Enchant +15 with Blessed
Max Enchant +20 with Crystals (enchant remains if fails)
Blessed Scrolls Enchant chance 100%
Crystal Scrolls: +16 (50%) +17 (40%) +18(30%) +19(20%) +20(10%)

Ni3Y7wH.png  Augmentation

Mid Life-Stone Chance: 5%
High Life-Stone Chance: 10%
Top Grade Life Stone Chance: 15%
Max 1 Active + 1 Passive
Right click on life stone to augment currently equipped weapon, if you get skill, item will be unequipped and you will get notification on screen

aS0lIcv.png  Olympiad

Requires 5 players to start match
Enchant automatically changes to +6 for the fight
Skills reused after every match
Olympiad start time 18:00 end 24:00 [GMT+2]
Heroes changing every Sunday at 12:00 [GMT+2]
Hero obtain heroic Valor in all sub-classes
Hero Weapon is automatically +20 and can be replaced for vote coins.

L413LFQ.png  Castle Sieges

Sieges duration 1 Hours
There are 3 castle sieges
Giran - Sunday
Aden - Saturday
Innadril - Friday
Sieges are scheduled at 19:00 (GMT +2)

 gspWIIl.png Auto Events

Events scheduled every 1 Hour
Voting poll will be sent to all players 3 mins before, so Players can decide which event they want next
Use command .events to access event panel
There are 5 Great Events waiting for you: Raid In The Middle, Ultra Rapid Fire, Team VS Team, Death Match, Last Man Standing

fmXnlmG.png  Farm Zones

Easy Farm Zone
3x Hard Farm Zones
Life Stone Zone
Party Zone - Drops based on damaged dealt and number of players in party, Healers get drop per healing done.
Raid Boss Zone

eSkuhKT.png  Raid Bosses

There are 12 Raid Bosses in L2 Atlas World with 3 strength levels
Raid Boss battleground with x5 level 1 bosses with 30min respawn
5x level 2 Raid Bosses with 1 hour respawn
2x level 3 Epic Bosses with 6 hour respawn and Massive Drops
All Raid Bosses are in Chaotic zones which means auto flag status
To Village after death is delayed by 30 seconds in Raid Boss Zones to maintan healthy PvP's

Nlwl4qZ.png  PvP Zone

PvP Zones are changing automatically every 45 minutes
Healers are not allowed to enter PvP Zone
Each kill gives adenas
20% chance for PvP Zone to be Ultra which gives 2x reward for each kill and 2x PvP points
At end of the Zone Top 3 players will be announced and rewarded

 yUcnWnc.png Clans

All clan penalties removed
Level 5 clan on creation.
Clan Skills only needs Clan Reputation points (obtainable for Vote Coins)
Maximum players in clan - 40
Maximum clans in ally - 2
Maximum clans in ally - 2

CNpcfjb.png Weekly Events

Clan Event - Collect points for Taken Castle, Becoming Hero, Killing Raid Bosses and Clan Wars to become number 1 in the server
 and Top 3 Clans will be rewarded Donate Coins worth 225 euros
Vote Event - Get points for each vote for our server through the week and 1 player with most votes will be rewarded Donate Coins
New Clan Event - Bring along 5 of your friends and visit Jurek in Giran to receive clan level 8

QjBF0py.png  Other Info

2 tier tattoo with small base stats
All Accessories gives 5% run speed
Stackable BOG/LS/Scrolls
No Grade and Weight penalty
Noblesse can be bought from GM Shop
5 Max Sub-Classes
50 Buff Slots
Spawn Protection
Anti-Heavy for Archers & Daggers
Offline Shop System
PvP Killing Spree System - reward for killing other player on killing spree
PvP Kills gives PvP medals
Unique Economy System
Balanced Buffs/Skills/Classes
Full interlude geodata / pathnode

Strict Anti Bot Rules - players caught using Bot 1st time will be jailed for 30mins, 2nd time jailed for 2hours, 3rd time banned

Server Website: https://top.l2jbrasil.com/index.php?a=stats&u=atlasadmin




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