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BASE: L2JAcis Rev 382/  Interlude  L2-Prominence..

The project is currently under development..




•Balance System - Balance PvP | Olympiad Class_x_Class
•Buffer Scheme
•Siege Date
•HWID Sytem
•Anti-Zerg Zone Limit

•Announce PVP/PK (ID Zone)

•Protection Anti-Bot 
•Random Box

•Voiced Commands Enabled:

•Next Events System (All Events in progress) + NPC Global Gatekeeper
•Password System
•Party System
•Buff System (.buff  / .cancel) - (AntiBuff) - (Auto Slot: Mage/Warrior)
•Trade System
•Message System
•Visual System (Skin Armors + Hairs)
•Color System (Title / Name)
•Vote Zone (Select Map PvP Event)
•Merchant System (All In One Shops)
•Banking System
•Potion System 
•Raid Info
•Castle Manager
•Ranking (All Ranks Global)
•Menu (Full Interaction)

• Community Board Exclusive (Full Interaction)

•Summon System
•Agathion System + Bracelet
•New Summon Pet
•New Mountable (Fenrir and more)

•Upgrade Exclusive All Items

• Prominence Shop (Exclusive seasonal store)

•Ranking PvP Mensual + Reward (NPC)

•Panel Enchant Skill (Freya)

•Ranking Enchant (Weapons / Armors / Jewells) (NPC + Community)

•Teleport Clan (Spots / Farm / RaidBoss / Epic)

•Teleport Party (Spots / Farm / RaidBoss / Epic)

•Url Work 100% (Discord Server / FanPage Facebook / WebSite) (Community)

•Change Skin Race + (Kamael Unique) (NPC + Community)

•Reset All Class (NPC + Community)

•Daily Mission (Community)

•Daily Reward (Community)

•MailBox System + Incluide Items

•DressMe System (Armors + Hair + Cloacks) (Command + Community)

New Panel DressMe All Type(s)

Armor's / Weapon's / Shield's / Face's / Hair's / Cloak's + Restriction 

Independent pages implemented and new surprises we are working on!!!

+ Combine Talisman System And more...

+ Clan Stronghold and More fixes!

Remove Buff Interface(Shift + Click) and more..!

- Tournament League System : 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 / 5 vs 5 / 9 vs 9.
- Global Ranks for Tournament League

+ Mod Teleport Special Effect 

+ Personal usable items ( Belt / Talisman / Agathions Lbracelet  / Dolls 

+Master Service with purchase history 

and more..!


Interlude Server Files for Developers - Free Gift!

Hello, everyone!

I’m excited to share a set of files originally used by Dwight to sell in the market.

A good friend of mine provided these files, and now I’m offering them as a gift to young and skilled developers alike.

These files require significant corrections, including HTM fixes and other adjustments, but with the right development skills, you can create an upgraded, polished version of an Interlude server!

My hope is that someone in the community will complete the pack and, ideally, share it back here for everyone to enjoy—completely free.

Let’s bring some life to these files and create something amazing together.

Have fun and happy developing!









Edited by coba-ltd
Update files
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8 minutos atrás, coba-ltd disse:

Hello all , for me is hard to share those files because i get scamed from ! dwight .

i spend 180£ for those files, so is a litle gift to this community by me.

I hope my money to be worth at least for all of you people... and remmber don't trust none, lear as muche java coding and developing by your self... will be better for all of newbies.

have fun with the files..


patch files?







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  • coba-ltd changed the title to L2PROMINENCE / SURCES / PACK!!!
48 minutos atrás, coba-ltd disse:

Hello all , for me is hard to share those files because i get scamed from ! dwight .

i spend 180£ for those files, so is a litle gift to this community by me.

Interlude client supported. i don't have the system patch... but you can use what ever system Interlude ofc you whant and add customs and more.. in it.

I hope my money to be worth at least for all of you people... and remmber don't trust none, lear as muche java coding and developing by your self... will be better for all of newbies.

have fun with the files..

BASE: L2JAcis Interlude (1/01/2024) L2Prominence..
The project is currently under development..

•Balance System - Balance PvP | Olympiad Class_x_Class
•Buffer Scheme
•Siege Date
•HWID Sytem
•Anti-Zerg Zone Limit

•Announce PVP/PK (ID Zone)

•Protection Anti-Bot 
•Random Box

•Voiced Commands Enabled:

•Next Events System (All Events in progress) + NPC Global Gatekeeper
•Password System
•Party System
•Buff System (.buff  / .cancel) - (AntiBuff) - (Auto Slot: Mage/Warrior)
•Trade System
•Message System
•Visual System (Skin Armors + Hairs)
•Color System (Title / Name)
•Vote Zone (Select Map PvP Event)
•Merchant System (All In One Shops)
•Banking System
•Potion System 
•Raid Info
•Castle Manager
•Ranking (All Ranks Global)
•Menu (Full Interaction)

• Community Board Exclusive (Full Interaction)

•Summon System
•Agathion System + Bracelet
•New Summon Pet
•New Mountable (Fenrir and more)

•Upgrade Exclusive All Items

• Prominence Shop (Exclusive seasonal store)

•Ranking PvP Mensual + Reward (NPC)

•Panel Enchant Skill (Freya)

•Ranking Enchant (Weapons / Armors / Jewells) (NPC + Community)

•Teleport Clan (Spots / Farm / RaidBoss / Epic)

•Teleport Party (Spots / Farm / RaidBoss / Epic)

•Url Work 100% (Discord Server / FanPage Facebook / WebSite) (Community)

•Change Skin Race + (Kamael Unique) (NPC + Community)

•Reset All Class (NPC + Community)

•Daily Mission (Community)

•Daily Reward (Community)

•MailBox System + Incluide Items

•DressMe System (Armors + Hair + Cloacks) (Command + Community)

Update 16/03/2023

New Panel DressMe All Type(s)

Armor's / Weapon's / Shield's / Face's / Hair's / Cloak's + Restriction 

Independent pages implemented and new surprises we are working on!!!

New Updates 31/08/2023

+ Combine Talisman System And more...

New Updates 17/10/2023

+ Clan Stronghold and More fixes!

+ New Updates 17/10/2023

Remove Buff Interface(Shift + Click) and more..!

New Update 04/11/2023

- Tournament League System : 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 / 5 vs 5 / 9 vs 9.
- Global Ranks for Tournament League 

New Update 20/01/2024

+ Mod Teleport Special Effect 

+ Personal usable items ( Belt / Talisman / Agathions Lbracelet  / Dolls 

+Master Service with purchase history 

and more..!


Congratulations! for sharing. 

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2 minutes ago, Thanos said:

Congratulations! for sharing. 

thanks i will share in 1 minute all the files with + patch + Interlude Updated to freya 🙂

Download System 216

Download Systextures

Download Animation


Download Interlude + Freya pack + Surces  Enjoy .....!!!!



  • I love it 1


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Thanks for the input . I tried to download the patches but it doesn't allow logging in to the server, it gives a package error on the console, can you upload the full game with the patches on?



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15 minutes ago, coldplay said:

Pesquisando por L2PROMINENCE aqui no fórum é possível encontrar esse tópico: https://www.l2jbrasil.com/topic/145445-interlude-project-2023/?do=findComment&comment=841018
De um usuário também chamado ¨dwight¨: https://www.l2jbrasil.com/profile/204869-dwight-l2jserver/

que tipo de golpe foi esse?

Dwiht do some developing for my private server  before , and one day i deside to bay hes project Interlude + freya update pack that he posted on this forum and on maxcheater forum as well !!! He promised to give me the full  Package. Because he whant to retire from

l2j development!!!!     I give hem 180€ for the files that he send me but is nothing compared to the files that he shows .... but the interlude  files that he give me is the pack of full custom interlude premium l2prominence.....


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6 hours ago, coldplay said:

literalmente no entiendo la procedencia de los mismos.. si alguien tiene el patch system original del proyecto(INTERLUDE 746) no es bueno continuarlo metiendole un acis216..., se agradeceria. 


Edited by Matrixane23


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Proyecto con base l2jOrion ? , gran parte esta escrito en Python aún .

Los errores de packets son debido a las conexiones con el servidor <-> cliente , el servidor envía algo al cliente pero no reconoce la instrucción y envía mediante la consola una referencia a la instrucción generalmente si se fueron creando mensajes de debug , por si alguno le interesa trabajar este tipo de datos, es lo que reflejan estos mensajes.



Projeto baseado no l2jOrion ? A maior parte dele ainda está escrita em Python.

Os erros de pacote são devidos às conexões com o servidor <-> cliente, o servidor envia algo para o cliente, mas não reconhece a instrução e envia através do console uma referência à instrução, geralmente se eles estivessem criando mensagens de depuração, se alguém estiver interessado em trabalhar com esse tipo de dados, é o que essas mensagens refletem.

Traduzido com a versão gratuita do tradutor - DeepL.com






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El source acis216 tener cuidado es un datapack antigüo Decompilado ( JD-Core Version:       1.1.3 )


/*     */ package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.autobackup;
/*     */ 
/*     */ import java.sql.Connection;
/*     */ import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
/*     */ import java.sql.ResultSet;
/*     */ import java.sql.SQLException;
/*     */ import java.sql.Statement;
/*     */ import java.util.logging.Logger;
/*     */ import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory;
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ public abstract class Mysql
/*     */ {
/*  18 */   private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Mysql.class.getName());
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static boolean setEx(L2DatabaseFactory db, String query, Object... vars) {
/*  30 */     Connection con = null;
/*  31 */     Statement statement = null;
/*  32 */     PreparedStatement pstatement = null;
/*  33 */     boolean successed = true;
/*     */ 
/*     */     
/*     */     try {
/*  37 */       if (db == null) {
/*  38 */         db = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance();
/*     */       }
/*  40 */       con = db.getConnection();
/*  41 */       if (vars.length == 0) {
/*     */         
/*  43 */         statement = con.createStatement();
/*  44 */         statement.executeUpdate(query);
/*  45 */         statement.close();
/*     */       }
/*     */       else {
/*     */         
/*  49 */         pstatement = con.prepareStatement(query);
/*  50 */         setVars(pstatement, vars);
/*  51 */         pstatement.executeUpdate();
/*  52 */         pstatement.close();
/*     */       } 
/*  54 */       con.close();
/*     */     }
/*  56 */     catch (Exception e) {
/*     */       
/*  58 */       _log.warning("Could not execute update '" + query + "': " + e);
/*  59 */       e.printStackTrace();
/*  60 */       successed = false;
/*     */     }
/*     */     finally {
/*     */       
/*  64 */       closeQuietly(con, pstatement);
/*  65 */       closeQuietly(statement);
/*     */     } 
/*  67 */     return successed;
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void setVars(PreparedStatement statement, Object... vars) throws SQLException {
/*  75 */     for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
/*  76 */       if (vars[i] instanceof Number) {
/*     */         
/*  78 */         Number n = (Number)vars[i];
/*  79 */         long long_val = n.longValue();
/*  80 */         double double_val = n.doubleValue();
/*  81 */         if (long_val == double_val) {
/*  82 */           statement.setLong(i + 1, long_val);
/*     */         } else {
/*  84 */           statement.setDouble(i + 1, double_val);
/*     */         } 
/*  86 */       } else if (vars[i] instanceof String) {
/*  87 */         statement.setString(i + 1, (String)vars[i]);
/*     */       } 
/*     */     } 
/*     */   }
/*     */   public static boolean set(String query, Object... vars) {
/*  92 */     return setEx(null, query, vars);
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static boolean set(String query) {
/*  97 */     return setEx(null, query, new Object[0]);
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void closeQuietly(Connection conn) {
/*     */     try {
/* 103 */       close(conn);
/* 104 */     } catch (SQLException sQLException) {}
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void closeQuietly(Connection conn, Statement stmt, ResultSet rs) {
/*     */     try {
/* 112 */       closeQuietly(rs);
/*     */     } finally {
/*     */       try {
/* 115 */         closeQuietly(stmt);
/*     */       } finally {
/* 117 */         closeQuietly(conn);
/*     */       } 
/*     */     } 
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void closeQuietly(Connection conn, Statement stmt) {
/*     */     try {
/* 125 */       closeQuietly(stmt);
/*     */     } finally {
/* 127 */       closeQuietly(conn);
/*     */     } 
/*     */   }
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void closeQuietly(ResultSet rs) {
/*     */     try {
/* 133 */       close(rs);
/* 134 */     } catch (SQLException sQLException) {}
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void closeQuietly(Statement stmt) {
/*     */     try {
/* 141 */       close(stmt);
/* 142 */     } catch (SQLException sQLException) {}
/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void close(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
/* 148 */     if (conn != null) {
/* 149 */       conn.close();
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void close(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
/* 154 */     if (rs != null) {
/* 155 */       rs.close();
/*     */     }
/*     */   }
/*     */   
/*     */   public static void close(Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
/* 160 */     if (stmt != null)
/* 161 */       stmt.close(); 
/*     */   }
/*     */ }

/* Location:              C:\Users\User\Desktop\l2jserver.jar!\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\autobackup\Mysql.class
 * Java compiler version: 11 (55.0)
 * JD-Core Version:       1.1.3



O código-fonte acis216 deve ser cuidado, pois é um pacote de dados descompilado antigo (versão JD-Core: 1.1.3).


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5 hours ago, Dwight-L2JServer said:

No hay tal parche y la informacion dada sobre el proyecto es nula. 

El único que dispone de todos los archivos en ambos protocolos soy yo , tanto en 746 como 216.

False ? Nothing to say ? 


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8 hours ago, ZNetworks said:

Olá, tudo bem, quando eu conecto recebo esse erro e já tentei acomodá-los e não consigo acessar o servidor

error al entrar.png

If you whant to login on server you can easily use Mikados Interlude system patch. 


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20 horas atrás, coba-ltd disse:

Hello all , for me is hard to share those files because i get scamed from ! dwight .

i spend 180£ for those files, so is a litle gift to this community by me.

Interlude client supported. i don't have the system patch... but you can use what ever system Interlude ofc you whant and add customs and more.. in it.

I hope my money to be worth at least for all of you people... and remmber don't trust none, lear as muche java coding and developing by your self... will be better for all of newbies.

have fun with the files..


BASE: L2JAcis Interlude (1/01/2024) L2Prominence..
The project is currently under development..

•Balance System - Balance PvP | Olympiad Class_x_Class
•Buffer Scheme
•Siege Date
•HWID Sytem
•Anti-Zerg Zone Limit

•Announce PVP/PK (ID Zone)

•Protection Anti-Bot 
•Random Box

•Voiced Commands Enabled:

•Next Events System (All Events in progress) + NPC Global Gatekeeper
•Password System
•Party System
•Buff System (.buff  / .cancel) - (AntiBuff) - (Auto Slot: Mage/Warrior)
•Trade System
•Message System
•Visual System (Skin Armors + Hairs)
•Color System (Title / Name)
•Vote Zone (Select Map PvP Event)
•Merchant System (All In One Shops)
•Banking System
•Potion System 
•Raid Info
•Castle Manager
•Ranking (All Ranks Global)
•Menu (Full Interaction)

• Community Board Exclusive (Full Interaction)

•Summon System
•Agathion System + Bracelet
•New Summon Pet
•New Mountable (Fenrir and more)

•Upgrade Exclusive All Items

• Prominence Shop (Exclusive seasonal store)

•Ranking PvP Mensual + Reward (NPC)

•Panel Enchant Skill (Freya)

•Ranking Enchant (Weapons / Armors / Jewells) (NPC + Community)

•Teleport Clan (Spots / Farm / RaidBoss / Epic)

•Teleport Party (Spots / Farm / RaidBoss / Epic)

•Url Work 100% (Discord Server / FanPage Facebook / WebSite) (Community)

•Change Skin Race + (Kamael Unique) (NPC + Community)

•Reset All Class (NPC + Community)

•Daily Mission (Community)

•Daily Reward (Community)

•MailBox System + Incluide Items

•DressMe System (Armors + Hair + Cloacks) (Command + Community)

Update 16/03/2023

New Panel DressMe All Type(s)

Armor's / Weapon's / Shield's / Face's / Hair's / Cloak's + Restriction 

Independent pages implemented and new surprises we are working on!!!

New Updates 31/08/2023

+ Combine Talisman System And more...

New Updates 17/10/2023

+ Clan Stronghold and More fixes!

+ New Updates 17/10/2023

Remove Buff Interface(Shift + Click) and more..!

New Update 04/11/2023

- Tournament League System : 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 / 5 vs 5 / 9 vs 9.
- Global Ranks for Tournament League 

New Update 20/01/2024

+ Mod Teleport Special Effect 

+ Personal usable items ( Belt / Talisman / Agathions Lbracelet  / Dolls 

+Master Service with purchase history 

and more..!



faltou os npc estao tudo invisivel e nao tem na  table para alterar o ID pra ver se aparece como faço ?

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2 hours ago, everton1204 said:

faltou os npc estao tudo invisivel e nao tem na  table para alterar o ID pra ver se aparece como faço ?


Olá meu amigo para alterar os npcs você deve fazer isso pelo Naviqat, Custom Npcs, fazer uma edição simples do vewing id de um monstro ou outro npc.. e adicioná-lo ao Npc que você deseja alterar.



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