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Reconfigure o MySQL e deixe assim:




Nas configurações do login e game deixe assim:


# Database connection password

Password =

"Mis obras están destinados a ser utilizados para eso, le doy mi mejor." Smallz'

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bem depois da atualização da rev 172 eu comesei a ter alguns error no GS de unclosed connetion, só que esses error são aleatorios nunca é com o mesmo arquivo e so acontesem na inicialização do gameserver,

as vezes da erro as vezes não da erro nem um.




16/05/2011 22:54:36 com.l2js.L2DatabaseFactory$ConnectionCloser run

AVISO: Unclosed connection! Trace: com.l2js.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.ItemContainer.restore(


at com.l2js.L2DatabaseFactory.getConnection(

at com.l2js.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.ItemContainer.restore(








at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$



bem gostaria de saber se é erro de configuração comigo ou se é erro na REV 172?

e tambem se esse erro é grave ou eu posso ignorar esse error?

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Pessoal to precisando de uma ajuda.. montei tudo certinho o server, abri o l2 loguei normal mais nao entra nos server, fica la status ligth normal mais nao entra clico em confim e nao entra nao faz nada, o q pode ser ?


Bem, creio que vc não configurou o arquivo IPConfig que esta dentro da pasta network

Configure ele assim que creio que resolverá seu problema.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test -->

<gameserver address="">

<!-- Localhost here -->

<define subnet="" address="" />

<!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) -->

<!-- <define subnet="" address="" /> -->

<!-- <define subnet="" address="" /> -->

<!-- <define subnet="" address="" /> -->


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Esta Ultima revisao freya L2js 161 ta com problema sempre que voce se teleporta pro Zaken voce leva Raid Curse sem mesmo ataca nele e so voce se teleporta e vc ja aparece com raid curse ai quando o raid curse some voce leva de nome ja dei ate kill no Zaken mais o Rid Cuse continua deve ser algum bug la no local se alguem souber resolver posta a soluçao ai pois eu ja tirei para ninguem leva raid curse dos raid bosses normais mais o zaken ta com algum defeito meu servidor esta quaze pronto so que nao estou conseguindo resolver este problema se alguem souber como resolver posta o soluçao.Obrigado pela atençao

"Seja feliz do jeito que você é, não mude sua rotina pelo o que os outros exigem de você, simplesmente viva de acordo com o seu modo de viver."

(Yato - Noragami)



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Como eu retiro alguns bufs do npc buffer ? nao to achando o Html dele

"Seja feliz do jeito que você é, não mude sua rotina pelo o que os outros exigem de você, simplesmente viva de acordo com o seu modo de viver."

(Yato - Noragami)



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nao achei nada no navicat e nem no server,

Alguem ai sabe como eu tiro o raid cursed do local do zaken pq tipo se ir la ate lv 60 vc nao leva raid cursed mais se ir level acima de 60 voce leva automaticamente mesmo com zaken morto se alguem souber como eu tiro iso fico grato OBS: Servidor esta configurado para nao levar raid cursed de nenhum boss

Editado por kaiser

"Seja feliz do jeito que você é, não mude sua rotina pelo o que os outros exigem de você, simplesmente viva de acordo com o seu modo de viver."

(Yato - Noragami)



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nao achei nada no navicat e nem no server,

Alguem ai sabe como eu tiro o raid cursed do local do zaken pq tipo se ir la ate lv 60 vc nao leva raid cursed mais se ir level acima de 60 voce leva automaticamente mesmo com zaken morto se alguem souber como eu tiro iso fico grato OBS: Servidor esta configurado para nao levar raid cursed de nenhum boss



isso è na pasta do gameserver/e procure pela pasta zone ou xml com esse nome la vc tira a zona do zaken como cursed !

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se eu nao estiver enganado


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é so apagar a linha <

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Ae pessoal nao sei se esta correto estou baixando no momento mas achei na net a rev 176

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Senha para download:


baixando para testar.

Editado por Sh0kH4ck3r


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Hey guys i question pls it can be add the phoenix engiene on l2js

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here it the link and i well past sume more iddeas from phoenix Main Events:

The events running for all players on the server are being selected by our Voting system.

Capture the Flag:

Standard Capture the Flag with 2 teams.


One zone. 2 teams. If the count of team 1 players inside the zone is greater than the count of team 2 players, then team 1 gets one point per sec.

Bomb Fight:

2 teams. Every player gets a new skill. When they use it it spawns a bomb which explodes after 1-2 seconds and kills everyone in a certain radius.

Team vs Team:

Standard Team vs Team fight with 2 teams.


Free for all. The one with the most kills wins.

Last Man Standing:

Free for all. The last survivor wins.

VIP Team vs Team:

Standard Team vs Team with a random VIP player in both teams. Killing the VIP = +1 score for the team. The VIP is different at each respawn.

Lucky Chests:

On start a lot of chests spawns. On click they opens. Theres a chance that the chest explodes and the player dies, and get resurrected a few secs later. The player with the most opened chests wins.


One random zombie player chasing the others. If he hits someone he become a zombie. The last non-zombie wins.

Simon Says:

In each round Simon the NPC says a random text. The players have to say it too. The last one who says and everyone who says a wrong word lose. The winner of the last round wins.

Double Domination:

2 team, 2 zone. The team gets a score if they hold both of the zones for 10 seconds.

Russian Roulette:

The event spawns 6 "russian". In each round every player choose one. One of the russian, and everyone who choosed him dies. The survivors of the last round wins.


One player become a mutant. The others have to kill him. The mutant have increased stats. If someone kills him, the killer will be the next mutant. If the mutant kills someone he gets a point. The player with the most points wins at the end of the event


2 teams. There are a few points which the teams can capture. In every second the teams score increased by the count of the points captured by the team. The team with the most poins wins.

Quiz Event:

In each round a question appears and the first one who shout the correct answer wins the round.

VIP Event:

2 teams. One random VIP in one of the teams. If the VIP reach a zone alive = his team wins. Else = the other team wins.

Capture the Base:

2 teams. There are few points which the teams can capture. If a team holds all the points they can attack the enemys base NPC. If one of the base NPCs dies its team lose.

Dodge the Meteor:

In this event "meteors" are falling from the sky. The players job is to dodge them. When the meteor impacts it kills everyone in a certain radius. All players have 3 lifes. The ammount of meteors and their impact radius is increase by the time. The last survivor wins.

Raid Battle:

2 teams, 1-1 raidboss. The team which kills his raid first wins.

Raid Event:

One team, one raidboss. If the players kill the raid in the timelimit everyone gets reward.

Korean PvP:

5 player teams fight with each other. 1v1 fights, if one of them dies the next teammate stands up and continues the fight.

Party vs Party:

Full party vs full party tournament.


Mini Events:

The events running for running for single players / parties. The engine creates matches automatically.

1v1 event:

Automatic mini event which consists in single players fighting each other (2-5 players in one match - 1v1, 1v1v1, 1v1v1v1, ...). The ammount of rounds, max/min level, level difference and more things are configurable.(

Party vs Party:

Automatic party vs party mini event, for 2-5 parties. Can have more rounds (configurable). Things like max/min level, level difference, time limit, etc. are configurable.

Korean style Pt vs Pt:

Similar to Party vs Party but parties are fighting in korean style.

Mini TvT:

The event accepts only single players (not parties). When the ammount of registered players reaches certain value (configurable, default 10), it starts a match. Players are divided to 2 or more teams (configurable) based on their level and the system automatically create parties for each team. Support for multiple rounds is added too. Basically, this event allows you to create all kinds of X vs X fights, where the parties and teams are created randomly. if sumone can help me pls contact me

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Reve tah legal, mas, quando eu pego as roupas, Elegia, vorpal, moirai, o l2 da critico!! Se alguem poder responder porque eu agradeço...


Lembrando que eu uso o Cliente High Five mas recente Vlw Ae pessoal..

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Saiu Rev.184 Tá e o Link Para Download:

Logo da atualização:

* Fix Chat All.

* More H5 skill containers.

* Buffs applied on Master shouldn’t be applied on Pets, only on Servitor Pets.

* Implementation of Secondary Auth feature.

* Some Fixes/Improvements for db_installer.

* ”’WARNING: ls & gs databases now are independent (like cs db), also using new database names, so take care and check if you are using the right database names in ls/cs/gs configs (for your “already installed” databases). This don’t affect new installations.”’.

* System Message fix.

* Hero Weapons have been enhanced as follows:

* – Basic stats, such as P.Atk. and M.Atk. have been increased.

* – PvP extra damage is increased.

* – Very strong Holy Element attack power has been added on all Hero weapons.

* Now you can write “.” like in retail.

* New HTML for Olympiad Manager and Monument of Heroes (For not-noble characters).

* Minor fixes in Cure Bleeding related skills, also fixing enchant route SAP in Bleed skill.

* More H5 Skill Changes…

* Frenzy: This skill’s effect in increasing P.Atk. has decreased.

* Punch of Doom: The skill reuse time is increased.

* Datapack part for Skill Trees Rework:

* – Ported Skill Trees from SQL to XML.

* – Moved AI from some class masters to core (Hardcoded), will be ported to datapack again all AIs at once.

* – Removed some custom stuff.

* – Fixed some skills related to this changes.

* – Preimplementation of Lucky skill (still hardcoded).

* – Added H5 Skill Tree.

* High Five Skill Trees.

* Fix NPE.

* Implementation of Secondary Auth feature.

* Traps now will affect monsters as well.

* Skills min land rate and max land rate set to 10% and 90%.

* Skills default min and max land rate now in config.

* Oly divider configs and set up defaults.

* Fixing Symbol skills when casted in an instance to take effect in instance 0 instead of the instance where it is casted.

* Changeing the lvlDepend formula to a better, more accurate one.

* critDmgEvas shouldnt affect skill criticals, only criticals made by normal hits.

* Support for Max Recoverable HP/MP/CP (support for retail-like Seal of Limit). Note that life gained by Vampiric Rage – like effects is not blocked(retail-like).

* Skill Trees rework:

* – Complete rework for Skill Trees, done in XML, removed SQL part.

* – Better implementation of Lucky Skill (194) (still hardcoded).

* – Unhardcoded Expertise Skill (239).

* – Unhardcoded Dwarven Craft Skill (1321).

* – Unhardcoded Common Craft Skill (1322).

* – Support for autoGet Skills.

* – Complete rework for RequestAcquireSkill and RequestAcquireSkillInfo.

* – Fixed bug for Clan Skills not being added until restart.

* – Added multiple exploits check directly in packets.

* Fix NPE if no active matches on stadiums.

* Using AntiFeedManager for L2Event also.

* New Protocol (273).

* Magic skills with TARGET_SELF should have also lower hitTime if we are using spiritshots.

* InstantJump geodata check.

* Chain Heal fixes.

* Fixing some Doors Skills.

* Removed decrease speed effect in some bleed skills (is not used for all).

* Improved canTransform method.

* Handled some exceptions.

* Fix in hack check while learning Transformation Skills.

* Removing confusionVuln, not used in retail.

* Memory Leak Fix.

* Fix Scheme Buffer NPC.

* Sub-Class skill learning fixes:

* – Code refactoring.

* – Fix for Certification Cancel variable reset, thanks tukune.

* – Fix for wrong SystemMessage for consumed item count.

* – Handled some exceptions for malformed global data.

* – Added some missing warnings and JavaDocs.

* NPE Fix.

* Retail like OlympiadStat:

* – Added message if player isn’t noble.

* – Code improved.

* Fixing some skills using wrong stats.

* Fix for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when MaxSubclass is over 3 (retail value).

* Mass gloom not requires summon anymore.

* Retail Fortress Teleports.

* Updating Magical Backfire skill.

* Let’s use TARGET_SELF in Necro’s Summons skills, due it not require corpses anymore, and castRange values probably are client typos (nothing new).

* checkTargetLost – Geocheck for offensive skills.

* Fix for ObjName(Id)[ObjId] already exist in OID map.

* Synchronization in L2Character and L2PcInstance.

* Fix for banned characters with some tweaks.


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BackUp Para Quem Não Conseque Installar o DB:


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Editado por l2baga



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Reve tah legal, mas, quando eu pego as roupas, Elegia, vorpal, moirai, o l2 da critico!! Se alguem poder responder porque eu agradeço...


Lembrando que eu uso o Cliente High Five mas recente Vlw Ae pessoal..


Coloque Para Atualizar seu l2 de novo e ultise uma sistem Limpa!

aqui em casa ta tudo de boa não da critical, o mais provaveu e que esteja faltando algum arquivo correspondente

aos Sets ou baixe essa system e veja se ainda ta dando critical!


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PS: Delete a sua system antes de por essa no seu l2



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