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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/18 em Posts

  1. Hey Guys, Welcome to L2JBlueHeart Desenvolvedores: @vert | @TurtleLess | @Azazyel | @Reign Npcs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sinto falta de jogar um servidor no tempo livre, comecei a jogar a uns 10 anos atrás, joguei por 8 anos, agora trabalho e estudo então sobra pouco tempo, nas minhas ultimas tentativas de jogar L2, eu entrava em um servidor e ele fechava em menos de 1 semana, então cheguei a conclusão de que só estava perdendo meu tempo. Decidi montar um servidor para os players que se sentem como eu se divertirem, algo bem old school; eu joguei vários PvPs e o BrThunder por 8 anos (ele mudou de nome e de crônica várias vezes) mas manteve a essencia do comércio e da jogabilidade (até nos seus ultimos anos, apesar de que acabou perdendo essa essencia infelizmente). A minha ideia de mexer nessa revisão é montar um 20x o mais próximo de como o BrThunder era, focado no comércio, sem customs, com suporte ativo, etc... Vou postar aqui as correções que já fiz nessa pack da JSunrise postada pelo Hl4p3x. L2JBlueHeart ? Changes & Fixes & Details XP em Party - No trecho do código onde é calculado o xp em party, antes o xp em party era a quantia definida no Rates.ini dividida pelos membros na pt, então se a pt tivesse 7 membros e o xp em pt fosse 20x(vezes o xp do mob) (enquando o xp normal é 10x), seria 20 / 7 = 2,85x(vezes o xp do mob), e para contornar esse desfalque, se a rate do xp em party fosse aumentada, uma pt de 2 players receberia bem mais e seria injusto, tornando inviável um servidor low/mid rate ser balanceado. Agora o xp em pt é multiplicado pela quantidade de pessoas na PT; exemplo: servidor é 20x normal, 1.1x xp em party (upar em pt irá render 10% a mais de xp, se fosse 1.6, seria 60%, etc...), pois o calculo ficou assim: (xp mob) * (rate xp * rate xp party * quantidade de players na party). Item-mall (Shop Prime) - Ele estava duplicando items: se a pessoa já tivesse 1 item do que seria comprado, aí o sistema agia como o esperado e só adicionava, caso não tivesse nenhum item, os items eram comprados em várias quantidades, exemplo: não tenho enchant armor S e pretendo comprar 10 no shop prime, ele iria me entregar 10 enchant armor S (10) 10 vezes, ficaria com 100 enchants no total. Era uma verificação escrita sem atenção e acabou gerando o "bug". Transformação AIO - Transformação aio criada, 7 dias e 30 dias (fotos). Voice Command EXP (.exp|.expoff|.expon) - O que veio na revisão só funcionava se a configuração do .ccp estivesse ativa, então criei um voice command separado, o .exp funciona como um switch (se estiver on, destiva, se estiver off, ativa). Nevit System - O buff do vitality estava ativando com muita frequencia, agora ele ativa de 20 em 20 leveis (apróximadamente), o que é ótimo para os players novos e não se torna uma bola de neve para os players avançados. Beginner's Pack - Ao criar um personagem, o mesmo recebe um auxilio do sistema, alguns itens: soulshot, spiritshot, cocktail buff, revita pop, armors shadow até a grade A. Infos & Configs Buffs = 20 min RateXp = 20 RateQuestDrop = 3 // Preciso verificar essa rate, pensei em quests básicas como a de monstone mas não chequei as que dão s84 lá de antharas. RateDropItemsById = 57,7.5 // (adena 7.5x) RateCommonHerbs = 0.5 RateHpHerbs = 0.5 RateMpHerbs = 0.5 RateSpecialHerbs = 0.5 RateVitalityHerbs = 0.3 DecreaseSkillOnDelevel = False // Importante para chars de farm, como upar um titan pra 81, add forgotten nele, delevar pra 76 e farmar elemental stone. MaxLvlDiffCanKeepSkillLvl = 9 AltWeightLimit = 6 AutoLearnSkills = True // Focar no que importa: se divertir AutoLearnForgottenScrollSkills = False // Um mundo precisa ter comércio, até o L2 MaxBuffAmount = 24 MaxTriggeredBuffAmount = 12 MaxDanceAmount = 12 DanceCancelBuff = True // Allow players to cancel dances/songs via Alt+click on buff icon AutoLearnDivineInspiration = False // ;) MagicFailures = True // Está bem tranquilo upar de mago ou de fighter... AltSubClassWithoutQuests = False // Hello boss de sub AltTransformationWithoutQuest = False // Hello quest chata de transformação RestoreServitorOnReconnect = True // Restaura os summons ao reconectar RestorePetOnReconnect = True // Restaura os pets ao reconectar EnableVitality = True MaxSubclass = 3 MaxSubclassLevel = 80 EnchantChanceElementStone = 50 EnchantChanceElementCrystal = 30 EnchantChanceElementJewel = 15 EnchantChanceElementEnergy = 10 AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15 AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30 AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45 AugmentationTopSkillChance = 60 AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0 AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40 AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70 AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100 CraftMasterwork = True AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 3 AltClanMembersForWar = 15 AltLeavePartyLeader = True // Quando o lider da party sai, o próximo membro de torna o lider ao invés de desfazer a pt UnstuckInterval = 30 AllowDiscardItem = True AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 600 // 10 min AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15 // 15 secs EnableCommunity = False // Por enquanto o community board está desabilitado HellboundWithoutQuest = False // Hello hellbound Fotos do Projeto Há mais fotos do projeto, todas estão aqui: [Hidden Content] Caso encontrem algo que precise de correção ou mudança, é só postar aqui no tópico, vou tentar manter o tópico atualizado com as informações pra vocês. Suportes ativos, tudo balanceado (o máximo possível), ter um server pra sempre se divertir com os amigos, etc... Andei pesquisando e testando, consigo por o servidor online no linux entre 80 a 60 reais ou até menos dependendo da estrutura que eu montar (login, game, banco de dados), a forma do servidor se pagar seria com mana potions, enfeites, etc... Nada que atrapalhasse a jogabilidade, são 200 mana potions por 3 reais, cp potion, etc... Para ganhar dinheiro eu trabalho, o servidor seria pra matar a saudade dos velhos tempos (tanto pra mim quanto pros outros jogadores), gostaria de relembrar a infância em um servidor que não reabrisse todo mês... Para a galera que quer contribuir, testar e se divertir, o servidor de testes está online: download system Para os que vão contribuir e testar, podem utilizar esse tópico pra reportar bugs e melhorias. Para os que vão apenas se divertir, pretendo tratar o servidor como um servidor pronto e real (não irei ficar derrubando a máquina toda hora para atualizar), esse é o Alpha Test, então os que jogarem não estarão perdendo tempo pois as participações no Alpha Test e no Beta Test ficarão registradas e receberão alguns brindes no servidor após os períodos de teste. Como não é um servidor real, não possui site, a criação de conta é in game e estou disponibilizando um Account Panel Manager pra vocês se divertirem. Instruções sobre o ACP: ao deslogar, é preciso vir aqui e clicar no link novamente pra dizer ao painel em qual servidor se conectar, caso queiram deixar o link salvo na barra de favoritos, eis aqui o link completo: [Hidden Content] Se for feita alguma doação para o servidor através do ACP, uma parte será destinada a pagar a manutenção das máquinas em que o servidor de teste está online e outra parte será convertida em doação aqui para a JBr para auxiliar nos custos de manter o fórum. As moedas serão registradas no banco de dados, e poderão ser transferidas para o game além de serem usadas no shop do ACP. Como teremos os registros delas, elas serão reembolsadas (enviadas sem precisar doar novamente) após o período de testes. Os períodos do Teste Beta e do Teste Alpha não estão definidos, podendo durar várias semanas ou meses... O intuito desse projeto não é ganhar dinheiro, mas sim disponibilizar um servidor legal para todos se divertirem, auxiliar na manutenção da JBr como agradecimento pelo conhecimento que adquirimos aqui e trocar informações sobre bug fixes dos que já foram fixados e os que ainda serão; Qualquer dúvida ou feedback é só postar ;D PS: Irei manter os créditos da JSunrise no core do projeto, não da pra ver na foto que coloquei no tópico, mas mantive todos os créditos, somente adicionei os meus já que estou usando a Sunrise como base. Os releases serão postados no github e aqui no tópico, então fiquem de olho no tópico. PS 2: As correções só serão feitas com base no que vocês reportarem, se não reportarem nada, não haverá novos releases; É um projeto que deve ser mantido pela comunidade, então conto com todos; Vocês terão o que contribuírem, caso não contribuam, não terão nada. Tópico na área de desenvolvimento: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custom html dressme by @alexfabiano: Em agradecimento pelo dressme estou postando uma html opcional do painel .dressme editado por mim! Substituir a pasta: \game\data\html\sunrise\dressme Também adicionei o botão de back to menu nas abas de cada dressme. Espero que gostem! DOWNLOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Custom shift+click by @Azazyel Ai, ao testar o Shift+Click nos monstros me deparei com uma html horrivel e toda fora do lugar, fui la e fiz umas modificações. Retirei os status do monstro, pois acho que só o que importa mesmo são as informações sobre o drop, spoil e quest. Link para download: [Hidden Content] Basta substituir o arquivo que se encontra ja no seu caminho! Quem tiver algum receio faça um back apenas compactando o arquivo original "". É o unico arquivo modificado! Print: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cálculo do XP e XP em party; | vert Cálculo dos pontos Nevit's recebidos a cada level | vert Shop Prime (item mall) | vert DressMe | TurtleLess, alexfabiano, Reign Siege | Reign TW | Reign Grácia Área | Reign Hellbound | Reign Flag Zone | Reign Chaotic Zone | Reign Manor Manager | Reign Level Up | Onã Game Play | Onã Skills Transformation AIO ++ | Reign Premium Admin | alexfabiano Queen e Orfen | xRodox Quest Valakas, Baium, Antharas | Reign ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Revisão: [Hidden Content] Source da Revisão: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  2. We would like to announce the opening of L2Endeavor, a high rate classic 2.0 L2 server (saviors). We invite everyone to participate in the open beta, giving opinions, suggestions and criticisms. The idea of opening a classic server is to bring back the nostalgia and old spirit of L2. The server is aimed at the old players, who played the first chronicles of lineage 2, which lost the sparkle and the gameplay with the course of the new updates. We want to bring back this sparkle and the joy of many old players, who often no longer have enough time to make a good progression on a server low rate. ================= L2 Endeavor ================= Website: [Hidden Content] Forum: [Hidden Content] Grand Opening: 07 August, 2018 • 19:00 (UTC 0) Beta Opening: 01 August, 2018 • 19:00 (UTC 0) Facebook: [Hidden Content] ================= Server Rates ================= The server will be based on a rate of 100x, aiming to make the farm / grind less tiresome, having a fast progression and making the PVP increasingly attractive. The fact that the server is high rate does not mean that you will be completely full in 1 week, much less you will have everything easily. The farm and the improvement of the equips occur simultaneously, offering a continuous progression to the players until they become full. ============= Enchants ============= Safe Enchant: +3 Max. Enchant: +20 Olympiad Enchant: +6 The Classic offers different types of enchants: Normal Scroll : 66% (Increases 1 level per enchant. After +3, in case of failure, the item is crystallized) Improved Scroll : 66% (Increases 1 to 3 levels per enchant. After +3, in case of failure, the item is crystallized) Solid Scroll: 66% (Increases 1 level per enchant. in case of failure, the item keeps the enchant. However, usable only on items +7 or less) Blessed Scroll: 66% (Increases 1 level per enchant. In case of failure, the item returns to +0) In order to facilitate the enchantment of the items, we added an Ancient Scroll: Ancient Scroll: 66% (Increases 1 level per enchant. In case of failure, the item keeps the enchant) The way to obtaining the Scrolls: Normal, Improved and Solid, we will keep retail, that is, in the NPC Galladucci, located in the Luxury Shop of Giran. However, instead of offering enchants B and C, only enchants A will be sold. Both the chance to get the scrolls, and the items to generate them have been changed. The success chance has been increased and the items kept the using pattern of Scroll Part + Normal Scroll. The Blessed Enchant can be obtained only in drop from Raid Bosses. Ancient Scrolls can be obtained only in drop from Grand Bosses. ============= Buffs ============= The server has NPC Buffer in all cities. The npc allows buffing the player or summon, as well as offering automatic buff for those who does not have much idea of which buffs to pick up for their class, as well as allows the creation of up to 3 schemes (buffs saved). Making possible for the players to configure automatically the buffs they want. All buffs offered by NPC have a duration of 2 hours. Number of Slots: Buffs: 24 slots Song/Dance: 12 slots The values of the Npc buffer are progressive: 76+ = Final value 40-75 = Final value / 5 0-40 = Free ============= Weapons ============= The current version of the server, Classic Saviors, has as top items the A-Grade items. Given the diversity of models of each A-Grade weapon (3 A-Grade daggers, 3 A-Grade bows, etc.) we understand that it would not make sense to put the different types of weapon at different prices in the GM Shop, since no player will invest (adena, item farm, enchants, etc) in the weaker weapon. Because of this we decided to level all A-Grade weapons, i.e., apply the p. attack / m. attack status from TOP A-Grade into the MID and LOW A-Grade. Therefore all A-Grade weapons of the same type will have the same status (all bows, blunts, sword, etc. will have the same status), where the choice between them will be only by the taste (skin preference). ============= Craft e Spoil ============= Given the server proposal, being high rate and more PvP oriented, all drops of craft items or drops per spoil were removed. All game items can be purchased from the GM shop. ============= Olympiads ============= Unlike the official, where fights only take place on Fridays and Saturdays, the fights will happen from Thursday to Sunday. The change was made to increase the number of days, so that people who can not be online on the weekend do not end up losing the whole fight week. We also choose to not leave it happening through the whole week, because in addition to promoting a bigger dispute, we will have more control over the fights, since the GMs will have only 4 days a week to dedicate to observe the olys and to punish the feeders. Aiming for greater equality between the participants, the Olympiads will have the max enchant at +6, that is, even if you have items with enchant greater than +6, during the fight in the olys they will have the statuses of items +6. ============= Reward for logging in daily ============= A daily reward for players who regularly play on the server are implemented on the server. Those prizes aim to reward active players who actually dedicate themselves and support the server. After logging in, a window showing the available rewards will appear. To get them, just stay logged in for 30 minutes. After this you will be informed that the reward is now available to be claimed. The prize is unique per account, that is, if you have an account with 5 chars, the moment you get the daily reward in one of them, that same reward will be inactive in the others. ============= Daily Missions e Daily coin ============= In the Official, you receive Daily Coins as a reward for gaining level or completing some missions, which could be used to buy craft items in the high priest. However, by removing the craft on the server, we changed the rewards of the Daily Missions to Attendance Coins, thus making it easier to purchase items in the Dimensional Merchant. ============= Donations ============= NO type of donation will be offered in the first month of the server. After the first month, according to server development, we will add options for players to donate. This position has been taken since we believe that a large and stable period is necessary for players to equip themselves and thus avoid any gap between donors and non-donors. Without this measure, donor players would have enormous advantage over non-donor players, which we do not think is interesting and healthy for the server. All items that will be made available by donation can also be purchased under the normal conditions in the game. There will be no distinction between donor and non-donor players. In other words, there will be no preferential or priority service to anyone and the rules and punishments are the same for EVERYONE. ============= Mana Potion ============= Mana is a factor, wanting or not, determining for the game. Given this, we understand that it is not interesting that the mana is made available in an "infinite" way, as this would negatively influence several things, among them: Unbalance: more powerful or useful skills usually have higher mana consumption, just to be used with caution and wisdom. By providing infinite mana, powerful classes will become even more powerful. Give functionality to all classes: the use of mana burn, recharge, etc. are key points in a mass pvp. By providing infinite mana certain classes lose their functions and some skills become useless. Study the build better: When you have infinite mana, it is almost unanimous the remotion of MEN in favor of other statuses, such as INT and WIT, so certain sets or items that increase MEN are usually discarded. In order to improve the gameplay and the balance between classes, at the same time making players think of useful builds for certain situations, we decided to add mana potion with a gradual effect (increase over time, as healing potion) and not with instant recovery. The potion has been optimized so that in the PVE / FARM mana is not lacking to anybody (e.g. a mage spamming skills). As long as the player continues to use mana potion, he will not have problems with the mana ending. ============= Noblesse Blessing ============= The Classic Saviors version does not yet have the subclass system, ie, no player can acquire the skill noblesse blessing in order to maintain the buffs after the char death. Based on the server proposal and aiming dynamic and competitive mass pvp, we added a scroll buff able to provide you the nobless blessing. The scroll can be obtained in any grocery and has fixed cast, that means it will not have casting difference between mages and fighters, all will take the same time to buff. You can also buy a Blessing Scroll in clastle chamberlain, this scroll has faster casting. ============= AntiBot ============= The server uses the best current antibot of the market (sguard). However, even with this protection, we've added the bot report system (accessible in your character's action window), where players can report other players they think might be using some bot program to farm. Also, a passive protection, where from a certain time the system will interact with the player in some way to verify that it is in fact in control of the char. ============= DDoS Protection ============= The server has state-of-the-art DDoS protection and a proxies system, which offers different login alternatives enabling a lower latency to players around the world. ============= Other features ============= Auto SS / BSS, damage system, casting bar, target assist, etc. It will not be possible to use mounts if the player is in combat mode. Detailed Class Manager available on Community Board (Alt + B). 3rd Class skills that are only learned using books can be obtained from the Lorenzo NPC located in Aden's grocery store. A 1 day Lucky Charm was added. If you want a safe farm, without fear of dropping any items if you die for a mob, keep that item in your inventory. The purchase of quick healing potion in the castle's NPC has been limited, preventing players from becoming immortal. We decrease the land rate of debuffs in general. We understand that in a PvpP or massPvP strategies and tactics should be a key factor in achieving victory. Classic has the peculiarity of having a very high success rate of debuffs, which often makes the game annoying and tiring, where the first player to debuff will win. ============= Server's future ============= The server is designed to provide fun and entertainment to everyone for many years. For this the staff is committed to maintaining a quality support, with fast service and gradually implementing several updates to keep players always entertained with the game. Among them, we are already finalizing the update of Classic for 2.5 (Zaken). These updates will occur according to the progression of the server itself, so if after a few months we understand that the server is mature enough, we will upgrade to 2.5, and so on. Always respecting the time of the server and the players. 0
    1 point
  3. Over 250 accounts have been created during our OBT so far. Players reports and suggestions are getting checked by our developer and everything going really good so far. Ofcourse we are not that kind of server to say that we expecting 5k+ online but the server will be really good from side of the files and players. Today we annouced our pre-opening event. You can find more informations at our forum. If you are really looking for a good classic server to have fun and enjoy the classic gameplay join L2Endeavor. Website: [Hidden Content] Forum: [Hidden Content] Grand Opening: 07 August, 2018 • 19:00 (UTC 0) Beta Opening: ONLINE (since 1 August 2018) Facebook: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  4. Sim, a jnetwork corrigiu isso logo no início na rev 4 e 5. Sobre o bug, ele existe a um bom tempo (desde a acis 355 se nao me engano) e sua correção está postada na area vip desde essa epoca, mas ninguém compartilha e o Tryskell também não fixa isso (parece que é proposital para tu comprar vip e pegar o fix na area vip).
    1 point
  5. Rapaz, que trabalho magnífico!! Admiro você SHEV, parabéns mais uma vez pelo trabalho e obrigado por ter trabalhado e disponibilizado para nós :aplausos: :aplausos: :aplausos: :aplausos: :aplausos: :aplausos:
    1 point
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