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  1. Server Emulators

    1. 337.6k
    2. Tutoriais

      Encontre aqui tutoriais para montar seu servidor de lineage, tutoriais desde os mais básicos até os mais avançados sobre edição, criação e etc.

    3. 74.4k
    4. Lucera - Interlude, Classic e Legacy

      Discover one of the best revisions currently used for Lineage 2 Java Interlude, Classic servers. and its Legacy version which has Essence functions but with Interlude gameplay.
      Interested in purchasing a license? Get in touch with Lucera's official partner in Brazil.
      Whatsapp: (83) 99690-5146, Email: [email protected] or PM to Kelvin.

    5. Sites

      Encontre sites pré-configurados, scripts, programas para edição e etc.

    6. Download

      Encontre aqui Armas, Armaduras, items e muito mais para dar aquele toque especial ao seu servidor.

    7. Java MODs

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      • fleck
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  2. Lineage 2 For Players

    1. Lineage 2

      Lineage II, is an MMORPG developed by NCsoft, and published on October 1, 2003 in South Korea. It was well known for being the succession of Lineage: "The Sacred Destiny" published on February 12, 2000, created by ASCII, today owned by NCsoft.

    2. Lineage 2 Classic

      Lineage II Classic is a reboot of the Lineage II franchise, different from the live one, it is a version directed to the group game and not solo-play, it has the same graphics of the most recent version, but with nostalgic gameplay adapted in the best way of lineage2 among the initial versions.

  3. L2JBR Labs

    1. 2.8k
    2. Tecnologia & PC

      Local para discutir todo tipo de tecnologia relacionada a jogos, computadores, inovações, reviews, etc.

    3. MMORPG

      Tópicos sobre MMORPG que não possuem área específica, podem ser criados aqui para debate.

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  4. Off Topic

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  5. Choice of administrators

    1. L2JCenter Hosting & Internet Solutions

      Dedicados, Cloud, Hospedagem, Domínios e Suporte à L2J. Entre em contato através de nosso site.

    2. 1.3k
    3. Atualstudio Web Development   (45216 visits to this link)

      Founded in 2010, we operate in the website development, systems, apps and design segments.
      E-mail: [email protected] · Whatsapp: +55 77 99977-9727 · Instagram · Facebook · More

    4. Divulgação Lineage II Facebook (Beta)   (47679 visits to this link)

      Divulgue seu servidor ou encontre um servidor para jogar no grupo oficial para divulgação no facebook.

  6. Administração

    1. Administração

      Você é um visitante e não consegue acessar o fórum? Ou é um membro já cadastrado e está com problemas? Aqui é o lugar certo para comunicar-se com a equipe L2JBrasil, para agradecer, sugerir, reportar problemas entre outros.

  7. Central de Reciclagem

    1. Conteúdos Recuperados

      Área destinada a conteúdos que foram recuperados os links/imagens.


  • Comentários Recentes

    • dude you think that a simple number "3.7" makes it better?use ur brain. is not tested enough is not properly released,most of the ppl uses the 3.6 cos is more stable,Improved database and scripting features, making it a solid choice for production environments. At least do you have the 3.6 source? some ppl yes they do. So dont fakin complain for some fakin npc,it takes exactly 7 minuts to  add the missing one and edit some other ones,and put them back in place as the buffer 50002 one. Just fakin only crybabies,in 4 hours after the post ppl already cry,dont you have a job? did you had time to test the entire server?  Interlude is not my area anyhow,but from what ive seen out there,nothin worth takin! simple as that,and dont forget EVERYBODY LIES/CHEAT!
    • for fuck sake,the dude with cry npc`s the npc are there u just need to edit the number ,fakin haters, this are the best files interlude ones from the entire forum, why you dont say thank you and move on? wtf you want all ready to go?If not go use l2jmega with doors or that pvp one with missing items, Even that clean l2jdev is quite decent,depends wich exact source you use, i`ve seen some of them have missing files ,some of them not, but that 12..1 it was quite decent,overall, just appreciate the guy ,as i said earliear these are the best interlude files(free)
    • Sim, nessa nova estrutura, sempre é bom usar a ultima versão, caso você tenha acesso, muita coisa foi corrigido ate 3.7, que não ta arrumado na rusacis 3.5, mas infelizmente não temos ainda a source disponível
    • tava vendo aqui, ta igual a rusacis msm , ta faltando loc de npcs de algumas quest, se for usar a rusacis seria melhor a 3.7 nao?
    • Mas não diz que é lucera, porque não ta nem perto disso.
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