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  • Data de Nascimento 08/22/1997

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  1. Como configurar a Olly de 15 em 15 dias? # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Olympiad Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The defaults are set to be retail-like. # If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like. # Warning: # Please take extreme caution when changing anything. # Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18) # Default: 18 AltOlyStartTime = 18 # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour. # Default: 00 AltOlyMin = 00 # Maximum number of buffs. # Default: 5 AltOlyMaxBuffs = 5 # Olympiad Competition Period, Default 6 hours. # (If set different, should be increment by 10mins) # Default: 21600000 AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000 # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 5 minutes. # Default: 300000 AltOlyBattle = 300000 # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week # Used for adding points to nobles # Default: 604800000 AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000 # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 12 Hours. # Default: 43200000 AltOlyVPeriod = 43200000 # Points for reaching Noblesse for the first time # Default: 10 AltOlyStartPoints = 10 # Points every week # Default: 10 AltOlyWeeklyPoints = 10 # Required number of participants for the class based games # Default: 11 AltOlyClassedParticipants = 6 # Required number of participants for the non-class based games # Default: 11 AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 6 # Required number of participants for the 3x3 teams games # Default: 6 AltOlyTeamsParticipants = 6 # Number used for displaying amount of registered participants, messages "Fewer than ..." or "More than ...". # 0 for displaying digits instead of text phrase (old style). # Default: 100 AltOlyRegistrationDisplayNumber = 100 # Reward for the class based games # Format: itemId1,itemNum1;itemId2,itemNum2... # Default: 13722,50 AltOlyClassedReward = 13722,50 # Reward for the non-class based games # Format: itemId1,itemNum1;itemId2,itemNum2... # Default: 13722,40 AltOlyNonClassedReward = 13722,40 # Reward for the 3x3 teams games # Format: itemId1,itemNum1;itemId2,itemNum2... # Default: 13722,85 AltOlyTeamReward = 13722,85 # ItemId used for exchanging to the points. # Default: 13722 AltOlyCompRewItem = 13722 # The minimal matches you need to participate to receive point rewards # Default: 15 AltOlyMinMatchesForPoints = 15 # Rate to exchange points to reward item. # Default: 1000 AltOlyGPPerPoint = 1000 # Noblesse points awarded to Heros. # Default: 200 AltOlyHeroPoints = 200 # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 1 members. # Default: 100 AltOlyRank1Points = 100 # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 2 members. # Default: 75 AltOlyRank2Points = 75 # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 3 members. # Default: 55 AltOlyRank3Points = 55 # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 4 members. # Default: 40 AltOlyRank4Points = 40 # Noblesse points awarded to Rank 5 members. # Default: 30 AltOlyRank5Points = 30 # Maximum points that player can gain/lose on a match. # Default: 10 AltOlyMaxPoints = 10 # Hero tables show last month's winners or current status. # Default: True AltOlyShowMonthlyWinners = True # Olympiad Managers announce each start of fight. # Default: True AltOlyAnnounceGames = True # Restrict specified items in Olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. 1,200,350) # Equipped items will be moved to inventory during port. # Default: 6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,9388,9389,9390,17049,17050,17051,17052,17053,17054,17055,17056,17057,17058,17059,17060,17061,20759,20775,20776,20777,20778,14774 AltOlyRestrictedItems = 6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,9388,9389,9390,17049,17050,17051,17052,17053,17054,17055,17056,17057,17058,17059,17060,17061,20759,20775,20776,20777,20778,14774 # Enchant limit for items during Olympiad battles. Disabled = -1. # Default: -1 AltOlyEnchantLimit = -1 # Log all Olympiad fights and outcome to olympiad.csv file. # Default: False AltOlyLogFights = True # Time to wait before teleported to arena. # Default: 120 AltOlyWaitTime = 60 # Divider for points in classed and non-classed games # Default: 5, 5 AltOlyDividerClassed = 5 AltOlyDividerNonClassed = 5 # Maximum number of matches a Noblesse character can join per week # Default: 70 AltOlyMaxWeeklyMatches = 70 # Maximum number of Class-Irrelevant Individual matches a character can join per week # Default: 60 AltOlyMaxWeeklyMatchesNonClassed = 60 # Maximum number of Class Individual matches a character can join per week # Default: 30 AltOlyMaxWeeklyMatchesClassed = 30 # Maximum number of Class-Irrelevant Team matches a character can join per week # Default: 10 AltOlyMaxWeeklyMatchesTeam = 10 # Enable or disable certification transforms in oly # Default: False BlockCertification = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alternative Olympiad System # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # With this you can enable or disable olympiad system # Is not recommended for already running server only for fresh servers # Default: True EnableOlympiad = True # Set this to true if you want random look-name-titles-no clan crests in olympiad # Default: False EnableOlyAntifeed = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Olympiad period settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example for Olympiad every 2 weeks: # CustomOlyPeriod = WEEK # AltOlyPeriodMultiplier = 2 # This option allows to change the Olympiad period. # MONTH - Olympiad period every month. # WEEK - Olympiad period every week. # SUNRISE - Olympiad period every day you set. Example: 1,5,10,25 etc (Every 5 days!) # Default: MONTH AltOlyPeriod = 22 # Change the Olympiad frequency. # The value is a multiplier of period type and works for all types except SUNRISE type # i.e. if type is MONTH and multiplier is 2, # then Olympiad will occur every 2 months. # Default: 1 AltOlyPeriodMultiplier = 1 # Works only if you have set CustomOlyPeriod = SUNRISE # Olympiad End Period Date - day(s) of month # (e.g. 1 would mean oly period ends every 1st day of month) # (e.g. 1,15 would mean oly period ends every 1st and 15th day of month) # So there you should write 1,15 (days of every month) # Default: 1 AltOlyEndDate = 1 # Olympiad End Period Time - in format hh:mm:ss (24 hours format) # This does not work with AltOlyPeriod = SUNRISE will use default value: 00:00:00 # Default: 00:00:00 AltOlyEndHour = 00:00:00
  2. GRAND OPENING: 10/03/2018 (18:00) Brasil (UTC−3). Rates: XP/SP: 200x ADENA:75x DROP: 1x SPOIL: 1x Features: Nosso server possui um sistema de farm, totalmente diferenciado, visando uma jogabilidade extrema para jogadores antigos, e tambem para novos jogadores. Sistema de Farm(UPGRADE): Compre seus items iniciais e vá em busca de aprimora-los, você pode farmar os items necessarios para compra dos novos equipamentos utilizando nossas areas de farm: - Bronze - Silver - Gold Nossa area de Boss especial está localizada em TOI! Em cada andar você encontrara um desafio diferente. Comandos disponiveis: .bronze || .silver || .gold || .pvp || .boss || .up .giran || .oren || .aden || etc... Enchants Safe Enchant +3 Max Enchant +16 Scroll Enchant -> +3 100% de Chance Blessed Scroll -> +8 60% de Chance Ancient Scroll -> +14 30% de Chance Divine Scroll -> +16 100% de Chance (Dropa Somente de GrandBoss) Eventos Possuimos uma gama de eventos automaticos, para que os players possam desfrutar deste sistema e conseguir comprar items especiais, como mascaras, enchants e giant codex. Olympiadas Sistema de Olympiadas 15 em 15 dias! Siege/Clan Nosso sistema de Siege/Clan segue os padrões retail do Jogo. [Hidden Content]
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