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  1. mano preciso muito desse donate. voce poderia fazer para quando clika na quele botao trasferir ir para o inventory or o banco ? si pode min ajuda chama no skype :L2Scorpion 100x Posso abri o tv para voce poder estar visualizando
  2. vou pegar agora <?php if((!$indexing) || ($logged != 1)) { exit; } require('private/classes/classDonate.php'); ?> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href='./?module=donate&page=add'><i class='fa fa-money'></i> <?php echo $LANG[12039]; ?></a></li> <li><?php echo $LANG[40037]; ?></li> </ul> <h1><?php echo $LANG[40037]; ?></h1> <div class='pddInner'> <?php if($funct['trnsf1'] == 1) { echo "<h3>".$LANG[40038]."</h3> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='default'> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>".$LANG[10168]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10167]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10116]."</th> </tr> "; $transfs = Donate::listConverts($_SESSION['acc']); if(count($transfs) > 0) { for($i=0, $c=count($transfs); $i < $c; $i++) { echo " <tr".(($i % 2 == 0) ? " class='two'" : '')."> <td>".($i+1)."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['quantidade']."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['char_name']."</td> <td>".date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($transfs[$i]['cdata']))."</td> </tr> "; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>".$LANG[40040]."</td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br />"; } if($funct['trnsf2'] == 1) { echo "<h3>".$LANG[40039]."</h3> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='default'> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>".$LANG[10168]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10167]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10116]."</th> </tr> "; $transfs = Donate::listTransfers($_SESSION['acc']); if(count($transfs) > 0) { for($i=0, $c=count($transfs); $i < $c; $i++) { echo " <tr".(($i % 2 == 0) ? " class='two'" : '')."> <td>".($i+1)."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['quantidade']."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['char_name']."</td> <td>".date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($transfs[$i]['tdata']))."</td> </tr> "; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>".$LANG[40040]."</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } ?> </div> <?php if((!$indexing) || ($logged != 1)) { exit; } require('private/classes/classDonate.php'); ?> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href='./?module=donate&page=add'><i class='fa fa-money'></i> <?php echo $LANG[12039]; ?></a></li> <li><?php echo $LANG[40037]; ?></li> </ul> <h1><?php echo $LANG[40037]; ?></h1> <div class='pddInner'> <?php if($funct['trnsf1'] == 1) { echo "<h3>".$LANG[40038]."</h3> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='default'> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>".$LANG[10168]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10167]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10116]."</th> </tr> "; $transfs = Donate::listConverts($_SESSION['acc']); if(count($transfs) > 0) { for($i=0, $c=count($transfs); $i < $c; $i++) { echo " <tr".(($i % 2 == 0) ? " class='two'" : '')."> <td>".($i+1)."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['quantidade']."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['char_name']."</td> <td>".date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($transfs[$i]['cdata']))."</td> </tr> "; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>".$LANG[40040]."</td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br />"; } if($funct['trnsf2'] == 1) { echo "<h3>".$LANG[40039]."</h3> <table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' class='default'> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>".$LANG[10168]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10167]."</th> <th>".$LANG[10116]."</th> </tr> "; $transfs = Donate::listTransfers($_SESSION['acc']); if(count($transfs) > 0) { for($i=0, $c=count($transfs); $i < $c; $i++) { echo " <tr".(($i % 2 == 0) ? " class='two'" : '')."> <td>".($i+1)."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['quantidade']."</td> <td>".$transfs[$i]['char_name']."</td> <td>".date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($transfs[$i]['tdata']))."</td> </tr> "; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan='4'>".$LANG[40040]."</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } ?> </div> sao essas ?
  3. <?php class Donate { public static function listChars($acc) { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT char_name, obj_Id FROM characters WHERE account_name = '".$acc."' LIMIT 7"); return $sql; } public static function findChar($acc, $personagem) { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT obj_Id, online FROM characters WHERE account_name = '".$acc."' AND obj_Id = '".$personagem."' LIMIT 1"); return $sql; } public static function insertDonation($acc, $personagem, $metodo_pgto, $qtdCoins, $qtdBonus, $valor, $price, $curr) { $sql = DB::Executa("INSERT INTO site_donations (account, personagem, price, currency, metodo_pgto, quant_coins, coins_bonus, valor, data) VALUES ('".$acc."', '".intval($personagem)."', '".$price."', '".$curr."', '".$metodo_pgto."', '".$qtdCoins."', '".$qtdBonus."', '".$valor."', '".time()."')"); return $sql; } public static function findDonation($acc, $protocolo='') { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT D.*, C.char_name FROM site_donations AS D LEFT JOIN characters AS C ON C.obj_Id = D.personagem WHERE D.account = '".$acc."' ".(!empty($protocolo) ? "AND D.protocolo = '".$protocolo."'" : "")." AND D.status <> '2' ORDER BY DESC"); return $sql; } public static function listConverts($acc) { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT T.*, C.char_name FROM site_log_convertcoins AS T INNER JOIN characters AS C ON C.obj_Id = T.destinatario WHERE T.account = '".$acc."' ORDER BY T.cdata DESC"); return $sql; } public static function listTransfers($acc) { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT T.*, C.char_name FROM site_log_transfercoins AS T INNER JOIN characters AS C ON C.obj_Id = T.destinatario_char WHERE T.remetente = '".$acc."' ORDER BY T.tdata DESC"); return $sql; } public static function deleteDonation($acc, $protocolo) { $sql = DB::Executa("UPDATE site_donations SET status = '2' WHERE account = '".$acc."' AND protocolo = '".$protocolo."' LIMIT 1"); return $sql; } public static function findReceptor($dest) { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT account_name, online, obj_Id FROM characters WHERE char_name = '".$dest."' LIMIT 1"); return $sql; } public static function insertBalance($dest, $count) { $checkExists = DB::Executa("SELECT * FROM site_balance WHERE account = '".$dest."' LIMIT 1"); if(count($checkExists) > 0) { $sql = DB::Executa("UPDATE site_balance SET saldo = (saldo+".$count.") WHERE account = '".$dest."' LIMIT 1"); } else { $sql = DB::Executa("INSERT INTO site_balance (account, saldo) VALUES ('".$dest."', '".$count."')"); } return $sql; } public static function transferLog($count, $acc, $receptor, $dest) { $sql = DB::Executa("INSERT INTO site_log_transfercoins VALUES ('".$count."', '".$acc."', '".$receptor."', '".$dest."', '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())."')"); return $sql; } public static function convertLog($count, $acc, $receptor) { $sql = DB::Executa("INSERT INTO site_log_convertcoins VALUES ('".$count."', '".$acc."', '".$receptor."', '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())."')"); return $sql; } public static function searchCoinExist($cid, $coinID) { $sql = DB::Executa("SELECT object_id FROM items WHERE owner_id = '".$cid."' AND item_id = '".$coinID."' AND loc = 'INVENTORY' LIMIT 1"); return $sql; } public static function insertCoinInGame($cid, $coinID, $count, $object_id=0) { if($object_id != 0) { $insert = DB::Executa("UPDATE items SET count = (count+".$count.") WHERE object_id = '".$object_id."' AND owner_id = '".$cid."' LIMIT 1"); } else { $last_object_id = DB::Executa("SELECT object_id FROM items ORDER BY object_id DESC LIMIT 1"); $last_object_id = intval(trim($last_object_id[0]['object_id'])); $last_loc_data = DB::Executa("SELECT loc_data FROM items WHERE owner_id = '".$cid."' ORDER BY loc_data DESC LIMIT 1"); $last_loc_data = intval(trim($last_loc_data[0]['loc_data'])); $insert = DB::Executa("INSERT INTO items (owner_id, object_id, item_id, count, enchant_level, loc, loc_data) VALUES (".$cid.", ".($last_object_id+1).", ".$coinID.", ".$count.", 0, 'INVENTORY', ".($last_loc_data+1).")"); } return $insert; } } o codico e os printe das 2 tabela
  4. mano e o seguinte eu estou com probema ao trasferir o donate coin para o char no painel tendeu quen poder ajuda obrigado
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