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Junin00 last won the day on Janeiro 31

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Sobre Junin00

  • Data de Nascimento 12/08/1988

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  1. Ele faz o que a consciência dele permitir, ta cheio de posts com conselhos bom e ruins ai. Eu vou é jogar l2, que nem com server mexo mais.
  2. Na minha humilde opinião pelo tempo experiência de forum, guardaria e não compartilharia, pois se é um objetivo seu criar um server e tem em mãos uma source de um projeto muito bom"!? Eu sou membro lá no forum deles e acompanhei, foi um ciclo com tempo bem grande para corrigir tudo até liberar a 3.6, deu um trabalhão. E é igual o @ferdsnp falou essa pessoa vai ser banida e você talvez nao consiga mais pra você tbm, pois para cada source, ele fez uma modificação diferente no codigo. Pensa bem, coisa boa a gente pra guarda pra gente, é igual o ditado "quem come queto, come duas vezes".
  3. Da uma olhadinha no forum deles, o que sei por cima, é que a diferença das atualizações da paga para a gratuita é de 6 meses.
  4. Abre o Localization.ini com o L2ClientDat Editor, em [LanguageSet], coloca Language=1 e depois salva.
  5. Tópico Atualizado (Source 3.5 Original, e Build 3.6)
  6. Junin00

    RUSaCis Build 3.6

    Este é um compilado da revisão atual compartilhado do fórum deles. Projeto Utiliza Java JDK21 Link Build 3.6 Link Geodata Recomendada Link Pequena Correção da Geodata #-------------------------- # Correções da Build. 3.6: #-------------------------- Fixed - [Hidden Content] Fixed - [Hidden Content]- vivernu-v-kx-adena.161/ Fixed - [Hidden Content] Fixed - [Hidden Content] warehouse-keeper-ili-ortodoks-iz-nju-jorka.181/ Corrected - [Hidden Content] Corrected - [Hidden Content]. com/support-tickets/summons-random-haste-error.189/ Fixed - [Hidden Content]bag-s-hp.198/ Fixed - [Hidden Content].com/support- tickets/issue-pick-up-herbs-with-pets.187/ Corrected - [Hidden Content]some-boats-are-having-problems.186/ Corrected - [Hidden Content]. com/support-tickets...bajuma-white-fabric-ne-krasjatsja-v-pati.185/ Fixed - [Hidden Content]heal-pet-bugg.228/ Fixed - https: // Fixed - [Hidden Content]shadow-weapons.225/ Fixed - [Hidden Content].com/support- tickets/manor.219/ Fixed - [Hidden Content] Fixed system message INVENTORY_LIMIT_MUST_NOT_BE_EXCEEDED. The MaxPlayerContrib config has been fixed, now the value is 1000000000 (for PTS you can get more than 100,000 points). Fix RUSaCis -> rusacis in the login server (caused a configuration problem for some users). Fixed UTF-8 encoding in some files. Fixed a problem with ClanHallDoorman, the button did not go back, but a page with the wyvern menu opened. Fix for quest Q417 where TORAI would not delete or spawn. (now works like on PTS). (thanks for the report Mi-star). Some HTML bugs fixed. (thanks ptsdgaf). Fixed, now if the clan is level 5, academicians will have Vassal status. (according to PTS). (thanks for the report Mi-star). Fixed a problem with CTF, TVT, etc. events. When they launched, the whole world became a pvp zone. The ZoneTown config has been fixed and now works as expected. Fixed a problem for a character or admin when, when clicking on “some” mobs, shift + click would crash the client. (for example Zaken page 9). Fixed a bug when, when applying paints, the player restarted the game with incomplete HP. Fixed a problem with the AlternateDropList config, when spoil would always only drop 1 item. Fixed the CTF_EVENT_SUMMON_BY_ITEM_ALLOWED config, which previously did not work. The problem with the localization of the server login has been fixed; the EN translation now appears. - Thanks Mi-star for the report. Russian translation of configs has been fixed. - Thanks Mi-star for the correction. The number of slots (sales, purchases) for PTS has been corrected. - Thanks to Mi-star Fixed system message when you exceed the trading limit (Incorrect item count). - Thanks Mi-star for the report. Fixed a bug where after a CTF event, the doors in the coliseum remained closed. Fixed rollback for cans and elixirs, now displayed correctly. Fixed fishing area for RainbowSpringsChateau. (now you can fish in XC). according to PTS. - Thanks Mi-star for the report. Fixed an issue with loading items after a restart. (RestoreStoreItems), previously only worked for sales. - Thanks to IanMarkov for the report. Fixed a bug when it was Christmas in the event - it was impossible to exchange Christmas trees for a hat. - Thanks to IanMarkov for the report. Fixed EventScrollsAllowed, EventPotionsAllowed configs. Fixed quest Q330_AdeptOfTaste. Fixed a bug where clan functions in the castle were not saved after a restart. Fixed a bug where after watching the Olympiad the administrator came out of invisibility. Fixed double spawning of NPCs in the Q653_WildMaiden quest. Fixed a serious dupe for adena (selling scrolls for TP for dimensions). Fixed a problem when the character did not leave the battle. Fixed purchasing a hero through the donation shop. Fixed items 6409, 6410 (previously they did not work at all). Corrections to Formal Wear for PTS. (now that you are wearing a wedding suit, you can equip weapons, and you can also use skills). SkillMastery has been fixed, now the effect of skills also works on x2. Fixed an issue in the pagan where the Chapel Key would not open the doors. The AllowDlgTVTInvite config has been fixed, and the same configs have been added for other events. The color of the clan name has been corrected for negative and positive reputation. - Thanks Mi-star for the report. Rewritten quest Q663_SeductiveWhispers on PTS. Fixed issue with peaceful zone (needs a good test). Implemented - [Hidden Content].com/threads/chto-xotite-videt-v-sborke.78/post-775 Added the ability to make static respawn of the Republic of Belarus. Added the ability to create macros when creating a character. (test, added for dark elf warriors, can be removed if necessary). Added new AutoLootItemIds config. Now RB statistics are updated immediately after a kill, and not after a reboot. The delay for adding quest items has been added back (3 seconds) and the problem with fake items has been fixed. Added new admin command "admin_suicide". (more needed for tests). Added new parameters for skills (xpGain, spGain, dropRate, spoilRate, adenaRate) as requested. Added new event PcBangPoint. Added new configs for the ability to cut rb and epics. Now when you click on the enchant button in the admin panel, you will open the old enchant window. By popular demand. Added a new RateDropSealStone config (previously the RateDropCurency config worked for both adena and stones). By popular demand. Returned hitTime check for warriors. (when attack speed increased, animations broke). Reparsed coordinates for castles.xml (now crystals and artifacts cost according to PTS). Repair multisell.txt. Added missing message S1_PREPARED_FOR_REUSE when the can is in CD. The maximum amount of clan reputation for an academician should be 650 according to PTS. - Thanks Mi-star for the report. The Clan Management dialog has been redesigned, now it corresponds to the PTS server. The admin section for issuing premium has been redesigned. Now, if the RestoreStoreItems config is enabled, trade messages are also saved. Added the MultiplierOnlineCommand config for boosting the .online command (by request). Now, shift + click visually displays champion stats (added CHAMPION_ATK and CHAMPION_SPD_ATK / CHAMPION_MATK and CHAMPION_SPD_MATK configs). Added the ability to remove NPCs from the game (which you spawned with the //spawn command), although after the restart you will have to manually clean the custom folder. Added new config DonateCnameTemplate. Added OlyShowMonthlyWinners config (displays current contenders for heroes, and not at the end of the month by PTS). Added CapsuleBox (the ability to create chests with drops). Now, after registering for the event (if you have the config enabled), the participation fee is refunded. Now if you change the color of your nickname and title through the admin panel, after relogging, the changes are saved. Added a new version of CommunityBoard (optional). Added .siege command Added command commands .epic and .raid Complete redesign of .menu A new Default System has been added: (now you just need to enable the desired event from the admin panel, you don’t need to do anything else). The localization system has been completely redesigned and is now more flexible in configuration. Unused configs have been removed. - Thanks to Mi-star for the report. Added Russian translation, still a very crude version (ver. 1.0.0). Updated with the latest aCis updates that were required. Optimizing old code We switched to JDK 21.
  7. @Renato Ribeiro Se não me engano eles postaram um informativo sobre isso, foi em uma atualização da plataforma do forum, que nela perderam as imagens e não conseguiram recuperar. @coldplay Acredito que isso acontece porque o tempo passou e eles ja não tem mais aquele animo de antigamente, e isso se reflete no que vocês ve ultimamente, penso que precisaria de uma renovação, um mudança no visual e na politica do forum também, mais eu acho que não vai acontecer em tão cedo. Sobre o conteúdo que some ja vi falar por terceiros, e isso é bem estranho, e até desmotivador.
  8. Junin00

    L-Coin Sotre Essence

    É o mesmo id do produto que voce ta vendendo. A categoria ai, pra cada valor é uma aba da L-Coin Store, a 0 no caso poderia ser a aba inicial, que aparece quando voce abre a loja. Mais tem um porem você só alterando ai nao vai mostrar lá no jogo, tem que alterar em um arquivo no client tbm com o id do produto. Se não me engano é LCoinShopProduct_ClassicAden-eu e LCoinShopBanner_ClassicAden-eu
  9. Postaram uma atualização lá no tópico original no outro forum, como não acompanho, não sei muito o que mudou. [Hidden Content] Mais tem 4 aparencias lá na configuração pra selecionar. (HF,ES,AS,MN)
  10. Aparência Death Knight para uso em Skin (armor+ capacete) Em 3 estilos: Vermelho, Azul e Roxo. Obs: Descrição nos arquivos está em russo. Link 1 [Yandex] Link 2 [Mega] Senha: Death_mmodev1352
  11. Não existe tutorial dele eu acho. Tem que ser autodidata, fuçando, testando e aprendendo.
  12. Atualizado com Client no tópico do DEVELOPGAMESDEV
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