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Sobre nexon20112011

  • Data de Nascimento 09/20/1997

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  1. Allan , vc pode me dar uma forcinha ??? agradeço muito mesmooo ^^
  2. kkkkkk , blza , mas como eu disse , eu nao manjo de java , entao eu nao sei qual arquivo tenho q abrir do java pra editar essa parte ^^ kkkkkkkk
  3. intendii , maas , vc tem o editor de java pra me passar ?? se tiver agradeço :D
  4. o pior é que eu não manjo em java -.- mas , vllw man
  5. Essa rev l2jsanne é igual l2jfrozen , maas se você tiver algum npc boss manager aí , se puder compartilhar , eu agradeço muitoo
  6. =============================== <html> <body> <br> <center> <img src="l2font-e.replay_logo-e" width=255 height=60> <br> <center><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=250 height=1></center> <td><img src="L2UI.SquareBlank" width=40 height=2></td> <center><img src="L2UI.SquareGray" width=300 height=1></center> <table bgcolor=000000 width=319> <tr> <td><center>Manager { <font color="6495ED">RAID BOSS</font> } Info</center></td> </tr> </table> <center><img src="L2UI.SquareGray" width=300 height=1></center> <td><img src="L2UI.SquareBlank" width=40 height=2></td> <center><img src=L2UI.SquareGray width=250 height=1></center> <br> <table> <tr> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_R_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_A_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_I_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_D_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_B_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_O_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_S_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_S_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> </tr> </table> <br> <table> <tr> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_I_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_N_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_F_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> <td><img src="icon.etc_alphabet_O_i00" width=32 height=32 align="center"></td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> Welcome my friend,<br> I will show you all Bosses Info you need..<br> <button value="RaidBoss Info" action="bypass -h custom_raidinfo Info" width="114" height="29" back="L2UI_ch3.BigButton2_over" fore="L2UI_ch3.BigButton2"> <br> <br> <br> <center> <table width=256> <tr> <td><img src="l2ui.InitPosButton" width=24 height=24></td> <td width=192 align=center> <img src=l2ui.bbs_lineage2 height=16 width=80> </td> <td><img src="l2ui.InitPosButton" width=24 height=24></td> </tr> </table> </center> </center> </body> </html> ======================
  7. Eaii , blza?? Então , Estou com um probleminha aqui , quando um Boss esta VIVO , no NPC mostra assim: EX: Baium: Is Alive Antharas: Is Alive Valakas: Is Alive Queen Ant: Is Alive Mas , quando um Boss Morre , sai todo de Ordem , assim: EX: Baium: 24 : 05: 01Antharas: Is Alive Valakas: Is Alive Queen Ant: Is Alive Fica exatamente assim , não estou conseguindo postar imagem , mas se alguém quiser ver , eu vou por o Link da img que vou postar no Facebook [Hidden Content] Galera , Agradeço desde já :D :D
  8. Afffff , vlww galera , estava na minha cara e eu nao vi :aO :aO só agradeçoooo :bom:
  9. #====================================# # Team vs Team # #====================================# # TvT(Team vs Team) Event: Blue vs Red. # Setting for Team vs. Team pvp # TvTEvenTeams=NO|BALANCE|SHUFFLE # NO means: not even teams. # BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count. # SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to tzhe event and not direct to a team. Teams will be schuffeled in teleporting teams. TvTEvenTeams = SHUFFLE # players there not participated in tvt can target tvt participants? TvTAllowInterference = False # tvt participants can use potions? TvTAllowPotions = True # tvt participants can summon by item? TvTAllowSummon = True # remove all effects of tvt participants on event start? TvTOnStartRemoveAllEffects = False # unsummon pet of tvt participants on event start? TvTOnStartUnsummonPet = True # on revive participants regain full hp/mp/cp ? TvTReviveRecovery = True # announce all team statistics TvTAnnounceTeamStats = True # announce reward TvTAnnounceReward = True # give price with 0 kills TvTPriceNoKills = True # players with cursed weapon are allowed to join ? TvTJoinWithCursedWeapon = False # Enable voice command to register on tvt event TvTCommand = True # Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second) TvTReviveDelay = 5000 # Open Western Fortress doors on tvt finish TvTOpenFortDoors = False # Close Western Fortress doors on tvt start TvTCloseFortDoors = False # Open Aden Colosseum doors on tvt finish TvTOpenAdenColosseumDoors = True # Close Aden Colosseum doors on tvt start TvTCloseAdenColosseumDoors = True # TvT Top Killer reward id TvTTopKillerRewardId = 9611 # TvT Top Killer reward quantity TvTTopKillerRewardQty = 5 # Place an aura on participants team ? TvTAura = False # Enable event stats logger TvTStatsLogger = True Agradeço desde já galeraaa , vlww :bom: :rock:
  10. Como eu faço para quando um player matar 10 ou mais , virar hero até o Restart ?? Desde de já Agradeço :D
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