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  1. iswear

    Problema com servidor

    so não percebo porque da direito em lan e online não, isto esta a porme maluco :(
  2. iswear

    Problema com servidor

    o ip q estou usando e o e sim penso que esta tudo bem :S
  3. iswear

    Problema com servidor

    nao estou a usar o navicat estou a ussar o mysql workbench e la tenho l2game e l2server
  4. iswear

    Problema com servidor

    continua sem dar :S
  5. iswear

    Problema com servidor

    continua sem dar :S eu substitui esse pelo meu loginserver mas esta igual nao passa da tela do login :S
  6. iswear

    Problema com servidor

    a minha ip config é a seguinte : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test --> <gameserver address="" xmlns:xsi="[Hidden Content]" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd"> <!-- Localhost here --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> </gameserver> e a minha login server config é : # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: * ( LoginserverHostname = * # Default: 2106 LoginserverPort = 2106 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: * ( LoginHostname = * # The port on which login will listen for GameServers # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: True LogLoginController = True # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned. # Default: 10 LoginTryBeforeBan = 10 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. # Default: 600 (10 minutes) LoginBlockAfterBan = 600 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots # Default: False AcceptNewGameServer = True # Flood Protection. All values are in MILISECONDS. # Default: True EnableFloodProtection = True # Default: 15 FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Default: 700 NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Default: 350 FastConnectionTime = 350 # Default: 50 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using. # Examples: # Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default) # Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver # Driver = Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls (default) # URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jls # URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jls/user = sa/password = URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2game # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended) Login = root # Database connection password Password = heyhey # Default: 10 MaximumDbConnections = 10 # Default: 0 MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown. # Default: True ShowLicence = True # Default: True AutoCreateAccounts = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Developer Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False Debug = False
  7. Boa Noite. Eu criei um servidor de Lineage2 Freya e funciona em LAN, o problema é que quero por em Online e não consigo quando abro a tele digito o user e a pass e não avança, sera que alguem me pode ajudar? mais uma duvida eu tentei adicionar o npc buffer e o gm shop mas como estou utilizando o mysql workbanche não sei muito bem como por se alguem me puder ajudar agradeço desde ja.
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