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  • Data de Nascimento 03/01/1995

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  1. uzu


    Lineage 2 Violent INFORMATION Server time: GMT -3 Server platform: Gracia final Armor: No Custom Weapon: No Custom New Char LvL 84 No Tattoo Sub-Class LvL 85 free Geodata and Pathnodes 100% Off-line Shop mode Auto Learn Skills Auto loot - Automatic pick up (except raid's drops) Wedding System Only 3 Clan per Ally Farm system: custom drop areas. Events Automatics All Itens Ingame RATES Experience (EXP) x500 Skill Points (SP) x500 Adena x1000 Party: x2 Drop: x1 PvP Server Gracia Final ENCHANTS Safe +4 Max Enchant Blessed: +10 Max Enchant Crystal: +15 Enchant Rate:100% Blessed Rate:100% Crystal Rate: Enchant 100% Weapons|Armors|Jewels Crystal Enchant get Event-Medal BUFFS Buff Slot 35 + 4 (Divine Inspiration free) dance/Songs Slot 15 All buffs in NPC Buff time 6 hours GRAND OLYMPIAD Scheduel 18:00 ~ 00:00 GMT-3 New periods every 15 days. EVENTS Raid boss : 3/3 hours TVT: 3/3 hours CTF: 09:00|21:00 PVP Reward PvP Color Fortress 5 Minute 300 fame Party Zone 3/3hs Rank PvP Reward Tournament MODS Npc Crest Aio System Hero Sytem PvP Color PvP Reward .menu Register All Siege .menu Vote System Boss Alive / Dead PROTECTIONS All Injection Protections DDoS protection
  2. uzu

    ERRO Enchants

    tem nenhum erro no java mano , eu so add um jeito q trava cada nchant tipo blessed , crystal etc
  3. uzu

    ERRO Enchants

    meu poblema foi no proprio java mano :(
  4. uzu

    ERRO Enchants

    Estou tendo erros no enchants, tipo Enchant weapon encantar set e etc, msm coisa no armor q enchanta weapon Alguem me ajuda nesse erro!!!!!!!!
  5. na tabela raidboss_spawnlist , colunas respawn_min_delay e respwan_max_delay !!! calcula o tempo por segundos !! e ja era vlw boa sorte tmj
  6. uzu


  7. uzu

    TVT & CTF

    Mano vc pode começar um e depois d uma hora começa outro exemplo : tvt as 13:00 ctf as 14:00 ,ai vai dando as duas horas a cada ,assim vai te eventos a cada uma hora !!! Fosse vc coloca a cada 3 horas ou mais, pq vai te evento toda hora e vai fica chato , so uma fica minha vlw ?
  8. uzu

    Erro no CTF

    /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <[Hidden Content];. */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.l2jserver.Config; import com.l2jserver.L2DatabaseFactory; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.Announcements; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SpawnTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Effect; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2ItemInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Party; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Radar; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Spawn; import; import; import; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.Inventory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate; import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd; import javolution.text.TextBuilder; /** * @author SqueezeD & Darki699 (idea by FBIAgent) */ public class CTF { enum EventState { INACTIVE } private static EventState _state = EventState.INACTIVE; private final static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(CTF.class.getName()); private static int _FlagNPC = 35062, _FLAG_IN_HAND_ITEM_ID = 6718; public static String _eventName = new String(), _eventDesc = new String(), _topTeam = new String(), _joiningLocationName = new String(); public static Vector<String> _teams = new Vector<String>(), _savePlayers = new Vector<String>(), _savePlayerTeams = new Vector<String>(); public static Vector<L2PcInstance> _players = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(), _playersShuffle = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(); public static Vector<Integer> _teamPlayersCount = new Vector<Integer>(), _teamColors = new Vector<Integer>(), _teamsX = new Vector<Integer>(), _teamsY = new Vector<Integer>(), _teamsZ = new Vector<Integer>(); public static boolean _joining = false, _teleport = false, _started = false, _sitForced = false; public static L2Spawn _npcSpawn; public static int _npcId = 0, _npcX = 0, _npcY = 0, _npcZ = 0, _npcHeading = 0, _rewardId = 0, _rewardAmount = 0, _minlvl = 0, _maxlvl = 0, _joinTime = 0, _eventTime = 0, _minPlayers = 0, _maxPlayers = 0; public static Vector<Integer> _teamPointsCount = new Vector<Integer>(); public static Vector<Integer> _flagIds = new Vector<Integer>(), _flagsX = new Vector<Integer>(), _flagsY = new Vector<Integer>(), _flagsZ = new Vector<Integer>(); public static Vector<L2Spawn> _flagSpawns = new Vector<L2Spawn>(), _throneSpawns = new Vector<L2Spawn>(); public static Vector<Boolean> _flagsTaken = new Vector<Boolean>(); public static int _topScore = 0, eventCenterX = 0, eventCenterY = 0, eventCenterZ = 0, eventOffset = 0; public static void showFlagHtml(L2PcInstance eventPlayer, String objectId, String teamName) { if (eventPlayer == null) { return; } try { NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder(); replyMSG.append("<html><body><center>"); replyMSG.append("CTF Flag<br><br>"); replyMSG.append("<font color=\"00FF00\">" + teamName + "'s Flag</font><br>"); if ((eventPlayer._teamNameCTF != null) && eventPlayer._teamNameCTF.equals(teamName)) { replyMSG.append("<font color=\"LEVEL\">This is your Flag</font><br>"); } else { replyMSG.append("<font color=\"LEVEL\">Enemy Flag!</font><br>"); } if (_started) { processInFlagRange(eventPlayer); } else { replyMSG.append("CTF match is not in progress yet.<br>Wait for a GM to start the event<br>"); } replyMSG.append("</center></body></html>"); adminReply.setHtml(replyMSG.toString()); eventPlayer.sendPacket(adminReply); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("" + "CTF Engine[showEventHtlm(" + eventPlayer.getName() + ", " + objectId + ")]: exception: " + e.getStackTrace()); } } public static void CheckRestoreFlags() { Vector<Integer> teamsTakenFlag = new Vector<Integer>(); try { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { // if there's a player with a flag // add the index of the team who's FLAG WAS TAKEN to the list if (player != null) { if (!player.isOnline() && player._haveFlagCTF)// logged off with a flag in his hands { AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + player.getName() + " logged off with a CTF flag!"); player._haveFlagCTF = false; if (_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF) >= 0) { if (_flagsTaken.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF))) { _flagsTaken.set(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF), false); spawnFlag(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF); AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF + " flag now returned to place."); } } removeFlagFromPlayer(player); player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF = null; return; } else if (player._haveFlagCTF) { teamsTakenFlag.add(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF)); } } } // Go over the list of ALL teams for (String team : _teams) { if (team == null) { continue; } final int index = _teams.indexOf(team); if (!teamsTakenFlag.contains(index)) { if (_flagsTaken.get(index)) { _flagsTaken.set(index, false); spawnFlag(team); AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + team + " flag returned due to player error."); } } } // Check if a player ran away from the event holding a flag: for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if ((player != null) && player._haveFlagCTF) { if (isOutsideCTFArea(player)) { AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + player.getName() + " escaped from the event holding a flag!"); player._haveFlagCTF = false; if (_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF) >= 0) { if (_flagsTaken.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF))) { _flagsTaken.set(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF), false); spawnFlag(player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF); AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF + " flag now returned to place."); } } removeFlagFromPlayer(player); player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF = null; player.teleToLocation(_teamsX.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsY.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsZ.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF))); player.sendMessage("You have been returned to your team spawn"); return; } } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF.restoreFlags() Error:" + e.toString()); } } public static void kickPlayerFromCTf(L2PcInstance playerToKick) { if (playerToKick == null) { return; } if (_joining) { _playersShuffle.remove(playerToKick); _players.remove(playerToKick); playerToKick._inEventCTF = false; playerToKick._teamNameCTF = new String(); } if (_started || _teleport) { _playersShuffle.remove(playerToKick); playerToKick._inEventCTF = false; removePlayer(playerToKick); if (playerToKick.isOnline()) { playerToKick.getAppearance().setNameColor(playerToKick._originalNameColorCTF); playerToKick.setKarma(playerToKick._originalKarmaCTF); playerToKick.setTitle(playerToKick._originalTitleCTF); playerToKick.broadcastUserInfo(); playerToKick.sendMessage("You have been kicked from the CTF."); playerToKick.teleToLocation(_npcX, _npcY, _npcZ, false); } } } public static void AnnounceToPlayers(Boolean toall, String announce) { if (toall) { Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(announce); } else { final CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(0, 2, "", "Announcements : " + announce); if ((_players != null) && !_players.isEmpty()) { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if ((player != null) && player.isOnline()) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } } } } public static void Started(L2PcInstance player) { player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF = null; player._haveFlagCTF = false; } public static void StartEvent() { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF = null; player._haveFlagCTF = false; } } AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): Started. Go Capture the Flags!"); } public static void addFlagToPlayer(L2PcInstance _player) { // remove items from the player hands (right, left, both) // This is NOT a BUG, I don't want them to see the icon they have 8D L2ItemInstance wpn = _player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); if (wpn == null) { wpn = _player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); if (wpn != null) { _player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); } } else { _player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); wpn = _player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); if (wpn != null) { _player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND); } } // add the flag in his hands _player.getInventory().equipItem(ItemTable.getInstance().createItem("", CTF._FLAG_IN_HAND_ITEM_ID, 1, _player, null)); _player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(_player, 16)); // amazing glow _player._haveFlagCTF = true; _player.broadcastUserInfo(); _player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(_player.getObjectId(), 15, ":", "You got it! Run back! ::")); // 8D } public static void removeFlagFromPlayer(L2PcInstance player) { final L2ItemInstance wpn = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND); player._haveFlagCTF = false; if (wpn != null) { final L2ItemInstance[] unequiped = player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(wpn.getItem().getBodyPart()); player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("", CTF._FLAG_IN_HAND_ITEM_ID, 1, player, null); InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate(); for (L2ItemInstance element : unequiped) { iu.addModifiedItem(element); } player.sendPacket(iu); player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, true)); // get your weapon back now ... player.abortAttack(); player.broadcastUserInfo(); } else { player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("", CTF._FLAG_IN_HAND_ITEM_ID, 1, player, null); player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, true)); // get your weapon back now ... player.abortAttack(); player.broadcastUserInfo(); } } public static void setTeamFlag(String teamName, L2PcInstance activeChar) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } addOrSet(_teams.indexOf(teamName), null, false, _FlagNPC, activeChar.getX(), activeChar.getY(), activeChar.getZ()); } public static void setTeamFlag(String teamName, int x, int y, int z) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } addOrSet(_teams.indexOf(teamName), null, false, _FlagNPC, x, y, z); } public static void spawnAllFlags() { while (_flagSpawns.size() < _teams.size()) { _flagSpawns.add(null); } while (_throneSpawns.size() < _teams.size()) { _throneSpawns.add(null); } for (String team : _teams) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(team); L2NpcTemplate tmpl = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_flagIds.get(index)); L2NpcTemplate throne = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(50011); try { // spawn throne _throneSpawns.set(index, new L2Spawn(throne)); _throneSpawns.get(index).setLocx(_flagsX.get(index)); _throneSpawns.get(index).setLocy(_flagsY.get(index)); _throneSpawns.get(index).setLocz(_flagsZ.get(index) - 10); _throneSpawns.get(index).setAmount(1); _throneSpawns.get(index).setHeading(0); _throneSpawns.get(index).setRespawnDelay(1); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(_throneSpawns.get(index), false); _throneSpawns.get(index).init(); _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getStatus().setCurrentHp(999999999); _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().decayMe(); _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().spawnMe(_throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getX(), _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getY(), _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getZ()); _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().setTitle(team + " Throne"); _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(_throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn(), _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn(), 1036, 1, 5500, 1)); _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn()._isCTF_throneSpawn = true; // spawn flag _flagSpawns.set(index, new L2Spawn(tmpl)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setLocx(_flagsX.get(index)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setLocy(_flagsY.get(index)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setLocz(_flagsZ.get(index)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setAmount(1); _flagSpawns.get(index).setHeading(0); _flagSpawns.get(index).setRespawnDelay(1); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(_flagSpawns.get(index), false); _flagSpawns.get(index).init(); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getStatus().setCurrentHp(999999999); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().setTitle(team + "'s Flag"); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn()._CTF_FlagTeamName = team; _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().decayMe(); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().spawnMe(_flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getX(), _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getY(), _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getZ()); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn()._isCTF_Flag = true; if (index == (_teams.size() - 1)) { calculateOutSideOfCTF(); // sets event boundaries so players don't run with the flag. } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Engine[spawnAllFlags()]: exception: " + e.getStackTrace()); } } } public static void processTopTeam() { _topTeam = null; for (String team : _teams) { if ((teamPointsCount(team) == _topScore) && (_topScore > 0)) { _topTeam = null; } if (teamPointsCount(team) > _topScore) { _topTeam = team; _topScore = teamPointsCount(team); } } if (_topScore <= 0) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): No flags taken."); } else { if (_topTeam == null) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Maximum flags taken : " + _topScore + " flags! No one won."); } else { AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Team " + _topTeam + " wins the match, with " + _topScore + " flags taken!"); rewardTeam(_topTeam); } } teleportFinish(); } public static void unspawnAllFlags() { try { if ((_throneSpawns == null) || (_flagSpawns == null) || (_teams == null)) { return; } for (String team : _teams) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(team); if (_throneSpawns.get(index) != null) { _throneSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().deleteMe(); _throneSpawns.get(index).stopRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_throneSpawns.get(index), true); } if (_flagSpawns.get(index) != null) { _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().deleteMe(); _flagSpawns.get(index).stopRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_flagSpawns.get(index), true); } } _throneSpawns.removeAllElements(); } catch (Throwable t) { _log.warning("CTF Engine[unspawnAllFlags()]: exception: " + t.getStackTrace()); } } private static void unspawnFlag(String teamName) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().deleteMe(); _flagSpawns.get(index).stopRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_flagSpawns.get(index), true); } public static void spawnFlag(String teamName) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); L2NpcTemplate tmpl = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_flagIds.get(index)); try { _flagSpawns.set(index, new L2Spawn(tmpl)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setLocx(_flagsX.get(index)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setLocy(_flagsY.get(index)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setLocz(_flagsZ.get(index)); _flagSpawns.get(index).setAmount(1); _flagSpawns.get(index).setHeading(0); _flagSpawns.get(index).setRespawnDelay(1); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(_flagSpawns.get(index), false); _flagSpawns.get(index).init(); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getStatus().setCurrentHp(999999999); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().setTitle(teamName + "'s Flag"); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn()._CTF_FlagTeamName = teamName; _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn()._isCTF_Flag = true; _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().decayMe(); _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().spawnMe(_flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getX(), _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getY(), _flagSpawns.get(index).getLastSpawn().getZ()); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Engine[spawnFlag(" + teamName + ")]: exception: " + e.getStackTrace()); } } public static boolean InRangeOfFlag(L2PcInstance _player, int flagIndex, int offset) { if ((_player.getX() > (CTF._flagsX.get(flagIndex) - offset)) && (_player.getX() < (CTF._flagsX.get(flagIndex) + offset)) && (_player.getY() > (CTF._flagsY.get(flagIndex) - offset)) && (_player.getY() < (CTF._flagsY.get(flagIndex) + offset)) && (_player.getZ() > (CTF._flagsZ.get(flagIndex) - offset)) && (_player.getZ() < (CTF._flagsZ.get(flagIndex) + offset))) { return true; } return false; } public static void processInFlagRange(L2PcInstance _player) { try { CheckRestoreFlags(); for (String team : _teams) { if (team.equals(_player._teamNameCTF)) { final int indexOwn = _teams.indexOf(_player._teamNameCTF); // if player is near his team flag holding the enemy flag if (InRangeOfFlag(_player, indexOwn, 100) && !_flagsTaken.get(indexOwn) && _player._haveFlagCTF) { final int indexEnemy = _teams.indexOf(_player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF); // return enemy flag to place _flagsTaken.set(indexEnemy, false); spawnFlag(_player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF); // remove the flag from this player _player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(_player, 16)); // amazing glow _player.broadcastUserInfo(); _player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(_player, 3)); // Victory _player.broadcastUserInfo(); removeFlagFromPlayer(_player); _teamPointsCount.set(indexOwn, teamPointsCount(team) + 1); _player.broadcastPacket(new PlaySound(0, "ItemSound.quest_finish", 1, _player.getObjectId(), _player.getX(), _player.getY(), _player.getZ())); _player.broadcastUserInfo(); AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + _player.getName() + " scores for " + _player._teamNameCTF + "."); } } else { final int indexEnemy = _teams.indexOf(team); // if the player is near a enemy flag if (InRangeOfFlag(_player, indexEnemy, 100) && !_flagsTaken.get(indexEnemy) && !_player._haveFlagCTF && !_player.isDead()) { if (_player.isRidingStrider() || _player.isFlying()) { _player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_CANNOT_BOARD_AN_AIRSHIP_WHILE_A_PET_OR_A_SERVITOR_IS_SUMMONED)); break; } _flagsTaken.set(indexEnemy, true); unspawnFlag(team); _player._teamNameHaveFlagCTF = team; addFlagToPlayer(_player); _player.broadcastUserInfo(); _player._haveFlagCTF = true; AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): " + team + " flag taken by " + _player.getName() + "..."); pointTeamTo(_player, team); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void pointTeamTo(L2PcInstance hasFlag, String ourFlag) { try { for (final L2PcInstance player : _players) { if ((player != null) && player.isOnline()) { if (player._teamNameCTF.equals(ourFlag)) { player.sendMessage(hasFlag.getName() + " took your flag!"); if (player._haveFlagCTF) { player.sendMessage("You can not return the flag to headquarters, until your flag is returned to it's place."); player.sendPacket(new RadarControl(1, 1, player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ())); } else { player.sendPacket(new RadarControl(0, 1, hasFlag.getX(), hasFlag.getY(), hasFlag.getZ())); final L2Radar rdr = new L2Radar(player); final L2Radar.RadarOnPlayer radar = RadarOnPlayer(hasFlag, player); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(radar, 10000 + Rnd.get(30000)); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { } } public static int teamPointsCount(String teamName) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return -1; } return _teamPointsCount.get(index); } public static void setTeamPointsCount(String teamName, int teamPointCount) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamPointsCount.set(index, teamPointCount); } public static int teamPlayersCount(String teamName) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return -1; } return _teamPlayersCount.get(index); } public static void setTeamPlayersCount(String teamName, int teamPlayersCount) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamPlayersCount.set(index, teamPlayersCount); } public static void setNpcPos(L2PcInstance activeChar) { _npcX = activeChar.getX(); _npcY = activeChar.getY(); _npcZ = activeChar.getZ(); _npcHeading = activeChar.getHeading(); } public static void setNpcPos(int x, int y, int z) { _npcX = x; _npcY = y; _npcZ = z; } public static void addTeam(String teamName) { if (!checkTeamOk()) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[addTeam(" + teamName + ")]: checkTeamOk() = false"); } return; } if (teamName.equals(" ")) { return; } _teams.add(teamName); _teamPlayersCount.add(0); _teamColors.add(0); _teamsX.add(0); _teamsY.add(0); _teamsZ.add(0); _teamPointsCount.add(0); addOrSet(_teams.indexOf(teamName), null, false, _FlagNPC, 0, 0, 0); } private static void addOrSet(int listSize, L2Spawn flagSpawn, boolean flagsTaken, int flagId, int flagX, int flagY, int flagZ) { while (_flagsX.size() <= listSize) { _flagSpawns.add(null); _flagsTaken.add(false); _flagIds.add(_FlagNPC); _flagsX.add(0); _flagsY.add(0); _flagsZ.add(0); } _flagSpawns.set(listSize, flagSpawn); _flagsTaken.set(listSize, flagsTaken); _flagIds.set(listSize, flagId); _flagsX.set(listSize, flagX); _flagsY.set(listSize, flagY); _flagsZ.set(listSize, flagZ); } public static boolean checkMaxLevel(int maxlvl) { if (_minlvl >= maxlvl) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean checkMinLevel(int minlvl) { if (_maxlvl <= minlvl) { return false; } return true; } /** returns true if participated players is higher or equal then minimum needed players */ public static boolean checkMinPlayers(int players) { if (_minPlayers <= players) { return true; } return false; } /** returns true if max players is higher or equal then participated players */ public static boolean checkMaxPlayers(int players) { if (_maxPlayers > players) { return true; } return false; } public static void removeTeam(String teamName) { if (!checkTeamOk() || _teams.isEmpty()) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[removeTeam(" + teamName + ")]: checkTeamOk() = false"); } return; } if (teamPlayersCount(teamName) > 0) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[removeTeam(" + teamName + ")]: teamPlayersCount(teamName) > 0"); } return; } final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamsZ.remove(index); _teamsY.remove(index); _teamsX.remove(index); _teamColors.remove(index); _teamPointsCount.remove(index); _teamPlayersCount.remove(index); _teams.remove(index); _flagSpawns.remove(index); _flagsTaken.remove(index); _flagIds.remove(index); _flagsX.remove(index); _flagsY.remove(index); _flagsZ.remove(index); } public static void setTeamPos(String teamName, L2PcInstance activeChar) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamsX.set(index, activeChar.getX()); _teamsY.set(index, activeChar.getY()); _teamsZ.set(index, activeChar.getZ()); } public static void setTeamPos(String teamName, int x, int y, int z) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamsX.set(index, x); _teamsY.set(index, y); _teamsZ.set(index, z); } public static void setTeamColor(String teamName, int color) { if (!checkTeamOk()) { return; } final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamColors.set(index, color); } public static boolean checkTeamOk() { if (_started || _teleport || _joining) { return false; } return true; } public static void startJoin(L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (!startJoinOk()) { activeChar.sendMessage("Event not setted propertly."); if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[startJoin(" + activeChar.getName() + ")]: startJoinOk() = false"); } return; } _joining = true; spawnEventNpc(activeChar); AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + " (CTF)!"); if (Config.CTF_ANNOUNCE_REWARD) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Reward: " + _rewardAmount + " " + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_rewardId).getName()); } AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Recruiting levels " + _minlvl + " to " + _maxlvl); AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Joinable in " + _joiningLocationName + "!"); } public static void startJoin() { if (!startJoinOk()) { _log.warning("Event not setted propertly."); if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[startJoin(startJoinOk() = false"); } return; } _joining = true; spawnEventNpc(); AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Recruiting levels " + _minlvl + " to " + _maxlvl); AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Joinable in " + _joiningLocationName + "!"); if (Config.CTF_ANNOUNCE_REWARD) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Reward: " + _rewardAmount + " " + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_rewardId).getName()); } } public static boolean startAutoJoin() { if (!startJoinOk()) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[startJoin]: startJoinOk() = false"); } return false; } _joining = true; spawnEventNpc(); AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + " (CTF)!"); if (Config.CTF_ANNOUNCE_REWARD) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Reward: " + _rewardAmount + " " + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_rewardId).getName()); } AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Recruiting levels " + _minlvl + " to " + _maxlvl); AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Joinable in " + _joiningLocationName + "!"); return true; } public static boolean startJoinOk() { if (_started || _teleport || _joining || (_teams.size() < 2) || _eventName.equals("") || _joiningLocationName.equals("") || _eventDesc.equals("") || (_npcId == 0) || (_npcX == 0) || (_npcY == 0) || (_npcZ == 0) || (_rewardId == 0) || (_rewardAmount == 0) || _teamsX.contains(0) || _teamsY.contains(0) || _teamsZ.contains(0)) { return false; } try { if (_flagsX.contains(0) || _flagsY.contains(0) || _flagsZ.contains(0) || _flagIds.contains(0)) { return false; } if ((_flagsX.size() < _teams.size()) || (_flagsY.size() < _teams.size()) || (_flagsZ.size() < _teams.size()) || (_flagIds.size() < _teams.size())) { return false; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return false; } return true; } private static void spawnEventNpc(L2PcInstance activeChar) { L2NpcTemplate tmpl = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_npcId); try { _npcSpawn = new L2Spawn(tmpl); _npcSpawn.setLocx(_npcX); _npcSpawn.setLocy(_npcY); _npcSpawn.setLocz(_npcZ); _npcSpawn.setAmount(1); _npcSpawn.setHeading(_npcHeading); _npcSpawn.setRespawnDelay(1); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(_npcSpawn, false); _npcSpawn.init(); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getStatus().setCurrentHp(999999999); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().setTitle(_eventName); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn()._isEventMobCTF = true; _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().isAggressive(); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().decayMe(); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().spawnMe(_npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getX(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getY(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getZ()); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(_npcSpawn.getLastSpawn(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn(), 1034, 1, 1, 1)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Engine[spawnEventNpc(" + activeChar.getName() + ")]: exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } private static void spawnEventNpc() { L2NpcTemplate tmpl = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_npcId); try { _npcSpawn = new L2Spawn(tmpl); _npcSpawn.setLocx(_npcX); _npcSpawn.setLocy(_npcY); _npcSpawn.setLocz(_npcZ); _npcSpawn.setAmount(1); _npcSpawn.setHeading(_npcHeading); _npcSpawn.setRespawnDelay(1); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(_npcSpawn, false); _npcSpawn.init(); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getStatus().setCurrentHp(999999999); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().setTitle(_eventName); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn()._isEventMobCTF = true; _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().isAggressive(); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().decayMe(); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().spawnMe(_npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getX(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getY(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().getZ()); _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(_npcSpawn.getLastSpawn(), _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn(), 1034, 1, 1, 1)); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Engine[spawnEventNpc(exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } public static void teleportStart() { if (!_joining || _started || _teleport) { return; } if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { if (checkMinPlayers(_playersShuffle.size())) { removeOfflinePlayers(); shuffleTeams(); } else { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Not enough players for event. Min Requested : " + _minPlayers + ", Participating : " + _playersShuffle.size()); return; } } _joining = false; AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Teleport to team spot in 20 seconds!"); setUserData(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(() -> { CTF.sit(); CTF.spawnAllFlags(); for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { if (Config.CTF_ON_START_UNSUMMON_PET) { // Remove Summon's buffs if (player.getPet() != null) { L2Summon summon = player.getPet(); for (L2Effect e1 : summon.getAllEffects()) { if (e1 != null) { e1.exit(); } } if (summon instanceof L2PetInstance) { summon.unSummon(player); } } } if (Config.CTF_ON_START_REMOVE_ALL_EFFECTS) { for (L2Effect e2 : player.getAllEffects()) { if (e2 != null) { e2.exit(); } } } if (player.isMageClass()) { if ((Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS != null) && !Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS.isEmpty()) { for (int i1 : Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS.keys()) { final L2Skill skill1 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(i1, Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS.get(i1)); if (skill1 != null) { skill1.getEffects(player, player); } } } } else { if ((Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS != null) && !Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS.isEmpty()) { for (int i2 : Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS.keys()) { final L2Skill skill2 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(i2, Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS.get(i2)); if (skill2 != null) { skill2.getEffects(player, player); } } } } // Remove player from his party if (player.getParty() != null) { player.getParty().removePartyMember(player); } player.teleToLocation(_teamsX.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsY.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsZ.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF))); } } }, 20000); _teleport = true; } public static boolean teleportAutoStart() { if (!_joining || _started || _teleport) { return false; } if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { if (checkMinPlayers(_playersShuffle.size())) { removeOfflinePlayers(); shuffleTeams(); } else { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Not enough players for event. Min Requested : " + _minPlayers + ", Participating : " + _playersShuffle.size()); return false; } } _joining = false; AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): Teleport to team spot in 20 seconds!"); setUserData(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(() -> { sit(); spawnAllFlags(); for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { if (Config.CTF_ON_START_UNSUMMON_PET) { // Remove Summon's buffs if (player.getPet() != null) { L2Summon summon = player.getPet(); for (L2Effect e1 : summon.getAllEffects()) { if (e1 != null) { e1.exit(); } } if (summon instanceof L2PetInstance) { summon.unSummon(player); } } } if (Config.CTF_ON_START_REMOVE_ALL_EFFECTS) { for (L2Effect e2 : player.getAllEffects()) { if (e2 != null) { e2.exit(); } } } if (player.isMageClass()) { if ((Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS != null) && !Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS.isEmpty()) { for (int i1 : Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS.keys()) { final L2Skill skill1 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(i1, Config.CTF_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS.get(i1)); if (skill1 != null) { skill1.getEffects(player, player); } } } } else { if ((Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS != null) && !Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS.isEmpty()) { for (int i2 : Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS.keys()) { final L2Skill skill2 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(i2, Config.CTF_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS.get(i2)); if (skill2 != null) { skill2.getEffects(player, player); } } } } // Remove player from his party if (player.getParty() != null) { L2Party party = player.getParty(); party.removePartyMember(player); } player.teleToLocation(_teamsX.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsY.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsZ.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF))); } } }, 20000); _teleport = true; return true; } public static void startEvent(L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (!startEventOk()) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[startEvent(" + activeChar.getName() + ")]: startEventOk() = false"); } return; } _teleport = false; sit(); _started = true; StartEvent(); } public static void setJoinTime(int time) { _joinTime = time; } public static void setEventTime(int time) { _eventTime = time; } public static boolean startAutoEvent() { if (!startEventOk()) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[startEvent]: startEventOk() = false"); } return false; } _teleport = false; sit(); AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Started. Go Capture the Flags!"); _started = true; return true; } public static synchronized void autoEvent() { if (startAutoJoin()) { if (_joinTime > 0) { waiter(_joinTime * 60 * 1000); // minutes for join event } else if (_joinTime <= 0) { abortEvent(); return; } if (teleportAutoStart()) { waiter(1 * 30 * 1000); // 30 seconds wait time untill start fight after teleported if (startAutoEvent()) { waiter(_eventTime * 60 * 1000); // minutes for event time finishEvent(); } } else { abortEvent(); } } } private static synchronized void waiter(long interval) { final long startWaiterTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int seconds = (int) (interval / 1000); while ((startWaiterTime + interval) > System.currentTimeMillis()) { seconds--; // here because we don't want to see two time announce at the same time if (_joining || _started || _teleport) { switch (seconds) { case 3600: // 1 hour left if (_joining) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Joinable in " + _joiningLocationName + "!"); AnnounceToPlayers(true, "CTF Event: " + (seconds / 60 / 60) + " hour(s) till registration close!"); } else if (_started) { AnnounceToPlayers(false, "CTF Event: " + (seconds / 60 / 60) + " hour(s) till event finish!"); } break; case 1800: // 30 minutes left case 600: // 10 minutes left case 180: // 3 minutes left case 120: // 2 minutes left case 60: // 1 minute left if (_joining) { removeOfflinePlayers(); AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Joinable in " + _joiningLocationName + "!"); AnnounceToPlayers(true, "CTF Event: " + (seconds / 60) + " minute(s) till registration ends!"); } else if (_started) { AnnounceToPlayers(false, "CTF Event: " + (seconds / 60) + " minute(s) till event ends!"); } break; case 30: // 30 seconds left case 10: // 10 seconds left case 3: // 3 seconds left case 2: // 2 seconds left case 1: // 1 seconds left if (_joining) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "CTF Event: " + seconds + " second(s) till registration close!"); } else if (_teleport) { AnnounceToPlayers(false, "CTF Event: " + seconds + " seconds(s) till fight starts!"); } else if (_started) { AnnounceToPlayers(false, "CTF Event: " + seconds + " second(s) till event ends!"); } break; } } final long startOneSecondWaiterStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // only the try catch with Thread.sleep(1000) give bad countdown on high wait times while ((startOneSecondWaiterStartTime + 1000) > System.currentTimeMillis()) { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } } private static boolean startEventOk() { if (_joining || !_teleport || _started) { return false; } if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE")) { if (_teamPlayersCount.contains(0)) { return false; } } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { Vector<L2PcInstance> playersShuffleTemp = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(); int loopCount = 0; loopCount = _playersShuffle.size(); for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) { if (_playersShuffle != null) { playersShuffleTemp.add(_playersShuffle.get(i)); } } _playersShuffle = playersShuffleTemp; playersShuffleTemp.clear(); // if (_playersShuffle.size() < (_teams.size()*2)){ // return false; // } } return true; } public static void shuffleTeams() { int teamCount = 0, playersCount = 0; for (;;) { if (_playersShuffle.isEmpty()) { break; } final int playerToAddIndex = Rnd.nextInt(_playersShuffle.size()); L2PcInstance player = null; player = _playersShuffle.get(playerToAddIndex); player._originalNameColorCTF = player.getAppearance().getNameColor(); player._originalKarmaCTF = player.getKarma(); _players.add(player); _players.get(playersCount)._teamNameCTF = _teams.get(teamCount); _savePlayers.add(_players.get(playersCount).getName()); _savePlayerTeams.add(_teams.get(teamCount)); playersCount++; if (teamCount == (_teams.size() - 1)) { teamCount = 0; } else { teamCount++; } _playersShuffle.remove(playerToAddIndex); } } public static void setUserData() { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { player.getAppearance().setNameColor(_teamColors.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF))); player.setKarma(0); player.broadcastUserInfo(); } } public static void finishEvent() { if (!finishEventOk()) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("CTF Engine[finishEvent]: finishEventOk() = false"); } return; } _started = false; unspawnEventNpc(); unspawnAllFlags(); processTopTeam(); if (_topScore != 0) { playKneelAnimation(_topTeam); } if (Config.CTF_ANNOUNCE_TEAM_STATS) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + " Team Statistics:"); for (String team : _teams) { AnnounceToPlayers(true, "Team: " + team + " - Flags taken: " + teamFlagCount(team)); } } teleportFinish(); } // show loosers and winners animations public static void playKneelAnimation(String teamName) { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if ((player != null) && player.isOnline() && (player._inEventCTF == true)) { if (player._teamNameCTF.equals(teamName)) { player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(player, 3)); } else { player.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(player, 7)); } } } } private static boolean finishEventOk() { if (!_started) { return false; } return true; } public static void rewardTeam(String teamName) { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { if (player._teamNameCTF.equals(teamName)) { player.addItem("CTF Event: " + _eventName, _rewardId, _rewardAmount, player, true); NpcHtmlMessage nhm = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder(); replyMSG.append("<html><body>Your team wins the event. Look in your inventory for the reward.</body></html>"); nhm.setHtml(replyMSG.toString()); player.sendPacket(nhm); // Send a Server->Client ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance in order to avoid that the client wait another packet player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } } } } public static void abortEvent() { if (!_teleport && !_started) { if (!_joining) { return; } unspawnEventNpc(); cleanCTF(); _joining = false; AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Match aborted!"); return; } _joining = false; _teleport = false; _started = false; unspawnEventNpc(); unspawnAllFlags(); AnnounceToPlayers(true, _eventName + "(CTF): Match aborted!"); teleportFinish(); } public static void sit() { if (_sitForced) { _sitForced = false; } else { _sitForced = true; } for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { if (_sitForced) { player.stopMove(null, false); player.abortAttack(); player.abortCast(); if (!player.isSitting()) { player.sitDown(); } } else { if (player.isSitting()) { player.standUp(); } } } } } public static void dumpData() { _log.warning(""); _log.warning(""); if (!_joining && !_teleport && !_started) { _log.warning("<<---------------------------------->>"); _log.warning(">> CTF Engine infos dump (INACTIVE) <<"); _log.warning("<<--^----^^-----^----^^------^^----->>"); } else if (_joining && !_teleport && !_started) { _log.warning("<<--------------------------------->>"); _log.warning(">> CTF Engine infos dump (JOINING) <<"); _log.warning("<<--^----^^-----^----^^------^----->>"); } else if (!_joining && _teleport && !_started) { _log.warning("<<---------------------------------->>"); _log.warning(">> CTF Engine infos dump (TELEPORT) <<"); _log.warning("<<--^----^^-----^----^^------^^----->>"); } else if (!_joining && !_teleport && _started) { _log.warning("<<--------------------------------->>"); _log.warning(">> CTF Engine infos dump (STARTED) <<"); _log.warning("<<--^----^^-----^----^^------^----->>"); } _log.warning("Name: " + _eventName); _log.warning("Desc: " + _eventDesc); _log.warning("Join location: " + _joiningLocationName); _log.warning("Min lvl: " + _minlvl); _log.warning("Max lvl: " + _maxlvl); _log.warning(""); _log.warning("##########################"); _log.warning("# _teams(Vector<String>) #"); _log.warning("##########################"); for (String team : _teams) { _log.warning(team + " Flags Taken :" + _teamPointsCount.get(_teams.indexOf(team))); } if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { _log.warning(""); _log.warning("#########################################"); _log.warning("# _playersShuffle(Vector<L2PcInstance>) #"); _log.warning("#########################################"); for (L2PcInstance player : _playersShuffle) { if (player != null) { _log.warning("Name: " + player.getName()); } } } _log.warning(""); _log.warning("##################################"); _log.warning("# _players(Vector<L2PcInstance>) #"); _log.warning("##################################"); for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { _log.warning("Name: " + player.getName() + " Team: " + player._teamNameCTF + " Flags :" + player._countCTFflags); } } _log.warning(""); _log.warning("#####################################################################"); _log.warning("# _savePlayers(Vector<String>) and _savePlayerTeams(Vector<String>) #"); _log.warning("#####################################################################"); for (String player : _savePlayers) { _log.warning("Name: " + player + " Team: " + _savePlayerTeams.get(_savePlayers.indexOf(player))); } _log.warning(""); _log.warning(""); _log.warning("**********==CTF==************"); _log.warning("CTF._teamPointsCount:" + _teamPointsCount.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._flagIds:" + _flagIds.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._flagSpawns:" + _flagSpawns.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._throneSpawns:" + _throneSpawns.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._flagsTaken:" + _flagsTaken.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._flagsX:" + _flagsX.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._flagsY:" + _flagsY.toString()); _log.warning("CTF._flagsZ:" + _flagsZ.toString()); _log.warning("************EOF**************"); _log.warning(""); } public static void loadData() { _eventName = new String(); _eventDesc = new String(); _topTeam = new String(); _joiningLocationName = new String(); _teams = new Vector<String>(); _savePlayers = new Vector<String>(); _savePlayerTeams = new Vector<String>(); _players = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(); _playersShuffle = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(); _teamPlayersCount = new Vector<Integer>(); _teamPointsCount = new Vector<Integer>(); _teamColors = new Vector<Integer>(); _teamsX = new Vector<Integer>(); _teamsY = new Vector<Integer>(); _teamsZ = new Vector<Integer>(); _throneSpawns = new Vector<L2Spawn>(); _flagSpawns = new Vector<L2Spawn>(); _flagsTaken = new Vector<Boolean>(); _flagIds = new Vector<Integer>(); _flagsX = new Vector<Integer>(); _flagsY = new Vector<Integer>(); _flagsZ = new Vector<Integer>(); _joining = false; _teleport = false; _started = false; _sitForced = false; _npcId = 0; _npcX = 0; _npcY = 0; _npcZ = 0; _npcHeading = 0; _rewardId = 0; _rewardAmount = 0; _topScore = 0; _minlvl = 0; _maxlvl = 0; _joinTime = 0; _eventTime = 0; _minPlayers = 0; _maxPlayers = 0; Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("Select * from ctf"); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); int teams = 0; while ( { _eventName = rs.getString("eventName"); _eventDesc = rs.getString("eventDesc"); _joiningLocationName = rs.getString("joiningLocation"); _minlvl = rs.getInt("minlvl"); _maxlvl = rs.getInt("maxlvl"); _npcId = rs.getInt("npcId"); _npcX = rs.getInt("npcX"); _npcY = rs.getInt("npcY"); _npcZ = rs.getInt("npcZ"); _npcHeading = rs.getInt("npcHeading"); _rewardId = rs.getInt("rewardId"); _rewardAmount = rs.getInt("rewardAmount"); teams = rs.getInt("teamsCount"); _joinTime = rs.getInt("joinTime"); _eventTime = rs.getInt("eventTime"); _minPlayers = rs.getInt("minPlayers"); _maxPlayers = rs.getInt("maxPlayers"); } rs.close(); statement.close(); int index = -1; if (teams > 0) { index = 0; } while ((index < teams) && (index > -1)) { statement = con.prepareStatement("Select * from ctf_teams where teamId = ?"); statement.setInt(1, index); rs = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { _teams.add(rs.getString("teamName")); _teamPlayersCount.add(0); _teamPointsCount.add(0); _teamColors.add(0); _teamsX.add(0); _teamsY.add(0); _teamsZ.add(0); _teamsX.set(index, rs.getInt("teamX")); _teamsY.set(index, rs.getInt("teamY")); _teamsZ.set(index, rs.getInt("teamZ")); _teamColors.set(index, rs.getInt("teamColor")); _flagsX.add(0); _flagsY.add(0); _flagsZ.add(0); _flagsX.set(index, rs.getInt("flagX")); _flagsY.set(index, rs.getInt("flagY")); _flagsZ.set(index, rs.getInt("flagZ")); _flagSpawns.add(null); _flagIds.add(_FlagNPC); _flagsTaken.add(false); } index++; rs.close(); statement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("Exception: CTF.loadData(): " + e.getMessage()); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public static void saveData() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("Delete from ctf"); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ctf (eventName, eventDesc, joiningLocation, minlvl, maxlvl, npcId, npcX, npcY, npcZ, npcHeading, rewardId, rewardAmount, teamsCount, joinTime, eventTime, minPlayers, maxPlayers) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); statement.setString(1, _eventName); statement.setString(2, _eventDesc); statement.setString(3, _joiningLocationName); statement.setInt(4, _minlvl); statement.setInt(5, _maxlvl); statement.setInt(6, _npcId); statement.setInt(7, _npcX); statement.setInt(8, _npcY); statement.setInt(9, _npcZ); statement.setInt(10, _npcHeading); statement.setInt(11, _rewardId); statement.setInt(12, _rewardAmount); statement.setInt(13, _teams.size()); statement.setInt(14, _joinTime); statement.setInt(15, _eventTime); statement.setInt(16, _minPlayers); statement.setInt(17, _maxPlayers); statement.execute(); statement.close(); statement = con.prepareStatement("Delete from ctf_teams"); statement.execute(); statement.close(); for (String teamName : _teams) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } statement = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO ctf_teams (teamId ,teamName, teamX, teamY, teamZ, teamColor, flagX, flagY, flagZ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); statement.setInt(1, index); statement.setString(2, teamName); statement.setInt(3, _teamsX.get(index)); statement.setInt(4, _teamsY.get(index)); statement.setInt(5, _teamsZ.get(index)); statement.setInt(6, _teamColors.get(index)); statement.setInt(7, _flagsX.get(index)); statement.setInt(8, _flagsY.get(index)); statement.setInt(9, _flagsZ.get(index)); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("Exception: CTF.saveData(): " + e.getMessage()); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } public static void showEventHtml(L2PcInstance eventPlayer, String objectId) { try { NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder(); replyMSG.append("<html><body>"); replyMSG.append("CTF Match<br><br><br>"); replyMSG.append("Current event...<br>"); replyMSG.append(" ... description:&nbsp;<font color=\"00FF00\">" + _eventDesc + "</font><br>"); if (Config.CTF_ANNOUNCE_REWARD) { replyMSG.append(" ... reward: (" + _rewardAmount + ") " + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(_rewardId).getName() + "<br>"); } if (!_started && !_joining) { replyMSG.append("<center>Wait till the admin/gm start the participation.</center>"); } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE") && !checkMaxPlayers(_playersShuffle.size())) { if (!CTF._started) { replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FFFF00\">The event has reached its maximum capacity.</font><br>Keep checking, someone may crit and you can steal their spot."); } } else if (eventPlayer.isCursedWeaponEquipped() && !Config.CTF_JOIN_CURSED) { replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FFFF00\">You can't participate in this event with a cursed Weapon.</font><br>"); } else if (!_started && _joining && (eventPlayer.getLevel() >= _minlvl) && (eventPlayer.getLevel() <= _maxlvl)) { if (_players.contains(eventPlayer) || checkShufflePlayers(eventPlayer)) { if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE")) { replyMSG.append("You are already participating in team <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + eventPlayer._teamNameCTF + "</font><br><br>"); } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { replyMSG.append("You are already participating!<br><br>"); } replyMSG.append("<table border=\"0\"><tr>"); replyMSG.append("<td width=\"200\">Wait till event start or</td>"); replyMSG.append("<td width=\"60\"><center><button value=\"remove\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + objectId + "_ctf_player_leave\" width=50 height=15 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></center></td>"); replyMSG.append("<td width=\"100\">your participation!</td>"); replyMSG.append("</tr></table>"); } else { replyMSG.append("<td width=\"200\">Your level : <font color=\"00FF00\">" + eventPlayer.getLevel() + "</font></td><br>"); replyMSG.append("<td width=\"200\">Min level : <font color=\"00FF00\">" + _minlvl + "</font></td><br>"); replyMSG.append("<td width=\"200\">Max level : <font color=\"00FF00\">" + _maxlvl + "</font></td><br><br>"); if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE")) { replyMSG.append("<center><table border=\"0\">"); for (String team : _teams) { replyMSG.append("<tr><td width=\"100\"><font color=\"LEVEL\">" + team + "</font>&nbsp;(" + teamPlayersCount(team) + " joined)</td>"); replyMSG.append("<td width=\"60\"><button value=\"Join\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + objectId + "_ctf_player_join " + team + "\" width=50 height=15 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"); } replyMSG.append("</table></center>"); } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { replyMSG.append("<center><table border=\"0\">"); for (String team : _teams) { replyMSG.append("<tr><td width=\"100\"><font color=\"LEVEL\">" + team + "</font></td>"); } replyMSG.append("</table></center><br>"); replyMSG.append("<button value=\"Join\" action=\"bypass -h npc_" + objectId + "_ctf_player_join eventShuffle\" width=50 height=15 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"); replyMSG.append("Teams will be randomly generated!"); } } } else if (_started && !_joining) { replyMSG.append("<center>CTF match is in progress.</center>"); } else if ((eventPlayer.getLevel() < _minlvl) || (eventPlayer.getLevel() > _maxlvl)) { replyMSG.append("Your lvl : <font color=\"00FF00\">" + eventPlayer.getLevel() + "</font><br>"); replyMSG.append("Min level : <font color=\"00FF00\">" + _minlvl + "</font><br>"); replyMSG.append("Max level : <font color=\"00FF00\">" + _maxlvl + "</font><br><br>"); replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FFFF00\">You can't participatein this event.</font><br>"); } // Show how many players joined & how many are still needed to join replyMSG.append("<br>There are " + _playersShuffle.size() + " player(s) participating in this event.<br>"); if (_joining) { if (_playersShuffle.size() < _minPlayers) { final int playersNeeded = _minPlayers - _playersShuffle.size(); replyMSG.append("The event will not start unless " + playersNeeded + " more player(s) joins!"); } } replyMSG.append("</body></html>"); adminReply.setHtml(replyMSG.toString()); eventPlayer.sendPacket(adminReply); // Send a Server->Client ActionFailed to the L2PcInstance in order to avoid that the client wait another packet eventPlayer.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Engine[showEventHtlm(" + eventPlayer.getName() + ", " + objectId + ")]: exception" + e.getMessage()); } } public static void addPlayer(L2PcInstance player, String teamName) { if (!addPlayerOk(teamName, player)) { return; } if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE")) { player._teamNameCTF = teamName; _players.add(player); setTeamPlayersCount(teamName, teamPlayersCount(teamName) + 1); } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { _playersShuffle.add(player); } player._inEventCTF = true; player._countCTFflags = 0; } public static synchronized void removeOfflinePlayers() { try { if ((_playersShuffle == null) || _playersShuffle.isEmpty()) { return; } for (L2PcInstance player : _playersShuffle) { if (player == null) { _playersShuffle.remove(player); } else if (!player.isOnline() || player.isInJail()) { removePlayer(player); } if ((_playersShuffle.size() == 0) || _playersShuffle.isEmpty()) { break; } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Engine exception: " + e.getMessage()); return; } } public static boolean checkShufflePlayers(L2PcInstance eventPlayer) { try { for (L2PcInstance player : _playersShuffle) { if ((player == null) || !player.isOnline()) { _playersShuffle.remove(player); eventPlayer._inEventCTF = false; continue; } else if (player.getObjectId() == eventPlayer.getObjectId()) { eventPlayer._inEventCTF = true; eventPlayer._countCTFflags = 0; return true; } // this 1 is incase player got new objectid after DC or reconnect else if (player.getName().equals(eventPlayer.getName())) { _playersShuffle.remove(player); _playersShuffle.add(eventPlayer); eventPlayer._inEventCTF = true; eventPlayer._countCTFflags = 0; return true; } } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } public static boolean addPlayerOk(String teamName, L2PcInstance eventPlayer) { try { if (checkShufflePlayers(eventPlayer) || eventPlayer._inEventCTF) { eventPlayer.sendMessage("You are already participating in the event!"); return false; } if (_players.contains(eventPlayer)) { eventPlayer.sendMessage("You are already participating in the event!"); return false; } for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player.getObjectId() == eventPlayer.getObjectId()) { eventPlayer.sendMessage("You are already participating in the event!"); return false; } else if (player.getName() == eventPlayer.getName()) { eventPlayer.sendMessage("You are already participating in the event!"); return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("CTF Siege Engine exception: " + e.getMessage()); } if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE")) { return true; } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE")) { boolean allTeamsEqual = true; int countBefore = -1; for (int playersCount : _teamPlayersCount) { if (countBefore == -1) { countBefore = playersCount; } if (countBefore != playersCount) { allTeamsEqual = false; break; } countBefore = playersCount; } if (allTeamsEqual) { return true; } countBefore = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int teamPlayerCount : _teamPlayersCount) { if (teamPlayerCount < countBefore) { countBefore = teamPlayerCount; } } Vector<String> joinableTeams = new Vector<String>(); for (String team : _teams) { if (teamPlayersCount(team) == countBefore) { joinableTeams.add(team); } } if (joinableTeams.contains(teamName)) { return true; } } eventPlayer.sendMessage("Too many players in team \"" + teamName + "\""); return false; } public static synchronized void addDisconnectedPlayer(L2PcInstance player) { /* * !!! CAUTION !!! Do NOT fix multiple object Ids on this event or you will ruin the flag reposition check!!! All Multiple object Ids will be collected by the Garbage Collector, after the event ends, memory sweep is made!!! */ if ((Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE") && (_teleport || _started)) || (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE") && (_teleport || _started)))) { if (Config.CTF_ON_START_REMOVE_ALL_EFFECTS) { for (L2Effect e : player.getAllEffects()) { if (e != null) { e.exit(); } } } player._teamNameCTF = _savePlayerTeams.get(_savePlayers.indexOf(player.getName())); for (L2PcInstance p : _players) { if (p == null) { continue; } // check by name incase player got new objectId if (p.getName().equals(player.getName())) { player._originalNameColorCTF = player.getAppearance().getNameColor(); player._originalKarmaCTF = player.getKarma(); player._inEventCTF = true; player._countCTFflags = p._countCTFflags; _players.remove(p); // removing old object id from vector _players.add(player); // adding new objectId to vector break; } } player.getAppearance().setNameColor(_teamColors.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF))); player.setKarma(0); player.broadcastUserInfo(); player.teleToLocation(_teamsX.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsY.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF)), _teamsZ.get(_teams.indexOf(player._teamNameCTF))); Started(player); CheckRestoreFlags(); } } public static void removePlayer(L2PcInstance player) { if (player._inEventCTF) { if (!_joining) { player.getAppearance().setNameColor(player._originalNameColorCTF); player.setKarma(player._originalKarmaCTF); player.broadcastUserInfo(); } player._teamNameCTF = new String(); player._countCTFflags = 0; player._inEventCTF = false; if ((Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("NO") || Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("BALANCE")) && _players.contains(player)) { setTeamPlayersCount(player._teamNameCTF, teamPlayersCount(player._teamNameCTF) - 1); _players.remove(player); } else if (Config.CTF_EVEN_TEAMS.equals("SHUFFLE") && (!_playersShuffle.isEmpty() && _playersShuffle.contains(player))) { _playersShuffle.remove(player); } } } public static void cleanCTF() { _log.warning("CTF : Cleaning players."); for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { if (player._haveFlagCTF) { removeFlagFromPlayer(player); } else { player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("", CTF._FLAG_IN_HAND_ITEM_ID, 1, player, null); } player._haveFlagCTF = false; removePlayer(player); if (_savePlayers.contains(player.getName())) { _savePlayers.remove(player.getName()); } player._inEventCTF = false; } } if ((_playersShuffle != null) && !_playersShuffle.isEmpty()) { for (L2PcInstance player : _playersShuffle) { if (player != null) { player._inEventCTF = false; } } } _log.warning("CTF : Cleaning teams and flags."); for (String team : _teams) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(team); _teamPointsCount.set(index, 0); _flagSpawns.set(index, null); _flagsTaken.set(index, false); _teamPlayersCount.set(index, 0); _teamPointsCount.set(index, 0); } _topScore = 0; _topTeam = new String(); _players = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(); _playersShuffle = new Vector<L2PcInstance>(); _savePlayers = new Vector<String>(); _savePlayerTeams = new Vector<String>(); _teamPointsCount = new Vector<Integer>(); _flagSpawns = new Vector<L2Spawn>(); _flagsTaken = new Vector<Boolean>(); _teamPlayersCount = new Vector<Integer>(); _log.warning("Cleaning CTF done."); _log.warning("Loading new data from MySql"); loadData(); } public static void unspawnEventNpc() { if (_npcSpawn == null) { return; } _npcSpawn.getLastSpawn().deleteMe(); _npcSpawn.stopRespawn(); SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_npcSpawn, true); } public static void teleportFinish() { AnnounceToPlayers(false, _eventName + "(CTF): Teleport back to participation NPC in 20 seconds!"); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(() -> { for (L2PcInstance player : _players) { if (player != null) { if (player.isOnline()) { player.teleToLocation(_npcX, _npcY, _npcZ, false); } else { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET x=?, y=?, z=? WHERE char_name=?"); statement.setInt(1, _npcX); statement.setInt(2, _npcY); statement.setInt(3, _npcZ); statement.setString(4, player.getName()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { _log.warning("CTF Engine exception: " + se.getMessage()); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } } } cleanCTF(); }, 20000); } public static int teamFlagCount(String teamName) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return -1; } return _teamPointsCount.get(index); } public static void setTeamFlagCount(String teamName, int teamFlagCount) { final int index = _teams.indexOf(teamName); if (index == -1) { return; } _teamPointsCount.set(index, teamFlagCount); } /** * Used to calculate the event CTF area, so that players don't run off with the flag. Essential, since a player may take the flag just so other teams can't score points. This function is Only called upon ONE time on BEGINING OF EACH EVENT right after we spawn the flags. */ private static void calculateOutSideOfCTF() { if ((_teams == null) || (_flagSpawns == null) || (_teamsX == null) || (_teamsY == null) || (_teamsZ == null)) { return; } int division = _teams.size() * 2, pos = 0; int[] locX = new int[division], locY = new int[division], locZ = new int[division]; // Get all coordinates inorder to create a polygon: for (L2Spawn flag : _flagSpawns) { locX[pos] = flag.getLocx(); locY[pos] = flag.getLocy(); locZ[pos] = flag.getLocz(); pos++; if (pos > (division / 2)) { break; } } for (int x = 0; x < _teams.size(); x++) { locX[pos] = _teamsX.get(x); locY[pos] = _teamsY.get(x); locZ[pos] = _teamsZ.get(x); pos++; if (pos > division) { break; } } // find the polygon center, note that it's not the mathematical center of the polygon, // rather than a point which centers all coordinates: int centerX = 0, centerY = 0, centerZ = 0; for (int x = 0; x < pos; x++) { centerX += (locX[x] / division); centerY += (locY[x] / division); centerZ += (locZ[x] / division); } // now let's find the furthest distance from the "center" to the egg shaped sphere // surrounding the polygon, size x1.5 (for maximum logical area to wander...): int maxX = 0, maxY = 0, maxZ = 0; for (int x = 0; x < pos; x++) { if (maxX < (2 * Math.abs(centerX - locX[x]))) { maxX = (2 * Math.abs(centerX - locX[x])); } if (maxY < (2 * Math.abs(centerY - locY[x]))) { maxY = (2 * Math.abs(centerY - locY[x])); } if (maxZ < (2 * Math.abs(centerZ - locZ[x]))) { maxZ = (2 * Math.abs(centerZ - locZ[x])); } } // centerX,centerY,centerZ are the coordinates of the "event center". // so let's save those coordinates to check on the players: eventCenterX = centerX; eventCenterY = centerY; eventCenterZ = centerZ; eventOffset = maxX; if (eventOffset < maxY) { eventOffset = maxY; } if (eventOffset < maxZ) { eventOffset = maxZ; } } public static boolean isOutsideCTFArea(L2PcInstance _player) { if ((_player == null) || !_player.isOnline()) { return true; } if (!((_player.getX() > (eventCenterX - eventOffset)) && (_player.getX() < (eventCenterX + eventOffset)) && (_player.getY() > (eventCenterY - eventOffset)) && (_player.getY() < (eventCenterY + eventOffset)) && (_player.getZ() > (eventCenterZ - eventOffset)) && (_player.getZ() < (eventCenterZ + eventOffset)))) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean onItemSummon(L2PcInstance player) { return onItemSummon(player, 0); } /** * Called on every summon item use<br> * <br> * @param playerName as String<br> * @return boolean: true if player is allowed to summon by item, otherwise false<br> */ public static boolean onItemSummon(L2PcInstance player, int itemId) { if (!isStarted()) { return true; } if (_players.contains(player)) { if (itemId < 1) { return false; } /* * switch(itemId) { // this items will be able to summon case 12345: return true; default: return false; } */ } return true; } public static boolean isInactive() { boolean isInactive; synchronized (_state) { isInactive = _state == EventState.INACTIVE; } return isInactive; } public static boolean isStarted() { return _started; } }
  9. uzu

    Erro no CTF

    mano o erro foi no evento q removi d uma source russa e coloquei na minha l2jserver!!! freya o evento estar fucionando normal so n spawn as bandeiras
  10. uzu

    Erro no CTF

    mano eu spawn o npc normal com o msm id q tem no evento !!! tem algo errado e ja n sei oq é pq o evento fucionar normal so n spwan as bandeiras pro ctf
  11. tem certeza ? q abriu as portas direitinho msm ? alguma outra rev fica assim ou so essa q estar usando ? tem q te certeza se as portas tão 100% abertas , pq vc pode te mal configurado o game e login , acho q deve te (telnet ) onde vc vai te q editar tb isso so um chute pq n sei qual rev ta usando pra mim pode lhe ajudar
  12. mano vc abriu as portas pra usa o no ip ?
  13. desculpe-me manda a foto da suas config do game server e login server
  14. uzu

    Erro no CTF

    Seguinte Coloquei esse Evento no meu Servidor Ele roda normal mais n Spawn As bandeiras do ctf !!! so isso n ta fucionando no evento , evento ta 95% so falta isso , espero q alguém me ajude !! ^^ Link do print do erro
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