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Ajuda com quests grandboss e tempo

AllaN b.


Galera to com a duvida, como faço para que o pessoal não precise fazer a quest do Valakas ou Antharas para poder matar, no caso eu vou criar teleport para cada grandboss dentro de seus lair.. gostaria de retirar as quests.. deles.. no caso quando player se teleportasse para o Lair of Valakas ele estivesse vivo o player iria e matava mais seu clan.. depois do tempo de respawn dele o pessoal voltaria, no caso faltando 5 min.. quando aparecesse Valakas Respawn in World.. o boss ja aparecesse.. alguem pode me ajudar?

aqui vai as config dos boss que precisam de quest..


# -----------------

# Antharas -

# -----------------

# If true, the Interlude Script is used, meanwhile if you want new

# script feature (different Antharas Instances since weak to strong

# Antharas as for Freya) just set false

AntharasOldScript = true

# Time to close the entrance after the first teleport the player.

# The value in seconds.

AntharasClose = 1200

# Time to wait until Antharas despawn without fighting it. Value in minutes.


# Time Antharas respawn after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

AntharasRespFirst = 160

AntharasRespSecond = 30

# Wait minutes

AntharasWaitTime = 0

# Antharas Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail





# --------------

# Baium -

# --------------

# Time left Baium into hibernation after the last attack on him.

# The value in seconds.

BaiumSleep = 1800

# Time respawn Bayoumi after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

BaiumRespFirst = 126

BaiumRespSecond = 30

# Baium Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail






# -----------

# Valakas -

# -----------

# Time respawn valakas after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

ValakasRespFirst = 180

ValakasRespSecond = 30

# Time to wait into Valakas lair until his spawn once entered with quest. Value in minutes.


# Time to wait until Valakas despawn without fighting it. Value in minutes.







# --------------------

# Frintezza -

# -------------------

# Frintezza respawn time after the murder. Total time respawn shield as follows:

# The first value + value in the range from 0 up to the second value.

# Value in hours.

FrintezzaRespFirst = 78

FrintezzaRespSecond = 30

# Frintezza Power Multipler

# Default 1.0=retail



# Minimum Parties Number to enter into Frintezza


# Maximum Parties Number to enter into Frintezza


# Bypass Frintezza Enter Parties checks



# Raid Bosses minions will increase them power based on this multiplier

# in this mode: power = retail_power * ((level_diff/10)*LevelDiffMultiplier)

LevelDiffMultiplierMinion = 0.5

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