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ja tentei de tudo e nado funciona sempre q tiro uma tag outra da erro pq em alguem pode mim tira esta duvida




<add val='71' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/>
<add val='71' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/>
<add val='2.0' order='0x10' stat='regHP'/>
<add val='2.0' order='0x10' stat='regCP'/>
<add val='2.0' order='0x10' stat='regMP'/>
<add val='0' order='0x30' stat='giveHP'/>
<add val='1.20' order='0x10' stat='holyVuln'/>
<add val='1.20' order='0x10' stat='cancelvuln'/>
<add val='1.10' order='0x10' stat='stunvuln'/>
<add val='8' order='0x10' stat='bluntwpnvuln'/>
<add val='2' order='0x10' stat='STR'/>
<add val='2' order='0x10' stat='CON'/>
<add val='1' order='0x10' stat='INT'/>
<add val='0.1' order='0x10' stat='DEX'/>
<add val='1.31' order='0x10' stat='maxMP'/>
to querendo fazer umas xmls para um pec de joias q to montando mais nada funfa alquem um help pf desde ja agradeço esta aew e so a primeira obg
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<add val='1.10' order='0x10' stat='giveHP'/> bom amigo esta e a unica q ta dano erro agora eu estava pensando aqui sera q a rev n aceita este tipo de bonus pq eu estou querendo cria uma joias pra ajudar os heales

Tio olha direto do core ->

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Ai tem todos os stats que podem ter nas Skill

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bom o unico jeito q achei de posta foi assim eu sou meio novo nesta area mais ta valendo se tiver errado mim desculpem mais como estao vendo aew deu este erro nesta targ mais quando eu removo ele da o msm erro em outra

Editado por ayslam
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O correto é regHp, regMp, regCp. Vou posta aqui uma lista com vários status xml.



Maximum HP - maxHp
Maximum CP - maxCp
Maximum MP - maxMp
HP Regeneration - regHp
CP Regeneration - regCp
MP Regeneration - regMp
Heal Effectivness - gainHp
Heal Proficiency - giveHp
Heal Bonus - bonusHp

Attack & Defence
Power Defence - pDef
Magic Defence - mDef
Power Attack - pAtk
Magic Attack - mAtk
(Power) Attack Speed - pAtkSpd
(Magic) Attack Speed - mAtkSpd
Magic Reuse - mReuse (how fast spells becomes ready to reuse)
Shield Defence - sDef
Shield Defence Angle - shieldDefAngle
Critical Damage - cAtk
Critical Damage(add) - cAtkAdd ( in a critical attack give you +patk,,,,, example mods:crit power,crit damage SA )

PvP Bonus
Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg
Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg
Physical Skill Dmg. - pvpPhysSkillsDmg

Atk. & Def. rates
Evasion - rEvas
Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas
Shield Rate - rShld
Critical Rate - rCrit
Blow Rate - blowRate
Lethal Rate - lethalRate
Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (mCrit doesn't work!!)
EXP,SP Rate - rExp
Cancel attacks - cancel

Accuracy and Range
Accuracy - accCombat
Attack Range - pAtkRange (for fighters)
Attack Range - mAtkRange (for mages)
Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters)
Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (example:if you use pole you can attack more monster than normal)
Attack Reuse - atkReuse (make bows hit simple hits way slower and will not affect skills)

Run Speed - runSpd
Walk Speed - walkSpd

STR - STR (Physical power,physical skill's crit rate)
DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (such as deadly dlow), shield block rate and run spd)
WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (such as HP regeneration,decreased HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, and decreased effect of heals).
INT - INT (magic dmg)
MEN - MEN (magic defense,max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., concentration)

Resistances, vulnerability
Aggression - aggressionVuln
Bleed - bleedVuln
Poison - poisonVuln
Stun - stunVuln
Paralyze - paralyzeVuln
Hold,Root,ETC. - rootVuln
Sleep - sleepVuln
Confusion -confusionVuln
Movement - movementVuln
fire - fireVuln
wind - windVuln
water - waterVuln
earth - earthVuln
holy - holyVuln
dark - darkVuln
cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills)
debuff - debuffVuln
Critical - critVuln (resistence to Crit dmg.)

Weapon resist
noneWpnVuln - Shields

Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam (pay attention! not reflectDmg!! reflectDam)
Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam
Transfer Damage Percent - transDam
Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic
Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic

Patk/Pdef against monster types:
More patk to giants - pAtk-giants
More patk to undead - pAtk-undead
More pdef against animals - pDef-animals
More pdef against monsters - pDef-monsters

Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit
WH. Limit - whLimit
Freight L. - FreightLimit
Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit
Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit
Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit
Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit

Consume Rates
Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate
Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate
Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate
Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate
Mp. Consume - MpConsume
Soulshot count - soulShotCount

Skill mastery
Skill mastery - skillMastery


Editado por zpac
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O correto é regHp, regMp, regCp. Vou posta aqui uma lista com vários status xml.




Maximum HP - maxHp

Maximum CP - maxCp

Maximum MP - maxMp

HP Regeneration - regHp

CP Regeneration - regCp

MP Regeneration - regMp

Heal Effectivness - gainHp

Heal Proficiency - giveHp

Heal Bonus - bonusHp


Attack & Defence

Power Defence - pDef

Magic Defence - mDef

Power Attack - pAtk

Magic Attack - mAtk

(Power) Attack Speed - pAtkSpd

(Magic) Attack Speed - mAtkSpd

Magic Reuse - mReuse (how fast spells becomes ready to reuse)

Shield Defence - sDef

Shield Defence Angle - shieldDefAngle

Critical Damage - cAtk

Critical Damage(add) - cAtkAdd ( in a critical attack give you +patk,,,,, example mods:crit power,crit damage SA )


PvP Bonus

Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg

Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg

Physical Skill Dmg. - pvpPhysSkillsDmg


Atk. & Def. rates

Evasion - rEvas

Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas

Shield Rate - rShld

Critical Rate - rCrit

Blow Rate - blowRate

Lethal Rate - lethalRate

Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (mCrit doesn't work!!)

EXP,SP Rate - rExp

Cancel attacks - cancel


Accuracy and Range

Accuracy - accCombat

Attack Range - pAtkRange (for fighters)

Attack Range - mAtkRange (for mages)

Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters)

Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (example:if you use pole you can attack more monster than normal)

Attack Reuse - atkReuse (make bows hit simple hits way slower and will not affect skills)



Run Speed - runSpd

Walk Speed - walkSpd



STR - STR (Physical power,physical skill's crit rate)

DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (such as deadly dlow), shield block rate and run spd)

WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (such as HP regeneration,decreased HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, and decreased effect of heals).

INT - INT (magic dmg)

MEN - MEN (magic defense,max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., concentration)


Resistances, vulnerability

Aggression - aggressionVuln

Bleed - bleedVuln

Poison - poisonVuln

Stun - stunVuln

Paralyze - paralyzeVuln

Hold,Root,ETC. - rootVuln

Sleep - sleepVuln

Confusion -confusionVuln

Movement - movementVuln

fire - fireVuln

wind - windVuln

water - waterVuln

earth - earthVuln

holy - holyVuln

dark - darkVuln

cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills)

debuff - debuffVuln

Critical - critVuln (resistence to Crit dmg.)


Weapon resist

noneWpnVuln - Shields














Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam (pay attention! not reflectDmg!! reflectDam)

Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam

Transfer Damage Percent - transDam

Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic

Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic


Patk/Pdef against monster types:


More patk to giants - pAtk-giants

More patk to undead - pAtk-undead

More pdef against animals - pDef-animals

More pdef against monsters - pDef-monsters



Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit

WH. Limit - whLimit

Freight L. - FreightLimit

Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit

Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit

Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit

Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit


Consume Rates

Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate

Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate

Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate

Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate

Mp. Consume - MpConsume

Soulshot count - soulShotCount


Skill mastery

Skill mastery - skillMastery



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