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Respawn de boss




Alguem pode me ajudar a configurar os respawn dos boss??

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# MinRespawn - the minimum time boss respawn
# MaxRespawn - the maximum time to respawn



# Grandboss Configuration's
# All times are specified in minutes, if not more, Total for all
# MinRespawn - the minimum time boss respawn
# MaxRespawn - the maximum time to respawn
# ActivityTime-the active time boss
# MinSleepTime-the minimum sleep time boss, if it isn't killed during the activity
# MaxSleepTime-the maximum time to "sleep" boss, if it isn't killed during the activity
QuestRequired = True

# Queen Ant
QueenAntEnabled = True
QueenAntMinRespawn = 1200
QueenAntMaxRespawn = 1440

# Maximum stay in the nest 
QueenAntMaxSafeLevel = 48

# The Number Of Royal Guard. ATTENTION! Number of Guard issued via spawn sheet
QueenAntNumberOfGuards = 8

# The Number Of Ant Nurses
QueenAntNumberOfNurses = 6

# Core
CoreEnabled = True
CoreMinRespawn = 1440 
CoreMaxRespawn = 2880

# The Number Of Succeptors and Death Knight guarding the Core for each type)
CoreNumberOfGuards = 4

# Zaken __IGROVOE__ time (hours) to open doors, separated by a space
# For example, to open the door twice a day, at midnight and noon ZakenDoorOpenHour = 0 12
ZakenEnabled = True
ZakenDoorOpenHour = 0

# The time in minutes at which the door opens
ZakenDoorOpenTime = 5
ZakenMinRespawn = 2880
ZakenMaxRespawn = 2990

# Maximum level players in the zone-Zaken
ZakenMaxLevelInZone = 69

# Orfen
OrfenMinRespawn = 1440
OrfenMaxRespawn = 2880

# Sailren _has no time to sleep, and if not killed for SailrenActivityTime
# At the end of The entrance to the nest is available immediately
# Whether to Sailren one player
SailrenEnabled = True
SailrenEnableSinglePlayer = False
SailrenMinRespawn = 1440
SailrenMaxRespawn = 2880

# Time, through which will be mobs
SailrenIntervalOfMonsters = 5
SailrenActivityTime = 40

# Antharas
AntharasEnabled = True
AntharasMinRespawn = 15840
AntharasMaxRespawn = 16200

# Release the large-scale entry into the Lair is allowed
AntharasArrivedTime = 30
AntharasActiveTime = 120

# The Number Of players that would be left weak antharas
AntharasWeakPlayers = 20

# The Number Of players that would have left the average antharas
AntharasMiddlePlayers = 50
AntharasMinSleepTime = 120
AntharasMaxSleepTime = 240

# The time will spawlist Behemot Dragon
AntharasIntervalOfBehemoth = 5

# Valakas
ValakasEnabled = True
ValakasMinRespawn = 11520
ValakasMaxRespawn = 12960
ValakasActiveTime = 120
ValakasArrivedTime = 20

# "Capacity" of the cave
ValakasLairCapacity = 500
ValakasMinSleepTime = 120
ValakasMaxSleepTime = 240

# Baium _as well, if not killed for baium
# Baium Active Time it's available immediately
# Room entrance permitted until attack are done
BaiumEnabled = True
BaiumMinRespawn = 7200
BaiumMaxRespawn = 7680
BaiumActiveTime = 50
BaiumNoAttackTime = 20

# Van Halter
VanHalterActiveTime = 360

# The time the doors open at the altar
VanHalterTimeOfLockUpDoorOfAltar = 3

# Periodicity of door opening
VanHalterIntervalOfDoorOfAlter = 90

# Preparing for battle
VanHalterAppearanceTime = 1

# The time allotted for the fight with him
VanHalterFightTime = 120
VanHalterMinRespawn = 2880
VanHalterMaxRespawn = 3600

# The Number Of protection
VanHalterRoyalGuardCount = 6

# Time of respawn protection
VanHalterRoyalGuardInterval = 1

# Frintezza _as well as Sailren and Baium, if not killed, frintezza available
# Again to complete time activity
FrintezzaEnabled = True
FrintezzaMinRespawn = 2880
FrintezzaMaxRespawn = 2990
FrintezzaActiveTime = 60



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O que exatamente você quer?
é fácil, os números são baseados em minutos, você edita o tempo mínimo e o máximo e ele vai dar spawn nesse meio tempo.

Every second is the time to change everything forever.
- Charles Chaplin.


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