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[RAIDBOSS SPAWN]Alguem me explica como mudar o tempo de respawn dos boss ?



Cara ja configure os drop dos meus boss do jeito que eu queria,mas so qu agora eu queria aprender como deixa os respaw dos boss,vo deixa um exemplo, o boss nasce 12 hrs depois de morto entre 12 e 15 hrs.. ( Valakas,antharas,galaxi,Ember,Tirak,Uruka,Golkonda..ETC) vlw ae...

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olha la nas configs axo que e assim


# Antharas


# Properties of fight with Antharas.



# Interval time of Antharas.

# Value is minute. Range 5-20160

FixIntervalOfAntharas = 11520

RandomIntervalOfAntharas = 8640


# Delay of appearance time of Antharas.

# Value is minute. Range 5-60

AppTimeOfAntharas = 10


# Activity time of Antharas.

# Value is minute. Range 120-720

ActivityTimeOfAntharas = 120


# Type of Antharas subjugation.

# If setting 'True'. The change in the power of Antharas doesn't occur.

OldAntharas = False


# Limitation value to change power of Antharas by number of players in Antharas's lair.

# --Notes--

# Weak: LimitOfWeak >= Players

# Normal: LimitOfWeak < Players <= LimitOfNormal

# Strong: Players > LimitOfNormal

# if LimitOfWeak >= LimitOfNormal then LimitOfNormal = LimitOfWeak + 1

# Weak

LimitOfWeak = 299

# Normal

LimitOfNormal = 399


# Interval time for spawn of Antharas's minions.

# Value is minute. Range 1-10

# Behemoth Dragon

# Weak

IntervalOfBehemothOnWeak = 8

# Normal

IntervalOfBehemothOnNormal = 5

# Strong

IntervalOfBehemothOnStrong = 3

# Dragon Bomber

# Weak

IntervalOfBomberOnWeak = 6

# Normal

IntervalOfBomberOnNormal = 4

# Strong

IntervalOfBomberOnStrong = 3


# Whether it moves at random after Antharas appears is decided.

MoveAtRandom = True



# Baium


# Properties of fight with Baium.



# Interval time of Baium.

# Value is minute. Range 5-12960

FixIntervalOfBaium = 7200

RandomIntervalOfBaium = 5760


# Activity time of Baium.

# Value is minute. Range 120-720

ActivityTimeOfBaium = 120


# Whether it moves at random after Baium appears is decided.

MoveAtRandom = True




# Sailren


# Properties of fight with sailren.



# Whether to enable the entry of a single player.

EnableSinglePlayer = False


# Interval of spawn of next Sailren.

# Value is minute. Range 5-2880

FixIntervalOfSailrenSpawn = 1440

RandomIntervalOfSailrenSpawn = 1440


# Interval of spawn of next monster.

# Value is minute. Range 1-10

IntervalOfNextMonster = 1


# Activity time of monsters

# Value is minute. Range 120-720

ActivityTimeOfMobs = 120




# Valakas


# Properties of fight with Valakas.



# Interval time of Valakas.

# Value is minute. Range 5-20160

FixIntervalOfValakas = 11520

RandomIntervalOfValakas = 8640


# Delay of appearance time of Valakas.

# Value is minute. Range 5-60

AppTimeOfValakas = 20


# Activity time of Valakas.

# Value is minute. Range 120-720

ActivityTimeOfValakas = 120


# Limit of the number of the player that can enter into the lair of Valakas.

# Range 9-360

CapacityOfLairOfValakas = 200


# Whether it moves at random after Valakas appears is decided.

MoveAtRandom = True




# High Priestess van Halter.


# Properties of fight against High Priestess van Halter.



# Interval time of High Priestess van Halter.

# Value is second. Range 300-864000

# Time of the interval is decided at random between FixIntervalOfVanHalter and FixIntervalOfVanHalter+RandomIntervalOfVanHalter.

FixIntervalOfHalter = 172800

RandomIntervalOfHalter = 86400


# Delay of appearance time of High Priestess van Halter.

# Value is second. Range 5-60

AppTimeOfHalter = 20


# Activity time of High Priestess van Halter.

# Value is second. Range 7200-86400

ActivityTimeOfHalter = 21600


# Time of fight against High Priestess van Halter.

# Value is second. Range 7200-21600

FightTimeOfHalter = 7200


# Count and interval of Royal Guard Helper calling.

# Count Range 1-6

CallRoyalGuardHelperCount = 6

# Value is second. Range 1-60

CallRoyalGuardHelperInterval = 10


# Interval of opening and shutting of Door Of Altar.

# Value is second. Range 60-5400

IntervalOfDoorOfAlter = 5400


# Time of lock to Door Of Altar after intruder is detected.

# Value is second. Range 60-600

TimeOfLockUpDoorOfAltar = 180

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