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Base: L2Phoenix

Rev: 7181


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Rev liberada para os russo.

Valor Atual do Projeto + de 900 dólares.

Não testei ainda.


Fix List

+ Add the table (save points teleport).

* Fixed mobs and RB in the Far East and LOA: HP regen and droplist is now close to the official server.

* Fixed other mobs with inflated HP regen.

* Edit Skills Skill Mastery: Now has a chance to double the buff and debuff.

* Edit Package NewCharacterSuccess: do not take the empty profiles for causing the error with the new engine player.

+ Komentam

* Call the announcement of the restart for servera 1800-900-600-300-240-180-120-60-50-40 seconds until the restart, with the multiplication

* Fixed the skill Exessive Royality: put only Soumont not on pets.

* Fix community / page now displays clan if the clan above the 2nd lvl.

+ The implementation of detailed CV bafery configs.

+ The implementation of conservation vkladak teleports Community Board.

* Fixed a problem with high speeds in bows and crossbows (very slow fire as very fast). Set the correct parameter reyuza arrows on official server. with bows and a half seconds, a crossbow 0.82 seconds. Depends directly on the rate of attack, reduced overcharge only bow / crossbow with CA. Quick Recovery

+ Html for service maintaining the teleporter - Multi-lingual support.

* Offe given only 10 points in the contest receive Nobles and beginning of each week.

+ Added config to preserve TP points, multipliers songs / dance / special buffs (Cove, POF, etc.), configs teleporter.

+ Config:

+ Offe to buy part of the Lords of Dawn for 50k adena.

+ Added config: limit song / dance, max and max triggers debuffs on your character.

+ Added config: Prevent attacks pet owner.


* First, consider the odds and fines drop, and then add the experience (lvl) character. (Offlayk)

* Fix Konsum MP in Fake Death (ID: 60).

* Fixed server boot (after the values ​​can not put spaces)

* Added a point in bbs_teleports.xml

+ Added to the opening of the Central Bank konditiony

+ Added configuration for these konditionov

+ Added dots to cast komyuniti teleports.

* Fixed loading tree learning skills.

* Rewrote engine teleports in kommuniti (Now pages are generated from xml files and more safer for protection).

* We fill kofnig kommuniti.

* The ability to study skills "Collect Star Stones" by double click. TODO: find out why the system output 4. chat messages.

+ Added a separate configuration for kommuniti.

* Many of the values ​​in the custom kommuniti delivered in config.

* Append functions for TA kommuniti.

Edit dialog for the service purchase PA.

* Work on custom komunnitti. (Fix, added service for the purchase of PA).

+ Temporary folder.

* Revisions to custom kommuniti.

+ Blanks PvP Community.

* Small reformatizatsiya kommuniti.

* Started reworking functions evolve.

* Launched evolve functions in the clan halls.

~ Trying not to use it, made lousy. Do at the highest level.

* Distance from the mob and the player to trigger UD not 200 but 150.

* Fix NPE.

* Fix kommuniti could have problems with custom handlers.

* Small reformatizatsiya some xml files.

- Remove unwanted multiselki - raid Bijan for koalas (?)

* 8403 Elegia Armor Set -> gives +127.4 to crit instead of +12.74 (client error)

* Reformatizatsiya language player.

+ Added config, you can take the language of the client.

* Fix class changes through command / / setclass, also makes it possible to change the class via Alt + G.

+ Implemented GM command to remove immediately all skill on the target.

* Fixed changing sex of the character. Previously has not been updated in DB.

* Small reformatizatsiya procedures getPet ()> getServitor ().

+ Added two new types of skill points target has TARGET_PET, TARGET_SUMMON. Old TARGET_PET renamed TARGET_SERVITOR.

* Fixed Servitor Share (ID = 1557), it is applied only to the summons. Earlier superimposed on pets.

* Extractable an item with capsuled ... you are using does not write ...

* Correct sorting spawn squares.

* Fixed dialogue ride in the admin.

+ Implementation noob scroll TA Kamael Village.

* Fix Rush Impact.

* Fix. |

* Offe crit rounded, not truncated shot part. |

* Revisions to LevelModifier, now take the statistical values ​​from the table (offlayk). |

+ We take into account default type of attack.

* Bonus MP from itemization added after all the buffs and multipliers.

* Edit the basic stats on official server.

* Base stats that are included in the functions read in Double.

* Edit by a Persian official server.

* Wrong, offlayk implementation weight limit.

+ Implemented a new PlayerTemplate.

* Fix.

* Cleaning.

* Calculate the weight limit on the official server.

* Article CON also affects the duration of breathing underwater.

+ Implemented accounting bonus weight limit depending on the level of the character. |

* Formatting. |

* A global revision of basic tournament after incl. and off. throws on the admin panel.

* Tournament Rules: The wrong way to CML files.

+ Blanks into the kernel for Events - "Hero chat".

+ Config to Events - "Hero chat"

+ Implemented using class_data (Now the data are taken from the statistical tables, not formulas. Offlayk). |

- Get rid of unnecessary tables, classes, etc. |

* Fixed a char. |

+ Parser for class_data.

* Reformatizatsiya list of classes. |

* Professor Reformatizatsiya names and races in the kernel. name> String.toUpperCase (name)

+ Blanks census PlayerTemplate.

* Fix Abnoralov.

* Fixed effects Event "April Fools."

* Made by grinding offu. Now for sharpening weapons 7 and above on 15, will be the visual effects (fireworks), and with armor with +6.

* Fixed a formula for opening chests official server.

* Treasure Chest re-spawn in 1.5 - 2 hours.

* Fixed an error in the log file does not exist in the NPC = zero.




Roar 6925:


* Edit points itemov Mall. Introduced an additional column to replenish through the site. Otherwise, after rejoining the game filled up points would disappear.

* When kommuniti off, do not use it handlers.

* Fix base address.

* Fix GvG tournament is not triggered if disabled.

* Fix sharpening, missing file.

+ Added the ability to use an item for akkauntskie Points Mall. With one account, you can use some Points on any game server.

* Item is formatting. |

* Pars with the script parameter capsuled_items. |

* Implementing capsuled_item, now working all items from which climbs by double-clicking an item yet. |

* Finish the Book Mark Teleport. |

* Fix. |

* Fix statty force physical skills (previously SKILL_POWER force multiplier was skill, and should be stattom). |

* Fix Secondary Password Auth. |

+ Implemented new mascots (Talisman - CON, Talisman - DEX, etc. ..). |

* Offe auction epics are given with sharpening +5. |

* New mascots on Olympus do not work. |

* Updated dialogs in competition Buffer (The High Five). |

* Fixed NPE when loading friends list player. |

* When repaire throw things in your inventory. And then comes out with the DUP heroic weapons. |

* Fixed NPE when follou. |

+ Added bonuses for sharpening shirts Olf at +10. |

* Inserted plug. Now the server will not start if the server is enabled and the client secondaryAuth off. |

* Move configs Secondary Password Auth to another config

* Fix startup.

* Append the new system optimizations. Now, each scroll is configured separately. (Offlayk)

* Olf can be sharpened up to +10. |

* Edit packages for the most recent client's High Five. |

* Edit check the password SecondaryPasswordAuth. |

* Edit logging in SecondaryPasswordAuth (use slf4j). |

+ Implemented Secondary Password Auth. |

* Fix NPE.

* Fix dyupa through crystals in the POI. (The purchase price was less than the offer).

* Cleaning.

* Updated some of the dialog on official server.

* Fix kondishona in potione to change hairstyles.

* If the conditions are not met using this ability, then attack and all actions of the character interrupted (offlayk).

* Cleaning.

+ Added kondishon on the floor of the character.

* Fix colors to replace styles (men can not make a non-existent Babskii hairstyle for yourself.)

+ Implementation of configuration options chat "Disable replica NPC."

* Recent changes to an item mall. (Offe, products that have been removed from the market, in the history vseravno displayed with the "Sale expired")

- The excess is not used for browsing.

Removed extra spawn Item Broker, it is now only in Giran, Aden, Rune.

* The "hidden object" in Item Broker is moved to the config, you can now disable.

* When the server starts, when there was an attempt to use auctions Item Broker, do not write the date for the next auction, and just write that this is not the period of the auction.

* Priest of Blessing no longer sells Nevita voice and an hourglass.

* Type of announcements about restarteotklyuchenii server can now be configured in the config

* Offlayk configs.

* Fix download your product sales in an item mall.

-Fix - download server item-mall.xml; Removed obscure date in 2009.

+ List of products in an item mall made by Ruoff (Freya).

* The standard base loaded in UTF-8 encoding.

+ Added ignoring working folders compiler.

+ Added table and a handler for the variable account.

+ Added config to shut Voiced Commands (. ****).

* Settings Item-Mall rendered with configs item-mall.xml.

+ Implemented tab in Item-Mall "recently purchasing goods."

* Fix dyupa.

Editado por tuningxtreme

Projeto privado Lindvior - Ertheia

Source Godworld.

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  • 2 months later...

eu tenho a rev

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
9335 se interessar alguem, n me perguntem sobre nada, baixar la do max****

Campanha não transforme lineage em mu


"Sharing Compiled,preconfigured server packs brings more noobs!!!" Is true...

Se inveja mata, se suicide

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  • 3 weeks later...

Essa rev. só não está perfeita pois o cara que crackeou ela, removeu o "Secondary Auth" pra vender na sua própria.


Pois a rev. original tem todos os recursos porém não liga com ip externo, por conta da ativação...

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh

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Dá uma olhada no que tá rolando...

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Mais abaixo, esse erro especifica uma string nula:


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


A versão dessa rev. sem crack" não dá erro algum.. além das outras milhares com esse recurso.

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh

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  • 10 months later...

Dá uma olhada no que tá rolando...

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Mais abaixo, esse erro especifica uma string nula:


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


A versão dessa rev. sem crack" não dá erro algum.. além das outras milhares com esse recurso.


A respeito de não da erro tudo bem , mais isso impede a questão de max players online ? outra duvida , essa rev permite uma boa quantidade maxima de players online ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Não testei essa questão da quantidade, nem li muito a respeito, mas existem outras com a mesma base, inclusive com esse erro solucionado só é preciso uma peneirada! Uma dica é o projeto First Team que tem até source boiando por aí.

The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh

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