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  1. No lineage cr tem mark of good so que eu nao estou achando ele eu tenho ke fazer ele como ke ée?Alguem pode me dar um caminho.
  2. e a porcentagem??? por exemplo colocar nas weapons 50 % de ele enchantar como fasso isso?
  3. meu enchant vai até +13 direito. eu kero diminuir as chançes de enchant como ke fasso??
  4. Como ke eu fasso para os players fazerem as quest da 1 job da 2 job da 3 job.. Eu tenho ke abilitar algum scriptt?
  5. Estou quase fora de giran so que está dando zona de paz, qnd eu atako como tiro ela?
  6. como fasso pra desativar a penalidade de peso. to por fora ajuda ai.
  7. quando eu uso a grade s,grade a , no nivel 10 ou nv 20 ou nv 1 esses equipamento usam de boa nem pesa nem fica lento fica normal e isso está muito errado como eu concerto isso??
  8. meu Sever dando restart sozinho apos uns 15 minutos de jogo Como ke eu arrumo isso?
  9. Alguem sabe um npc que indica um player novato a upar exemplo vc seleciona o npc o player e lvl dai ele indica qual area upar e assim por diante alguem tem?
  10. Quando eu colocar lvl 20 no notepad e salva.depois que eu criar meu char em vez de ir pro lvl 20 ele sobe mais 2 lvl automaticamente e vai pro lvl 22. dai eu crio outro char do mesmo e vai pro lvl 24. e assim adianta. ele fica pulando 2 level quando eu crio um char ta doido isso. olha meu script. [spoiler] [code] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Settings - L2EmuProject # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================================== # WARNING WARNING # =========================================================================== # Those settings can modify the behaviour of your server. # Your server will NOT be as retail servers. # # Those settings are useful if you own some special server # or really small server. # NOTE : "true" to enable "false" to disable. # =========================================================================== # Show Server Name in Various Places # "L2EmuProject" by default, but feel free to change to your server name ServerName = Lineage II # Allow L2Emu Management? # Default: False AllowGui = False # Allow server welcome message? # Default: False AllowServerWelcomeMessage = False # You must allow server welcome message! # Default: Welcome to my Server! ServerWelcomeMessage = W # Allow screen welcome message? # Default: False AllowScreenWelcomeMessage = False # Screen welcome message... # Default: Welcome to my Server! ScreenWelcomeMessage = # Screen welcome message time... (millsecond) # Default: 5000 ScreenWelcomeMessageTime = 5000 # Allow new character title? # Default: False AllowNewCharacterTitle = False # You must allow new character title! # Default: Newbie NewCharacterTitle = Newbie # Announce to player how many players online server has when enter game. # Default: False OnlinePlayersAtStartup = False # Interval that server will announce online players (0 = disabled) # Default: 0 OnlinePlayersAnnounceInterval = 0 # Allow Grade Penalty? # Default: True AllowGradePenalty = False # Max enchant for GMs... # Default: 65535 GMMaxEnchant = 65535 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # L2J Banking System # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable/Disable Banking System # Default: False BankingEnabled = True # The Goldbar item Id. # Default: 3470 BankingGoldbarId = 3470 # Amount of Goldbars a player gets when they use the ".deposit" command. Also the same amount they will lose with ".withdraw". # Default: 1 BankingGoldbarCount = 1 # Amount of Adena a player gets when they use the ".withdraw" command. Also the same amount they will lose with ".deposit". # Default: 500000000 BankingAdenaCount = 500000000 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # L2J Custom Level Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the starting level of the new character. # Default: 1 StartingLevel = 20 # This is the amount of SP that a new character starts their character with. # Default: 0 StartingSP = 500 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Warehouse Sorting # Shows Withdraw Window sorted by ItemType (Armor/Weapon/Spellbook....) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False EnableWarehouseSortingClan = False # Default: False EnableWarehouseSortingPrivate = False # Default: False EnableWarehouseSortingFreight = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Subclass Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If true, previous skills will not be removed when you change your subclass. # This is an unbalanced option. This is not recommend. # But if you want to use it, enable only one subclass. # Default: False AltSubclassSkills = False # Allow player to take any sub-class without any restriction. # Including Warsmith and Overlord. # Default: False AltSubClassAllClasses = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name and Title Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default name color? # Default: FFFFFF - White DefaultNameColor = FFFFFF # Default title color? # Default: FFFF77 - Half Blue DefaultTitleColor = FFFF77 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Donator Section (Premium Users) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: 00CCFF - Orange DonatorNameColor = 00CCFF # Default: 00CCFF - Orange DonatorTitleColor = 00CCFF # Donator welcome message... # Default: Welcome back to our server! Enjoy your stay! DonatorWelcomeMessage = Welcome back to our server! Enjoy your stay! # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clan Leader Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable Clan Leader color? # Default: False ClanLeaderColorEnabled = False # Show Clan Leader color at clan level? # Default: 0 ClanLeaderColorClanLevel = 0 # Name color? # Default: 00FF00 ClanLeaderNameColor = 00FF00 # Title color? # Default: FFFF77 ClanLeaderTitleColor = FFFF77 # Announce castle lords on enter game? # Default: False AnnounceCastleLords = False # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Castle Siege # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Castle Siege Every Week? # default: False SiegeEveryWeek = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom PvP Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Announce PVP / PK Kills # Default: False AnnouncePkPvp = True # Default: False AnnouncePkPvpNormalMessage = true # PK message template # variables: $killer, $target AnnouncePkMsg = $killer matou $target # PvP message template # variables: $killer, $target AnnouncePvpMsg = $killer derrotou $target # ------------------- # PvP Reward System # ------------------- # Default: False AllowPvpReward = False # Default: 57 PvpRewardItemId = 57 # Default: Adena PvpRewardItemName = Adena # Default: 100 PvpRewardAmount = 5000000 # PvP Name/Title Color system AllowPvPColorSystem = false # PvP Amounts # Default: 50 PvpAmount1 = 50 # Default: 100 PvpAmount2 = 100 # Default: 150 PvpAmount3 = 150 # Default: 250 PvpAmount4 = 250 # Default: 500 PvpAmount5 = 500 # Name Colors # Default values: FFFFFF NameColorForAmount1 = FFFFFF NameColorForAmount2 = FFFFFF NameColorForAmount3 = FFFFFF NameColorForAmount4 = FFFFFF NameColorForAmount5 = FFFFFF # Title Colors # Default values: FFFF77 TitleColorForAmount1 = FFFF77 TitleColorForAmount2 = FFFF77 TitleColorForAmount3 = FFFF77 TitleColorForAmount4 = FFFF77 TitleColorForAmount5 = FFFF77 # Enable chat filter? # Default: False UseChatFilter = False # Replace illegal words with following chars. # Default: *** ChatFilterChars = *** # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Potions Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: True AllowManaPotions = True # Mp recovery for mana potion (ID 728) # Lvl1 - 100MP, lvl2 - 250MP # Lvl3 - 500MP, lvl4 - 750MP # Lvl5 - 1000MP # Default: 1 ManaPotionLevel = 5 # Default: False DisablePotionsInPvp = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Hellbound Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False EnterHellBoundWithoutQuest = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Load Tutorial Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False DisableLoadTutorial = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Valid Over Enchant Settings # There the character into the world of the items with greater charm than allowed. # Experimentation Custom - Test # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False AllowValidEnchant = False # Default: False AllowValidEquipItem = False # Default: False DestroyEnchantItem = False # Type of punishment set in the options.ini # Default: False PunishPlayer = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Status Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow custom status commands? # Commands: # .away : Set player to AFK status, player sit down and cannot move. # .dnd : Do not disturb status player cannot receive PMs. # .back : Back from custom status. # Default: False AllowStatusCommands = True # Away status colors... # Default values: 000000 AwayNameColor = 00CCFF AwayTitleColor = 00CCFF # Do not disturb status colors... # Default values: FF0000 DndNameColor = FF0000 DndTitleColor = FF0000 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PK Protection # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disables attacking char if the attacker's level minus victim's level is over # specified difference and the victim is not flagged and does not have Karma. # For example, if you want to disable PK'ing chars that are more than 20 levels # below attacker's level, set the value to 20. If victim is in party then the # highest level of the party is used for the comparison, not the level of the # victim. Characters are not protected if in mutual war with attacker or if in # siege or player versus player zone or if in party with somebody who has mutual war with # attacker. The conditions are set this way to prevent abusal of low level chars. # Setting the value to 0 disables the feature. # Default: 0 DisableAttackIfLvlDifferenceOver = 20 # If char is in area where average mob level is above player's level plus this # number, the attack protection is disabled. This is to prevent low level chars # abusal. This feature works only if DisableAttackIfLvlDifferenceOver is greater # than zero. # Default: 15 DisableProtectionIfInAreaLvlOver = 15 # If player has more than specified number of PKs in the monitored period, # he/she is automatically punished. If set to zero, this feature is disabled. # Values below are used only if this settings is greater than zero. # Default: 0 PunishPKPlayerIfPKsOver = 0 # For what period the PKs should be monitored. (in seconds) # Default: 3600 PKMonitorPeriod = 3600 # Type: jail # Default: jail PKPunishmentType = jail # Punish period in seconds, 3600 second is one hour. # Default: 3600 PKPunishmentPeriod = 3600 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXP Gain Command # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow EXP On/Off command? # Usage: .expon, .expoff, .xpon, .xpoff # Default: False AllowExpGainCommand = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special Commands # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow Special commands? # Usage: .offensive, .defensive # Offensive: +20% P/M.Atk -20% P/M.Def # Defensive: -20% P/M.Atk +20% P/M.Def # Default: False AllowSpecialVoicedCommands = False # Level chance configuration for Soul Crystals... # Default: 32 AltSoulCrystalLevelChance = 32 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Password Change Command # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow password change command? # Usage: .password # Default: False AllowChangePasswordCommand = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database Custom Tables # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: True CustomSpawnlistTable = True # Option to save GM spawn only in the custom table. # Default: True SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = True # Option to delete spawn in alternate table. # Default: True DeleteGmSpawnOnCustom = True # Default: True CustomNpcTable = True # Default: True CustomItemTables = True # Default: True CustomArmorSetsTable = True # Default: True CustomTeleportTable = True # Default: True CustomDroplistTable = True # Default: True CustomMerchantTables = True [/code] [/spoiler]
  11. Seguinte em char templates tem a lista de todos os char so que eu nao estou conseguindo achar do kamael alguem pode me ajudar a expecificar esse nomee?
  12. Brother uma vez eu configurei no navicat ke o cara me ensinou. so que eu eskeci.
  13. Eu me lembro dentro do navicat tinha so que eu eskeci algum sabe onde fica?
  14. Como ke eu fasso pra todos os char quando nascerem ,nascerem no centro de giran??
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