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[Interlude] Pré-Configurado L2j2010

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Antes de Tudo Dando os Creditos dos Config do Projeto L2j2010

Bom Galera venho Postar Mais Um Servidor Meu [ADM]-InSaNo Aki

Eu Usei A Rev L2JBrasil Revisao 1726 E Fiz Um Bom Uso Dela Ao Meu Modo de Ver Espero q Gostem...






Phx enchant

Max CP Exploit

Multisell Enchant Exploit

Phx Chat Exploit

Pet Enchant Exploit Fix

Protecao Contra GM Corrupto

Over Enchante

Warehouse Enchant Exploit Fix





Gm Shop

Craft Shop

Gatekeeper Global


NPC Buffer



Enchant Rates


Safe : +4

Max : +16

Blessed Enchant: 10

Normal Enchant: 1






Set Vesper Crystal = Iniciante ja nace com ela

Set Moirai = 2 Melhor Do Jogo Prorem nao Prus em NPC

Set Vesper Green = TOP = Melhor Do Jogo Para Player





Armas Epic = Iniciante Em Adena

Armas Vesper Cruder = 2 Melhor Do Jogo Nao Esta em Npc

Armas Freya = TOP = Melhor Do Jogo Para Player Nao Donator






Tatto 1 a 6 = Free

Joias 3 Sets Freya Stats Um Poco A Mais Que Joias Grade S






Todos Os Sets Configrados

Todos Os Sets Estão Configurados Um Acima Do Outro Com Poco Status





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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



Creditos Pelo Preconfigurado e Customizacao: [ADM]-InSaNo qual quer problema e so postar ak q eu resolvo ow tento

Editado por ..::InSaNo::..

Novo Servdor Venha conferir


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melhor nem mentir ne mano se eu te disse esta tudo ok e mentira ate hoje o projeto esta com alguns defeitos mais o basico do erro msm esta sendo so orc estao quase q imortais e so rebalancear pq nao tenho certeza se esta e a rev q eu rebalanciei pq so deste serve eu tenho uns 30 cada um eu fis de uma forma.... (rev muinto boa recomendo usem e abusem esquecam a moderacao de lado) kkkkkkkkk


qual quer coisa e so add [email protected] q ajudo...

Editado por ..::InSaNo::..

Novo Servdor Venha conferir


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Veio servidor muito Bom. Muito bom msmo cara, Parabens vocc e fera, Vou testar ele aqui e talves eu Jogue seu Server, eu ja Entrei no Site ;]

Pouco Custom File, Parabens Mesmo ^^


Outra coisa eu vi nas Prints que os Itens estao aparecendo assim: "NoItemName" Ta faltando alguma textura, Animations Ow systexture ?

Ve ae tbm ;]

Editado por MeninOKamaSutrA
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Isso nao é falta de nada, isso pode ser erro em alguma linha no 'itemname-e' que si localiza na system !




Scotin : Meu post te agradou? Si nao te agradou voce apaga e me manda um Mp falando que vai me banir ! Vlw amigao !

Editado por kinho!

Eu Apoio!


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Heim O server rodo Blz, so que quando eu vou Buffar nao aparece os Buffs no Char, so aparece que "Voce pode sentir o Efeito "Buff", Entendeu ? e Outra nao Custom esse Server ?

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Blz vou fazer isso, E o server e de Drop ?


Outra coisa ve uma coisa pra mim ae, Ta dando kick aqui, eu ja colokei EnchantKick 65535 nao sei o que fazer agr ve a pra mim

Editado por MeninOKamaSutrA
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# Enchant Settings #



# % Chance of succeeding to enchant an item when it has a chance of breaking

EnchantChanceWeapon = 100

EnchantChanceArmor = 100

EnchantChanceJewelry = 100


# Chance a Crystal Enchant Scroll will succeed after safe enchant.

EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal = 100

EnchantChanceArmorCrystal = 100

EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal = 100


# Chance a Blessed Enchant Scroll will succeed after safe enchant.

EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed = 100

EnchantChanceArmorBlessed = 100

EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed = 100


# Enchant limit [default = 0 (unlimited)]

EnchantMaxWeapon = 30

EnchantMaxArmor = 12

EnchantMaxJewelry = 12


# If EnchantSafeMax is set to for Ex '8' the item will be safely enchanted to '8'

# regardless of enchant chance(default = 3 for EnchantSafeMax and default = 4 for EnchantSafeMaxFull)

# EnchantSafeMaxFull is for full body armor (upper and lower)



EnchantSafeMax = 4

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4


# EnchantHeroWeapons

# This will allow enchanting hero weapons

# Default: False

EnchantHeroWeapons = False


# -------------------------------------------------------------------#


# -------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Protection against Corrupt GMs! #

# This protection will ban both GM and Edited character #

# if a GM tries to enchant a NON GM player above the below value. #

# Over Enchant Protection #

# Enable/Disable Over Enchant Protection #

# -------------------------------------------------------------------#

OverEnchantProtection = True

GMOverEnchant = 65535


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

# EnchantMaxAllowed is if any player has bigger enchant gets banned. #

# EnchantMax is what max value can be put by scrols. #

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

EnchantMaxAllowedWeapon = 30

EnchantMaxAllowedArmor = 12

EnchantMaxAllowedJewelry = 12


# If player isn't Gm and has items with Enchant Over +65535 he will be kicked.

# set the maximum value, default 65535.

EnchantKick = 65535


# =============================== #

# Increase Dwarfs Enchant Chances #

# =============================== #

# Enable Dwarfs Enchant Bonus

EnableDwarfEnchantBonus = False


# Dwarfs Enchant Minimum Level

DwarfEnchantMinLevel = 80


# How More Chance is Added To Enchant

DwarfEncahntBonus = 15


# Alternative Enchant Value.

# Instead of enchanting with a scroll 1 by 1

# the scroll will be enchanting by the value u've set.

# Example: if value 5 from 5 will go to 10 and from 10 to 15

AlternativeEnchantValue = 1



Ae Cara... EW o Buff la tbm nao deu Certo a mesma coisa

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# Enchant Settings #



# % Chance of succeeding to enchant an item when it has a chance of breaking

EnchantChanceWeapon = 100 <-- isso e 100% nao quebra nao

EnchantChanceArmor = 100

EnchantChanceJewelry = 100


# Chance a Crystal Enchant Scroll will succeed after safe enchant.

EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal = 100 <-- isso e 100% nao quebra nao

EnchantChanceArmorCrystal = 100

EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal = 100


# Chance a Blessed Enchant Scroll will succeed after safe enchant.

EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed = 100 <-- isso e 100% nao quebra nao

EnchantChanceArmorBlessed = 100

EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed = 100


# Enchant limit [default = 0 (unlimited)]

EnchantMaxWeapon = 30 <-- este e o maximo de enchantes q play pode enchantar

EnchantMaxArmor = 12

EnchantMaxJewelry = 12


# If EnchantSafeMax is set to for Ex '8' the item will be safely enchanted to '8'

# regardless of enchant chance(default = 3 for EnchantSafeMax and default = 4 for EnchantSafeMaxFull)

# EnchantSafeMaxFull is for full body armor (upper and lower)



EnchantSafeMax = 4

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4


# EnchantHeroWeapons

# This will allow enchanting hero weapons

# Default: False

EnchantHeroWeapons = False


# -------------------------------------------------------------------#


# -------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Protection against Corrupt GMs! #

# This protection will ban both GM and Edited character #

# if a GM tries to enchant a NON GM player above the below value. #

# Over Enchant Protection #

# Enable/Disable Over Enchant Protection #

# -------------------------------------------------------------------#

OverEnchantProtection = True

GMOverEnchant = 65535


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

# EnchantMaxAllowed is if any player has bigger enchant gets banned. #

# EnchantMax is what max value can be put by scrols. #

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

EnchantMaxAllowedWeapon = 30

EnchantMaxAllowedArmor = 12

EnchantMaxAllowedJewelry = 12


# If player isn't Gm and has items with Enchant Over +65535 he will be kicked.

# set the maximum value, default 65535.

EnchantKick = 65535


# =============================== #

# Increase Dwarfs Enchant Chances #

# =============================== #

# Enable Dwarfs Enchant Bonus

EnableDwarfEnchantBonus = False


# Dwarfs Enchant Minimum Level

DwarfEnchantMinLevel = 80


# How More Chance is Added To Enchant

DwarfEncahntBonus = 15


# Alternative Enchant Value.

# Instead of enchanting with a scroll 1 by 1

# the scroll will be enchanting by the value u've set.

# Example: if value 5 from 5 will go to 10 and from 10 to 15

AlternativeEnchantValue = 1


do jeito q ta ak e so dar rr no servidor


Novo Servdor Venha conferir


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sim o link das fotos esta junto la em cima pq sou novo em post de forum entao nao sei por Shots ai deixei um album no orkut e so dar uma olhadinha

Editado por ..::InSaNo::..

Novo Servdor Venha conferir


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pow mano tem vesper black nao tem vesper moirai o jeito mais facil de vc achar os items e pega rum file edit e abrir o itemname da system la tem todos os itens q eu pus no servidor sem problema nao e burrice perguntar nao sempre q tiver duvida e so faalr q agente tenta ajudar.

Novo Servdor Venha conferir


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