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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/18 em Posts

  1. examples: [Hidden Content] - weapongrp _001t - fist _002t - dagger or pole _004t - sword _005t - staff / blunt two hand _006t - two sword _007t - sword mace mystic _008t - bow _010t - rapier EnchantGlow.enchant10_001t EnchantGlow.enchant10_002t EnchantGlow.enchant10_004t EnchantGlow.enchant10_005t EnchantGlow.enchant10_006t EnchantGlow.enchant10_007t EnchantGlow.enchant10_008t EnchantGlow.enchant10_010t EnchantGlow.enchant12_001t EnchantGlow.enchant12_002t EnchantGlow.enchant12_004t EnchantGlow.enchant12_005t EnchantGlow.enchant12_006t EnchantGlow.enchant12_007t EnchantGlow.enchant12_008t EnchantGlow.enchant12_010t EnchantGlow.enchant14_001t EnchantGlow.enchant14_002t EnchantGlow.enchant14_004t EnchantGlow.enchant14_005t EnchantGlow.enchant14_006t EnchantGlow.enchant14_007t EnchantGlow.enchant14_008t EnchantGlow.enchant14_010t EnchantGlow.enchant15_001t EnchantGlow.enchant15_002t EnchantGlow.enchant15_004t EnchantGlow.enchant15_005t EnchantGlow.enchant15_006t EnchantGlow.enchant15_007t EnchantGlow.enchant15_008t EnchantGlow.enchant15_010t EnchantGlow.enchant17_001t EnchantGlow.enchant17_002t EnchantGlow.enchant17_004t EnchantGlow.enchant17_005t EnchantGlow.enchant17_006t EnchantGlow.enchant17_007t EnchantGlow.enchant17_008t EnchantGlow.enchant17_010t EnchantGlow.enchant4_001t EnchantGlow.enchant4_002t EnchantGlow.enchant4_004t EnchantGlow.enchant4_005t EnchantGlow.enchant4_006t EnchantGlow.enchant4_007t EnchantGlow.enchant4_008t EnchantGlow.enchant4_010t EnchantGlow.enchant7_001t EnchantGlow.enchant7_002t EnchantGlow.enchant7_004t EnchantGlow.enchant7_005t EnchantGlow.enchant7_006t EnchantGlow.enchant7_007t EnchantGlow.enchant7_008t EnchantGlow.enchant7_010t EnchantGlow.enchant4 EnchantGlow.enchant7 EnchantGlow.enchant10 EnchantGlow.enchant12 EnchantGlow.enchant14 EnchantGlow.enchant15 EnchantGlow.enchant17 Show in the video at the top [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  2. Recomendo o Intellij! Melhor programa em questão de velocidade, processamento e etc! Bem mais ágil e não consome tanta memória quanto o Eclipse.
    1 point
  3. Isso é config do server , gameserver\config\ # Server SDamageN = False SDamageC = False
    1 point
  4. por acaso você esta com o modo GM Invulnerável? Se tiver não vai ter efeito tem que ficar vulnerável ,eu testei aqui antes de posta e funcionou normalmente.
    1 point
  5. <skill id="2279" levels="3" name="Herb of Mana"> <!-- Lvl 2 is Greater Herb of Mana Lvl 3 is Superior Herb of Mana --> <table name="#power"> 12 350 100 </table> <set name="power" val="#power" /> <set name="hitTime" val="100" /> <set name="staticHitTime" val="true" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="2000" /> <set name="skillType" val="MANAHEAL" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <set name="isPotion" val="true" /> <cond msgId="113" addName="1"> <player flying="False" /> </cond> </skill> Assim ela vai restaurar 350,caso queira troca ela depois é só mudar na linha <table name="#power"> 12 350 100 </table> onde esta em vermelho
    1 point
  6. Para compilar vou precisar da svn snv vns vsn kkkkkk se sabe oq ou só com a rev eu já concigo colocar ?
    1 point
  7. E provável que você já tenha conseguido. Mais caso alguém venha procurar vai ta aqui:
    1 point
  8. vai aqui aqui onde esta selecionado e click ao lado onde esta a seta vai esta 1000 coloca pra 99999999999999 e procura simples
    1 point
  9. pelo Navicat exemplo Valakas ID 29028 em DropList vai na pagina 27 e que ta la
    1 point
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