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Sobre Victor_ScB

Victor_ScB's Achievements

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Aprendiz de Novato (1/14)



  1. descuido meu :P vo ve se hoje vai rolar agora! jaja eu volto aqui e edito valeu
  2. ola, uso essa rev: [Hidden Content] editei a olly pra 18h como consta no arquivo abaixo, porém o povo n ta sendo teleportado e n começa o evento. tem que fazer algo mais? precisa compilar tb? atentem que configurei pra premiar de 15 em 15 dias. #=======================================================# # Oly Settings # #=======================================================# # Pack: l2jfrozen Site: # #=======================================================# # Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18) # Default: 18 AltOlyStartTime = 18 # Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour. # Default: 00 AltOlyMin = 00 # Olympiad Competition Period, Default 6 hours. # (If set different, should be increment by 10mins) # Default: 21600000 AltOlyCPeriod = 21600000 # Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes. # Default: 360000 AltOlyBattle = 360000 # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week # Used for adding points to nobles # Default: 604800000 AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000 # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours. # Default: 86400000 AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000 # Required number of participants for Classed and Non-Classed matches, Default 5 & 9 AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5 AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 9 # Olympiad battle winner reward for class and non-class games.. # Default: 6651 (Gate Pass) AltOlyBattleRewItem = 6651 # Reward for class battle Default: 50 AltOlyClassedRewItemCount = 50 # Reward for non-class battle Default: 50 AltOlyNonClassedRewItemCount = 30 # Rewards for battle # Minimum points for exchanges "nobless gate pass", default is 50 AltOlyMinPointForExchange = 50 # ID prizes, 6651 (Gate Pass) AltOlyCompRewItem = 6651 # Rate to exchange points to reward item. AltOlyGPPerPoint = 1000 # Noblesse points awarded to Heros. # Like L2OFF is 100 AltOlyHeroPoints = 100 # Restrict specified items in Olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated with a comma (ex. 1,200,350) AltOlyRestrictedItems = 0 # Allow events during Olympiad period AllowEventsDuringOly = True # Recharge skills before match starts and after match ends # Default: False AltOlyRechargeSkills = False # Remove all cubics from the player that enter on Olympiad stadium # C4 patch note: Summons/Cubics do not disappear but are moved to the tournament arena together with their masters. # Default: False RemoveCubicOlympiad = False # Olympiad Managers announce each start of fight. # Like L2OFF is False AltOlyAnnounceGames = False # Active Olympiad log AlyOlyLogFights = False # Allow on Olympiad the use of the Augment # Like L2OFF is True AltOlyAugmentAllow = True # The winners are updated only after the end of the Olympiad period # Like L2OFF is True AltOlyShowMonthlyWinners = True # Set the number of hero for each class # Retail = 1 AltOlyNumberHerosEachClass = 1 # Disable skills during Olympiad # Retail = 0 AltOlyRestrictedSkills = 0 # Move player to arena countdown # Like L2OFF is 120 AltOlyTeleportCountDown = 120 # You can decide if enable custom period setting feature. Once enabled, # Alt Oly period: MONTH/DAY/WEEK # es. 2weeks-->AltOlyPeriod=WEEK and AltOlyPeriodMultiplier=2 AltOlyUseCustomPeriodSettings= True AltOlyPeriod = WEEK AltOlyPeriodMultiplier = 2
  3. Uso essa REV aqui pessoal : [Hidden Content] tipo, como eu libero pros ip iguais conseguir ir nos TVT, ctf etc? eles logam normal no server, mas alegam que nesses eventos são block.
  4. muito util mesmo amigo ! ja to usando em meu website.
  5. Galera, to montando um server interlude PVP 500x qual seria a melhor config. do drop de itens quando um PK for morto ? e outra coisa, itens donatados tem como por alguma proteção pra eles nao droparem ? obrigado, sou novato em server de l2 !
  6. ola, to usando essa rev aki [Hidden Content] não achei o html que edita esse texto na hora de logar: o outro de já logado eu achei ( welcome html ) esse ai nao :P alguem ajuda?
  7. ta dand erros ao ligar o loginserver. to criando meu primeiro sv de l2 rs olha o erro : [Hidden Content] eu uso mysql 6.0 java SDK 7 ( o 8 nao roda em win xp ) to criando em um win xp sp3 de inicio, pra depois por em vps . alguem ajuda ? OBS: ja instalei a database sem nenhum erro
  8. Resolvi o problema, instalei o mysql 5.1 desse topico [Hidden Content] agora ligou :D uma duvida, esse server aqui tem proteção de phx etc?
  9. ta dand erros ao ligar o loginserver. to criando meu primeiro sv de l2, seguindo tutorial que tem aqui rs olha o erro : [Hidden Content] eu uso mysql 6.0 java SDK 7 ( o 8 nao roda em win xp ) to criando em um win xp sp3 de inicio, pra depois por em vps . alguem ajuda ? OBS: ja instalei a database sem nenhum erro
  10. Agora reclamam muito aqui da Stun e outras que pegam sempre ! parece que tá 100 % como edito a % ?
  11. Olá, muitos estão reclamando no meu server dos MAGOS tão falando que o dano ta muito alto, e as outras classes tem muito pouco mdef. Você num disse que ta balançeado ? :(
  12. ótima rev. botei os buff pra 5 horas, mas tem uns que duram 15 minutos ! aki ta assim : SkillDurationList = 264,21600;265,21600;266,21600;267,21600;268,21600;\ 269,21600;270,21600;304,21600;305,1200;306,21600;308,21600;349,21600;\ 363,21600;364,21600;365,21600;529,21600;271,21600;272,21600;273,21600;274,21600;\ 275,21600;276,21600;277,21600;307,21600;309,21600;310,21600;311,21600;\ 366,21600;530,21600;765,21600;1035,21600;1043,21600;1044,21600;1062,21600;\ 1077,21600;1078,21600;1085,21600;1204,21600;1036,21600;1045,21600;1048,21600;\ 1086,21600;1240,21600;1242,21600;1243,21600;1388,21600;1397,21600;1389,21600;336,21600;\ 1356,21600;1007,21600;1006,21600;1009,21600;1251,21600;1252,21600;1253,21600;\ 1284,21600;1308,21600;1309,21600;1310,21600;1390,21600;1391,21600;1362,21600;\ 1363,21600;1413,21600;1355,21600;1303,21600;1087,21600;1259,21600;1059,21600;\ 305,21600;1268,21600;1040,21600;1068,21600;4700,21600;4702,21600;4703,21600;4699,21600;1323,21600;\ e mesmo assim tem buff de minutos, pq ?
  13. Uma duvida, nesta rev 650 , o frintezza jah ta fixado ou ja foi antes ? e + uma coisa, parabéns pelo projeto :D Abraços.
  14. Como assim, o Tvt do Teon não funciona ? ou ta bugado ?
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