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Sobre bosc0

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Aprendiz de Novato

Aprendiz de Novato (1/14)



  1. Boa Noite, não pude deixar de reparar que não comentaram sobre as dyes dos kamaels... essa eh mais uma duvida enorme minha^^ abraço e belo post!
  2. Pessoal, primeiramente parabéns pelo exelente fórum, mas vim aqui para fazer um PEDIDO, estou jogando em um server EPILOGUE e reparo que não est á completo meu jogo aqui... n sei se eh a system, se eh animations, textures ou sei la mais o que pode ser.. só sei que não aparece os "icones" desde quando clica em "OPTIONS" ali na hora de relogar e talz, nem mesmo alguns (quase tds) skills na hora de enchantar... alguém poderia postar o link para solucionar esse probleminha?? PS.: ja restaurei o L2 no PC e instalei alguns patch's mas n adiantou.. Aguardo resposta.. Obrigado!
  3. Estou hospedando ele em casa...uso roteator... já tirei os ":" de onde me falaram... o site ja esta on... [em contrução não repare algum apetrecho feio.. breve mudará!] mas ainda to me quebrando... =( tipo o hamaski crio uma conecção mas eu so mando ping e nao recebo.. Obs.: fui na casa de um amigo testar.. o l2 entra até a parte de login.. ai quando coloca senha e login e da "entrar" ele da uma leve travadinha q seria o normal quando loga mas n loga e volta ao normal e n da erro nem nada... e no serve n da sinal de conexão nem nada...
  4. eu configurei os dados asim... server This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server. # Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # - Questions? => http:\\\forum\ # # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit [Hidden Content] # =================================================================================================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs GameserverHostname = GameserverPort = 7777 # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * ExternalHostname = # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * InternalHostname = # The Loginserver host and port LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = # This is the server id that the gameserver will request (i.e. 1 is Bartz) RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server if the requested id is allready reserved AcceptAlternateID = True # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = MaximumDbConnections = 100 # Datapack root directory, defaults to current directory from which the server is started # DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack # Define character name template # Example to use only : CnameTemplate=[A-Z][a-z]{3,3}[A-Za-z0-9]* # will allow names with first capital letter, next three small letters, # and any (capital or not) letter or number, like ZbigN1eW # Most rational to have CnameTemplate=[A-Z][a-z]* # meaning names only of letters with first one capital, like Zbigniew # Default .* - any namy of any symbols CnameTemplate = .* PetNameTemplate = .* # Maximum number of chars per account - Default 7 (0 = unlimited [7 is the client limit]) CharMaxNumber = 7 # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. MaximumOnlineUsers = 1000 loguin serv # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit [Hidden Content] # =================================================================================================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname = # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname = # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginserverHostname = LoginserverPort = 2106 # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned LoginTryBeforeBan = 10 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) LoginBlockAfterBan = 600 GMMinLevel = 100 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginHostname = # The port on which login will listen for GameServers LoginPort = 9014 # If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = true # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown # It is highly recomended for Account Seciurity to leave this option as defalut (True) ShowLicence = True # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = telnet Telnet is disabled by default. EnableTelnet = false #This is the port telnet server will bind to StatusPort = 12345 #If the following is not set, a random password is generated on server startup. #StatusPW = somePass #This list can contain IPs or Hosts of clients you wish to allow. #Hosts must be resolvable to an IP. #The format is as follows: #ListOfHosts =,host,,host2,host3,host4, #Make sure there are no spaces between hosts/ips ListOfHosts =,localhost ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=Entry.unr Host= Portal= MapExt=unr EXEName=l2.exe SaveExt=usa Port=7777 Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter IsL2NetLogin=True IsL2Console=True IsL2Seamless=True IsL2Projector=True ISL2Mark=2 ForceAspectRatio=False AspectRatio=1.334 IsDefaultShaodw=False IsUnderWaterEffect=False IsUseCommand=True L2VersionCheck=false IsL2MemLog=False L2ThreadFilter=1 L2TestServer=false EnablePurgeLevel=True SharedSky=True L2MaxPawnResourceLoad=1.0 L2UseKeyCrypt=false L2UseReplayManager=true EnableSecondWindow=true IsUseXMLUI=True [L2WaterEffect] ColorReference=(A=180,R=38,G=56,B=64,RR=150) EffectResolution=512 [LanguageSet] Language=0 [FontSet] ;Font=L2Font.Japan ;Glyph=Japan.gly Font=L2Font.gulim Glyph=gulim.gly [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=10000 nao sei o que tem de erado eu consigo loga mas meu amigo nao consegue... plz alguem ajuda ai... ajudem ai por favor estou com o site pronto e td mais.. mas n consigo colocar on o server para os players entrarem!
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