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L2JFROZEN 1118 (Custom) Projecto X

Posts recomendados

Acima De Todos Os Creditos Sao Para : MARCOS - SAYAN :onda:


Eu adicionei o Custom e também o equilibra as classes em um 99 &


Dynasty Armor

Dynasty Weapons
Assasiant Armor (Only GM)
Custom Shiels



Fixed NPEs

Fixed NPoly zone bug
Fixed Damage zone hits only players
Fixed exploit with packet CannotMoveAnymore
Fixed Topzone votereward (thanks Amnesia)
Fixed admin edit command ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Fixed MoveOnAttack task
Fixed L2Protector works also for summon and not only for players
Fixed Topzone votereward bug
Fixed bug with delete on custom table
Fixed NPE during deposit on wh clan
Fixed Raid boss database update.
Fixed exploit with healing outside baium lair.
Fixed HP/MP Heal shouldnt heal through invulnerability state.
Fixed DropItem flood protector config load.
Fixed Oath/Apella armor usable always by Gm player.
Fixed clan log.
Fixed NPE about alliance.
Fixed weight getMaxLoad formula like L2OFF.
Fixed bug with varka/ketra about summon taking aggro by monster
Fixed bug with Mage/Warrior bane that dont delete all buffs. (like OL/WC buffs)
Fixed register Olympiad and VoiceCommand
Fixed login NPE exception
Fixed private store bug. Incorrect display selled item after cancel trade
Fixed backstab on monsters. Issue: the AI rotates before the skill is finished.
Fixed bug with archer skill and move
Fixed bug with auto attack after skill
Fixed Summon attack request bug
Fixed Summon follow his owner after using skills (Now continue auto attacking)
Fixed lag issue with monster
Fixed multisell list with corrected sell/buy information
Fixed global task load
Fixed shield block
Fixed quest Enhance Your Weapon
Fixed dagger skills Type=Blow Success Critical Sound thx OnaHa
Fixed Adventurers Box: Hair Accessory and Pollen item
Fixed Bluff skill
Fixed Pagan Temple gatekeepers
Fixed weight getMaxLoad formula like L2OFF.
Fixed skill Arcane Power Like L2OFF.
Fixed skill Focus Skill Mastery Like L2OFF.
Fixed skill Accuracy Like L2OFF.
Fixed buff stats of Symbol of Sniper skill like L2OFF.
Fixed quest Proof Of Clan Alliance
Fixed quest 621_EggDelivery
Fixed quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery
Fixed skill Summon Feline King like L2OFF
Fixed skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn like L2OFF
Fixed skill Summon Spectral Lord like L2OFF
Fixed skill Mystic Immunity like L2OFF
Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF
Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF
Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF
Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF
Fixed skill War Frenzy like L2OFF
Fixed skill Shock Stomp like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed skill Mass Fear like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed skill Mass Gloom like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed skill Erase like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed Item Skill: Magic Barrier like L2OFF.
Fixed Monument of Heroes HTML for Noble characters.
Fixed quest 7000_HeroItems like L2OFF.
fixed spawn protection removed on player move (Bug target NPC and use attack)
Fixed champion mobs HP.
Fixed issue with small and grater CP potion, couldnt be used at the same time.
Fixed offline trade
Fixed signet skill effect not working.
Fixed spawn protection removed on player move (Bug target NPC and use attack).
Fixed quest Proof Of Clan Alliance
Fixed players cant hit team mates on event.
Fixed time for connection check.
Added config to GM color name and title
Added Olympiad debug config
Added debug for zones
Added configuration for participation of AIO in events
Added useful logs to Olympiad System in order to discover possible issues
Added check client Z coordinate instead of server z to avoid exploit killing Zaken from others floor.
Added DB cleaner in order to remove from table if reuse_time = 0
Added checks in order to avoid possible sell/buy tricks
Added config to enable/disable client flood protector
Added debug log for olympiad crash (added custom logger to do this)
Added Paagrio fist on buff count
Added command //l2jfrozen for Admin.
Added new config for CleanDBTask delay. Changed some logs.
Added html monument of heroes like L2OFF
Added L2OFF weight penalty formula
Added core support to lvl 79 & 80 enchant.
Added login server checks to avoid double clients connected
Added freight inventory check to avoid possible duplication items exploit
Added class EffectMpConsumePerLevel
Added XMLRPC Management Service to support TestServer autoRestart feature
Added XMLRPC Configuration details;
Added two platform gameserver restart scripts
Added config ally template
Added mobs id 27181 can teleport players near cabrio Like L2OFF
Added the use of reuseHashCode in order to get the reuse of the skill both based on its level and its id.
Added skill Mortal Strike to enchant skill list
Added skill Major Group Heal to enchant skill list
Added skill Summon Swoop Cannon to enchant skill list
Added skill Aura Flash to enchant skill list
Added skill Summon Nightshade to enchant skill list
Reworked enchant skill trees like Intelude retail
Reworked of Queen Ant AI.
Updated source version to 1.7 compliance.
Updated observer mode
Updated MMOCore Source. (thanks L2jserver)
Deleted unused directory 622_DeliveryOfSpecialLiquor
Deleted unuseful Broadcast Messages to improve system Scalability
Deleted custom script load by default
Deleted unused web services (PayStream, SMS, etc)
Deleted old folder of ANT build
Deleted effect teleport protection. (bad broadcast to all players)
Deleted fortress npc from npc.sql and spawnlist.sql (NOT INTERLUDE FUTURE)
Deleted useless broadcastUserInfo.
Renamed netcore config class to avoid issue with general config class (TODO: should be merged with general config class)
Some check and clean up
Checked some skills like L2OFF
Refactored loggers



Mods adc


Town War
Races On War
Evento monument statuet
Kill The Mob
Siege Reward
crayze rate


Clan Full
Barakiel Nobless
Barakiel Nobless Party
Abri as porta de serpuchers
Wyvern protection'sEvent
Restart System
Camera effect on die
Skill Seller
Npc Augment Item
Remove All itens Subclass
Show Npc Crest
Day To Siege
Mana Potion MP Res
Alt New Char Buffs
New Char Title Color
New Char Name Color
VIP System
AIO System
rate SKILLS CHANCES .Malaria,Flu,Cholera,Rheumatism
PvPs para Montar uma Lojinha
Players Normais Usarem Armas de Heros
Mod AIO CLAN SELLER Npc Exclusivo
Mod Fast Augment Npc
Mod Siege Register Npc
Mod NPC Boss Info
Advanced PvP / PK Color System
Core Npc Buffer
Flag Zone
Correção Announce PvP/ Pk
Time Load Npc Server
Universal Enchants
Não perder os buffs após o restart


Personal Character Password Protection
Enchant Protection
[Trade Protect] Party, Combate, na Água, no Barco
Bots Prevenções{Ant BOT}
Armor Equipment Restriction
weapons Equipment Restriction
Restrição de Login
Usar ou não dragões nas cidades.
Anti Phx Warehouse
Olympiad Skill Protect
Proibir AIO em Olympiadas
Restriçao de Aiox fora da Cidade
Proibir uso de AIO em Eventos TVT/CTF/DM



===== IMAGENS====

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



====== Pach ======

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

====== Projecto L2 Lionas ======

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Geodata e Pathnode

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



Editado por Nattan Felipe
  • Gostei 14
  • Amei 1
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Algumas perguntas:

1 - O npc buffer no core reproduz o efeito/som ao buffar o player?
2 - Qual a proteção Antbot que você se refere?

3 - Você poderia postar a rev limpa? Sem custom itens

"And I now wait to shake the hand of fate

Like the dusk awaiting dawn"

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os cara nem pra baixar pra "pegar a NPC q quer, tem q ser na boquinha" ...

é um belo pre amigo, esses mods estao separado do core, ou incorporado?

voce deixou as diffs em um lugar especifico ou colocou junto das que ja tem no projeto da frozen ?

Te Ajudei? Curte ai para me ajudar!
Ass.: Daniel Amaral

Denky Project Is Coming Soon, Acessem o Site: Denky Project

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Onde conseguiu os botões? gostei deles são bem bonitos? eu já os vi mas esqueci!!


"A Vontade de se Preparar Transforma Heróis"

"A Dor física é só um mero Sentimento"



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sim mano

se corrigiu quais sao ?

Acima De Todos Os Creditos Sao Para : MARCOS - SAYAN :onda:




Eu adicionei o Custom e também o equilibra as classes em um 99 &



Dynasty Armor


Dynasty Weapons


Assasiant Armor (Only GM)


Custom Shiels




Fixed NPEs

Fixed NPoly zone bug

Fixed Damage zone hits only players

Fixed exploit with packet CannotMoveAnymore

Fixed Topzone votereward (thanks Amnesia)

Fixed admin edit command ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Fixed MoveOnAttack task

Fixed L2Protector works also for summon and not only for players

Fixed Topzone votereward bug

Fixed bug with delete on custom table

Fixed NPE during deposit on wh clan

Fixed Raid boss database update.

Fixed exploit with healing outside baium lair.

Fixed HP/MP Heal shouldnt heal through invulnerability state.

Fixed DropItem flood protector config load.

Fixed Oath/Apella armor usable always by Gm player.

Fixed clan log.

Fixed NPE about alliance.

Fixed weight getMaxLoad formula like L2OFF.

Fixed bug with varka/ketra about summon taking aggro by monster

Fixed bug with Mage/Warrior bane that dont delete all buffs. (like OL/WC buffs)

Fixed register Olympiad and VoiceCommand

Fixed login NPE exception

Fixed private store bug. Incorrect display selled item after cancel trade

Fixed backstab on monsters. Issue: the AI rotates before the skill is finished.

Fixed bug with archer skill and move

Fixed bug with auto attack after skill

Fixed Summon attack request bug

Fixed Summon follow his owner after using skills (Now continue auto attacking)

Fixed lag issue with monster

Fixed multisell list with corrected sell/buy information

Fixed global task load

Fixed shield block

Fixed quest Enhance Your Weapon

Fixed dagger skills Type=Blow Success Critical Sound thx OnaHa

Fixed Adventurers Box: Hair Accessory and Pollen item

Fixed Bluff skill

Fixed Pagan Temple gatekeepers

Fixed weight getMaxLoad formula like L2OFF.

Fixed skill Arcane Power Like L2OFF.

Fixed skill Focus Skill Mastery Like L2OFF.

Fixed skill Accuracy Like L2OFF.

Fixed buff stats of Symbol of Sniper skill like L2OFF.

Fixed quest Proof Of Clan Alliance

Fixed quest 621_EggDelivery

Fixed quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery

Fixed skill Summon Feline King like L2OFF

Fixed skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn like L2OFF

Fixed skill Summon Spectral Lord like L2OFF

Fixed skill Mystic Immunity like L2OFF

Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF

Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF

Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF

Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF

Fixed skill War Frenzy like L2OFF

Fixed skill Shock Stomp like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

Fixed skill Mass Fear like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

Fixed skill Mass Gloom like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

Fixed skill Erase like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list

Fixed Item Skill: Magic Barrier like L2OFF.

Fixed Monument of Heroes HTML for Noble characters.

Fixed quest 7000_HeroItems like L2OFF.

fixed spawn protection removed on player move (Bug target NPC and use attack)

Fixed champion mobs HP.

Fixed issue with small and grater CP potion, couldnt be used at the same time.

Fixed offline trade

Fixed signet skill effect not working.

Fixed spawn protection removed on player move (Bug target NPC and use attack).

Fixed quest Proof Of Clan Alliance

Fixed players cant hit team mates on event.

Fixed time for connection check.

Added config to GM color name and title

Added Olympiad debug config

Added debug for zones

Added configuration for participation of AIO in events

Added useful logs to Olympiad System in order to discover possible issues

Added check client Z coordinate instead of server z to avoid exploit killing Zaken from others floor.

Added DB cleaner in order to remove from table if reuse_time = 0

Added checks in order to avoid possible sell/buy tricks

Added config to enable/disable client flood protector

Added debug log for olympiad crash (added custom logger to do this)

Added Paagrio fist on buff count

Added command //l2jfrozen for Admin.

Added new config for CleanDBTask delay. Changed some logs.

Added html monument of heroes like L2OFF

Added L2OFF weight penalty formula

Added core support to lvl 79 & 80 enchant.

Added login server checks to avoid double clients connected

Added freight inventory check to avoid possible duplication items exploit

Added class EffectMpConsumePerLevel

Added XMLRPC Management Service to support TestServer autoRestart feature

Added XMLRPC Configuration details;

Added two platform gameserver restart scripts

Added config ally template

Added mobs id 27181 can teleport players near cabrio Like L2OFF

Added the use of reuseHashCode in order to get the reuse of the skill both based on its level and its id.

Added skill Mortal Strike to enchant skill list

Added skill Major Group Heal to enchant skill list

Added skill Summon Swoop Cannon to enchant skill list

Added skill Aura Flash to enchant skill list

Added skill Summon Nightshade to enchant skill list

Reworked enchant skill trees like Intelude retail

Reworked of Queen Ant AI.

Updated source version to 1.7 compliance.

Updated observer mode

Updated MMOCore Source. (thanks L2jserver)

Deleted unused directory 622_DeliveryOfSpecialLiquor

Deleted unuseful Broadcast Messages to improve system Scalability

Deleted custom script load by default

Deleted unused web services (PayStream, SMS, etc)

Deleted old folder of ANT build

Deleted effect teleport protection. (bad broadcast to all players)

Deleted fortress npc from npc.sql and spawnlist.sql (NOT INTERLUDE FUTURE)

Deleted useless broadcastUserInfo.

Renamed netcore config class to avoid issue with general config class (TODO: should be merged with general config class)

Some check and clean up

Checked some skills like L2OFF

Refactored loggers



Mods adc






Town War

Races On War

Evento monument statuet


Kill The Mob


Siege Reward

crayze rate







Clan Full

Barakiel Nobless

Barakiel Nobless Party


Abri as porta de serpuchers

Wyvern protection'sEvent

Restart System

Camera effect on die

Skill Seller

Npc Augment Item

Remove All itens Subclass

Show Npc Crest

Day To Siege

Mana Potion MP Res

Alt New Char Buffs

New Char Title Color

New Char Name Color

VIP System

AIO System

rate SKILLS CHANCES .Malaria,Flu,Cholera,Rheumatism

PvPs para Montar uma Lojinha

Players Normais Usarem Armas de Heros

Mod AIO CLAN SELLER Npc Exclusivo


Mod Fast Augment Npc

Mod Siege Register Npc

Mod NPC Boss Info

Advanced PvP / PK Color System

Core Npc Buffer

Flag Zone

Correção Announce PvP/ Pk

Time Load Npc Server

Universal Enchants




Não perder os buffs após o restart




Personal Character Password Protection

Enchant Protection

[Trade Protect] Party, Combate, na Água, no Barco

Bots Prevenções{Ant BOT}

Armor Equipment Restriction

weapons Equipment Restriction

Restrição de Login

Usar ou não dragões nas cidades.

Anti Phx Warehouse

Olympiad Skill Protect

Proibir AIO em Olympiadas

Restriçao de Aiox fora da Cidade

Proibir uso de AIO em Eventos TVT/CTF/DM





===== IMAGENS====

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!




====== Pach ======

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


====== Projecto L2 Lionas ======


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Geodata e Pathnode


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


todos os links dos dowloads estao off pq?

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