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l2jacis 365 by dagger

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Tomorrow I update to revision 2 with some new mods the project is private


If possible add AIO and VIP items for 30, 60 and 90 days. Add also, clan reputation items, full skill item and clan level item.


Some game feedback messages are in Spanish, if possible, standardize for English.


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Editado por Schuster
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If a little friend is possible I am from the morning and I will adapt those mods to dp npc and ítem, vip aio seller and clan Rep/lvl item I will be editing the ads in Spanish to English

Editado por osvaldotl2015
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I am not giving an account of creating a backup.pcs for this rev has as pfvr upar 1 backup for me please download ... Thanks


Add the database you must run l2jacis364.sql in Navicat

Then in the V2 of the DP

You must update by adding only market.sql

Greetings, I leave to you what I had promised

Actualization 12/2/2017


Announce PvP Kill


Announce Pk Kills


Announce Aio On Enter


Announce Pk Enter


Announce New Character Created On Enter Name/Class/Town/Level


Advanced Log in Admin custom After Nick-Name [Head-GM]-GmMaster/[ADMIN]-Admin/Town


Balance Class = Classes critical Damage multiplier (Ex: in DuelistDamage = 2.0 class Duelist will do 2x critical Damage, values can be float)


News Play = CharTitle/CharTitleColor/NameColor/CustomStartLvl/


Trade augment weapon = Enable augment weapon trade?


Npcs With Aura = Npcs with Red circle aura


Champions Aura = Npcs Champions with circle aura /0 - No Aura/1 - Blue Aura/3 - Random Aura(1 or 2)


Npc L2MarketNpc ID = 50059


# AIO Command System #

# Command Remove Aio = .removestat #


Command Aio system = .aio30 .aio60 .aio90 .aio365

Npc Aio system Id = 50065


# VIP System #

# Command Remove Vip = .removestat #


Command Vip system = .vip30 .vip60 .vip90 .vip365

Npc Vip system Id = 50066


Clan items For LvLs 1 To 8

Clan Item/Clan Item1/Clan Item2/Clan Item3/Clan Item4/Clan Item5/Clan Item6/Clan Item7


Noble custom Item/Clan


Recomender Custom Item


Golds Bar For Adena By Dagger = .gold


Adena For Gold Bars By Dagger = .regold


Full Races On War Event


Custom Autoflag Zone Town System


Custom Autoflag Zone Town System

Example Of Configurations

- <zone type="TownZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3800" maxZ="-3700"><!-- Talking Island -->

- <stat name="townId" val="2" />

- <stat name="castleId" val="1" />

+ <zone type="WarHumansZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3800" maxZ="-3700"><!-- Talking Island -->

More Towns

<zone type="WarElfsZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-3600" maxZ="-2750"><!-- Elven Village -->

<zone type="WarOrcsZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-400" maxZ="-200"><!-- Orc Village -->

<zone type="WarDwarfZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-1600" maxZ="-800"><!-- Dwarven Village -->

<zone type="WarDarkElfsZone" shape="NPoly" minZ="-4700" maxZ="-3600"><!-- Dark Elven Village -->


Orc Village = Autoflag Humans and Elfs

Dark elf Village = Autoflag Humans And Elfs


Talking Island Village = Autoflag Orcs And Dark Elfs

Elven Village = Autoflag Orcs And Dark Elfs


Dwarven Village = Autoflag Orcs, Dark Elfs, Humans and Elfs



#Top PVP Player Is Now Online !


#Top PK Player Is Now Online !



Editado por osvaldotl2015
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Quero colocar para fazer classe no gatinho de classe como posso fazer isto ? Eu sumonei ele mais quando clico nele aparece umas opções falando de medalha e DPS diz q precisa de um NPC se quest se alguem puder ajudar agradeço e agradeço tbm quem me ajudou na historia do backup obg.

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Quero colocar para fazer classe no gatinho de classe como posso fazer isto ? Eu sumonei ele mais quando clico nele aparece umas opções falando de medalha e DPS diz q precisa de um NPC se quest se alguem puder ajudar agradeço e agradeço tbm quem me ajudou na historia do backup obg.


To spawn the kitten of the class opens the admin panel // admin and enter the id of the npc and clik un Spawn button or // spawn 31228


I'm working on the V3 the dp already has Tvt system, Pc bang point systen and some more things

Editado por osvaldotl2015
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Use java 8

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I am finishing the v3 with several new features in the system faction and tvt new events subclass system and protections where possible upload the project already updated to revision 366 regards

Editado por osvaldotl2015
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