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Maximum HP - maxHp

Maximum CP - maxCp

Maximum MP - maxMp

HP Regeneration - regHp

CP Regeneration - regCp

MP Regeneration - regMp

Heal Effectivness - gainHp

Heal Proficiency - giveHp

Heal Bonus - bonusHp


Attack & Defence

Power Defence - pDef

Magic Defence - mDef

Power Attack - pAtk

Magic Attack - mAtk

(Power) Attack Speed - pAtkSpd

(Magic) Attack Speed - mAtkSpd

Magic Reuse - mReuse (Os Feitiços são mais rapidos para Retilização)

Shield Defence - sDef

Shield Defence Angle - shieldDefAngle

Critical Damage - cAtk

Critical Damage(add) - cAtkAdd ( no critical attack da-te +patk,,,,, Exemplo:crit power,crit damage SA )


PvP Bonus

Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg

Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg

Physical Skill Dmg. - pvpPhysSkillsDmg


Atk. & Def. rates

Evasion - rEvas

Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas

Shield Rate - rShld

Critical Rate - rCrit

Blow Rate - blowRate

Lethal Rate - lethalRate

Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (mCrit Não Funciona!!)

EXP,SP Rate - rExp

Cancel attacks - cancel


Accuracy and Range

Accuracy - accCombat

Attack Range - pAtkRange (para fighters)

Attack Range - mAtkRange (para mages)

Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters)

Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (Exemplo:Se tu tiveres um pole atacas + mobs doque o normal)

Attack Reuse - atkReuse (fazer arcos hits maneira simples bater mais devagar e não irá afectar as competências)



Run Speed - runSpd

Walk Speed - walkSpd



STR - STR (Physical power,physical skill's crit rate)

DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (such as deadly dlow), shield block rate and run spd)

WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (such as HP regeneration,decreased HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, and decreased effect of heals).

INT - INT (magic dmg)

MEN - MEN (magic defense,max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., concentration)


Resistances, vulnerability

Aggression - aggressionVuln

Bleed - bleedVuln

Poison - poisonVuln

Stun - stunVuln

Paralyze - paralyzeVuln

Hold,Root,ETC. - rootVuln

Sleep - sleepVuln

Confusion -confusionVuln

Movement - movementVuln

fire - fireVuln

wind - windVuln

water - waterVuln

earth - earthVuln

holy - holyVuln

dark - darkVuln

cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills)

debuff - debuffVuln

Critical - critVuln (resistence to Crit dmg.)


Weapon resist

noneWpnVuln - Shields














Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam (Está Atento!! não é reflectDmg!! reflectDam)

Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam

Transfer Damage Percent - transDam

Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic

Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic


Patk;Pdef against monster types:


More patk to giants - pAtk-giants

More patk to undead - pAtk-undead

More pdef against animals - pDef-animals

More pdef against monsters - pDef-monsters



Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit

WH. Limit - whLimit

Freight L. - FreightLimit

Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit

Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit

Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit

Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit


Consume Rates

Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate

Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate

Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate

Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate

Mp. Consume - MpConsume

Soulshot count - soulShotCount


Skill mastery

Skill mastery - skillMastery



Breath - breath (Podes estar + tempo debaixo de água)



0x08 - to set

0x10 - to add/sub (weapon, armor, jewelery) & (STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIT ,MEN)

0x20 - Não usem este (usado para codigos dificeis de formula)

0x30 - to mul/div (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's, Armors_bonus)

0x40 - to add/sub (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's)

0x50,0x60 - Não é preciso.



Skill Multipliers, "addontionals"

Pode ser usado como: mul order, mul val ...


2.0 100%

1.90 90%

1.80 80%

1.70 70%






1.10 10%

1.0 0%

0.90 -10%

0.80 -20%

0.70 -30%






0.10 -90%

0.0 -100%


Pode ser usado como: add order, add val ...


1 - 1

2 - 2

3 - 3 ... Cheesy



Se quizeres uma armadura com +3 de Evasion:


<item id='10177' name="Black Half-Mask">


<add val='3' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'/>




___________ OR ___________


Se queres adicionar uma arma com +20% Heal Point:

<item id='8190' name="demonic_sword_zariche">


<set val='361' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

<set val='137' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

<set val='12' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

<add val='0' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

<set val='325' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

<mul val='1.20' order='0x30' stat='maxHp'/>




___________ OR ___________


Se tu quizeres adicionar qualquer resistencia:


(not official stats->)

<skill id="3561" levels="1" name="Ring of Baium">

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" />

<set name="skillType" val="BUFF" />

<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" />

<set name="castRange" val="-1" />

<set name="effectRange" val="-1" />


<mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="0.60" /> ----> Da-te -40% chance a resistir a Posion!!

<mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="1.10 /> ----> Da-te +10% chance a resistir.

<add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="2" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="1.15" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="rootVuln" val="0.70" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.05" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.04" />






na parte das porcentagem diz diz que = 


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

quer dizer que  3.0 corresponde a 200% e 4.0 corresponde a 300% assim sucessivamente? como seria? 


"A Vontade de se Preparar Transforma Heróis"

"A Dor física é só um mero Sentimento"



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4 respostass a esta questão

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Em 03/05/2018 at 16:53, Onã disse:

É isso mesmo, seguindo a lógica sim..

Agradeço a preocupação em ajudar mas um amigo me disse para usar sistema de arredondamento para ter certeza e deu certo




"A Vontade de se Preparar Transforma Heróis"

"A Dor física é só um mero Sentimento"



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1 hora atrás, Lucas Santos 97 disse:

como voce fez?

2.0 = 100%   <mul order="0x30" stat="rExp" val="2.0"/> <!-- EXP/SP RATES +100%+ -->

1.90 = 90%   <mul order="0x30" stat="rExp" val="1.90"/> <!-- EXP/SP RATES +90%+ -->

1.80 = 80%   <mul order="0x30" stat="rExp" val="1.80"/> <!-- EXP/SP RATES +80%+ -->

1.70 = 70%   <mul order="0x30" stat="rExp" val="1.70"/> <!-- EXP/SP RATES +70%+ -->

assim sucessivamente a resposta ta na minha propria pergunta!!


"A Vontade de se Preparar Transforma Heróis"

"A Dor física é só um mero Sentimento"



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