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Retirar itens ao pegar sub-classes!



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svn | timeline

activeMember.sendMessage("Quase tudo é possível quando se tem dedicação e habilidade. Grandes trabalhos são realizados não pela força, mas pela perseverança")

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como fasso pra otras classes nao uzar bow


no meu nao tem esse desablebowforclasse como eu fasso


vo bota minha pasta aq pra vc ver blz


# Physics Balance Characters #



# Enable Class Damages Settings

EnableClassDamagesSettings = true

EnableClassDamagesLogger = False

EnableClassDamagesSettingsInOly = true


# --------------------------------

# Setting effect Blow -

# --------------------------------

# Chance front

BlowAttackFront = 50


# Chance on the sides

BlowAttackSide = 60


# Chance from behind

BlowAttackBehind = 70


# --------------------------------

# Setting effect Backstab -

# --------------------------------

# Chance front

BackstabAttackFront = 0


# Chance on the sides

BackstabAttackSide = 0


# Chance from behind

BackstabAttackBehind = 70


# -------------

# Limits -

# -------------

# 1 - the speed limit conventional attack

# 2 - the speed limit magic attack

# 0 - do not put!

MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500

MaxMAtkSpeed = 1999


# Limit normal crit (10 = 1%)

# Default: 500

MaxPCritRate = 500


# Limit the magic of Crete (10 = 1%)

# Default: 300

MaxMCritRate = 300


# This is a run speed modifier, set the default to 0 if you

# want this option disabled.

# Example:

# Setting this to 10 will increase a characters running

# speed by 10. Say normal is 100, now

# with this option enabled it is 110.

RunSpeedBoost = 0


# Maximum character running speed.

# Retail: 250

MaxRunSpeed = 250


# -----------------

# Damage -

# -----------------

# Damage Multipliers for Mage Characters.

AltPDamageMages = 1.0

AltMDamageMages = 1.0


# Damage Multipliers for Fighters Characters.

AltPDamageFighters = 1.0

AltMDamageFighters = 1.0


# Damage Multipliers for pets and summons.

AltPDamagePets = 1.0

AltMDamagePets = 1.0


# Damage Multipliers for NPCs (mobs).

AltPDamageNpc = 1.0

AltMDamageNpc = 1.0


# An alternative calculation of damage skill daggers

# Divider damage. A large number - less damage.

DaggerVSHeavy = 1.00

DaggerVSRobe = 1.00

DaggerVSLight = 1.00


# If false, Raids cannot receive lethal attacks

AllowLethalOnRaids = False


# If True, Lethal Protected Mobs (in LethalProtectedMobs property) cannot receive Lethal shot

AllowLethalProtectionMobs = False

# es. : LethalProtectedMobs = 35062,21436

# 35062 = CTFFlag

LethalProtectedMobs = 35062




# MRate = BaseMrate*McritMulDif, default=1

McritMulDif = 0.7


# if critical, damage = mcriticalPower*damage



# debuff chances












#Send Skills Chance to Players

SendSkillsChanceToPlayers = false


# When you change/add subclass the weapon is unequipped

# Default: False

RemoveWeaponSubclass = True

# When you change/add subclass the chest is unequipped

# Default: False

RemoveChestSubclass = True

# When you change/add subclass the leg is unequipped

# Default: False

RemoveLegSubclass = True


# Leave buffs on die, if false the effects will be not stopped on die

LeaveBuffsOnDie = True

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tem q atualiza sua revisao

deve ter sido adicionado essa opcao recentemente ..


svn | timeline

activeMember.sendMessage("Quase tudo é possível quando se tem dedicação e habilidade. Grandes trabalhos são realizados não pela força, mas pela perseverança")

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