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L2JMobius CT0 project Interlude

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Projeto Interlude.
Baseia-se no Epílogo da L2jMobius e tudo funciona com as tecnologias mais recentes.

O desenvolvimento do Interlude não é nada comparado com os clientes mais recentes. O conteúdo do jogo é significativamente menor.
Exemplo o Master Class 2 tem 753 packets de clientes e 1032 packets de servidores. Interlúdio tem apenas 206 packets de clientes e 264 packets de servidores.
A maioria, se não todos, os sistemas de jogos já estão prontos, ou tão simples que podem ser implementados como scripts de datapack facilmente.

Mudança inicial, Commit Changelog
-Removed Gludio Airship Field, Gracia, Hellbound, Isle of Souls and Kamael Guild spawns.
-Removed Gracia tab from map.
-Removed Gludio Airship Field, Hellbound and Isle of Souls teleports.
-Removed other non Interlude teleports.
-Removed Gracia and Hellbound scripts.
-Removed Gracia and Hellbound configurations.
-Removed Kamael character creation configuration.
-Removed Beleth AI and configuration.
-Removed Steel Citadel teleport AI.
-Removed non existing quests.
-Removed Pailaka instances.
-Removed Seven Sign instances.
-Removed Castle instances.
-Removed territory war scripts.
-Removed Kamael Village master AIs.
-Removed Cruma Tower Alarm AI.
-Removed Stakato Nest teleport AI.
-Removed Crystal Caverns instance.
-Removed Dark Cloud Mansion instance.
-Removed Nornils Garden instance.
-Removed Chambers of Delusion instance.
-Removed Kamaloka.
-Removed Airship manager.
-Removed Fantasy Isle AIs.
-Removed movie support.
-Removed Handy's block checker event.
-Removed birthday event.
-Removed teleport bookmark system.
-Removed store char UI settings.
-Removed talisman and bracelets support.
-Removed non existing augment options.
-Removed accessory augmentation.
-Removed non existent htmls.
-Removed kamael_town and fantasy_island mapregion.
-Removed Kamael hero items 9388, 9389 and 9390.
-Removed code that checks KAMAEL race.
-Removed player souls and soul attack effects.
-Removed kamael Race, ClassId and CategoryType enums.
-Removed category data from non existent NPC ids.
-Removed Prime Shop.
-Removed fort and territory war.
-Removed landing, territory war, kamael, fantasy isle and hellbound zones.
-Removed no needed walker routes.
-Removed transformation system.
-Removed bot report action system.
-Removed non existing player actions.
-Removed Tar beetle AI.
-Removed non existing SkillLearn data.
-Removed item elemental attribute system.
-Removed attribute values from NPCs.
-Removed non existent NPCs.
-Removed non existing npcId from random_spawn table.
-Removed non existent spawns.
-Removed non existent items.
-Removed non existent skills.
-Removed non existing recipes.
-Removed non existing doors.
-Removed non existing static objects.
-Removed non existent armor set items and skills.
-Removed Expertise S80 and Expertise S84 skills.
-Removed level 14+ crystal level-up data.
-Added quest Kamael a Window to the Future (127).
-Max adena configuration set to two billion.
-Modified tutorial quest to match T0.
-Modified World map dimensions.
-Fixed damage system messages.
-Fixed NpcSay packet.
-Fixed inventory display.
-Fixed Buy Sell packets.
-Fixed henna packets.
-Fixed augment packets.
-Fixed skill learn and display.
-Fixed shortcut registration.
-Fixed preview item wear.
-Fixed geogrid command.
-Adjusted relation packet.
-Adjusted arena manager AI.
-Adjusted admin menu.
-Adjustments for raidboss spawnlist.
-Replaced quests 109, 113, 234, 376, 377, 617, 640 and 645.
-Replaced Zaken AI.
-Set max level to 80.
-Updated drops with groups.
-Added quests 353, 374, 375 and 505.
-Removed Kamael class ids from hennas.
-Changed item count to integer.
-Added support for merchant sell bypass.
-Adjusted all shop merchants.
-Removed all non existing skill enchants.

TODO: Important (project unusable due to the following)
-Adjust all skills according to Interlude description.
-Check if quests need adjustments, mainly rewards.
-Test Olympiad and make adjustments if needed.

TODO: Secondary importance.
-Update skilltrees with retail data.
-Update buylists and multisells with retail data.
-Adjust custom community board htmls.
-Adjust community board sell buff htmls.
-Adjust community board announcements admin htmls.
-Spawn monsters by zones on separate XML files.
-Update htmls with retail dialogs.



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Serve compilado mais source data 30/12/2022 

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Editado por Robert-Downey
  • Amei 5
  • Obrigado 1

Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist


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