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Countdown de skill Mana Potion




Olá a todos, alguém pode me dizer como modificar o código XML desta habilidade para que, ao usar uma poção de mana, a habilidade seja adicionada com uma contagem regressiva de 15 segundos, assim como o "greater healing"? Já tentei várias opções, mas ainda não obtive nenhum resultado.
Estou testando RusAcis 3.5

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Se mal não me engano, em alguns outros datapacks, a opção normal seri

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No entanto, não está funcionando. Quando usada uma MP Potion, ela se consome de uma só vez e não aparece a skill ou buff "mp recovery" com a contagem regressiva.

Personal Project : Interlude x15

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4 respostass a esta questão

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En 18/12/2023 a las 18:26, Kalamariss dijo:

have you tried putting skill effect? like

<effect count="7" name="ManaOverTime" noicon="1" time="2" val="100" stackOrder="3" stackType="mp_recover" />

I was using the following: name="ManaHealOverTime"
Try using the one you suggested: name="ManaOverTime" But it gives a java error

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When I use the mana potion, everything works fine, but it doesn't display the skill with the 15-second countdown on the buff bar. Even if you watch the video, you'll see that the buffs are active, but nothing is shown—it's as if the mana potion skill is invisible.


Personal Project : Interlude x15

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17 hours ago, ferdsnp said:

I was using the following: name=" ManaHealOverTime "
Try using the one you suggested:  name=" ManaOverTime "  But it gives a java error

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name=" ManaHealOverTime "
When I use the mana potion, everything works fine, but it doesn't display the skill with the 15-second countdown on the buff bar. Even if you watch the video, you'll see that the buffs are active, but nothing is shown—it's as if the mana potion skill is invisible.

have you tried editting the skillname and skillgrp?

Sound Of Silence

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hace 3 horas, Kalamariss dijo:

have you tried editting the skillname and skillgrp?

Yes, these are the server and client settings.


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Personal Project : Interlude x15

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