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Bom galera to postando aqui hoje uns botões criado por min comentem ai




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vai de acordo com a imagen asima Botao1 Botao2 Botao3 Botao4



para quem nao sabe vo deixa um atalho do htm width=75 height=21 back="botoesbyjaksonl2.botao4" fore="botoesbyjaksonl2.botao4">



Edited by Jakson-l2


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ficou legal, parabéns..

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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mas e se eles renomearem o utx?

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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pra quem nao ta conseguindo usar

ao inves disso que o jacson colocou para usar

width=75 height=21 back="botoesbyjaksonl2.botao4" fore="botoesbyjaksonl2.botao4">

use assim

width=75 height=21 back="butoesbyjaksonl2.butao4" fore="butoesbyjaksonl2.butao4">
ai os botoes e o mesmo esquema 1a 4 com os estilos la




Links OFF? Mande MP!!!

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eu colei la o width=75 height=21 back="butoesbyjaksonl2.butao4" fore="butoesbyjaksonl2.butao4">

certinho e naum foi eu tbm add a testura :(


alguem me ajuda

L2Dk - L2DarKight




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