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[Proteção] 100% Site & Servidor


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Vai ai 3 programas bem legal pra proteger seu Server.

so fico Bravo aqui no forum quando faço perguntas ea adiministração vai la e fecha meu topico.]

fiz a mesma pergunta em otra forum e o resultado foi este (o cara disponibilizou o programa)

mas precizamos das portas que os hachs entra pra nos fecha

aqui umas portas mas falta otras

Para impedir que entrem com STCheat e fiquem falando como Admins ou Gms no Server!





O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



script para o site



$Temp = explode(' between ',$matches[0]);

$Evaluate = $Temp[0];

$Temp = explode(' and ',$Temp[1]);

if ((strcasecmp($Evaluate,$Temp[0])>0) && (strcasecmp($Evaluate,$Temp[1])<0) && $this->_in_post($matches[0])) return $this->detect();


return FALSE;



function _in_post($value)


foreach($_POST as $i => $v)


if (is_int(strpos(strtolower($v),$value))) return TRUE;


return FALSE;



function detect()


// log the attempt to sql inject?

if ($this->bLog)


$fp = @fopen($this->bLog,'a+');

if ($fp)


fputs($fp,"\r\n".date("d-m-Y H:i:s").' ['.$this->rq.'] from '.$this->sIp = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"));




// destroy session?

if ($this->bdestroy_session) session_destroy();

// redirect?

if ($this->urlRedirect!=''){



return TRUE;




function protect1($protected) { // This Will be the fuction we call to protect the variables.

$banlist = array ("'", "shutdown", "or", "-", "--", "or=", "del", "[", ")--", "Character", "dbo", "WHERE", "Set", "]", "\"", "<", "\\", "|", "/", "=", "insert", "select", "update", "delete", "distinct", "having", "truncate", "'", "replace", "handler", "like", "webzen", "procedure", "limit", "order by", "group by", "asc", "warehouse", "DEL", "$", "sele", "+", "+ dx", " dx", "memb_info", "desc");

//$banlist is the list of words you dont want to allow.

if ( eregi ( "[a-zA-Z0-9@]+", $protected ) ) { // Makes sure only legitimate Characters are used.

$protected = trim(str_replace($banlist, '', $protected)); // Takes out whitespace, and removes any banned words.

return $protected;

//echo "+";

} else {

//echo "-";

echo $protected;

die ( ' Is invalid for that spot, please try a different entry.' ); // Message if thier is any characters not in [a-zA-Z0-9].

} // ends the if ( eregi ( "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", $this->protected ) ) {

} // ends the function Protect() {


function protect2($protected) { // This Will be the fuction we call to protect the variables.

$banlist = array ("'", "shutdown", "or", "-", "--","-", "or=", "del", "[", ")--", "Character", "dbo", "WHERE", "Set", "]", "\"", ">", "<", "\\", "|", "/", "=", "insert", "select", "update", "delete", "distinct", "having", "truncate", "'", "replace", "handler", "like", "webzen", "procedure", "limit", "order by", "group by", "asc", "warehouse", "DEL", "$", "sele", " +", " + ", "+", "+ dx", " dx", "memb_info", "desc");

//$banlist is the list of words you dont want to allow.

if ( eregi ( "[0-9]+", $protected ) ) { // Makes sure only legitimate Characters are used.

$protected = trim(str_replace($banlist, '', $protected)); // Takes out whitespace, and removes any banned words.

return $protected;

//echo "+";

} else {

//echo "-";

echo $protected;

die ( ' Caracteres Invalidos' ); // Message if thier is any characters not in [a-zA-Z0-9].

} // ends the if ( eregi ( "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", $this->protected ) ) {

} // ends the function Protect() {






$badwords = array("+","--)","DEL","(",")","--","-","'","del","DEL","insert","webzen","UPDATE","update","=","drop","sele","$","warehouse ","Dexterity","WHERE");


foreach($_POST as $value)

foreach($badwords as $word)

if(substr_count($value, $word) > 0)

die("<div align=\"center\">


<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<img src=\"images/no-page.gif\" /><br />

<br />

<span class=\"textbox style20\">Não use Caracteres Especiais! </span></p>

<p><br />

<a href=\"java script: history.back(-1);\" class=\"style30\">Voltar</a></p>











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