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Olá gente eu sou novato em Duelista jogo a pouco tempo e queria saber quais buffs Pego De Duelist e os Certificados,normalmente os certificados eu pego Ultimate Defense,Haste,Summoner Ability ( para dar P atake ). por isso queria saber se eu estou certo.Queria Saber qual o melhor estilo de jogo de duelista, Ataque ? ou defesa??!


Obrigadooo *--*!

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nossa ajudou bastante o cara --'



@Breshan , certificados


Barrier ( Song / Dance )


Haste ( Tyrant )


CP ( Destroyer )


Obrigado pelo presente Mickaelll

Corintiano Fanático;

Estudante de T.I e l2jbrasileiro nas horas vagas.

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@ HangLooseE


KKKKKK você também, quer que eu ajude ? então lá vai.


@ Brehsan


Você têm que testar tudo cara, você têm que montar seu próprio estilo de jogo, para saber o efeito das skils têm vários sites como o pmfun...

E lembre-se não pense que por ser duelista você vai matar todo mundo.


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Olá gente eu sou novato em Duelista jogo a pouco tempo e queria saber quais buffs Pego De Duelist e os Certificados,normalmente os certificados eu pego Ultimate Defense,Haste,Summoner Ability ( para dar P atake ). por isso queria saber se eu estou certo.Queria Saber qual o melhor estilo de jogo de duelista, Ataque ? ou defesa??!


Obrigadooo *--*!



Entao.. eu jogava num servidor Epilogue 500x pvp.



Meus certificados eram , Resist Critical(Aconselhavel só se o server tiver elemento ) , Spirit e Haste.



eu era uns dos TOP Duelist , matava de mais.. teve uma vez q cheguei a levar 5 seguidos.. entao é isso ae mano , nao tem mt segredo.. q nem os cara falo.. é voce q faz seu estilo de jogo, os esquema é pega o de-lay das skills pra soltar no tempo certo , dando um combo q estora tudo!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Concordo Com o cara dali de Cima Duelista nao e pra quem quer E Pra quem Pode e Sabe JOga xD Eu prefiro Dag tancker e necromance oaksok eu de dag nao caio pra mago nem um

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Não existe classe melhor do que classe, a não ser que seja um servidor todo bugado.

O que interessa é saber jogar, saber usar principalmente as skills de holding, ou seja: skills para parar os ataques dos inimigos.


Basicamente seria: stun, bluff, silence, anchor, etc...

Sou um usuário aposentado há anos do L2JBrasil, por gentileza, não me contate para suporte, pois não entendo mais nada de L2J. Fiquei no tempo.
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KKKKK, Sei Sei, cara eu não sei tudo de duelist, mas te digo uma coisa, tu já foi em oly com duelist ? Têm que ter estrtégia, é só pegar delay das skills não, têm que saber o que usar e a hora de usar, não têm mistério a classe, mas têm seus segredos.


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Sorry, só jogo de soul hound agora> ggo começei hoje tô lvl 42 ainda 11x.


Msn pra mais informções [email protected]


Vamos lá se tu realmente souber jogar, quem sabe, e eu consiga convencer uns caras daqui do forum jogar, te coloco n pT.


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Depois os caras falam que não existe mistério na classe kkkk tá bom de comprar



"Take Full Control of Your Duelist and Crush Your Enemies by Unleashing Its Limitless Reserves of Destructive Energy"

Learn All Ins and Outs of the Duelist Class Mechanics, and Use That Knowledge to Become the Ultimate Warrior on Your Server

Come Out on Top in Any Combat Situation by Playing Your Duelist in the Most Efficient Way


he Duelist is one of the most powerful warrior classes in Lineage 2 and excels in PvP, but is often misused by those who play it. Mayu's Ultimate Lineage 2 Duelist Guide is designed to help you get a better understanding of how to make your Duelist perform at its best and take your place amongst the few who have managed to master it.


Regardless if you're a newbie Gladiator or a seasoned Duelist player, and whether you play on retail High Five or private servers, you'll find all the necessary gameplay aspects discussed in-depth and great detail, in a way that will allow you to get the most out of your Duelist character.


Order Your Ultimate Lineage 2 Duelist Guide Right Now!


How to be sure that this guide is for me?

If you need help with any of the following aspects of playing your Duelist, then Mayu's Ultimate Lineage 2 Duelist Guide is just what you need:


Understand the role and purpose of the Tyrant class in different in-game situations, regardless if you play on High Five retail servers or private servers running older chronicles.

Use the full potential of your Duelist capabilities in both PvE and PvP

Learn how to prepare and equip your character to position yourself for optimal results in any combat scenario

Get an in-depth knowledge about each of your skills and learn how to use them together in the most efficient manner

Improve the rate of killing in PvE to avoid wasting your time and resources

Learn how to always be in control during PvP by reading your opponents like they're an open book and applying the most efficient tactics to defeat them

Become a force on the Grand Olympiad and maximize your chances of winning even against your worst match-ups


A list of the guide's main contents

Here's what you'll find inside Mayu's Ultimate Lineage 2 Duelist Guide:


90+ pages of no-fluff information about the Duelist, covering all you need to know about the class from A to Z.

Can help you regardless if you play High Five on retail servers or any previous chronicles such as Freya, Gracia Epilogue and Gracia Final on private servers, by pointing out the differences wherever necessary, and how they affect your choice on items, skill use and so on.

Detailed overview of the class - base stats, role of the class, list of all skills with comments and advices for each of them, class attack damage and skill mechanics and a comparison to other melee classes

C to S84 Grade by Grade equipment overview and suggestions - weapons, armor sets, accessories, bracelets, talismans, cloaks, belts

All the necessary items you need for both PvE and PvP efficient gameplay

Suggested PvE and PvP Macros that can automate different tasks to make playing your Duelist an easier task

Symbol (Dye) combinations for any possible play style and gameplay scenario, covering both PvP and PvE

The most efficient choice of attributes you can apply to your weapons and armor sets

5 combinations of certification skills from your subclasses, aimed to cover all possible in-game situations

Optimal skill enchantment routes for PvP

Beneficial Weapon Augment skills

What buffs work best for Duelist in both PvP and PvE. Which are the buffer classes which work best if you're multiboxing

Gameplay tips for PvE - solo play, multibox and in party

Gameplay tips for open PvP and small scale battles

The necessary preparation steps you need to take before Grand Olympiad matches and detailed combat tactics against all 34 classes in Lineage 2

And if that's not enough, you'll find a Cheat Sheet PDF accompanying the guide which offers you ready-to-use builds for PvE, open PvP and Olympiad play styles on High Five, Freya, Gracia Epilogue and Final, and Interlude servers. That way you can instantly look up a Duelist build to match your server and demands, without reading the detailed information in the main guide. This Duelist Cheat Sheet alone is worth as much as the guide itself!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Bom , Dependendo do servidor o Duelista se torna "fraco"

Ex : Servidores PvP , Duelista usa Skill's ?

Na minha opnião Duelista joga de skil . Então um bom duelista deve saber usar skils na hora certa ! :aaaa:

Todos pensam que nao tem essa de ahh vou usar isso agora ou dps ?

Estão enganados :laugh:

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