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[Tutorial] - Configurando Servidor


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Tem muita gente que após ligar o servidor, não sabe pra que servem muitas das configurações que ficam em gameserver/config

Então decidi fazer um tutorial, foi trabalhoso mas tenho certeza que vai ser bem útil :smile:

Vou ensinar para que servem as configurações, utilizarei a revisão BR Xtreme Freya, por ser uma das mais recentes.


Lembrando que:

True: Habilitar

False: Desabilitar


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Alternative Character Settings

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This properties file is solely for the purpose of Character modifications that directly influence them.

# The defaults are set to be retail-like. If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like.

# Warning:

# Please take extreme caution when changing anything. Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# AccessLevel

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This option will set the default AccessLevel for MasterAccess.

# Please be careful with this setting. Characters set to this AccessLevel will have the right to execute every AdminCommand in game.

# Default: 127 (Maximum value: 255)

MasterAccessLevel = 127 < Qual o número do acess level para admin?


# Name color for those matching the above MasterAccess AccessLevel.

# Default: 00CCFF

MasterNameColor = 00CCFF


# Title color for those matching the above MasterAccess AccessLevel.

# Default: 00CCFF

MasterTitleColor = 00CCFF <- Cor do nome dos admins (in-game)


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Statistics

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This option, if enabled, will force a character to de-level if the characters' experience is below their level after losing experience on death. If this is set to False, the character will not de-level even if their Experience is below their level after death.

# Default: True

Delevel = True <- Quando o player morrer para um mob acima de seu level, ele perderá XP?


# This option enable check for all player skills for skill level.

# If player level is lower than skill learn level - 9, skill level is decreased to next possible level.

# If there is no possible level, skill is removed from player.

DecreaseSkillOnDelevel = True <- As skills são reduzidas caso o player seja 9 níveis menor que ela?


# Weight limit multiplier. Example: Setting this to 5 will give players 5x the normal weight limit.

# Default: 1

AltWeightLimit = 1 <- Quanto será o multiplicador de peso da bag? 50 é um número bom.


# Run speed modifier. Example: Setting this to 5 will give players +5 to their running speed.

# Default: 0

RunSpeedBoost = 0 <- Bônus de speed para os charachters. Ex: se você colocar 20, todos terão +20 de speed.


# Chance of receiving the Death Penalty debuff when killed by a mob.

# Default: 20

DeathPenaltyChance = 20 <- Chance de levar "Death Penalty" quando morrer para um mob.


# Percent of HP, MP, and CP which is restored on character revival.

# Default: 0, 70, 70

RespawnRestoreCP = 0 <- Quando de CP vai ser restaurado quando o player der to village?



RespawnRestoreHP = 70 <- Quando de P vai ser restaurado quando o player der to village?



RespawnRestoreMP = 70 <- Quando de MP vai ser restaurado quando o player der to village?


# Percent of HP, MP, and CP regeneration for players.

# Example: Setting HP to 10 will cause player HP to regenerate 90% slower than normal.

# Default: 100, 100, 100

HpRegenMultiplier = 100 <- Porcentagem de regeneration do HP, ex: colocando 10 vai fazer com que a regeneração de HP seja 90% mais devagar que o normal.


MpRegenMultiplier = 100 Porcentagem de regeneration do MP



CpRegenMultiplier = 100 Porcentagem de regeneration do CP


# Decrease CP by 10 every normal hit a player do

# Default: False

AltGameTiredness = False <- Descer 10 de CP a cada hit normal que o jogador dá?


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Skills & Effects

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# When this is enabled it will read the "SkillDurationList" option.

# This will basically overlook the "time = x" in the skill XMLs so that you do not need to modify the L2J Datapack XMLs to increase skill duration.

# Default: False

EnableModifySkillDuration = False < Ligar o custom skill duration?


# Skill duration list

# Format: skillid,newtime;skillid2,newtime2...

# Example:

# This enable 1h(3600) duration for songs, the "\"indicates new line,

# and is only set for formating purposes.

# SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\

# 269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\

# 363,3600;364,3600

SkillDurationList = Lista dos IDs de buffs que serão modificados.


# When this is enabled it will read the "SkillReuseList" option.

EnableModifySkillReuse = False < Ligar o custom skill duration?


# Format: skillid,newDelayTime;skillid,newDelayTime2 (See skillDuration for examples)

SkillReuseList =


# Default: False

AutoLearnSkills = False < As skills serão lidas automaticamente, sem necessitar o uso de books?


# Default: False

AutoLootHerbs = False < Os herbs serão juntados automaticamente?


# Maximum number of buffs and songs/dances.

# Remember that Divine Inspiration will give players 4 additional buff slots on top of the number specified in "maxbuffamount".

# Default: 20, 12

maxbuffamount = 20 < Máximo de buffs.



maxdanceamount = 12 < Máximo de dances e songs


# Allow players to cancel dances/songs via Alt+click on buff icon

# Default: False

DanceCancelBuff = False < O jogador pode cancelar os buffs usando alt+click no buff?


# This option enables/disables additional MP consume for dances and songs.

# Default: True

DanceConsumeAdditionalMP = True < Dances consomem MP adicional?


# This option allows a player to automatically learn Divine Inspiration.

# This is not included in AutoLearnSkills above.

# Default: False

AutoLearnDivineInspiration = False < Ler automaticamente a skill Divine Inspiration?


# This is to allow a character to be canceled during bow use, skill use, or both.

# Available Options: bow, cast, all

# Default: cast

AltGameCancelByHit = cast < Que tipo de ataques podem ser cortados?


# If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. Otherwise stacking of things like multiple levels of the same buff will be allowed.

# Default: True

CancelLesserEffect = True < Quando utilizarem uma skill maior que o nivel da skill que afeta o jogador, ela será substituida?


# This option, if enabled, will allow magic to fail, and if disabled magic damage will always succeed with a 100% chance.

# Default: True

MagicFailures = True < Mágicas podem falhar? "Your attack has failled".


# Protection from aggressive mobs after getting up from fake death.

# The value is specified in seconds.

# Default: 0

PlayerFakeDeathUpProtection = 0 < Tempo de proteção após desativar a skill "Fake Death".


# This option is to enable or disable the storage of buffs/debuffs among other effects.

# Default: True

StoreSkillCooltime = True < Esta opção não sei realmente para que serve. Mas tem a ver com a de baixo:


# This option is to enable or disable the storage of buffs/debuffs among other effects during

# a subclass change

# Deault: False

SubclassStoreSkillCooltime = False < Guardar os buffs ao trocar de sub-classe?


# These are alternative rules for shields.

# If True and they block:

# The damage is powerAtk-shieldDef,

# If False and they block:

# The damage is powerAtk / (shieldDef + powerDef)

# Default: False

AltShieldBlocks = False < Shields bloqueiam ataques?


# This is the percentage for perfect shield block rate.


# Default: 10

AltPerfectShieldBlockRate = 10 < Qual o rate de bloqueio?


# Allow use of Event Managers for changing occupation without any quests.

# Default: False

AllowClassMasters = False < Permitir os "gatinhos" de classe?


# ConfigClassMaster=1;[57(100000)];[];2;[57(1000000)];[];3;[57(10000000)],[5575(1000000)];[6622(1)]

# 1st occupation change for 100.000 Adena (item id 57)

# 2nd occupation change for 1.000.0000 Adena (item id 57)

# 3rd occupation change for 10.000.0000 Adena (item id 57) and 1.000.000 Ancient Adena (item id 5575)

# on 3rd occupation change player will be rewarded with 1 Book of Giants (item id 6622)

# ConfigClassMaster=1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[]

# 1st, 2nd, 3rd occupation change for free, without rewards.

# ConfigClassMaster=1;[];[];2;[];[]

# Allow only first and second change.

ConfigClassMaster = 1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[] < Configurações dos "gatinhos" de classe.

# Class Masters will allow changing to any occupation on any level inside class tree

# For example, Dwarven Fighter will be able to advance to:

# Artisan, Scavenger, Warsmith, Bounty Hunter, Maestro, Fortune Seeker.

# But Warsmith will be able to change only to Maestro.

# Default = False

AllowEntireTree = False < Os charachters podem pegar 3ª job em qualquer nivel?


# When character reach levels 20,40,76 he will receive tutorial page

# with list of the all possible variants, and can select and immediately

# change to the new occupation, or decide to choose later (on next login).

# Can be used with or without classic Class Masters.

# Default = False

AlternateClassMaster = False < Ao usuario completar level 20, 40 ou 76 aparecerá a janela para escolha de classe?


# Require life crystal needed to learn clan skills.

# Default: True

LifeCrystalNeeded = True < Precisa de eggs para ler skills de clan?


# Require spell book needed to learn skills.

# Default: False

SpBookNeeded = False < Precisa de livro para ler skills?


# Require book needed to enchant skills.

# Default: True

EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True < Precisa de Giant's Codex para ler as skills?


# Require spell book needed to learn Divine Inspiration.

# Default: True

DivineInspirationSpBookNeeded = True < Precisa do livro para ler "Divine Inspiration"?

# When enabled, the following will be true:

# All classes can learn all skills.

# Skills of another class costs x2 SP to learn.

# Skills of another race costs x2 SP to learn.

# Skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP to learn.

# Default: False

AltGameSkillLearn = False < Todas as classes podem ler skills de todas as classes? ATENÇÃO: em hipótese alguma mude para True!


# Allow player to sub-class without checking for unique quest items.

# Default: False

AltSubClassWithoutQuests = False < O jogador pode fazer sua sub-classe sem precisar de quest?


# Allow player to add/change subclass at all village master

# Default: False

AltSubclassEverywhere = False < O jogador pode fazer sub classe em qualquer igreja?


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Vitality configuration

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Enables vitality system

# Default: True

EnableVitality = True < Habilitar o vitality system?


# Do you want players to recover their vitality when they reconnect?

# This is calculated with the time they've been offline

# Actual Time - Last Time Online / 1000 x rate recovery on reconnect

# Notes:

# Works only if EnableVitality = True

# Default: True

RecoverVitalityOnReconnect = < A vitalidade será recuperada com o tempo em que o player estiver offline?


# Option to set a lower vitality at character creation.

# Vitality needs to be enabled, and startingpoints needs to be lower

# than max-vitality points.

# Default: 20000

StartingVitalityPoints = 20000 < Quando de vitality o char irá iniciar?


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Limits

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Maximum character running speed.

# Default: 250

MaxRunSpeed = 250 < Máximo de speed.


# Maximum character Physical Critical Rate. (10 = 1%)

# Default: 500

MaxPCritRate = 500 < Máximo de critical.


# Maximum character Magic Critical Rate. (10 = 1%)

# Default: 200

MaxMCritRate = 200 < Máximo de magic critical.


# Maximum character Attack Speed.

# Default: 1500

MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500 < Máximo de attack speed.


# Maximum character Cast Speed.

# Default: 1999

MaxMAtkSpeed = 1999 < Máximo de casting speed.


# Maximum character Evasion.

# Default: 250

MaxEvasion = 250 < Máximo de evasion.


# Maximum number of allowed subclasses for every player.

# Default: 3

MaxSubclass = 3 < Número máximo de sub-classes.


# Maximum subclass level.

# Default: 80

MaxSubclassLevel = 80 < Nível máximo da sub-classe.


# Maximum number of allowed slots for Private Stores Sell.

# Other means all the other races aside from Dwarf.

# Default: 4, 3

MaxPvtStoreSellSlotsDwarf = 4 < Qual a quantidade de itens que um dwarf pode vender na lojinha?



MaxPvtStoreSellSlotsOther = 3 < Qual a quantidade de itens que outras classes podem vender na lojinha?


# Maximum number of allowed slots for Private Stores Buy.

# Other means all the other races aside from Dwarf.

# Default: 5, 4

MaxPvtStoreBuySlotsDwarf = 5 < Qual a quantidade de itens que um dwarf pode comprar na lojinha?



MaxPvtStoreBuySlotsOther = 4 < Qual a quantidade de itens que outras classes podem comprar na lojinha?


# This will control the inventory space limit (NOT WEIGHT LIMIT).

# Default: 80, 100, 250

MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 80 < Máximo de lugares no inventário para char normal.



MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 100 < Máximo de lugares no inventário para dwarf.



MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 250 < Máximo de lugar no inventário para GM.



MaximumSlotsForQuestItems = 100 < Máximo de itens no inventário de quest.


# This will control a character's warehouse capacity.

# Notes:

# This must be LESS then 300 or the client will crash.

# Default: 120, 100, 200, 20

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 120 < Capacidade de itens no warehouse.



MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 100 < Capacidade de itens no warehouse.



MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200 < Capacidade de itens no warehouse do clan.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Enchanting

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This controls the chance an item has to break if it is enchanted.

# This chance is in %, so if you set this to 100%, enchants will always succeed.


# Default: 66,66,66

EnchantChanceWeapon = 66 < Chance de encante da arma.



EnchantChanceArmor = 66 < Chance de encante da armadura.



EnchantChanceJewelry = 66 < Chance de encante de jóias.



EnchantChanceElementStone = 50 < Chance de uso dos element stones



EnchantChanceElementCrystal = 30 < Chance de uso dos element crstals



EnchantChanceElementJewel = 20 < Chance de uso dos element jewel



EnchantChanceElementEnergy = 10 < Chance de uso dos element energy



# Default: 66,66,66

BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 66 < Chance de encant da arma com blessed enchant.



BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 66 < Chance de encant da armadura com blessed enchant.



BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 66 < Chance de encant da joia com blessed enchant.


# This is the enchant limit, if set to 0, there will be no limit.

# Example: If this is set to 10, the maximum enchant will be 10.

# Default: 0, 0, 0

EnchantMaxWeapon = 0 < Máximo de encante de armas.



EnchantMaxArmor = 0 < Máximo de encante de armaduras.



EnchantMaxJewelry = 0 < Máximo de encante de joias.


# This is the maximum safe enchant.

# Notes:

# If EnchantSafeMax is set to for 8 the item will be safely enchanted to 8 regardless of the max enchant value set above.

# EnchantSafeMaxFull is for full body armor (upper and lower).

# These values should always be greater than 0.

# Default: 3, 4

EnchantSafeMax = 3 < < Máximo de encante de armaduras.



EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4 < Enchant seguro até +?.


# List of non-enchantable items.

# Currently apprentice, travelers weapons and Pailaka items

# Default: 7816,7817,7818,7819,7820,7821,7822,7823,7824,7825,7826,7827,7828,7829,7830,7831,13293,13294,13296

EnchantBlackList = 7816,7817,7818,7819,7820,7821,7822,7823,7824,7825,7826,7827,7828,7829,7830,7831,13293,13294,13296 < ID dos itens que não podem ser encantados.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Augmenting

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# These control the chance to get a skill in the augmentation process.

# Default: 15, 30, 45, 60

AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15 < Chance de skill para life stone.



AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30 < Chance de skill para mid life stone.



AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45 < Chance de skill para high life stone.



AugmentationTopSkillChance = 60 < Chance de skill para top life stone.


# Accessory augmentation skills currently disabled

AugmentationAccSkillChance = 0 < Chance de skill para jóias.


# This controls the chance to get a base stat modifier in the augmentation process.

# Notes:

# This has no dependancy on the grade of Life Stone.

# Default: 1

AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1 < Desconheço esta opção.


# These control the chance to get a glow effect in the augmentation process.

# Notes:

# No/Mid Grade Life Stone can not have glow effect if you do not get a skill or base stat modifier.

# Default: 0, 40, 70, 100

AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0 < Chance de glow para life stone.



AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40 < Chance de glow para mid life stone.



AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70 < Chance de glow para high life stone.



AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100 < Chance de glow para top life stone.


# List of non-augmentable items, currently contains only Grand Boss jewels

# Shadow, common, time-limited, hero, pvp, wear items are hardcoded, as well as all etcitems.

# Rods can't be augmented too.

# Default: 6656,6657,6658,6659,6660,6661,6662,8191,10170,10314

AugmentationBlackList = 6656,6657,6658,6659,6660,6661,6662,8191,10170,10314,13740,13741,13742,13743,13744,13745,13746,13747,13748,14592,14593,14594,14595,14596,14597,14598,14599,14600,14664,14665,14666,14667,14668,14669,14670,14671,14672,14801,14802,14803,14804,14805,14806,14807,14808,14809,15282,15283,15284,15285,15286,15287,15288,15289,15290,15291,15292,15293,15294,15295,15296,15297,15298,15299 < Lista de IDs das skills de augment.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Karma

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Karma player can be killed in Peace zone.

# Default: False

AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False < Jogadores com karma podem receber hit dentro da cidade?


# Karma player can use GateKeeper.

# Default: False

AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False < Player com karma pode usar GK?


# Karma player can use escape and recall skills.

# Default: True

AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True < Player com karma pode usar scape ou skills de recall?


# Karma player can shop.

# Default: True

AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True < Player com karma pode usar shops?


# Karma player can trade.

# Default: True

AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True < Player com karma pode usar trade?


# Karma player can use warehouse.

# Default: True

AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True < Player com karma pode usar o warehouse?


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Fame

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The maximum number of Fame points a player can have

# Default: 50000

MaxPersonalFamePoints = 50000 < Máximo de fame.


# How frequently the player gets Fame points while in a Fortress Siege zone

# Default: 300s (5 min)

FortressZoneFameTaskFrequency = 300 < De quanto em quanto tempo o player recebe fame em sieges?


# How much Fame aquired while in a Fortress Siege Zone

# Default: 31

FortressZoneFameAquirePoints = 31 < Quanto o player ganha de fame nos fortress?


# How frequently the player gets Fame points while in a Castle Siege zone

# Default: 300s (5 min)

CastleZoneFameTaskFrequency = 300 < Com que frequencia o player recebe fame em siege de castelo?


# How much Fame aquired while in a Castle Siege Zone

# Default: 125

CastleZoneFameAquirePoints = 125 < Quanto o player receberá de fame?


# Dead players can receive fame.

# Default: True

FameForDeadPlayers = True < Players mortos recebem fame?


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Crafting

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Option to enable or disable crafting.

# Default: True

CraftingEnabled = True < Habilitar o craft?


# Enable/Disable crafting of Masterwork items (If set to true, masterwork items can be created when crafting).

# Default: True

CraftMasterwork = True < Habilitar o craft de itens foundation?


# Limits for recipes

# Default: 50, 50

DwarfRecipeLimit = 50 < Limite de recipes que podem ser registrados em um dwarf.



CommonRecipeLimit = 50 < Limite de recipes comuns que podem ser registrados em um dwarf.


# Alternative crafting rules. If enabled, the following will be true:

# Crafting takes time.

# Players get EXP/SP for crafting.

# Default: False

AltGameCreation = False < Se colocado em True, o jogador recebera XP craftando, e a criação dos itens irá demorar.

# Crafting Time multiplier.

# The higher the number, the more time the crafting process takes. XP/SP reward increases with time.

# Default: 1

AltGameCreationSpeed = 1 < Rate de multiplicação do tempo de craft.


# Additional crafting XP/SP rate multiplier.

# Default: 1, 1

AltGameCreationXpRate = 1 < Multiplicação do rate de XP no craft.



AltGameCreationSpRate = 1 < Multiplicação do rate de SP no craft.


# Additional XP/SP rate multiplier when creating rare item.

# Default: 2

AltGameCreationRareXpSpRate = 2 < XP/SP adicional quando craftar um item foundation.


# If set to False, blacksmiths don't take recipes from players inventory when crafting.

# Default: True

AltBlacksmithUseRecipes = True < Blacksmith irá cobrar recipe para craftar?

# Store/Restore Dwarven Manufacture list

# Keep manufacture shoplist after relog

# Default: False

StoreRecipeShopList = False < Guardar a lista de recipes ao reiniciar o servidor?


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Clan

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Number of days you have to wait before joining another clan.

# Default: 1

DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 1 < Dias para entrar novamente em um clan após sair.


# Number of days you have to wait before creating a new clan.

# Default: 10

DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 10 < Dias que voce precisa esperar para criar um novo clan


# Number of days it takes to dissolve a clan.

# Default: 7

DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 7 < Dias para deletar o clan.




# Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan voluntarily leave an alliance.


# Default: 1

DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 1


# Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance.


# Default: 1

DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 1


# Number of days before accepting a new clan for alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance.


# Default: 1

DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 1


# Number of days before creating a new alliance after dissolving an old alliance.


# Default: 1

DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 1


# Maximum number of clans in alliance.

# Default: 3

AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 3 < Número máximo de clans em uma aliança.


# Allow clan members to withdraw from the clan warehouse.

# Default: False

AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH = False < Membros do clan podem retirar itens do warehouse do clan?


# Remove castle circlets after a clan loses their castle or a player leaves a clan.

# Default: True

RemoveCastleCirclets = True < Retirar o capacete de clan caso os mesmos percam o castelo?


# Number of members needed to request a clan war.

# Default: 15

AltClanMembersForWar = 15 < Número de membros no clan para mandar war.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Party

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# CONFUSING(nothing todo with party) -> When you made damage to a mob

# and are inside this range, you will be considered as player to reward.

# Checks for party range to mob to calculate rewards(exp, items).

# Default: 1600

AltPartyRange = 1600 < Alcance de XP da party.


# 1. Used for adena distribution in party

# 2. Used to handle random and by turn party loot

# Default: 1400

AltPartyRange2 = 1400 < Alcance de itens da party.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Random

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is the amount of adena that a new character starts their character with.

# Default: 0

StartingAdena = 0 < Com quanto de adena o char irá iniciar?


# This is the starting level of the new character.

# Default: 1

StartingLevel = 1 < Em que nível o char irá iniciar?


# This is the amount of SP that a new character starts their character with.

# Default: 0

StartingSP = 0 < Com quando de SP o char irá iniciar?


# This option, when set to True, will enable automatically picking up items.

# If set False it will force the player to pickup dropped items from mobs.

# This excludes herbs mentioned above and items from Raid/GrandBosses with minions.

# Default: False

AutoLoot = False < Os itens dropados virão direto para a maleta?


# This option, when set to True, will enable automatically picking up items from Raid/GrandBosses with minions.

# If set False it will force the player to pickup dropped items from bosses.

# This excludes herbs mentioned above and items from mobs.

# Default: False

AutoLootRaids = False < Os itens dropados de bosses virão direto para a maleta?


# Delay for raid drop items loot privilege

# Require Command Channel , check next option

# Value is in seconds

# Default: 900 (15min)

RaidLootRightsInterval = 900 < Esta opção precisa de command channel, não sei realmente para que serve.


# Minimal size of Command Channel for apply raid loot privilege

# Default: 45

RaidLootRightsCCSize = 45 < Desconheço.


# This is the time in seconds that it will take for the player command "/unstuck" to activate.

# Default: 300

UnstuckInterval = 300 < Tempo do /unstuck (em segundos)


# Teleport Watchdog Timeout (seconds)

# Player forced to appear if remain in teleported state longer than timeout

# Does not set too low, recommended value 60s.

# This time is in seconds, leave it at 0 if you want this feature disabled.

# Default: 0

TeleportWatchdogTimeout = 0 < Desconheço.


# After a player teleports, this is the time the player is protected.

# This time is in seconds, leave it at 0 if you want this feature disabled.

# Retail (Since GE): 600 (10 minutes)

# Default: 600

PlayerSpawnProtection = 600 < Desconheço.


# Spawn protection should dissapear with any action with the exception

# of the item usage from items in this list.

# Format: itemId,itemId,itemId,....

PlayerSpawnProtectionAllowedItems = 736,1538,1829,1830 < Desconheço.


# Teleport spawn protection time. It will protect the player in the

# teleport spawn for the given time. 0 to disable feature

PlayerTeleportProtection = 0 < Tempo que o player ficará protegido no respawn após se teleportar.


# If enabled, players respawn in town on different locations defined in zone.xml for given town.

# If disabled the first spawn location from zone.xml is used.

# Default: True

RandomRespawnInTownEnabled = True < Respawn aleatório nas cidades?


# This will allow a random offset from the base teleport location coordinates based on a maximum offset.

# Default: True

OffsetOnTeleportEnabled = True < Desconheço.


# Maximum offset for base teleport location when OffsetOnTeleportEnabled is enabled .

# Default: 50

MaxOffsetOnTeleport = 50 < Desconheço.


# Restores the player to their previous instance (ie. an instanced area/dungeon) on EnterWorld.

# Default: False

RestorePlayerInstance = False < Restaurar as instances do jogador quando ele der restart?


# Set whether summon skills can be used to summon players inside an instance.

# When enabled individual instances can have summoning disabled in instance xml's.


# Default: ?

AllowSummonToInstance = True < Pode usar summon em instance?


# This option is to enable or disable the use of in game petitions.

# The MaxPetitionsPerPlayer is the amount of petitions a player can make.

# The MaximumPendingPetitions is the total amount of petitions in the server.

# Note:

# Logically, MaximumPendingPetitions must be higher then MaxPetitionsPerPlayer.

# Default: True, 5, 25

PetitioningAllowed = True < Habilitar o sistema de petitions?



MaxPetitionsPerPlayer = 5 < Máximo de petitions por jogador.



MaxPetitionsPending = 25 < Máximo de petitions pendentes.


# Free teleporting around the world.

# Default: False

AltFreeTeleporting = False < GK's não irão cobrar adena?


# Allow character deletion after days set below. To disallow character deletion, set this equal to 0.

# Default: 7

DeleteCharAfterDays = 7 < Quanto tempo demora para deletar um char?


# Alternative Xp/Sp rewards, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef). Coef are the 2 numbers set below.

# A few examples for "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3.":

# diff = 0 (player and mob has the same level), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1

# diff = 3 (mob is 3 levels above), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2

# diff = 5 (mob is 5 levels above), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17

# diff = -8 (mob is 8 levels below), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16

# Default: 0, 0

AltGameExponentXp = 0 < Desconheço.



AltGameExponentSp = 0 < Desconheço.



# With "auto method" member is cut from Exp/SP distribution when his share is lower than party bonus acquired for him (30% for 2 member party).

# In that case he will not receive any Exp/SP from party and is not counted for party bonus.

# If you don't want to have a cutoff point for party members' XP distribution, set the first option to "none".

# Available Options: auto, level, percentage, none

# Default: level

PartyXpCutoffMethod = level < Desconheço.


# This option takes effect when "percentage" method is chosen. Don't use high values for this!

# Default: 3.0

PartyXpCutoffPercent = 3.0 < Desconheço.


# This option takes effect when "level" method is chosen. Don't use low values for this!

# Default: 20

PartyXpCutoffLevel = 20 < Diferença de nível para um char upar o outro.


# Disable tutorial on new player enter into Game

# Please remember its sometimes important to novice players

# Default: False

DisableTutorial = False < Desabilitar o tutorial?


# Expertise penalty

# If disabled, player will not receive penalty for equip higher grade items

# Default: True

ExpertisePenalty = True < Caso um jogador de nivel 1, utilize um item grade S ele será penalizado?


# Player can in client define his own key mapping and for save it must be stored server side.

# Disabled until confirmed as working.

# Default: False

StoreCharUiSettings = False < Desconheço.


# Character name restriction

# Disallow characters to have a name which contains the words.

# Split them with ",". Example: announcements,announce...

ForbiddenNames = annou,ammou,amnou,anmou,anou,amou < Restrição para nomes de usuários: Ex: você pode bloquear que eles usem algo do tipo: p***, vagabunda, etc...


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Setting for Capture The Flag

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#IF this value is true CTF will run auto

#Defaul value = False

CTFEventEnabled = False < Habilitar evento CTF.


#Interval for auto CTF Event

#This work only if CTFEventEnabled = True

CTFEventInterval = 10:00,14:03,18:00 < Horários em que o CTF acontecerá.



# NO means: not even teams.

# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.

# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to the event and not direct to a team. Teams will be shuffled on teams teleport.

CTFEvenTeams = SHUFFLE < NO significa: nenhuma equipe. BALANCE: Os jogadores só podem se juntar à equipe com menor número do jogador. SHUFFLE: Os jogadores só podem participar do evento e não direto.


# Allow voiced command on CTF Event?

CTFAllowVoiceCommand = True < Habilitar os comandos de voz no CTF?


# Players that are not participating in CTF can target ctf participants?

CTFAllowInterference = False < Jogadores que estão participando do evento podem pegar o target dos parceiros?


# CTF participants can use potions?

CTFAllowPotions = False < Habilitar o uso de potions?


# CTF participants can summon by item?

CTFAllowSummon = False < Pode utilizar summon de item? Ex: strider.


# Remove all effects of CTF participants on event start?

CTFOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True < Remover todos os efeitos do jogador quando o CTF iniciar? Ex: buffs, debuffs, etc...

# Unsummon pet of CTF participants on event start?

CTFOnStartUnsummonPet = True < Remover o summon quando iniciar?


# On revive participants regain full HP/MP/CP?

CTFReviveRecovery = False < Ao reviver os participantes ganham full HP/MP/CP?


# Announce all team statistics

CTFAnnounceTeamStats = False < Anunciar as estatisticas dos times?


# Announce reward

CTFAnnounceReward = False


# Players with cursed weapon are allowed to join?

CTFJoinWithCursedWeapon = True < Jogadores com Zaricheou Akamanah podem participar?


# Delay on revive when dead, NOTE: 20000 equals to 20 seconds, minimum 1000 (1 second)

CTFReviveDelay = 20000 < Delay de ressureição. Ex: 20000 = 20 segundos.


# Fighter-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn

# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...

# Example: 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1

CtfEventFighterBuffs = 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1 < Buffs que fighters irão receber.


# Mage-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn

# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...

# Example: 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3

CtfEventMageBuffs = 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3 < Buffs que wizards irão receber


# After death player will be receive buffs

CTFBuffsAfterDie = False < Ao morrer o jogador pode receber buffs?






é isso pessoal, em breve estarei postando as outras configs. Se alguém quiser ir fazendo as outras, eu coloco neste tópico. Esse deu trabalho =]

Editado por ScottinG
Sou um usuário aposentado há anos do L2JBrasil, por gentileza, não me contate para suporte, pois não entendo mais nada de L2J. Fiquei no tempo.
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Atualizado, coloquei as configs do CTF.

Se alguém quiser fazer de mais alguma config, manda MP.

Pretendo fazer todas mas estou sem tempo :ph34r:

Sou um usuário aposentado há anos do L2JBrasil, por gentileza, não me contate para suporte, pois não entendo mais nada de L2J. Fiquei no tempo.
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AllowClassMasters = False < Permitir os "gatinhos" de classe?

nao entendi!

eles ja nao sao add/permitidos nos server's?


RestorePlayerInstance = False < Restaurar as instances do jogador quando ele der restart?

o que é essas instances?

Editado por heero

Faço o que posso com o que eu tenho, Saber é Poder,

Sabedoria é a maior riqueza que temos, não importa se ela é boa ou ruim o que importa é como a usaremos.

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eles ja nao sao add/permitidos nos server's?



o que é essas instances?


se vc deixar False na config do class master, ao dar restart no server ele some, se você deixar True ele não desaparecerá ao dar restart!


com relação as instance, EU ACHO que é quando vc da restart em Siege, fortress ou evento...!

false: quando der restart com char em siege, evento ou fortress ele logará onde estava!

True: quando der restart com char em siege, evento ou fortress ele logará na cidade mais proxima!

aconselho que vc teste pra saber!

Editado por EvandroMT

Posso ser ferido, mas nunca vencido. Sou servo de um Deus indestrutível.

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Instance são Baylor, Beleth, Kamaloka, etc...

Tou meio ocupado com alguns problemas, creio que não vou poder terminar o tutorial.

Se alguém se prontificar, eu coloco no tópico juntamente com os créditos.


Editado por ScottinG
Sou um usuário aposentado há anos do L2JBrasil, por gentileza, não me contate para suporte, pois não entendo mais nada de L2J. Fiquei no tempo.
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Ola, estou usando a rev l2jbrasil. interlude, não achei esse arquivo "" Nem a "'', qual arquivo eu encontraria essas funções q vc postou ?


Só aproveitando meu post, onde eu modifico para quando eu mato um Mob e pego os itens dropados es itens aparecerem na tela do chat, pois aqui não está aparecendo.

Editado por gugumes
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