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Error GeoData



eae Galerinha, de saber se meu GeoData e Pathnode está Ativado


Em Alguns Lugares da Area de Drop, ta assim, Onde Deveria Atacar não Ataca





Outros Lugares assim, Onde Não Deveria Atacar, Ataca !





E as Minhas Configurações, São Assim



# Geo Engine #


# Pack: l2jfrozen Site: #


# --------------------------------

# Geo Configuration -

# --------------------------------

# 0 = geodata disabled (default).

# 1 = enabled geodata.

# If ForceGeodata = true, it requires ~ 3 GB

# If ForceGeodata = false, then the required rate of screws 7200


# 2 = geodata and pathnode (search path) are included.

# Pathnode are't active for Players, active AllowPlayersPathnode= True

# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 5 GB

# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200


# -1 = Pathnode (search path) enabled.

# If ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 2 GB

# If ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200

# Test function! There may be mistakes!

GeoData = 2

# If GeoData=2, with this configuration is possible to enable/disable pathnode for

# players, meanwhile, for the other "L2Characters", is always enabled.

# You must have a good Pathnode to active this function.

AllowPlayersPathnode= True

# [True] Download geodata in RAM (using about 2 GB).

# [False] Do not download geodata in memory. Read from the hard disk.

# INFO: Better [true]

ForceGeodata = True

# Cell-level pathfinding, produces more accurate routes but is (maybe 10x) heavier to calculate. Recommended for small servers at least.

# If False, pathnode files are used. Uses a max number of nodes in calculation which can be adjusted in the algorithm if it needs to be faster.

# Default: False

CellPathFinding = False

# Default: False

AcceptGeoeditorConn = False

GeoEditorPort = 9011

# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Z-Axis correction for L2Spawns.

# Possible values: Town, Monster, None, All

# If you have problems with NPCs spawning on town roofs, change to "Monster" or "None"

# If you have problems with dungeon mobs spawning on surface, change to "Town" or "None"

GeoCorrectZ = All




Gostaria de Saber oq tem de Errado, para Ficar desse Jeito Bugado ..




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