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Projeto (Nova SKIN) para l2 Interlude

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Pessoal, depois de tentar, bater cabeça ler e reler alguns tutoriais, já estou apto para mudar o cliente em 70%

e quero contar com ajuda de algumas pessoas,

se interessar pra alguém, só preciso de alguém que trabalhe com criação e edição de imagens para mudanças de ícones, barras, botões

por enquanto , estou colocando a (ui) toda em preto, quando eu terminar irei postar aqui

segue abaixo algumas print's







obrigado pela compreensão !

Editado por printscreem
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vai ficar muito bacana mesmo !! mais seria uma boa você colocar a imagem envés do link mais se for mesmo modificar algumas partes está mmt bom !! parabéns

L2Khaos 1000x - Interlude Mass Pvp

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vai ficar muito bacana mesmo !! mais seria uma boa você colocar a imagem envés do link mais se for mesmo modificar algumas partes está mmt bom !! parabéns

claro, logico , estava um pouco com pressa, depois coloco bem organizado!

Uma skin com ferramentas interface e etc original de outra cronica possível ficaria show!




Ótima ideia, o problema que o Interlude, já tem seus tamanhos e resoluções pré definidos, eu posso alterar na utx, mas ainda estou muito de longe de por exemplo, colocar a bolsa maior, da outra cronica, mas podemos fazer algo bonito e bem diferente com a resolução que tem!

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Existe uma maneira de mudar a bússola do c4 para ertheia, outras coisas etc.. ? sem mexer com codigo fonte ? Por que eu mexo com off e precisa extender quase que tudo to iniciando agora em c++;

Editado por Jambix64

Tudo depende de você mesmo!

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Existe uma maneira de mudar a bússola do c4 para ertheia, outras coisas etc.. ? sem mexer com codigo fonte ? Por que eu mexo com off e precisa extender quase que tudo to iniciando agora em c++;

é como eu falei no pequeno espaço que o c4 dá pra bussola, você pode mudar e trabalhar isso, agora pra ter a da outra cronica, só com código fonte!

show de bola man , depois queremos desfrutar desse seu belo trabalho abraços :D

Claro, se eu conseguir alguém que possa melhorar os ícones antigos do l2, claro que iria ficar show ! nao precisa nem criar do zero, apenas ter uma psd pra eu trabalhar, ja conta!


por exemplo se alguém conseguir os 4 ícones do menu, eu já coloco pra gente vê como fica.

Existe uma maneira de mudar a bússola do c4 para ertheia, outras coisas etc.. ? sem mexer com codigo fonte ? Por que eu mexo com off e precisa extender quase que tudo to iniciando agora em c++;


olha ai, se alguém tiver uma UI da cronica que tem a outra bussola, posso mudar a Utx, vê se pelo menos consigo mudar aparencia!







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Humm, está ficando maneiro em!


Esses tipos de alteração acima, é bem complicado...


O pessoal, principalmente os russos usam muito isso aqui :p


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claro, logico , estava um pouco com pressa, depois coloco bem organizado!

Ótima ideia, o problema que o Interlude, já tem seus tamanhos e resoluções pré definidos, eu posso alterar na utx, mas ainda estou muito de longe de por exemplo, colocar a bolsa maior, da outra cronica, mas podemos fazer algo bonito e bem diferente com a resolução que tem!

Tipo assim ?, só falta mudar os ícones, e colocar os comandos nos botões

olha a direita inferior!





Humm, está ficando maneiro em!


Esses tipos de alteração acima, é bem complicado...


O pessoal, principalmente os russos usam muito isso aqui :P

Estou usando ele , ajuda muito , o ruim é o fato que não sabemos o que vários códigos são ! , mas to conseguindo!

Editado por printscreem
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tem um lugarzin aonde pego algumas coisas não testei, mas tem uns scripts aqui que tu pode testar...


Adicionar mais uma barra de Skill



println "Creat new panel"

def Shortcut =["FlightTransformCtrlWnd"]

def Windd = Shortcut.children["FlightShortCut"]

Shortcut.unk107 = 0

Shortcut.unk109 = 1














].each { rem ->

Shortcut.children[0].children.removeIf({ el -> == rem












].each { name ->

def element = Windd.children[name]

element.size_absolute_width = 0

element.size_absolute_height = 0















].each { name ->

def element2 = Windd.children[name]

element2.unk101 = false


println "done!"



(segundo painel adicional de habilidades)



println "Creat 2 panel"
def Shortcut =["FlightShipCtrlWnd"]
def Windd = Shortcut.children["FlightShortCut"]
def Win2 = Shortcut.children["FlightSteerWnd"]
Shortcut.unk107 = 0
Shortcut.unk109 = 1
Shortcut.size_absolute_height = 506
Shortcut.size_absolute_width = 46
Shortcut.children[0].unk114 = 3
Shortcut.children[0].unk101 = "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Small_Bg"
Shortcut.children[0].size_absolute_width = 46
Shortcut.children[0].size_absolute_height = 506
Shortcut.children[1].unk107 = 1
].each { rem ->
Shortcut.children[0].children.removeIf({ el -> == rem
].each { name ->
def element2 = Windd.children[name]
element2.unk101 = false
].each { name ->
def element = Windd.children[name]
element.size_absolute_width = 0
element.size_absolute_height = 0

bakdrop1 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 35.0],
bakdrop2 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 72.0],
bakdrop3 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 109.0],
bakdrop4 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 146.0],
bakdrop5 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 188.0],
bakdrop6 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 225.0],
bakdrop7 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 262.0],
bakdrop8 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 299.0],
bakdrop9 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 341.0],
bakdrop10 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 378.0],
bakdrop11 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 415.0],
bakdrop12 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 452.0],
Shortcut1 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 35.0],
Shortcut2 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 72.0],
Shortcut3 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 109.0],
Shortcut4 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 146.0],
Shortcut5 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 188.0],
Shortcut6 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 225.0],
Shortcut7 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 262.0],
Shortcut8 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 299.0],
Shortcut9 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 341.0],
Shortcut10 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 378.0],
Shortcut11 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 415.0],
Shortcut12 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 452.0]
].each { name, ps ->
def element = Shortcut.children[0].children[name]
ps.each { p, v ->
element."$p" = v
println "done"



(Painel Macro)



println "Creat Macro panel"
def Shortcut =["MacroListWnd"]
Shortcut.unk101 = "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Small_Vertical_Bg"
Shortcut.unk105 = -1
Shortcut.unk107 = 0
Shortcut.unk111 = -9999
Shortcut.unk113 = 1
Shortcut.unk114 = 1
Shortcut.unk115 = 0
Shortcut.unk134 = "undefined"
Shortcut.unk135 = -9999
Shortcut.size_absolute_width = 506
Shortcut.size_absolute_height = 46
].each { rem ->;
Shortcut.children.removeIf({ el ->; == rem
def Item = Shortcut.children["MacroItem"]
Item.size_absolute_height = 38
Item.size_absolute_width = 468
Item.cols = 12
Item.rows = 1
Item.spacing_horizontal = 6
Item.anchor_y = 7.0
Item.anchor_x = 36.0
].each { name ->;
def Button = Shortcut.children[name]
Button.size_absolute_width = 16
Button.size_absolute_height = 16
Shortcut.children[2].anchor_parent = Alignment.CENTER_LEFT
Shortcut.children[2].anchor_this = Alignment.CENTER_LEFT
Shortcut.children[3].anchor_parent = Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT
Shortcut.children[3].anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT
btnAdd : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: 2.0, ,textStringId: -9999, texture: "AddTextures.New", textureDown: "AddTextures.New_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],
btnEdit : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: 0.0, texture: "L2UI_CH3.PartyWnd.party_optionbutton", textureDown: "L2UI_CH3.PartyWnd.party_optionbutton_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],
btnTrash : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: -2.0, texture: "L2UI_ct1.Frames.frames_df_btn_close", textureDown: "L2UI_ct1.Frames.frames_df_btn_close_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],
].each { name, ps ->;
def Button2 = Shortcut.children[name]
ps.each { p, v ->;
Button2."$p" = v
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop1"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop2"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop3"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop4"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop5"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop6"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop7"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop8"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop9"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop10"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop11"))
Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop12"))
bakdrop1 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 35.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop2 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 72.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop3 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 111.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop4 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 149.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop5 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 187.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop6 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 225.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop7 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 262.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop8 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 301.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop9 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 338.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop10 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 378.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop11 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 415.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
bakdrop12 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 452.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],
].each { name, ps ->;
def element = Shortcut.children[name]
ps.each { p, v ->;
element."$p" = v
println "done!"




(mover seus sistemas de chat)




println "Creat move SystemMsg!" Window(
name: "SystemMsgWndBG",
unk3: 1,
size: true,
size_absolute_width: 348,
size_absolute_height: 180,
anchor: true,
unk100: "undefined",
unk101: "undefined",
unk102: "SystemMsgWndBG",
unk103: "GamingState",
unk109: 1,
unk116: 1))
def BG =["SystemMsgWndBG"]
def SysMsg =["SystemMsgWnd"]
SysMsg.size_absolute_height = 190
SysMsg.anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT
SysMsg.anchor_ctrl = "SystemMsgWndBG"
SysMsg.anchor_y = 4.0
SysMsg.unk100 = ""
SysMsg.unk112 = 1
SysMsg.unk117 = 3
SysMsg.unk118 = 1.0
SysMsg.unk119 = 1.0
SysMsg.unk120 = 24.0
SysMsg.unk121 = 10.0
SysMsg.unk122 = 400
SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk100 = "L2UI_CH3.ChatWnd.Chatting_Back3"
SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk102 = 2
SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk106 = 358.0
SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk107 = 15.0
SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk108 = 200
SysMsg.anchor_parent = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT
SysMsg.anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT





O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Não cheguei a testar


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tem um lugarzin aonde pego algumas coisas não testei, mas tem uns scripts aqui que tu pode testar...


Adicionar mais uma barra de Skill



println "Creat new panel"




def Shortcut =["FlightTransformCtrlWnd"]


def Windd = Shortcut.children["FlightShortCut"]


Shortcut.unk107 = 0


Shortcut.unk109 = 1




























].each { rem ->


Shortcut.children[0].children.removeIf({ el -> == rem
























].each { name ->


def element = Windd.children[name]


element.size_absolute_width = 0


element.size_absolute_height = 0






























].each { name ->


def element2 = Windd.children[name]


element2.unk101 = false






println "done!"



(segundo painel adicional de habilidades)



println "Creat 2 panel"

def Shortcut =["FlightShipCtrlWnd"]

def Windd = Shortcut.children["FlightShortCut"]

def Win2 = Shortcut.children["FlightSteerWnd"]

Shortcut.unk107 = 0

Shortcut.unk109 = 1

Shortcut.size_absolute_height = 506

Shortcut.size_absolute_width = 46

Shortcut.children[0].unk114 = 3

Shortcut.children[0].unk101 = "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Small_Bg"

Shortcut.children[0].size_absolute_width = 46

Shortcut.children[0].size_absolute_height = 506

Shortcut.children[1].unk107 = 1














].each { rem ->

Shortcut.children[0].children.removeIf({ el -> == rem
















].each { name ->

def element2 = Windd.children[name]

element2.unk101 = false







].each { name ->

def element = Windd.children[name]

element.size_absolute_width = 0

element.size_absolute_height = 0




bakdrop1 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 35.0],

bakdrop2 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 72.0],

bakdrop3 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 109.0],

bakdrop4 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 146.0],

bakdrop5 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 188.0],

bakdrop6 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 225.0],

bakdrop7 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 262.0],

bakdrop8 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 299.0],

bakdrop9 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 341.0],

bakdrop10 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 378.0],

bakdrop11 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 415.0],

bakdrop12 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 452.0],

Shortcut1 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 35.0],

Shortcut2 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 72.0],

Shortcut3 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 109.0],

Shortcut4 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 146.0],

Shortcut5 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 188.0],

Shortcut6 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 225.0],

Shortcut7 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 262.0],

Shortcut8 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 299.0],

Shortcut9 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 341.0],

Shortcut10 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 378.0],

Shortcut11 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 415.0],

Shortcut12 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 452.0]

].each { name, ps ->

def element = Shortcut.children[0].children[name]

ps.each { p, v ->

element."$p" = v



println "done"



(Painel Macro)



println "Creat Macro panel"

def Shortcut =["MacroListWnd"]

Shortcut.unk101 = "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Small_Vertical_Bg"

Shortcut.unk105 = -1

Shortcut.unk107 = 0

Shortcut.unk111 = -9999

Shortcut.unk113 = 1

Shortcut.unk114 = 1

Shortcut.unk115 = 0

Shortcut.unk134 = "undefined"

Shortcut.unk135 = -9999

Shortcut.size_absolute_width = 506

Shortcut.size_absolute_height = 46








].each { rem ->;

Shortcut.children.removeIf({ el ->; == rem



def Item = Shortcut.children["MacroItem"]

Item.size_absolute_height = 38

Item.size_absolute_width = 468

Item.cols = 12

Item.rows = 1

Item.spacing_horizontal = 6

Item.anchor_y = 7.0

Item.anchor_x = 36.0





].each { name ->;

def Button = Shortcut.children[name]

Button.size_absolute_width = 16

Button.size_absolute_height = 16


Shortcut.children[2].anchor_parent = Alignment.CENTER_LEFT

Shortcut.children[2].anchor_this = Alignment.CENTER_LEFT

Shortcut.children[3].anchor_parent = Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT

Shortcut.children[3].anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT


btnAdd : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: 2.0, ,textStringId: -9999, texture: "AddTextures.New", textureDown: "AddTextures.New_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],

btnEdit : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: 0.0, texture: "L2UI_CH3.PartyWnd.party_optionbutton", textureDown: "L2UI_CH3.PartyWnd.party_optionbutton_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],

btnTrash : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: -2.0, texture: "L2UI_ct1.Frames.frames_df_btn_close", textureDown: "L2UI_ct1.Frames.frames_df_btn_close_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],

].each { name, ps ->;

def Button2 = Shortcut.children[name]

ps.each { p, v ->;

Button2."$p" = v



Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop1"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop2"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop3"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop4"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop5"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop6"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop7"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop8"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop9"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop10"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop11"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop12"))


bakdrop1 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 35.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop2 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 72.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop3 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 111.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop4 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 149.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop5 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 187.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop6 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 225.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop7 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 262.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop8 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 301.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop9 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 338.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop10 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 378.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop11 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 415.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop12 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 452.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

].each { name, ps ->;

def element = Shortcut.children[name]

ps.each { p, v ->;

element."$p" = v



println "done!"




(mover seus sistemas de chat)




println "Creat move SystemMsg!" Window(

name: "SystemMsgWndBG",

unk3: 1,

size: true,

size_absolute_width: 348,

size_absolute_height: 180,

anchor: true,

unk100: "undefined",

unk101: "undefined",

unk102: "SystemMsgWndBG",

unk103: "GamingState",

unk109: 1,

unk116: 1))

def BG =["SystemMsgWndBG"]

def SysMsg =["SystemMsgWnd"]

SysMsg.size_absolute_height = 190

SysMsg.anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT

SysMsg.anchor_ctrl = "SystemMsgWndBG"

SysMsg.anchor_y = 4.0

SysMsg.unk100 = ""

SysMsg.unk112 = 1

SysMsg.unk117 = 3

SysMsg.unk118 = 1.0

SysMsg.unk119 = 1.0

SysMsg.unk120 = 24.0

SysMsg.unk121 = 10.0

SysMsg.unk122 = 400

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk100 = "L2UI_CH3.ChatWnd.Chatting_Back3"

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk102 = 2

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk106 = 358.0

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk107 = 15.0

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk108 = 200

SysMsg.anchor_parent = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT

SysMsg.anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT

println "done!"





O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Não cheguei a testar

Vou tentar, apenas no Xdat Editor não tem opção de ciar nova, so teria como editar :x assim me quebra

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ta meio bagunçado , tu ainda lembra o link original ?, quem sabe lá eu veja direitinho, ai tem coluna que não tem no interlude, achei estranho! , se souber de outro progama (xdat) me avisa

é pq nos videos que tem lá no post o cara ta usando como base o L2Gracia ou Freya ou hi5 '-' eu acho


Link para o comentário
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é pq nos videos que tem lá no post o cara ta usando como base o L2Gracia ou Freya ou hi5 '-' eu acho

o negocio é bater cabeça e fazer sozinho, eu sei que dá , mas com ajuda sempre é bom!

se alguem quiser me ajudar ! preciso que o (icone) chame um comando por exemplo Icone de clan, abrir a parte do clan! é com o nome : Clan, mas parece que não funciona, sera que tem como criar ?


tem um lugarzin aonde pego algumas coisas não testei, mas tem uns scripts aqui que tu pode testar...


Adicionar mais uma barra de Skill



println "Creat new panel"




def Shortcut =["FlightTransformCtrlWnd"]


def Windd = Shortcut.children["FlightShortCut"]


Shortcut.unk107 = 0


Shortcut.unk109 = 1




























].each { rem ->


Shortcut.children[0].children.removeIf({ el -> == rem
























].each { name ->


def element = Windd.children[name]


element.size_absolute_width = 0


element.size_absolute_height = 0






























].each { name ->


def element2 = Windd.children[name]


element2.unk101 = false






println "done!"



(segundo painel adicional de habilidades)



println "Creat 2 panel"

def Shortcut =["FlightShipCtrlWnd"]

def Windd = Shortcut.children["FlightShortCut"]

def Win2 = Shortcut.children["FlightSteerWnd"]

Shortcut.unk107 = 0

Shortcut.unk109 = 1

Shortcut.size_absolute_height = 506

Shortcut.size_absolute_width = 46

Shortcut.children[0].unk114 = 3

Shortcut.children[0].unk101 = "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Small_Bg"

Shortcut.children[0].size_absolute_width = 46

Shortcut.children[0].size_absolute_height = 506

Shortcut.children[1].unk107 = 1














].each { rem ->

Shortcut.children[0].children.removeIf({ el -> == rem
















].each { name ->

def element2 = Windd.children[name]

element2.unk101 = false







].each { name ->

def element = Windd.children[name]

element.size_absolute_width = 0

element.size_absolute_height = 0




bakdrop1 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 35.0],

bakdrop2 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 72.0],

bakdrop3 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 109.0],

bakdrop4 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 146.0],

bakdrop5 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 188.0],

bakdrop6 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 225.0],

bakdrop7 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 262.0],

bakdrop8 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 299.0],

bakdrop9 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 341.0],

bakdrop10 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 378.0],

bakdrop11 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 415.0],

bakdrop12 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 452.0],

Shortcut1 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 35.0],

Shortcut2 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 72.0],

Shortcut3 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 109.0],

Shortcut4 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 146.0],

Shortcut5 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 188.0],

Shortcut6 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 225.0],

Shortcut7 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 262.0],

Shortcut8 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 299.0],

Shortcut9 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 341.0],

Shortcut10 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 378.0],

Shortcut11 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 415.0],

Shortcut12 : [anchor_x: 7.0, anchor_y: 452.0]

].each { name, ps ->

def element = Shortcut.children[0].children[name]

ps.each { p, v ->

element."$p" = v



println "done"



(Painel Macro)



println "Creat Macro panel"

def Shortcut =["MacroListWnd"]

Shortcut.unk101 = "L2UI_CT1.Windows_DF_Small_Vertical_Bg"

Shortcut.unk105 = -1

Shortcut.unk107 = 0

Shortcut.unk111 = -9999

Shortcut.unk113 = 1

Shortcut.unk114 = 1

Shortcut.unk115 = 0

Shortcut.unk134 = "undefined"

Shortcut.unk135 = -9999

Shortcut.size_absolute_width = 506

Shortcut.size_absolute_height = 46








].each { rem ->;

Shortcut.children.removeIf({ el ->; == rem



def Item = Shortcut.children["MacroItem"]

Item.size_absolute_height = 38

Item.size_absolute_width = 468

Item.cols = 12

Item.rows = 1

Item.spacing_horizontal = 6

Item.anchor_y = 7.0

Item.anchor_x = 36.0





].each { name ->;

def Button = Shortcut.children[name]

Button.size_absolute_width = 16

Button.size_absolute_height = 16


Shortcut.children[2].anchor_parent = Alignment.CENTER_LEFT

Shortcut.children[2].anchor_this = Alignment.CENTER_LEFT

Shortcut.children[3].anchor_parent = Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT

Shortcut.children[3].anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT


btnAdd : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: 2.0, ,textStringId: -9999, texture: "AddTextures.New", textureDown: "AddTextures.New_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],

btnEdit : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: 0.0, texture: "L2UI_CH3.PartyWnd.party_optionbutton", textureDown: "L2UI_CH3.PartyWnd.party_optionbutton_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],

btnTrash : [anchor_x: 16.0, anchor_y: -2.0, texture: "L2UI_ct1.Frames.frames_df_btn_close", textureDown: "L2UI_ct1.Frames.frames_df_btn_close_down", textureOver: "undefined", unk103: "undefined"],

].each { name, ps ->;

def Button2 = Shortcut.children[name]

ps.each { p, v ->;

Button2."$p" = v



Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop1"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop2"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop3"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop4"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop5"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop6"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop7"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop8"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop9"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop10"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop11"))

Shortcut.children.add(new Texture(name: "bakdrop12"))


bakdrop1 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 35.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop2 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 72.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop3 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 111.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop4 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 149.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop5 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 187.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop6 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 225.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop7 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 262.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop8 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 301.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop9 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 338.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop10 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 378.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop11 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 415.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

bakdrop12 : [anchor_x: 6.0, anchor_y: 452.0, size_absolute_width: 36, size_absolute_height: 36, size: true, anchor: true, unk110: "None",unk109: -1,unk112: -1,unk108: -9999, unk100: "l2ui_ct1.ItemWindow_DF_SlotBox_2x2", anchor_parent: Alignment.TOP_LEFT, anchor_this: Alignment.TOP_LEFT],

].each { name, ps ->;

def element = Shortcut.children[name]

ps.each { p, v ->;

element."$p" = v



println "done!"




(mover seus sistemas de chat)




println "Creat move SystemMsg!" Window(

name: "SystemMsgWndBG",

unk3: 1,

size: true,

size_absolute_width: 348,

size_absolute_height: 180,

anchor: true,

unk100: "undefined",

unk101: "undefined",

unk102: "SystemMsgWndBG",

unk103: "GamingState",

unk109: 1,

unk116: 1))

def BG =["SystemMsgWndBG"]

def SysMsg =["SystemMsgWnd"]

SysMsg.size_absolute_height = 190

SysMsg.anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT

SysMsg.anchor_ctrl = "SystemMsgWndBG"

SysMsg.anchor_y = 4.0

SysMsg.unk100 = ""

SysMsg.unk112 = 1

SysMsg.unk117 = 3

SysMsg.unk118 = 1.0

SysMsg.unk119 = 1.0

SysMsg.unk120 = 24.0

SysMsg.unk121 = 10.0

SysMsg.unk122 = 400

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk100 = "L2UI_CH3.ChatWnd.Chatting_Back3"

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk102 = 2

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk106 = 358.0

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk107 = 15.0

SysMsg.children["BackTexture"].unk108 = 200

SysMsg.anchor_parent = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT

SysMsg.anchor_this = Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT

println "done!"





O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Não cheguei a testar

Sobre o Macro, eu tentei e ficou assim, ainda vou estilizar





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Quando vi o titulo desse post achei que vocês estavam falando de cerveja. huauhauhauha

agora que eu reparei ! kkkkkkkkkk

Tentando fazer a Skin parecida com a do Graçia, eu tentei copiar a interface! até fica igual , mas não abre os ícones, (clan) (skill) dentre outros que não tinha no interlude, o máximo que pude fazer, foi pegar os ícones que funcionavam dentro do jogo e adaptar eles !

os Ícones ainda vão ser alterados! meu forte nunca foi Ícone, kk :haha:




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  • 1 month later...

Um Belo Post, exelente iniciativa!
Sou totalmente a favor desta mudança!

segue o LINK de um pack de mudança da interface Interlude para Gracia, foi de um servidor que joguei, é funcional, porém tem restrições para logar no server, pode ser util para retirar icones entre outras coisas!!!


No meu projeto eu uso a 4 Barra e o menu do Gracia porém em algun's PC's fica dando Critical ...

Brother, poste este pack que vc usa ou prints dele, pode ser de boa ajuda!!!



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