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FUSI0N last won the day on Fevereiro 7 2023

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Sobre FUSI0N

  • Data de Nascimento 02/15/1992

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  1. FUSI0N


    alguem testou o autofarm o comando nao pega .farm
  2. FUSI0N


    detalhe ja tentei tudo que tipo de System se ta e loko na conecta
  3. FUSI0N


    alguem sabe o porque disso aqui
  4. evento funciona mais os mobs ataca os players mais os player nao ataca os mobs nao entendi
  5. FUSI0N


    minha Opniao seria mudar a revisao para java mais atualizado seria uma boa mais vamos ajuda no projeto!
  6. FUSI0N


    estou usando java 17 Buildfile: C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\buildCore.xml VERSION: [substring] Warning: Nashorn engine is planned to be removed from a future JDK release [echo] Revision: vis Build time: 2023-07-24 13:00:31 BUILD: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\build\classes [javac] Compiling 1683 source files to C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\build\classes [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8 [javac] Note: C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\src\l2jorion\logger\impl\ uses or overrides a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] 1 warning [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\build\classes\META-INF\services [jar] Building jar: C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\build\l2jorion-core.jar [delete] Deleting directory C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\build\classes BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 24 seconds tive que por JAVA 11
  7. FUSI0N


    seguinte erro na hora de compilar Buildfile: C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\buildCore.xml VERSION: [exec] Execute failed: Cannot run program ".\svn\svnversion" (in directory "C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode"): CreateProcess error=2, O sistema não pode encontrar o arquivo especificado Java 15 has removed Nashorn, you must provide an engine for running JavaScript yourself. GraalVM JavaScript currently is the preferred option. BUILD FAILED C:\Users\zeina\git\L2jOrion_Interlude_C6\L2jOrion_SourceCode\buildCore.xml:41: Unable to create javax script engine for javascript
  8. FUSI0N


    Alguém conseguiu compilar o meu está com erro na hora de compilar Estou ultilizando Java 8 O erro tá aqui nessa linha <exec dir="." executable="./svn/svnversion" outputproperty="revision" failifexecutionfails="false" /> <substring text="${revision}" start="4" end="7" property="rev" />
  9. galera to tentando fazer pegar este script mais nao vai esta tudo OK mais so que ele nao evolui para Mob seguinte como esta no script package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.l2j.commons.random.Rnd; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.EventHandler; import; import; import; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.L2Skill; public class EvoMonster extends AttackableAIScript { private static final Map<Integer, Integer[]> MOBSPAWNS = new HashMap<>(); static { MOBSPAWNS.put(1, new Integer[] { 2, 100, 100, -1 }); // Fallen Orc Shaman -> Sharp Talon Tiger (always polymorphs) MOBSPAWNS.put(2, new Integer[] { 3, 100, 20, -1 }); // Ol Mahum Transcender 1st stage MOBSPAWNS.put(3, new Integer[] { 4, 100, 10, -1 }); // Ol Mahum Transcender 2nd stage MOBSPAWNS.put(4, new Integer[] { 5, 100, 5, -1 }); // Ol Mahum Transcender 3rd stage MOBSPAWNS.put(5, new Integer[] { 6, 100, 33, -1 }); // Cave Ant Larva -> Cave Ant MOBSPAWNS.put(6, new Integer[] { 7, 100, 100, -1 }); // Cave Ant Larva -> Cave Ant (always polymorphs) } private static final String[][] MOBTEXTS = { new String[] { "Enough fooling around. Get ready to die!", "You idiot! I've just been toying with you!", "Now the fun starts!" }, new String[] { "I must admit, no one makes my blood boil quite like you do!", "Now the battle begins!", "Witness my true power!" }, new String[] { "Prepare to die!", "I'll double my strength!", "You have more skill than I thought" } }; public EvoMonster() { super("ai/custom"); } @Override protected void registerNpcs() { addEventIds(MOBSPAWNS.keySet(), EventHandler.ATTACKED); } @Override public void onAttacked(Npc npc, Creature attacker, int damage, L2Skill skill) { if (npc.isVisible() && !npc.isDead()) { final Integer[] tmp = MOBSPAWNS.get(npc.getNpcId()); if (tmp != null) { if (npc.getStatus().getHpRatio() * 100 <= tmp[1] && Rnd.get(100) < tmp[2]) { if (tmp[3] >= 0) npc.broadcastNpcSay(Rnd.get(MOBTEXTS[tmp[3]])); final Npc newNpc = addSpawn(tmp[0], npc, false, 0, true); newNpc.forceAttack(attacker, 200); npc.deleteMe(); } } } super.onAttacked(npc, attacker, damage, skill); } } Ids que estou ultilizando Mobs ids : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  10. FUSI0N

    RusAcis 3.5

    Nao e nao, os Custom e na database na tabela Spawn_Data mais nao foi implementado a parte delete....
  11. FUSI0N

    RusAcis 3.5

    alguem notou que nao tem //delete?ou esta bugado! detalhe tambem na acis 405 nao tem //delete kkkk nao tem alguem notou?
  12. FUSI0N

    Mod RusAcis

    Alguem teria esse mod para RusAcis desde ja agradeço!
  13. #============================================================= # L2Elite Morph Event #============================================================= # Morph Monster Event Enabled MorphEventEnabled = True # Morph Monster Event Next Spawn after death (seconds). SummonMonsterTime = 30 # Main Morph Monster ID MainMonsterId = 22205 # Morph Monster Spawn Loc's MainMonsterLoc = 5519,-19673,-3609;3753,-17787,-3625;6078,-17384,-3695;7442,-14619,-3701;5597,-14357,-3703;3478,-15487,-3540;3094,-10972,-3634;5177,-11331,-3633;5220,-8433,-3576; # First Monster ID after Main death FirstMonsterId = 20886 # 2th Morph Monster SecondMonsterId = 22213 # 3th Morph Monster ThirdMonsterId = 22214 # 4th Morph Monster FourthMonsterId = 22209 # 5th Morph Monster FifthMonsterId = 21508 # 6th Morph Monster SixthMonsterId = 21510 # 7th Morph Monster SeventhMonsterId = 21511 # 8th Morph Monster EighthMonsterId = 21470 # 9th Morph Monster NinthMonsterId = 21451 # 10th Morph Monster TenthMonsterId = 21450 # 11th Morph Monster ElevenMonsterId = 21447 # 12th Morph Monster TwelfthMonsterId = 21525 # 13th Morph Monster ThirteenthMonsterId = 20314 # 14th Morph Monster FourteenthMonsterId = 20849 # 15th Morph Monster FifteenthMonsterId = 21315 # 16th Morph Monster SixteenthMonsterId = 21321 # 17th Morph Monster SeventeenthMonsterId = 21320 # 18th Morph Monster EighteenthMonsterId = 21300 # 19th Morph Monster NineTeenthMonsterId = 21298 # 20th Morph Monster TwentyMonsterId = 21303 # ------------------------ # Morph Monster Area # ------------------------ # Required Item to teleport AreaAccessItemId = 57 # Acess on Area by HOUR AreaAccessTimeByHour = 1 # Teleport loc1 (tele_event_area_1) AreaAccessTeleportX1 = 8522 AreaAccessTeleportY1 = -20828 AreaAccessTeleportZ1 = -3430 # Teleport loc2 (tele_event_area_2) AreaAccessTeleportX2 = 4764 AreaAccessTeleportY2 = -15871 AreaAccessTeleportZ2 = -3602 # Teleport loc3 (tele_event_area_3) AreaAccessTeleportX3 = 3627 AreaAccessTeleportY3 = -8098 AreaAccessTeleportZ3 = -3464 PARA ADICIONAR O BOTÃO USE ESSES BYPASS PARA O TELEPORT "bypass -h tele_event_area_1" "bypass -h tele_event_area_2" "bypass -h tele_event_area_3" o MOD Funciona assim .. tem area de com Mobs esse mobs tem stage tipo mata um e nasce um mais forte ainda e ele esta em uma area que voce so entra se voce tiver o item se nao tiver voce teleportado, bom lembra bastante um PT farm mais so que voce so fica uma hora la dentro e se tiver com item se nao tiver voce e teleportado pra cidade... eu tenho a revisao que tem esse mod so que nao to conceguindo tirar por que sou leigo a essa função.. quem poder me ajuda a tirar esse mod agradeço demais se tiver como adaptar para rusacis. revisao que se encontra e uma acis 362 ou 382 nao sei informar!!! desde de ja agradeço!
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