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[Sign + Avatar]Dark Elfo


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Raça: Dark Elfo

Genero: Male

Armadura: Majestic Plate Armor + Dynasty Shield

Arma: Dynasty Sword

Nome: Rhion




Raça: Dark Elfo

Genero: Male

Armadura: Majestic Plate Armor + Majestic Shield

Arma: Dynasty Sword

Nome: Rhion

Clan: ShadowsKnight

Adicional: LoL!


Se Alguem Puder Fazer Agradeço Desde Já!

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Vlw :)

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Olha , Se For Dificil fazer com o shield , não tem necessidade , se vcs conseguirem fazer com um algum escudo do A pra cima eu agradeço , se não conseguir num faz diferença...

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk , to arrumando confusão .. Não Sei Onde Eu Tirei Isso :X


"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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na verdade é pq não existe Majestic shield :D mas vou ter q arrumar um char com essas especificações e isso q tá duro! eahuaiehuaeihiae

Se quiser Eu Faço o Char e Tiro Print..

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Mas soh que nuM POde Ser AgoRA , Amanhã EU PosTO A PriNT AkI , Tenho QUE SaiR AgoRA :X , Ateh EU ABRir o Server e tAl..

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Ai ManO VC QuE EntenDE DE PS e TalZ , PodE ME FALar o Que Acha Disso:;#entry52673


"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Ta Ai As FoTOs QUe ProMetI:



PS: Retire a Parte CoM O NoMe , Nambo EH SoH Um Dos MeuS NicK's

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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  • 2 weeks later...

LoL O Mixto SuMIu ¬¬


"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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  • 4 weeks later...

To Achando que o Mixto Morreu , ele não loga , tem meses q falou que ia me entregar e ateh hj nada , to axando que eu mesmo vo ter que criar , ja to ateh vendoo , vai ficar horroso

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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To Achando que o Mixto Morreu , ele não loga , tem meses q falou que ia me entregar e ateh hj nada , to axando que eu mesmo vo ter que criar , ja to ateh vendoo , vai ficar horroso

Na minha humilde opinião essa imagem esta muito ruim para se trabalhar.


Se possivel for postar uma imagem mais viva, ou seja, com mais cores, eu te ajudo, mas com um porém...


Vai ter na imagem L2jBrasil | BateNoob (Y





No lado direito infeiro da imagem.


Se quiser posta uma nova imagem ai e aguarde, abraço.


--- EDIT ---


Ps. Só não gosto das dimensoes desse avatar... :angry:


Em Breve Lineage2Isis


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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Essa ta boa?

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Essa ta boa?

Se tivesse tirado a print mais proxima ficaria melhor.


Mas vou dar inicio a sua ass e avatar, se não entregar hoje entrego até amanha nesse mesmo horario.




Em Breve Lineage2Isis


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Se quiser tiro mais de perto , eu usei o PawnView pra tirar a foto...

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Ai está champz!


Espero que goste.


Ps. Eu particularmente nao gostei do avatar, caso não tenha gostado é só dizer que farei outra, não estou nos meus melhores dias, ainda com cliente entrando e saindo tora hora é tenso.


Caso não goste farei uma em casa hoje anoite, abraço






Em Breve Lineage2Isis


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Opa vlw ta mto boa xD

Te devo essa mano

Mas que ferramenta c usa pra cortar a imagem assim que fica tao boa?To querendo aprender a fazer isso tbm

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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