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Mais uma aposta em servidores de Lineage 2 Interlude.

L2R-Project é um projeto Russo iniciado por Mr.Sm1th e KABLE baseado em L2J-Teon com todas as alterações da equipe aCis.



- Todas as Quest's Funcionais e em Java;

- Teleporters, Skills, Items, Stats entre outros, tudo em XML;

Alta proteção contra vários tipos de programas Hackers (PHX, Inject e etc);

- Sistema Russo de proteção CatsGuard;




- TvT Event;




Servidor estável e bom para um 30x +


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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Lista de Fix:


- Upd: cleaned up in ClassId.

- Fix: work such as classes - orcShaman, overlord, warcryer, dominator, doomcryer. (off-like)



- Fix: blunder in Table etcitem.

- Upd: translate seeds.csv -> seeds.xml

- Upd: transfer items summon.csv -> summon.xml

- Upd: translate static_objects.csv -> static_objects.xml

- Upd: translation table armorsets.sql -> armor_sets.xml

- Upd: translate recipes.csv -> recipes.xml

- Upd: translation table helper_buff_list.sql -> helper_buffs.xml.

- Upd: translation table teleport.sql -> teleports.xml. ( What crap )



- Add: more nimble mechanisms work closing of connections to the database .

- Upd: RecipeController - induced marafet , rewritten some mechanisms , fine optimization .

- Upd: outline for a complete redesign of Extractable items.

- Add: ready for fine mechanical work ( ItemHandler'ov ) with L2EtcItem. ( Not used yet , if I can implement in this version)

- Impl: mechanism count regeneration xn and not stupidly then count how many skill restores if znachet 0 0 . (Off-like)

- Upd: mechanics animation has finished restoring the CPU at the Coliseum Arena Manager .

- Upd: perelopachena mechanics Manor , brought to mind perhaps .

- Upd: username in order mechanics (GS Console).

- Upd: revised logging Grand Bosses.

- Upd: username in order mechanics (LS Console).

- Add: mechanics count Multi selector lists the console (GS).


Skills :

- Fix: skill Judgment. (Do not aggro )

- Fix: skill Shock Stomp.

- Fix: skill Provoke.

- Fix: skill Shock Blast. ( Knocks Target Team on 100% even if he was not skill)

- Fix: skill Decay. (Now only absorbs Hp)

- Fix: skill Force Meditation. ( This effect off-like)

- Fix: skill (Invocation). (off-like)

- Upd: rewrite job skill (Mass Resurrection). ( Full off-like)

- Fix: skill Scroll of Focus.

- Fix: skill Herb of Critical Attack.

- Fix: skill Scroll of Focus - Event Use.

- Impl: skill Special Ability: Back Blow (1,2,3).

- Fix: skill Item Skill: Focus ( 1 Active, 2 Passive).

- Fix: skill Item Skill: Wild Magic ( 1 Active, 2 Passive).

- Fix: skill Special Ability: Infinity Scepter.

- Fix: skill Critical Chance ( 2).

- Fix: skill Focus.

- Fix: skill Eye of Assassin.

- Fix: skill NPC Clan Buff - Acumen Focus.

- Fix: skill NPC Clan Buff - Focus.

- Fix: skill NPC Buff - Acumen Shield WildMagic.

- Fix: skill NPC Buff - Acumen Empower WildMagic.

- Fix: skill NPC Buff - Acumen Berserk WildMagic.

- Fix: skill NPC Buff - Acumen WildMagic DamageShield.

- Fix: skill NPC Clan Buff - Acumen Empower WildMagic.

- Fix: skill Area Buff - Focus.

- Fix: skill Ultimate Debuff.

- Fix: skill Blessing of Queen.

- Impl: skill NPC Focused Haste.

- Fix: skill Focus (Active).

- Fix: skill Wild Magic (Active).

- Fix: skill Arena CP Recovery.

- Fix: not working skill Banish Seraph.

- Fix: skill Critical Chance.

- Fix: skill Song of Hunter.

- Fix: skill Focus Death.

- Fix: skill Tribunal.

- Fix: skill Focus.

- Fix: skill Chant of Predator.

- Fix: skill Assassin Servitor.

- Fix: skill Final Servitor.

- Fix: skill Chant of Victory.




- Add: Additional check in trade list on the number of items that would not just crushing iron case.

- Fix: Now if the character uses skills teleports duel can not use Summon Friend or Soumont character in this state.

- Fix: Now if the character uses skills teleports in battle or a duel can not use trade .

- Upd: separate method canLogout () for inspections before leaving / relogom player. ( So far involved only way out of the game)

- Fix: Now if the player is in fighting condition (for example : after a fight with someone ) then the game he can not leave until he finishes have called in this very state. (off-like)

- Upd: small marafet and finalization by MoveBackwardToLocation.

- Other: complete refactoring geometry engine.

- Other: small cleaning debris .

- Add: spawn list for review crystals. (Interlude-Like)

- Impl: full implementation of up - skill and Mechanics Mass Ressurection.

- Fix: Related http://l2r-project.i...7-maxbuffamount

- Fix: problem in (White / All) chat.

- Fix: problems with geo- moving - sticking / disconnect character after control arrows.

- Fix: bug closed with double window character.

- Add: new configuration AltOlyRestrictedItems - ( prohibited items at the Olympics ) .

- Upd: enchant system limitations at the Olympics , and now things are not removed and are not prohibited to dressing - ( removed attack / defense , she remains visually sharpening

- Add: Support isFighting () - ( Use instead AttackStanceTaskManager'a).

- Add: effect of slip on the off - traders - ( Published at the request MissCraft)

- Add: because we are not present more problems with color retention , did not much kinda ( Iron Gag ) for painting flowers nickname / title , provided that the player ( Admin / Gm / or Off-Torge/Evente , etc. and not only kastumnye moments) that would not interfere with each other and not to paint in a brazen nickname / title, and just do it at a time when color is or what the conditions well and accordingly returned to the place that the color that was originally a player , he painted a nickname or not ) .

- Add: more Simplified verification mechanism for the off- trade a player or not.

- Upd: struck mechanics call effect Sleep.

- Add: binding system account to the IP-address - ( Published at the request MissCraft)

- Fix: Fixed a problem with the color-preserving character's name.

- Fix: Fixed a problem with the color retention of the title character.

- Other: more than 20 edits without description.

- Upd: refinement effect BlockBuff.

- Add: ability to block the imposition buff through LC (. Menu) character. (Test , but the idea should work properly )

- Add: creation of the anti- buff skill level Qs , you just have to pick Id skill in [data / xml / skills / BlockBuff.xml]. (Test , similar)

- Add: not much refinement by LK Player (. Menu)

- Fix: closed bug demon weapon crash the client . ( Thanks for the information on the work of the bug Evermore dev)

- Add: function randomly aura ( blue / red) to fashion ( Mobs Cahmpions).

- Add: allows you to roll back the configuration of all the skills of the players after the fight at the Olympics - ( Published at the request MissCraft)

- Add: LS configuration of stones and Enchant Scrolls are considered as objects stopkovye - ( Published at the request MissCraft)

- Fix: multiple fixes all base / kastumnyh configurations (GS). ( In details will not go , went over 3 days )

- Other: translation configurations (GS). ( Translated 100% on Russian )

- Other: translation configurations (LS). ( Translated 100% on Russian )

- Fix: Tutorial Quest , Blue Gemstone now falls to the ground .

- Upd: virtually complete freedom from (javolution).

- Del: extra data (DB) on consoles.

- Other: something which points to the old branch on the console (LS / GS).

- Other: support for Russian language lyricist announcements.

- Add: System preferences character (. Menu). ( Functionality is not rich yet )

- Other: full refatkoring Handler for admin commands.

- Del: voice commands (. Cwh_withdraw_on. Cwh_withdraw_off).

- Other: brought a small package in order EnterWorld.

- Other: change DATAPACK_ROOT -> DP_ROOT.

- Fix: closed hole of developers . (Thanks for the tip- G )

- Other: human brought order in the classroom Stats.

- Fix: Fixed jambs comments such as tables - character_skills_save, characters, custom_npc, minions, npc, pets_stats, spawnlist.

- Fix: if a character in the attack misses then inform about it ( Miss / Miss). (off-like - After running the world , kill a couple of mobs noticed that on slips are not reported at all)

- Fix: Problems after nick change character through the admin panel , you can not choose in the list of the players, affect any duplicates , double announcements , etc.

- Add: auctioneer in Schuttgart, was absent. (off-like)

- Add: lotereyschikov in Goddard, was absent. (off-like)

- Other: change _ispotion -> _isPotion.

- Del: Buffer with (id: 11,13) is not working .

- Fix: problems with (managerSay (): manager is not Sepulcher instance).

- Fix: when dressing / taking pictures of guns nipples should also be used and end. (off-like)

- Add: onActionShift for L2PlayableInstance.

- Impl: revision team (AdminTarget). (pff-like)

- Impl: System Messages - (205 , 1356 ) . (off-like)

- Upd: polished Handler all shots.

- Del: IRC- chat system .

- Impl: pre- implementation package CharCreateFail.

- Upd: polished work package CharacterCreate.

- Fix: if the server is turned off , the message about disconnects and not print the message and close the client dramatically .

- Fix: if the server is shut down (CTRL + C), then print the message about disconnects and not print the message and close the client dramatically .

- Fix: if the server is turned off by simply closing the console, display a message on the disconnects and not print the message and close the client dramatically .

- Fix: all Soumont are withdrawing before the start of shutdown / reboot the server . (off-like)

- Upd: office items on the table char_templates, now start setting things expanded and made ​​a separate table - char_start_items.

- Fix: closed an opportunity to improve things during the movement ( Movement can enchant with the window open close it immediately ) . (off-like)

- Fix: the ability to use closed / unstuck when the character is under (Fear / Confused).

- Fix: the ability to use closed / unstuck when the character is in the Observatory .

- Fix: the ability to use closed / unstuck when sitting.

- Fix: the opportunity to go into closed restart during the event period ( If you are a member of it).

- Fix: If a player uses a scroll / Skill return and at the same time trying to go to restart, cancel it.

- Fix: the opportunity to go into closed restart when working with sub- classes (add / change / etc .)

- Fix: the opportunity is closed out of the game during the flight.

- Fix: the opportunity is closed out of the game during trading.

- Fix: the opportunity is closed out of the game while working with sub- classes (add / change / etc .)

- Impl: now the player also turns to the NPC's. (off-like)

- Fix: closed obraschatsya opportunity to NPC's in different states - Fake Death, Sitting , Sales / Trading, Hughes skills. (off-like)

- Fix: Problems with the return to an Observer , after the return has not been seen NPC's / PC's, as the bud that they became invisible.

- Fix: if you are a member of the Olympiad / opening event can not use Observer . (pff-like)

- Impl: System Messages - ( 301 , 1145 , 1146, 1147, 1148) . (off-like)

- Fix: the ability to use crafting closed during combat. (off-like)

- Fix: Now nipples pets can be activated only when called ( pet) . (off-like)

- Fix: Now nipples any grade can be activated even without weapons. (off-like)

- Impl: system message - ( 1676 ) . (off-like)

- Add: admin command / / setnoble issuance of nobility to the target player . ( This command gives the status as a nobleman and takes it when re- entering the command )

- Add: admin command / / sethero issue heroism player to the target to restart. ( This command gives the status as a hero and takes it when re- entering the command )

- Upd: code full_install and login_install sql.

- Fix: problems with rare lockups / friezes assembly , the problem is solved forever. ( Especially common on the feeble cancer, or if not enough RAM to allocate server about 512MB , now this problem will no longer )

- Impl: package SkillCoolTime.

- Upd: code format models (L2Clan, L2Character).

- Fix: when reloge / exit the game or turn off / restart the server should be rollback animation skills as skills on the panel and the layout of the player. (off-like)

- Fix: if you had the effect Noblesse Blessing or the like and you die no matter what , the list of effects you should stay , we he lost until you resurrect . (off-like)

- Fix: when changing the sub- class , the effect on the character sheet should be updated immediately . (off-like)

- Fix: Problems with Critical overstatement . Breit ( P. Def. / Mag . ) . (off-like formula)

- Upd: optimization of load (GS) is now loaded on the (7-10 sec ) less .

- Upd: optimization of load (LS) is now loaded for ( 1-2 seconds ) .

- Del: configs DevastatedCastleEnabled, FortressofTheDeadEnabled.Bossy :

- Fix: problems with the inability to teleport Baium'y through the crystal .

- Fix: problems with the inability to wake Baium'a through the statue.

- Add: admin command / / setnoble issuance of nobility to the target player . ( This command gives the status as a nobleman and takes it when re- entering the command )

- Add: admin command / / sethero issue heroism player to the target to restart. ( This command gives the status as a hero and takes it when re- entering the command )

- Upd: code full_install and login_install sql.

- Fix: problems with rare lockups / friezes assembly , the problem is solved forever. ( Especially common on the feeble cancer, or if not enough RAM to allocate server about 512MB , now this problem will no longer )

- Impl: package SkillCoolTime.

- Upd: code format models (L2Clan, L2Character).

- Fix: when reloge / exit the game or turn off / restart the server should be rollback animation skills as skills on the panel and the layout of the player. (off-like)

- Fix: if you had the effect Noblesse Blessing or the like and you die no matter what , the list of effects you should stay , we he lost until you resurrect . (off-like)

- Fix: when changing the sub- class , the effect on the character sheet should be updated immediately . (off-like)

- Fix: Start (Hp, Mp, Cp) character after creation. (off-like)

- Other: complete refactoring (HTML code CommunityBoard).

- Impl: system message (Id = 0)

- Fix: null- Pointer with Miss Queen, Newbied Guide, and other NPC's.

- Fix: Items available from a character just updated when you save it .

- Other: not a big refactoring au - browser .

- Upd: global cosmetics datapake .

- Upd: Kosher augumentatsii display information about the console (GS).

- Upd: Multi selector now lists can be called from a directory ( Example : data / xml / multisell / id.xml or / new folder / id.xml ... etc.)

- Add: sharpening the opportunity to exhibit objects directly in multisel lists . (enchant = "x")

- Upd: complete deliverance (mmocore) to work with collections javolution. ( Getting rid of javolution on quietly at all)

- Fix: problems with a rare knockout / fall (Login Server'a due to Game Server).

- Fix: closed able to duplicate names / clans / alliances / etc.

- Other: a couple of patches without description.

- Other: redecorating (Login Console).

- Upd: before grinding (RegisterGS AccManager).

- Upd: optimization of GameServerTable

- Upd: optimization of (Login Server).

- Del: config -

- Fix: If a player in the game and go to it , then prints a message saying that my account is already someone uses , and disconnect from the server . (off-like)

- Fix: if the server ( 9999 Down) in the selection of the player throw back to the input , and not in a stupor all reserve . (off-like)

- Fix: if your password or username is not entered correctly , then give the player know about it , not just do not let the game 0 emitting reactions. (off-like)

- Fix: sticking re-loge/vyhode character in the game. ( Critical problem)

- Fix: sticking character when disconnecting / server reboots . ( Critical problem)

- Del: useless configs - MaximumStateMents, MaxPoolSize, MinPoolSize, AquireIncrement, IdleConnectionTest, MaxIdleTime.

- Upd: global optimization of L2DatabaseFactory.

- Add: System password on additional character ( Activation config/Custom/ at the bottom - so far the beta version).

- Add: customer files for protection CatsGuard. (Thanks Silentium)

- Add: protection CatsGuard - tested works fine. (Thanks Silentium)

- Upd: podremontirovannye something which moments client paketki in general.

- Fix: problems with work Tasca _autoSaveInDB.

- Other: fine - grinding to mechanics which are not (quests / au) .

- Upd: complete deliverance (quests / au) of working with collections javolution.

- Upd: Rewrote handling system versions of the assembly , everything works without a config , just across the team (. Version).

- Fix: problems with importing siege - ki .

- Impl: message after the trade with the NPC through multisell- sheets. (off-like)

- Other: complete refactoring of the kernel.

- Other: not a big reorganization . by the kernel , and redecorating .

- Upd: reorganization (Login Server ) .

- Upd: complete refactoring on mmo.

- Other: 3 fixation without description.- Fix: If a player attacks or is attacked , you can not leave the game . (off-like)

- Upd: rewrite the call for client- ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET packages optimized and improved , running 3 times faster , and more correct than before.

- Fix: If a player attacks or is attacked , you can not go to the restart . (off-like)

- Fix: If a player attacks or is attacked , you can not leave the game . (off-like)

- Upd: rewrite the call for client- ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET packages optimized and improved , running 3 times faster , and more correct than before.

- Fix: If a player attacks or is attacked , you can not go to the restart . (off-like)

- Fix: AI chests .

- Fix: AI Fairy Trees.

- Fix: AI Feedable Beasts.

- Fix: AI L2AttackableAIScript.

- Fix: AI PolymorphingAngel.

- Fix: AI PolymorphingOnAttack.

- Fix: AI VarkaKetraAlly.

- Upd: all code for a Group ax .

- Upd: formating code for a Group of ax .

- Upd: surfactant au Baium'a.

- Upd: surfactant au Antharas'a, and Valakas'a.

- Fix: AI Core.

- Fix: AI DrChaos.

- Upd: surfactant au Frintezza's.

- Fix: AI Gordon.

- Fix: AI Orfen.

- Fix: AI Queen Ant.

- Upd: surfactant au Sailren'a.

- Upd: surfactant au Van Halter'a.

- Fix: AI Zaken.

- Upd: all code RB / GB.

- Upd: formating code of RB / GB ax .



- Fix: Coordinate teleport Giran -> Brekas Stronghold. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Giran -> Antharas Lair. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate Teleport Town of Giran -> Hardin's Private Academy. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Goddard -> Ketra Orc Outpost. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Goddard -> Varka Silenos Stronghold. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Rune. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden Town -> Hunter's Village. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Coliseum. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Forsaken Plains. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Seal of Shilen. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Blazing Swamp. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Fields of Massacre. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Ancient Battleground. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Tower of Insolence. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Aden -> Silent Valley. (off-like)

- Fix: Coordinate teleport Goddard -> Hot Springs. (off-like)

- Upd: translation table helper_buff_list.sql -> helper_buffs.xml.




- Fix: problems with the inability to teleport Baium'y through the crystal .

- Fix: problems with the inability to wake Baium'a through the statue.



- Fix: problems with the inability to take the quest (337) .




- Impl: animation effect Invocation. (off-like)

- Impl: a mechanism of static rollback abilities (staticReuse).

- Add: mechanism for working with (SYS :) messages in the admin panel . (pts-like)

- Add: mechanism for working with basemul article.

- Upd: rewrite all the mechanics , save / rollback / recovery skills. ( full off-like)




- Add: system of issuing awards for vote in the rankings (L2Top/MmoTop). ( Special thanks to Silentium)

- Del: useless configurations such as : ShowL2JLicense, ShowWelcomePM, PMFrom, PMText1, PMText2.

- Upd: config change ShowTeonInfo -> ShowHtmlWelcome.

- Del: configuration EnablePkInfo her whole lowdown system as a whole , just a useless mod.

- Fix: Fixed config UseEscapeInPvP.

- Del: configurations OlympiadGiveAcumenMages, OlympiadAcumenLvl, OlympiadGiveHasteFighters, OlympiadHasteLvl. ( I do not see any sense not from them)

- Other: translation of other configurations (GS) ext. content. ( Translated 100% , for help with the remnants of configurations thanks Mineral)

- Other: translation of other configurations (GS) ext. content. ( Target 30% somewhere )

- Other: translating basic configurations (GS) are required to run the server .

- Other: translation of all configurations (LS).

- Del: config Skfig.

- Del: config Skmag.

- Upd: rewrite system enchant items , more extended and simplified details in the config (config /

- Other: translation of other configurations (GS) ext. content. ( Target 85% had not had time to time to translate balances )




- Fix: Ring of Core now gives 40 % overlapping and protection from poisoning (Poison), 20% gave earlier . (off-like)

- Fix: Ring of Ant Queen now gives 60 % overlapping and protection to poisoning (Poison), 40 % overlapping and protection from the roots (Root), with 20 % previously gave . (off-like)

- Fix: Ring of Baium now gives 80 % overlapping and protection to poisoning (Poison), 60 % overlapping and protection from the roots (Root), previously 40 % / 30 % gave . (off-like)

- Fix: Earring of Orfen now gives 40 % overlapping and protection from bleeding (Bleed), 20% gave earlier . (off-like)

- Fix: Earring of Zaken now provides 60 % protection from bleeding to (Bleed), 30% gave earlier . (off-like)

- Fix: Earring of Zaken now gives 40 % for protection against shock / obnormala and mental states (Stun / Abnormal mental state), previously 20 % / 20% gave . (off-like)

- Fix: Earring of Antharas now provides 80 % protection from bleeding to (Bleed), 40 % gave earlier . (off-like)

- Fix: Earring of Antharas now gives 40 % overlapping and protection against shock / fat (Stun / Silence), previously 30 % / 30 % gave . (off-like)

- Fix: Necklace of Valakas now gives 80 % protection to sleep (Sleep), 40 % gave earlier . (off-like)




- Fix: Fixed a problem with the protection CatsGuard, now runs like clockwork .

- Upd: Expanded functional protection CatsGuard, now have the ability to ban / unban Player HWID'u . ( So far, everything is working in test mode )

- Add: Now when you enter the player we get it HWID. ( So far, everything is working in test mode )

- Add: outline the mechanics of the binding system acc to IP / HWID. ( Bind on HWID will work only with the protection enabled CatsGuard / LameGuard)








Modificando o caminho e senha para o MySQL deste projeto:



1º - Abra o arquivo "database.xml" encontrado dentro da pasta ../config/network/database.xml.

2º - Abra o arquivo e edite essas linhas:


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!





L2STUDIO, seu servidor está aqui!
Não me faça perder tempo se você não tem dinheiro para pagar pelos serviços e produtos. Obrigado!

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O servidor é ótimo mano e sempre está sendo atualizado com base no L2OFF...

Um abraço!


L2STUDIO, seu servidor está aqui!
Não me faça perder tempo se você não tem dinheiro para pagar pelos serviços e produtos. Obrigado!

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Parabens pretento abrir meu servidor estou usando ate um russo como base, e to implementando algumas proteções e coisas simples!


irei baixa e testar!

Tem skype se tiver manda via mp!



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para coloca npc como que faz amigão


Da uma olhada aqui nessa GK pronta, que você vai entender como que faz. Basta apenas pensar pra entender qual o arquivo faz o NPC funcionar '-'

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Se eu configurar ao meu gosto, e monta um serve 50x nao vou ter problenas con quest's e as skill's ?.


Bom, se todos os problemas de um servidor java se resumissem a quest, SIM.

Mas nós sabemos que tem muita coisa além disso, como: Status, Bosses, Mobs, desempnho da revisão, proteção.

Mas ter todas as quest já é um ótimo começo, né? ^^

"And I now wait to shake the hand of fate

Like the dusk awaiting dawn"

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para coloca npc como que faz amigão

Mesmo esquema da L2jxLine..




Se eu configurar ao meu gosto, e monta um serve 50x nao vou ter problenas con quest's e as skill's ?.



Creio que com as principais não cara.. Tem que testar pra ver, qualquer coisa me passa aqui os bugs que reporto pro Smith!



L2STUDIO, seu servidor está aqui!
Não me faça perder tempo se você não tem dinheiro para pagar pelos serviços e produtos. Obrigado!

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Vou baixar e testar hoje ainda, é impressão minha ou o ponto de partida deste projeto, já esta superior a muitos projetos antigos que já tem anos de fix como a Frozen?


O servidor é ótimo mano e sempre está sendo atualizado com base no L2OFF...

Um abraço!


Gostei, você tem uma system e um Geodata que seja bem compativel com este projeto? as proteçõses já estão no próprio core ou eu preciso de algo para deixa-las funcioando? tem shop off line ?

O servidor é ótimo mano e sempre está sendo atualizado com base no L2OFF...

Um abraço!


No download da revisão 173 só vem um arquivo sql pro Navicat, está correto isto ?


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Vou baixar e testar hoje ainda, é impressão minha ou o ponto de partida deste projeto, já esta superior a muitos projetos antigos que já tem anos de fix como a Frozen?

Sim mano, nem sem compara com JFrozen...


Gostei, você tem uma system e um Geodata que seja bem compativel com este projeto? as proteçõses já estão no próprio core ou eu preciso de algo para deixa-las funcioando? tem shop off line ?

A System tu usa os arquivos que disponibilizei junto com o 172... e ativa o CatsGuard..


No download da revisão 173 só vem um arquivo sql pro Navicat, está correto isto ?


Na versão 173 é só um arquivo spawnlist.sql executa ele no seu Navicat para atualizar os spawn's..





L2STUDIO, seu servidor está aqui!
Não me faça perder tempo se você não tem dinheiro para pagar pelos serviços e produtos. Obrigado!

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Hmmm, mas se não sabem se é base Teon ela pegou a aCis e importo não lembro qual revisão mas a antiga Teon não existe mais então esse projeto é base aCis .-. e falta as mesmas quest's que faltam na aCis hehe agora seria interessante você citar oque tem de diferente desta dai pra aCis pra nós '-'

peaky blinders GIF By: FelipeRamos.

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Verdade tavo falando com Guina ele disse que esse projeto estava parado ele pego as atualização da acis com certeza Tryskell acho que vai fica segurando codigo por causa desse tipo de coisa tenho certeza html do painel admin ja e da acis atualizadO

A memoria do console ja esta em 900 e pouco ja ta cheio de mod source acis 400 e pouco

Tudo depende de você mesmo!

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rodei ele, mais na hora de editar o char tipo mudar de rosto, cabelo e etc.. ele aparece esse error no server e não da pra criar o char so fica na tela de editar.



Eu não consegui logar com nenhuma system, mesmo utilizando os 2 arquivos que vem na pasta protection. Registra o servidor e aparece meus ips internos e externos certinho, más não consigo passar da segunda tela, tem algun macete???


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Eu não consegui logar com nenhuma system, mesmo utilizando os 2 arquivos que vem na pasta protection. Registra o servidor e aparece meus ips internos e externos certinho, más não consigo passar da segunda tela, tem algun macete???


vcs viu ele falando isso? acho que o erro de vc e devido a isso


1º - Abra o arquivo "database.xml" encontrado dentro da pasta ../config/network/database.xml.

2º - Abra o arquivo e edite essas linhas:



<property name="jdbcUrl">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database do projeto</property>

<property name="username">root</property>

<property name="password">senha</property>


deixe assim

ou coloque sua senha que vc usa no mysql


<property name="password"></property>


se nao for espere o cara logar e pergunta a ele mais comigo funciona de boa a revisao

Atitudes Que Fazem A Diferença! 

Não vou dar suporte via mp e nem skype obrigado 

Eu não tenho mais arquivos antigos não tem como ajudar em questões antigas abrigado

Galera todos meus conteúdo estão no fó do meu canal no youtube com revisão npc´s e etc.. estão aqui se não achar e pq não tem mais ...obrigado e espero que de tudo certo a vcs.....


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vcs viu ele falando isso? acho que o erro de vc e devido a isso


1º - Abra o arquivo "database.xml" encontrado dentro da pasta ../config/network/database.xml.

2º - Abra o arquivo e edite essas linhas:



<property name="jdbcUrl">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database do projeto</property>

<property name="username">root</property>

<property name="password">senha</property>


deixe assim

ou coloque sua senha que vc usa no mysql


<property name="password"></property>


se nao for espere o cara logar e pergunta a ele mais comigo funciona de boa a revisao


Infelizmente esta tudo certinho, ele não passa da ultima tela, a que entra para criar o char, Paciência, depois mexo com isto...


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Infelizmente esta tudo certinho, ele não passa da ultima tela, a que entra para criar o char, Paciência, depois mexo com isto...

Se tu não está usando uma System compatível com os arquivos que eu te mandei, desativa o CryptToken, LoginCOntroler e ForgeGGAuth nas configurações do loginserver que funciona normal..



Obs: Esta revisão é para usuários intermediários!


Hmmm, mas se não sabem se é base Teon ela pegou a aCis e importo não lembro qual revisão mas a antiga Teon não existe mais então esse projeto é base aCis .-. e falta as mesmas quest's que faltam na aCis hehe agora seria interessante você citar oque tem de diferente desta dai pra aCis pra nós '-'


A Source Teon tu acha com 5min pesquisando na internet amigo, abre os commits que ele fez e vera que era tudo arquivos "csv" e passou pra XML entre outras tantas!

A aCis tem 272 quests, contra 319 da R-Line..



Traduz no Google:


Ну что же предоставляю последний релиз на исходном коде L2jTeon, сделано конечно не все что было запланировано, но тот кто захочет дополнить контент, aCis доступен, так что забираем.

В дальнейшем работа будет вестись над исходным кодом Devasted'a.





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Não me faça perder tempo se você não tem dinheiro para pagar pelos serviços e produtos. Obrigado!

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sim eu sei, e por acaso se você erra, ele da erro claro como todos os servidores não chega nem logar por que se não vai reconhecer o mysql, e pra testar pra ver se o server tava bom mesmo eu tive que pegar a lista dos characteres de outra revo uma frozen uns já cadastrado e substitui e pegou mais se for querer criar char não vai criar, e tive que trocar de login pra pelo menos passar da tela login.

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