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[L2OFF-C6] Classic-Interlude

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Our project runs on L2OFF PTS files based on the interlude game, but with a modern client that offers high quality graphics and features! All that being said, let's show you what we've got!

      Phaedra x3 Server:

    📌Additional Information :
    🔸Spoil Ammount-x1
    🔸Spoil Chance-x1
    🔸Drop Ammount-x1
    🔸Drop Chance-x1
    🔸Manor -1x
    🔸Seal Stones -x1
    📌 Game play:
    🔸Two(2) game clients per ip.
    🔸Vote Reward System on website account .
    🔸Bonus rune 30days will increase your Exp, adena, sp, spoil, drop by 15%.
    🔸Bonus rune 12 hours will increase your Exp, adena, sp, spoil, drop by 15% .
    The quest "Kamel window to the feature" is disabled.
    🔸Cursed weapons are disabled till first server heros.
    🔸Olympiad will start when there are minimum 40 players nobless.
    🔸Raid lure protection, they can't be lure to far away from original spawn place.

    🔸Wedding system is disabled for now (will be actived later on) .
    🔸Clan hall rent fee per week was increased with 300% for better server economy in late game.
    🔸Shadow weapons B grade ,shadow weapons C and D are moved to ShadowWeapon Manager( will be in each town and village!)
    🔸Adventurer's Guide (Miss Queen) is Spawned in all towns and villages and works retail like.
    🔸Donate coin and Vote coin cannot be sold/drop/trade/destruct, but you can store them in your warehouse.
    🔸Implemented Costume System .dressme(has no bonus just for look).  
    🔸Alt+click on Buff to remove it !(if you want to remove a buff, don't work to remove your debuffs).
    🔸Drop/Spoil shift+click on mob to see he's info.
    🔸Class-option to advance your class job with (1st,2nd) class change ticket.
    ° option to trade your shadow weapon tickets after you complete you class advancing (D, C grade tickets) like retail.
    ° an option to buy change class ticket with adena and donation coins.
    📌Info -Chance to update soul crystal lvl to Anakazel Rift Raid Boss is 25%(retail value).
    📌info-Quest Enhance weapon is required to lvl up soul crystals.
    📌Info- You need to have in your inventory just 1 (one) soul crystal to be able to lvl it up.
    📌Info- To lvl soul crystals in Pi(Primeval isle) is not required to hit Tyrannosaurus with soul crystal to capture his soul to lvl soul crystal up







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