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gm help



4 respostass a esta questão

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Aqui está as configurações do que o GM pode fazer,


por exemplo vc não quer que o GM possa banir, então só mudar o valor de GMCanBan para um valor maior que o accesslevel dele. acho que agora vc entende


# Configure GM AccessLevels, if AltPrivilegesAdmin is False

GMAccessLevel = 100

GMMinLevel = 100

GMCanAltG = 100

GMCanAnnounce = 100

GMCanBan = 100

GMCanBanChat = 100

GMCanShop = 100

GMCanBuyFree = 100

GMCanDelete = 100

GMCanKick = 100

GMMenu = 100

GMGodMode = 100

GMCanEditChar = 100

GMCanEditCharOther = 100

GMCanViewChar = 100

GMCanEditNPC = 100

GMCanViewNPC = 100

GMViewCharacterInfo = 100

GMViewItemList = 100

GMViewClanInfo = 100

GMViewQuestList = 100

GMViewSkillInfo = 100

GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList = 100

GMCanTeleport = 100

GMCanTeleportOther = 100

GMCanRestart = 100

GMMonsterRace = 100

GMRider = 100

GMFastUnstuck = 100

GMResurectFixed = 100

GMEnchant = 100

GMDoor = 100

GMRes = 100

GMPeaceAttack = 100

GMHeal = 100

GMIRC = 100

GMUnblock = 100

GMCache = 100

GMTalkBlock = 100

GMTest = 100

GMEnchant = 100

GMFunEngine = 100

GMCreateNodes = 100

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