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Speed Players



Asim, Os Players Do Meus Servidor Estao Muito Lerdos :o Queria Uma Ajuda Podeh Fico Meio Com Medo De Mexer Nois Arquivos Dps N Lembre Msm Fazendo Backup' So Queria Saber o Arquivo Qe Edite O Speed Dois Playes Quando Criao Ex: 100 De Speed Mudar Pra 150 (Exemplo) Se Alguem Souber Agradeço VLW! =D

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arquivo rates.proprietes


# =================================================================



# =================================================================

# Rate control, float values

RateXp = 2000

RateSp = 2000

RatePartyXp = 1.

RatePartySp = 1.

RateDropAdena = 5000

RateDropItems = 5

RateDropSpoil = 5

RateDropManor = 1

# Fishing rates

RateExtractFish = 1


# =================================================================


# =================================================================

# Herb of Power, Herb of Magic, Herb of Atk. Spd., Herb of Casting Spd., Herb of Critical Attack, Herb of Speed

RateCommonHerbs = 15.

# Herb of Life, Herb of Mana

RateHpMpHerbs = 10.

# Greater herb of Life, Greater Herb of Mana

RateGreaterHerbs = 4.

# Superior Herb of Life, Superior Herb of Mana

RateSuperiorHerbs = 0.8

# Herb of Warrior, Herb of Mystic, Herb of Recovery

RateSpecialHerbs = 0.2


# Quest specific rates

# Requires all quests Drops and Rewards multiplier rewrite - In Progress (May-Jun/08)

RateDropQuest = 1.

RateQuestsRewardExpSp = 1.

RateQuestsRewardItems = 1.

RateQuestsRewardAdena = 1.

RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1

RateConsumableCost = 1.

RateCraftCost = 1.

# Crtical Craft Rate, value is in percent

RateMasterwork = 20

# Critical Craft Rate

# First Value is chance of Critical Craft, in percent

# Second Value is item multiplier when critical craft

RateCriticalCraftChance = 10

RateCriticalCraftMutliplier = 2

# Player Run Speed

# Warning dont set this to high (2 can already make client trouble)!

RateRunSpeed = 2.

# Player Drop Rate control, values are the percent values

PlayerDropLimit = 0

PlayerRateDrop = 0

PlayerRateDropItem = 0

PlayerRateDropEquip = 0

PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0

# Karma Drop Rate control, values are the percent values

KarmaDropLimit = 10

KarmaRateDrop = 40

KarmaRateDropItem = 50

KarmaRateDropEquip = 40

KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 10

RateKarmaExpLost = 1

# Multiplier for pet rate control (with lower values pet will grow slower)

PetXpRate = 1.

# Pet Food Rate control (with lower value pet will eat less)

PetFoodRate = 1.

# SinEater Exp rate

SinEaterXpRate = 1.



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Mexendo ai seus players vão parecer gm de tão rapido mude aki em




# Critical Cap

# 1000 = 100% critical

AltPCriticalCap = 500

AltMCriticalCap = 500

# Limit attack speed (0 = disable)

MaxPAtkSpeed = 1900

MaxMAtkSpeed = 2500

# Maximum character running speed.

MaxRunSpeed = 300 Aki o max de speed e normalmente almenta tmb o speed no meu fika 300

# Maximum Evasion

MaxEvasion = 300


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Eles não estão muito pesados pela quantidade de itens no inventário? Se SIM, aumente o limite de peso.


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