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GM skills removed



Bom no meu server l2jteon sempre quando um player normal loga aprece a sequinte mensagem...Skill Dynast Leather Armor set removed gm informed!(Issu se estiver com a Dy Leather)

O mue problema e o sequinte qaundo eu crio um aiox assim q loga aparece o nome de todos os buffs q eu add no char removidos assim como apareceu o da Dy. Gostaria de saber como

resolver issu alquem pode me ajudar??



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Bom no meu server l2jteon sempre quando um player normal loga aprece a sequinte mensagem...Skill Dynast Leather Armor set removed gm informed!(Issu se estiver com a Dy Leather)

O mue problema e o sequinte qaundo eu crio um aiox assim q loga aparece o nome de todos os buffs q eu add no char removidos assim como apareceu o da Dy. Gostaria de saber como

resolver issu alquem pode me ajudar??



Ola amigo isso ocorreu comigo aqui e vc tem q mexer nas config, tipo tem um local la sobre remover bufs incorretos de classe vc vai la e coloca false = vo da uma olhada la no meu e posto aqui onde vc mexe ok

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Ola amigo isso ocorreu comigo aqui e vc tem q mexer nas config, tipo tem um local la sobre remover bufs incorretos de classe vc vai la e coloca false = vo da uma olhada la no meu e posto aqui onde vc mexe ok



Ok Ve i pra min fazendo favor..pq issu nao deixa eu criar os aiox pq tira as skills dele tbm. Obrigado

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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


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Nao achei esse arquivo aki oque eu achei se chama e possui essas informaçoes aki abaixo :



# L2JTeon Mods #


# #

# These Settings have been added by the L2j Teon Dev Team. #

# However that does not mean that the L2J Teon Dev Team Created #

# all these customizations. All credits to respective owners! #

# Your server will not be "retail" if you enable or use any of #

# the below configurations. #

# #

# These Settings give the Administrator/Owner of a server more #

# power in terms of customizations. #



# #


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# TVT Event Engine #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #


# Setting for Team vs. Team pvp


# NO means: not even teams.

# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.

# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to tzhe event and not direct to a team. Teams will be schuffeled in teleporting teams.

TvTEvenTeams = SHUFFLE


# players there not participated in tvt can target tvt participants?

TvTAllowInterference = False


# tvt participants can use potions?

TvTAllowPotions = True


# tvt participants can summon by item?

TvTAllowSummon = False


# remove all effects of tvt participants on event start?

TvTOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True


# unsummon pet of tvt participants on event start?

TvTOnStartUnsummonPet = True


# on revive participants regain full hp/mp/cp ?

TvTReviveRecovery = False


# announce all team statistics

TvtAnnounceTeamStats = False


# give price with 0 kills

TvtPriceNoKills = True


# players with cursed weapon are allowed to join ?

TvtJoinWithCursedWeapon = False


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# CTF Event Engine #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #


# Setting for Capture The Flag


# NO means: not even teams.

# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.

# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to tzhe event and not direct to a team. Teams will be schuffeled in teleporting teams.



# players there not participated in ctf can target ctf participants?

CTFAllowInterference = False


# ctf participants can use potions?

CTFAllowPotions = False


# ctf participants can summon by item?

CTFAllowSummon = False


# remove all effects of ctf participants on event start?

CTFOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True


# unsummon pet of ctf participants on event start?

CTFOnStartUnsummonPet = True


# on revive participants regain full hp/mp/cp ?

CTFReviveRecovery = False


# announce all team statistics

CTFAnnounceTeamStats = False


# players with cursed weapon are allowed to join ?

CTFJoinWithCursedWeapon = True


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# DM Event Engine #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #


# players there not participated in dm can target dm participants?

DMAllowInterference = False


# dm participants can use potions?

DMAllowPotions = False


# dm participants can summon by item?

DMAllowSummon = False


# remove all effects of dm participants on event start?

DMOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True


# unsummon pet of dm participants on event start?

DMOnStartUnsummonPet = True


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Fortress Siege Event Engine #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #


# Setting for Fortress Siege Events

# FortressSiegeEvenTeams=NO|BALANCE|SHUFFLE

# NO means: not even teams.

# BALANCE means: Players can only join team with lowest player count.

# SHUFFLE means: Players can only participate to the event and not direct to a team. Teams will be schuffeled in teleporting teams.

FortressSiegeEvenTeams = SHUFFLE


# players that are not participated in FortressSiege can target FortressSiege participants?

FortressSiegeAllowInterference = False


# FortressSiege participants can use potions?

FortressSiegeAllowPotions = False


# FortressSiege participants can summon by item?

FortressSiegeAllowSummon = False


# remove all effects of FortressSiege participants on event start?

FortressSiegeOnStartRemoveAllEffects = False


# unsummon pet of FortressSiege participants on event start?

FortressSiegeOnStartUnsummonPet = False


# on revive participants regain full hp/mp/cp ?

FortressSiegeReviveRecovery = False


# announce all team statistics

FortressSiegeAnnounceTeamStats = True


# give price with 0 kills

FortressSiegePriceNoKills = True


# players with cursed weapon are allowed to join ?

FortressSiegeJoinWithCursedWeapon = False


# players from the same IP are allowed to join ?

FortressSiegeSameIPPlayersAllowed = True


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Fun Faction Koofs Vs Noobs Customizations #

# ==L2JTeon KvN Engine== #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Enable KvN Engine.

# KvN Engine its a Faction engine called k00fs Vs n00bs.

# NOTE : KvN Engine cant work if u have open the Fun engines TvT and Vip.

# Note : When KvN Engine is Activated the server is not in normal mode and

# if you try somethink like use a normal faction Examble (Duel between factions) offcorse will not work.

# Note : When u Enable this U MUST KNOW WHAT U DOING.

FactionKoofsNoobs = False


# Koofs Alternative Team Name.

KoofsTeamName = koofs


# Noobs Alternative Team Name.

NoobsTeamName = noobs


# name Color of Koofs

KoofsColorName = 00FFFF


# Name Color of Noobs

NoobsColorName = 00FF00


# player can drop Ancient Adena by PvP Kills

PlayerCanDropAncientAdena = False


# How many AA player will drop on kill.

DropAncientAdena = 1


# Players will win automatic adena for pvp reward if they kill an enemy Faction.

PlayerGetAdenaByPvP = False


# How many u want to loot ?

AmmountAdenaGetByPvP = 1


# Player will loose automatic adena when die from pvp if they die from an enemy Faction.

PlayerLooseAdena = False


# How many u want to loot ?

AmmountAdenaLostWhenDies = 1


#Announcement to all the active players about PvP kills per player Faction.

NoticePK = False


# Announce Faction Players Online Seperate Koofs and Noobs.

# Set time interval in ms (0 - don't announce) (1 minute = 60,000 millisecond, 2 minute = 120,000 millisecond....)

AnnounceTimeFaction = 0


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Rebirth Fun Engine #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Select The Rebirth Reward Item Id.

RebirthItemId = 0


# Select The Rebirth Reward Skill ids and levels.


RewardSKill1 = 0

RewardSKillLvL1 = 0


RewardSKill2 = 0

RewardSKillLvL2 = 0


RewardSKill3 = 0

RewardSKillLvL3 = 0


RewardSKill4 = 0

RewardSKillLvL4 = 0


RewardSKill5 = 0

RewardSKillLvL5 = 0


RewardSKill6 = 0

RewardSKillLvL6 = 0


RewardSKill7 = 0

RewardSKillLvL7 = 0


RewardSKill8 = 0

RewardSKillLvL8 = 0


RewardSKill9 = 0

RewardSKillLvL9 = 0


RewardSKill10 = 0

RewardSKillLvL10 = 0


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# RAID Event Engine #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #


# Enable Raid Engines

RaidEnginesEnabled = False


# Max Number Of Events Taking Place at the same Time --> The number has to be

# equal or smaller than the number of spawns defined in the table:

# raid_events_spawnlist

RaidMaxNumEvents = 3


# Give Buffs upon Event Start?

RaidGiveBuffs = True


# Resurrect Player upon death automatically?

RaidResurrectPlayer = False


# Maximum Fighting time in minutes.

RaidSystemFightTime = 60


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Wedding System #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

AllowWedding = True


WeddingPrice = 500000


WeddingPunishInfidelity = True


WeddingTeleport = True

WeddingTeleportPrice = 500000

WeddingTeleportInterval = 120


WeddingAllowSameSex = False


WeddingFormalWear = True


WeddingDivorceCosts = 20


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# Champion Mobs #

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #


# Enable Champions L2JMod

ChampionEnable = False


# Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) - 0 to disable

ChampionFrequency = 5


# Min and max lvl allowed for a mob to be champion.

ChampionMinLevel = 20

ChampionMaxLevel = 70


# Hp multiplier

ChampionHp = 8


# Hp Regen Multiplier

ChampionRegenHp = 1.


# Rewards multiplier

ChampionRewards = 8


# Adenas & seal stones rewards multiplier

ChampionAdenasRewards = 1


# Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patk & matk)

ChampionAtk = 1.


# Spd Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patkspd & matkspd)

ChampionSpdAtk = 1.


# Chance to obtain a specified reward item from a higher lvl champion (in percents) default is off using glittering medal as reward

ChampionRewardItem = 0


# Specified reward item ID

ChampionRewardItemID = 6393


# Specified reward item rnd qty

ChampionRewardItemQty = 1




Nao Encontrei esse arquivo aki sera q voce pdoeria me flar qual o caminho?? Obrigado

Editado por danieldiniz
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Alquem ai poderia me dizer o uqe fazer?? Pois nao achei essa configuração aki nao.. obrigado

ta aqui manim e nesta linha # On character login check for illegitmate skills. False = disabled, True Enabled.

CheckSkillsOnEnter = False fica em nesta linha ae vc coloca false deve estar true ae ^^

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