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Weapon Estilo L2CR


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°Olá Galera Venho Postar As Armas Epics Do L2CR

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RedHot: Weapon's e Sql.
MickaeL: XML Stat,Multisell,Modifição,Effect.


°Qual Quer dúvida é só postar°

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Obrigado mano, file edit funfo 100%


To com um pequeno erro, adicionei tudo, mais quando dou spawn, a arma não aparece no eventuary :/


De nada man.


Sobre seu problema você adicionou tudo corretamente ?


sql,stats/weapon ... (:


itemanme-e.dat, weapongrp.dat


Da algum erro ao você fazer o item ?




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To com um pequeno erro, adicionei tudo, mais quando dou spawn, a arma não aparece no eventuary


Eventuary nao existe... se chama Inventory


Cara amo essas armas, bow of scion, glint eye nossa sao lindas mto obrigado.Soh uma coisa q n gosto nelas eh a dual... vo tenta faze uma dual com essa sword q ta no F6, vai fik mais bonito... ou entao uma dual Dragon Slayer ia fik foda tbm... mas mto obrigado msm, combina certinho com o set TT meu server ta perfeito agr.

Soh falto uma blunt... tipo pra dwarf ou entao tanker, tem gente q usa um martelo ao invez de sword... pra spoil tbm eh bom..



Edited by alecalmir
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To com um pequeno erro, adicionei tudo, mais quando dou spawn, a arma não aparece no eventuary


Eventuary nao existe... se chama Inventary


Cara amo essas armas, bow of scion, glint eye nossa sao lindas mto obrigado.Soh uma coisa q n gosto nelas eh a dual... vo tenta faze uma dual com essa sword q ta no F6, vai fik mais bonito... ou entao uma dual Dragon Slayer ia fik foda tbm... mas mto obrigado msm, combina certinho com o set TT meu server ta perfeito agr.

Soh falto uma blunt... tipo pra dwarf ou entao tanker, tem gente q usa um martelo ao invez de sword... pra spoil tbm eh bom..





Malz a pronuncia, todo mundo erra! :D




@LucasMiller man, adicionei tudo sim mano, não da nenhum erro! Ele da spawn no item, mais não aparece no "Inventary"

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Calma cara n to falando nada pra te ofende, falando q vc n sabe coisa ou tal, nao.. soh corrigi... Inventory nao Eventuary :D

soh foi uma correçao, vai q na proxima vem um fdp fik tirando com a tua cara :/ n entenda mal..





Ah o negocio da Dual, eu n vi q tinha a Dual Dragon Slayer... baxei aki agr e ta ela aki :D

Perfect msm!!

Edited by alecalmir
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Pois eh... aki tbm nao consegui add... nao sei porque.. no navicat tudo bem, xml legal, add no weapongrp legal e no itemname-e tbm,

do spawn na arma ela nao aparece na mochila msm :/


alguem sabe como se resolve isso?




Edited by alecalmir
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olha os ids ve se tao todos iguais pode ser isso verifique os ids das xml e do seu itemname , weapongrp e no navicat weapon!

Assinatura removida.

Fora das Regras.

É proibido a divulgação de qualquer serviço ou produto sem autorização da administração da l2jbrasil.

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Calma cara n to falando nada pra te ofende, falando q vc n sabe coisa ou tal, nao.. soh corrigi... Inventary nao Eventuary :D

soh foi uma correçao, vai q na proxima vem um fdp fik tirando com a tua cara :/ n entenda mal..





Ah o negocio da Dual, eu n vi q tinha a Dual Dragon Slayer... baxei aki agr e ta ela aki :D

Perfect msm!!


Brother não me leva a mal mais o certo eh " INVENTORY " oks?


Para não entra em duvidas olhe essa print screen:







Edited by LucasMiller

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opa vlw vou copiar apenas a dusk staff para meu pre-interlude so falta ela para completar as minhas epics xD depois te passo o pariah caso vc queira By NooBiZiTo L2cr ^^

Procuro Server Para Entrar De ADM Sei Mecher Desde Multisell Ate Configuração Java



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Pois eh... aki tbm nao consegui add... nao sei porque.. no navicat tudo bem, xml legal, add no weapongrp legal e no itemname-e tbm,

do spawn na arma ela nao aparece na mochila msm :/


alguem sabe como se resolve isso?





Olá amigo qual rev vc usa ? adicionou as animations e systextures no local certo ? eu testei em 3 rev diferentes só

em l2jbrasil,l2jteon,l2dot... ver se vc está colocando certinho,tira e coloca dinovo e ver caso tenha dúvidas postarei novamente a itemname-e e weapongp... obrigado :)


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opa vlw vou copiar apenas a dusk staff para meu pre-interlude so falta ela para completar as minhas epics xD depois te passo o pariah caso vc queira By NooBiZiTo L2cr ^^


obrigado por baixar.. ah e não jogo mais l2cr não BY:Smilly 14x hero Fortune :) .. C5 bons tempos


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Puts, tentei adicionar em 3 revs diferentes, todos limpas, verifiquei no MySQP, olhei as XML e tudo, mais nada de aparecer os itens!


Verificou as animations e systextures ? se o erro continuar não sei lhe explicar o que está acontecendo....


Pois hj novamente baixei o arquivo que eu mesmo coloquei e funfo legal aqui uso a rev l2jbrasil




9711	Bow of Scion	Epic	a,Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Focus or Crt. Slow.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9712	Bow of Scion	Epic / Cheap Shot	a,During a general attack, 1 MP will be consumed at the probability rate of 26%.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9713	Bow of Scion	Epic / Focus	a,Increases Critical Attack by 96.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9714	Bow of Scion	Epic / Crt. Slow	a,During a critical attack, the effect of Slow is produced at a certain rate of probability.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9715	Glint Eye	Epic	a,Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Might Mortal or Haste.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9716	Glint Eye	Epic / Focus	a,Increases Critical Attack by 88.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9717	Glint Eye	Epic / Might Mortal	a,Increases the success rate of Mortal Blow and Deadly Blow by 40%.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9718	Glint Eye	Epic / Haste	a,Increases attack speed by about 7%.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9719	Dual God's Blade		a,	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9720	Dual God's Blade	Haste	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9721	Dual God's Blade	Health	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n Increases maximum HP by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9722	Dual God's Blade	Focus	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 98. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9723	Sword of Templar	Epic	a,Bestows one of the following functions: Focus, Haste or Crt. Stun.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9724	Sword of Templar	Epic / Focus	a,Holy Sword of the Templars. In the past this sword was wielded by the Elite Templars. Increases Critical Attack by 88.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9725	Sword of Templar	Epic / Haste	a,Holy Sword of the Templars. In the past this sword was wielded by the Elite Templars. Increases attack speed by about 7%.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9726	Sword of Templar	Epic / Crt. Stun	a,Holy Sword of the Templars. In the past this sword was wielded by the Elite Templars. Stuns a target when during a critical attack.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9727	Dual Dragon Slayer		a,A deadly and powerful Dual Weapon.\\nIncreases Max HP By 20%, Max CP By 30% and Atk Spd By about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9728	Ares Fists	Epic Weapon	a,Legendary fists once wielded by the God of War, Ares. You feel stronger just by wielding it. Bestows Haste,Focus and Health Special Ability when enchanted above +4.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9729	Dusk Sword	Unique	a,Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Empower or Mana Up.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9730	Dusk Sword Unique	Acumen	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9731	Dusk Sword Unique	Empower	a,<Soul Crystal Option>\\n Increases M. Atk. by 60. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9732	Dusk Sword Unique	Mana Up	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n When using magic, increases MP Consumption by 50%, and M. Atk. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9733	Dusk Staff	Unique	a,Bestows one of the following functions: Acumen, Empower or Mana Up.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9734	Dusk Staff Unique	Acumen	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n Increases Casting Spd. by 15%.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9735	Dusk Staff Unique	Empower	a,<Soul Crystal Option>\\n Increases M. Atk. by 60. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9736	Dusk Staff Unique	Mana Up	a,<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\\n When using magic, increases MP Consumption by 50%, and M. Atk. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\0	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9737	Dusk Shield	Unique	a,	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,



0	9711	1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp			customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			customi.weapon_draconic_bow_i00					95	1650	47	1	0	14	5	1	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp		1	customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2	ItemSound.itemdrop_bow	ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	607	134	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	301	11	1	1	1000	1	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.00000000	-3.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	2.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.60000002	1.29999995	1.29999995	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							8	-1	-1	-1				
0	9712	1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp			customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			customi.weapon_draconic_bow_i01					95	1650	47	1	0	14	5	1	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp		1	customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2	ItemSound.itemdrop_bow	ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	607	134	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	301	11	1	1	1000	1	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.00000000	-3.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	2.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.60000002	1.29999995	1.29999995	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							8	-1	-1	-1				
0	9713	1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp			customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			customi.weapon_draconic_bow_i01					95	1650	47	1	0	14	5	1	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp		1	customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2	ItemSound.itemdrop_bow	ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	607	134	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	301	11	1	1	1000	1	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.00000000	-3.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	2.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.60000002	1.29999995	1.29999995	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							8	-1	-1	-1				
0	9714	1	1	15	2	0	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp			customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			customi.weapon_draconic_bow_i01					95	1650	47	1	0	14	5	1	LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp		1	customw.draconic_bow_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.bow_small_2	ItemSound.bow_small_3	ItemSound.bow_small_6	ItemSound.bow_big_2	ItemSound.itemdrop_bow	ItemSound.itemequip_bow		5	607	134	6	5	12	-3	0	0	0	301	11	1	1	1000	1	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_i		0.00000000	-3.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	2.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.60000002	1.29999995	1.29999995	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							8	-1	-1	-1				
0	9715	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp			customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			customi.weapon_angel_slayer_i00					100	950	47	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp		1	customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.dagger_6	ItemSound.sword_small_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_7	ItemSound.itemdrop_dagger	ItemSound.itemequip_dagger		5	284	162	3	5	12	-3	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_g		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01			
0	9716	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp			customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			customi.weapon_angel_slayer_i01					100	950	47	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp		1	customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.dagger_6	ItemSound.sword_small_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_7	ItemSound.itemdrop_dagger	ItemSound.itemequip_dagger		5	284	162	3	5	12	-3	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_g		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01			
0	9717	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp			customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			customi.weapon_angel_slayer_i01					100	950	47	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp		1	customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.dagger_6	ItemSound.sword_small_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_7	ItemSound.itemdrop_dagger	ItemSound.itemequip_dagger		5	284	162	3	5	12	-3	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_g		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01			
0	9718	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp			customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			customi.weapon_angel_slayer_i01					100	950	47	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.angel_slayer_m00_wp		1	customw.angel_slayer_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.dagger_6	ItemSound.sword_small_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_7	ItemSound.itemdrop_dagger	ItemSound.itemequip_dagger		5	284	162	3	5	12	-3	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_g		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_angel_slayer_i01			
0	9719	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00			95	2080	47	1	0	14	3	2	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	2	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	324	127	8	5	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.20000005	1.29999995	1.00000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.00000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	1.25000000	0.69999999	0.69999999	10.00000000	-1.50000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9720	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00			95	2080	47	1	0	14	3	2	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	2	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	324	127	8	5	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.20000005	1.29999995	1.00000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.00000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	1.25000000	0.69999999	0.69999999	10.00000000	-1.50000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9721	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00			95	2080	47	1	0	14	3	2	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	2	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	324	127	8	5	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.20000005	1.29999995	1.00000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.00000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	1.25000000	0.69999999	0.69999999	10.00000000	-1.50000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9722	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00	icon.weapon_forgotten_blade_i00			95	2080	47	1	0	14	3	2	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.forgotten_blade_m00_wp	2	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.forgotten_blade_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	324	127	8	5	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.20000005	1.29999995	1.00000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.00000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	1.25000000	0.69999999	0.69999999	10.00000000	-1.50000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9723	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_knights_sword_i00					-1	1500	8	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_big_2	ItemSound.sword_small_3	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	331	157	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	1.20000005						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.35000002	0.60000002	0.60000002	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_knights_sword_i01			
0	9724	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_knights_sword_i00					-1	1500	8	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_big_2	ItemSound.sword_small_3	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	331	157	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	1.20000005						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.25000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_knights_sword_i01			
0	9725	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_knights_sword_i00					-1	1500	8	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_big_2	ItemSound.sword_small_3	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	331	157	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	1.20000005						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.25000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_knights_sword_i01			
0	9726	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_knights_sword_i00					-1	1500	8	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.knights_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.knights_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_big_2	ItemSound.sword_small_3	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	331	157	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	441	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	1.20000005						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.25000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	icon.weapon_knights_sword_i01			
0	9727	1	1	6	1	0	LineageWeapons.dragon_slayer_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.dragon_slayer_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.dragon_slayer_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.dragon_slayer_t00_wp		icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_dragon_slayer_i00	icon.weapon_dragon_slayer_i00			-1	2080	51	1	0	14	3	2	LineageWeapons.dragon_slayer_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.dragon_slayer_m00_wp	2	LineageWeaponsTex.dragon_slayer_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.dragon_slayer_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	500	250	8	5	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	28.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.20000005	1.20000005	1.00000000	1.00000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	13.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	13.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	6	4	-1	-1	icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	i
0	9728	0	3	2	5	0	LineageWeapons.arthro_nail_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.arthro_nail_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.arthro_nail_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.arthro_nail_t00_wp		icon.weapon_arthro_nail_i00					-1	1420	48	1	0	14	7	2	LineageWeapons.arthro_nail_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.arthro_nail_m00_wp	2	LineageWeaponsTex.arthro_nail_t00_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.arthro_nail_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.dagger_6	ItemSound.sword_small_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.sword_big_8		ItemSound.itemequip_fist		5	374	152	5	5	4	4	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_h	LineageEffect.e_u092_h	0.00000000	1.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.50000000	0.00000000	0.60000002	0.60000002	0.25000000	0.25000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.29999995	1.29999995	1.29999995	1.29999995	1.29999995	1.29999995	0.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9729	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01					95	1380	51	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2.00000000	3.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		3.00000000	1.00000000	0.80000001	15.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9730	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01					95	1380	51	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2.00000000	3.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		3.00000000	1.00000000	0.80000001	15.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9731	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01					95	1380	51	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2.00000000	3.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		3.00000000	1.00000000	0.80000001	15.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9732	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			icon.weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01					95	1380	51	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_sword_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_sword_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2.00000000	3.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		3.00000000	1.00000000	0.80000001	15.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9733	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			icon.weapon_mace_of_prayer_i00					95	1380	1	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_k		21.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	1.10000002	1.10000002	17.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9734	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			icon.weapon_mace_of_prayer_i00					95	1380	1	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_k		21.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	1.10000002	1.10000002	17.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9735	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			icon.weapon_mace_of_prayer_i00					95	1380	1	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_k		21.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	1.10000002	1.10000002	17.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9736	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			icon.weapon_mace_of_prayer_i00					95	1380	1	1	0	7	1	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_staff_m00_wp		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_staff_t00_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_small_1	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	250	200	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_k		21.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.10000002	1.10000002	1.10000002	17.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1				
0	9737	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.duskk_shield_m00_sh			LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_shield_t00_sh			icon.shield_masterpiece_shield_i00					95	1320	19	1	0	8	0	1	LineageWeapons.duskk_shield_m00_sh		1	LineageWeaponsTex.duskk_shield_t00_sh			4	ItemSound.shield_steel_5	ItemSound.public_armor_05	MonSound.Hit_Metal_Clang_1	MonSound.Hit_Metal_clang_10	ItemSound.itemdrop_shield_metal	ItemSound.itemequip_shield_metal		0	0	0	0	5	0	0	-8	300	99	0	0	0	0	1000	0	1	0			0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000								1.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							-1	-1	-1	-1


Copia esse e joga em um bloco de notas depois copia e coloca no seu itename-e e e weapongp

Edited by mickael

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