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Holá pessoal. venho aqui de novo para ajudar.. esse é o PROJETO aCis Project,

bom nao vou ajudar a dar FIX, pois nao Sou DESENVOLVEDOR vou apenas DISPONIBILIZAR.


Fix List rev 37 :

SVNversion added for both GS and DP projects.


Delete of some useless folders (javaTest/sql/data) from GS project. Added the data part to the datapack folder.


Refactor of both build.xml. Things are organized differently from now (libs folder, no more double libs, no more zip for gs, creation of geodata paths in DP not in GS, .cfg go to config folder). It needed a change on some paths aswell.


Deletion of SQLs (experimental/updates).


Test and report if you find a bug, I installed things like 3 times and no problem (except a pathnode folder which is created at server launch, but it will be corrected when I will touch to geodata system).

"No item handler..." message fix.


When you clicked on any item which didn't have an handler (like arrows and such) there was a boring message spamming your GS logs.

Network refactor, packets folder move from gameserver to network folder. Affects both LS and GS.

Network part II - .svn was focked so it didn't created folders back. I have forgotten serverpackets aswell, now all is fine.

Network part III - I hate svn for sure.

Small fixes for floodprotector.


Enterworld changes:


Firework if char is newbie was removed.

A little cleaning.

DP side, quests needed to be modified because of the last network commit.

Death to customs. Basicaly delete around 12 stupid customs + DM and TvT engine. With that commit ended, it will allow us to clean normally.

Gameserver refactor, versioning suppression. Datapack have been modified only to remove damn ugly print sections on the GS logs (it still print errors if there are, and total number of loaded quests).


Test NPCWalkers to see if they still move (deleted the config, so normally always True from now).

Multiple fixes.


- Suppression of L2BoxInstance (a never-ended custom). Two tables were related to it, so they dissapear.

- Merge of sethero / setnoble in AdminEditChar.

- Added a unclose connection checker in L2DatabaseFactory, + a config about idle connections.

- Refactored the database installer, much more simple (only the .bat, not the .sh).

Unclosed connection problem + typos.

Complete configs refactor. Now configs are more organized, according to clans, events, players, server, npcs. still exists because of the system itself, which need an update.


Many options have dissapeared :

# AltRecommand

# XP / SP Exponent

# choice between Modern / classic GM menu (only modern)

# Rent a pet

# AltSkillLearn

# GM inventory (both dwarves and non dwarves keep their configs)

# Blessed / crystal enchant rate (all rates are identical on retail, and crystal/blessed are the same type of scrolls)

# Tiredness (- 10 CP, but only when physical hit).

# BypassValidation (always True now)

# OnlyGMItemsFree (from now a buylist haven't to be 0 price or you have to be a GM).

# JailDisableChat (all chats except white are now disabled in jail)

# CharMaxNumber (locked to 7)


Added back "Welcome in the world of Lineage 2" message in the enterworld.

Suppression of Formulas instanciation.

Added getActiongPlayer() - will be useful for L2PcInstance / Summon checks

pickUpMe() method migrated from L2Object to L2ItemInstance.

Static ActionFailed packet.

Escape shackle skill fix (core / datapack)

This is the reason Shilen rules the Underworld.


22 deleted columns in characters.sql. Tested so far in both loading, storing and new player, but report if any error related to character popups in a dark and vicious way.


If you got a test server, you have to update your 'characters' table. Check the sql changes for more infos.

Javolution update, to the actual L2J one.


Don't use javolution from the javolution website, some codes (around 20k) have been added (by L2J seems so).


Affect both GS / LS, and MMOcore too (fockin string). So if you got a test server, think to update BOTH your mmocore.jar and javolution.jar in BOTH LS and GS directories, else you will be stucked at login.


I repeat, the MMO update have nothing to do with security. It's just to avoid you to be stucked.


Report if something weird happens (like hentai tentacle rape).

PART I - Okay, finally, here it is just for Christmas, the 22th commit . The description will be huge, because this commit IS huge.


So what have been done :


* ZoneManager added (removed old zones system).

- Basically, merge ArenaManager and OlympiadStadiaManager on it.

- Add more than 600 areas overall, and 8 new area types.

- There is a new zone, L2SpawnZone. Basically, it's a L2TypeZone with spawns location on it. It's used for many areas type, as TownZone, CastleTeleporterZone,...

- The zone_vertices.sql and the zone.xml have to been updated.


* Castles / Sieges Refactor

- Artefacts are now spawned at server start. They stay spawned at the end of siege. Artfacts use a new lib, trove.

- Splitted CastleZone from SiegeZone. Basically same shit, but one is for peace, other for war. Zones are really nice done.

- Corrected Control Towers. Now their death influence on the delay of the next feature, which is...

- Mass Gatekeeper. They work really fine, and are more "detailed" than L2J one (both htm and delay formula).

- The way of calculate next siege have been modified. It will need some work, as the hour of siege is strange.

- Added FlameTower core, but nothing in dp. Need more investigations.

- The castle.sql, spawnlist.sql & npc.sql have to been updated.


* Announcements / Broadcast optimizations.

- send back to Broadcast methods instead of creating new methods over all files.


* L2World way to add people ingame.

- Based on CharNameTable now. Works fine lol.


* Optimizations

- Used Collections to many "for" loops.

- Changed recommendations update from 13h00 to 6h30. Not really an optimization lol. And I didn't checked if it was retail like.


* DP side

- changed forum name in servnews.

- modified sql path (everRed idea, as all don't use WAMP server).




About bug reports :


I added bugs in this commit, mainly zone related. Many zones shouldn't work correctly, and it's where I need your help. A topic will list all actual errors I know. Please don't post the same error, except if the way you had it was different.


I will try to correct as much as possible bugs for the part II. Until that moment, the work on big "features" is suspended. I don't want to add bugs to bugs and finally have an unstable pack.

PART II - Another nice commit




- Corrected TownZone (peaceful when it's needed), WaterZone (both slow effect and breathe) and SwampZone (used for castle traps, use the same code than water).

- Deleted the missing part of Rent-A-Pet option, which was only used for this option.

- Added more teleport options (basically added the secondClosestTown teleport if Dawn wins)

- Deleted a crappy custom (you won x adenas...) both in pvp and pk methods, thx everRed to find this crap.

- Corrected AutoLootHerb (separated from normal AutoLoot) and AutoLootBoss (hope it works, didn't test but should), thx FighterBoss to test all those stupid options for me .

- Deletion of a crappy option about enchant restriction in Olympiad (death to custom), ty anew FighterBoss my hero

- Fully corrected Life Towers & Flame Towers spawns. As significate effect, all castles got now 3 LTs, 2 FTs and one artefact.

- Deleted useless config in sieges (both config & variables initialization)




- LT and FT template have been updated. Now 10k HP, 222 Pdef and 164 Mdef (before : 550 HPs, 100 pdef and 76 mdef).

PART III - WorldBosses zones / refactor.


- Added core support for boss zones (no more GS zones bugs about it) and Grandbosses spawns (removed L2BossInstance for L2GrandBossInstance).

- Used some isRaid() instead of creepy instances checks.

- Some typos and one check in "Heal".

- Added 2 SQLs files and modified database installer to fit.


Need to completly refactor IAs as I don't want to add the new quest engine, integrating them to core and not to DP. It will be long and surely painful, but I will do them one by one.


I haven't tested world bosses ingame. At all. Just checked GS errors logs. As IAs are the old ones (aka semi-broken), it's pointless.

Some little fixes, ty for thelasthero for codes about.


- corrected paladin toggle (alway forget the name)

- added protection subclass (both on add & change action)

- corrected autoLootBoss (I hope... I'm bored of this one lol).

- multisell amount is now between 1 & 9999.


Need confirmation about multisell & autoLootBoss. Multisell had already a protection, so FighterBoss report was surely wrong. Or FloodProtectors work strangely.

MMOCore - Part I


- Added the full actual L2J MMOCore.

- Corrected all paths (org.mmocore...).

- Added unknownPackets protection (tested with L2PHX). Others protections & Packet queue in part II / III.

- IPv4 filter updated.

- Added ClientStats.


As for commit 21, affect both GS / LS. If you got a test server, think to update BOTH LS and GS directories, else you will be stucked at login. Two .jar to update : mmocore.jar and l2jserver.jar, in LS & GS directories. Don't even cry on forum if you got jar problems.


Elmoreden's Gods, pity me and make this commit works for all (no weird report).

MMOCore - Part II


- Added the updated Packet antiflood system, ancient is deleted (drop next packets for the packet sender if flood is detected);

- Added underflow protection (aka you try to send a broken packet via L2PHX);



- Updated ThreadPoolManager (needed to update CommandChannel aswell);

- Added a method in L2PcInstance for BossZone (actually not used);

- Disconnect yourself if you are already on the account and you try to log on;

- Improved CharacterDelete packet (more packet rework on next commit);

- switch use in L2GamePacketHandler.


No more work on MMOCore. If you got problems -> forum.

AccessLevel rework


- Deletion of the two ancient systems to add the new one. It uses 2 new tables, one for admincommandhandlers, the other for the different access states.

- By default, the "root" access is 127. He got all rights, and can't be modified via configs. Others accesses are from 1 to 5, you can customize them as you want (rights, colors, title names,...). 0 is for normal user.

- By default, all commands are put to 1. Need more infos about the child access system. Well, play with buttons to make priviledges work.

- At your first login, and if you didn't change your access in characters table, your access should be reseted to 0, as 100 isn't a right access number (by default: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 127). So before log, change it in your db.


Others changes :


- GMAudit model have been moved to util folder. It's used actually only for admincommandhandler.

- getMessageRefusal() & setMessageRefusal() have been modified to isInRefusalMode() & setInRefusalMode()

- dietMode have been deleted (GM stuff). If you want to wear a lot of items, MAKE A DWARF ! Their dances are funny too...

- deleted FightCalculator stuff. Except if someone explain me the use of it.


I have to warn you : many "links" to commands are bugged. As I use the Freya SQLs, and as many commands have been modified between this time and IL, some commands will be shown as "non existing handler for command admin_xxxxx". I wait the commands refactor to care about (and the html part need a total relook too).


So make a single error thread in forum, & report all missing commands to help all users.

CharacterCreate packet rework.

Faenor & events deletion


Who uses that anyway ? Delete both event engine and Faenor (compiledScript like stuff. You're now free to put any event engine you like.


Report on forum if anything occurs.

Logs rework


- refactored (use StringUtil instead of TextBuilder)

- cleaned (moved them into log folder).

Trade commit.


Fix a lot of things, add many checks, "freeze" many data. Thx to Chr.Trance about scam exploit report & some parts of fix code.


You have to test Trade, Buy & Sell shop. Do a lot of tests, as code is "semi-experimental". Be aware about both seller and buyer amount of adenas. I did a couple of tests and normally all work fine, but still, test :>.


The maximum amount in a trade is 1,999,999,999. It takes in consideration both price and amount. You can't sell 1 item for 2kkk, as you can't sell 4 items 500kk each, etc.

ChatHandlers refactor


As PartyMatching doesn't move '-_- (no one help with those packets), I commit a little one.


- Add blocklist check on all, trade and shout trades.

- Add checks on Say2, rewrite some parts of chat handlers aswell (using collections, this sort of stuff).

- Add L2Walker protection, based on keywords. Option put on "False" by default,

- Finally, deletion of social actions custom. It was too much primitive and bad coded.


About L2W protection, if it isn't working, give me IL L2W commands. I based my hope they didn't change it from IL to Freya. Share section is your friend else.

L2SkillType refactor.


Shouldn't do nothing special. Please review changeset (as I only used "replace" function and checked after for errors to correct at hand). Will be useful in future, even if you don't understand why. L2EffectType is the next.

L2EffectType refactor.


Like said in the last commit, it's totally inconsistant for you. Skills work exactly like before (or better said, they're SUPPOSED TO work like before, so do some tests . Jookkkee, I tested a little and nothing seems to have been hurt.


Stay turned


PS : may Elmoreden's Gods bless "Replace" Eclipse's function.

BaseStats add


- Basically, go with the 2 last commits in the "don't care" section o_o.

- It uses a new file, located in data/stats, and named statBonus.xml (else you got massive error, so easy to remember it).




- Remove of double setCurrent(HP/CP/MP) in L2PcInstance restore() method (need perhaps more tests about);

- Debug of AutoLootRaid (it was a missing space, don't write "true "... I tested it is working);

- Added some limits which were missing (max runspd limit was totally missing, max critical rate was fixed to 500);

Zones updates (692 overall)


- deletion of many useless vertices from Gracia++;

- deletion of some areas which aren't supposed to be Peace Zone (rift public room, Ivory Tower).

- correction of the 2 stupids castle areas which asked for cuboid parameters when they where NPoly. No more areas bugs logs.


Fix List rev 52 :


- summons cast formulas changed (need to recode xml to get summons and see if I don't fock soemthing...)

- "has resisted" messages corrected

- isUndead() have been modified. No more values in sql, it directly does the calcul on Race.UNDEAD. If you don't want to drop your npc.sql, design your table and remove the isUndead column.


- Refactor of DecayTaskManager (added different delays according of situations RB/spoiled-seeded/normal mobs);

- Moved pvpflag from L2Character to L2PcInstance;

- Added the condition to drain corpse ("corpse is too old" message if you drain too late).


I just saw some effects like Sting still continue to show a "has resisted your" blank message. Don't cry on forum then


Some reworks :


- CharTemplate rework (and many files related to race/class)

- Classmaster rework (new configs)

- give available skills

- give noblesse

- do the old stuff he did before but better

- VillageMaster rework

- give now the possibility to rename pledges

- all subclass options are reworked

- one VillageMaster as "core" of multiple VillageMaster instances (to handle class/race restrictions).


DP side :

- NPC.sql to drop and change

- many htm to put in good place.


The classmaster have been verified, about subclass I'm not in fond of admin commands so I didn't know how to give quests items (lol), so couldn't test (arg).


Htm have been c/ped from Freya and put in form, so shouldn't have problem.


Didn't test pledges names, but should work, if I didn't miss anything database sided.


Refactor Enterworld

- deleted customs (announce hero & castle lords at login)

- migrated some infos in others packets / initializing stuff (pledges, sethero, setonlinestatus, signssky)

- added seal of strife effect (buff / debuff according to winner/loser side)


Deleted 2 useless tables. You're right, they were both useless + same content.


Deleted the "ProtectionIP", basically show if you were connecting from another IP. Sort of useless stuff as IPs are 90% time dynamics, so when you reboot your inet box you got an alert message "beware your last IP wasn't the same"...


Report if any error at login occurs.


I will do short, cause current comment have been deleted and... Fock eclipse.


Friends && blocklist refactor

- character_friends.sql have been updated. The relation column equals 0 for friend, 1 for blocked.

- blocklist is now stored in database, before it wasn't.

- a blocked player can't invite or trade you, and you can't hear him from any chat.

- The "Chat with Friends" option have been updated. When you add or remove a friend, it updates in real time.

- Many checks && fixes have been added to /friendinvite && /frienddel packets.

- Friendlist loading is now only located to L2PcInstance, operations are made on the fastlist when needed. Before it was messy.


SetReputation refactor (from L2Clan)

- "splitted" in 2 options, TakeReputation and AddReputation. SetReputation got now private access.

- simplier to use && to read.



- refactored the code about clan wars in doDie method (corrected the number of added/removed reputation points).

- subclasses are now locked during the process. No more exploits possible on it. You can't delog/restart during the process.

- many fixes for classes (autoskilllearn if config, send of packet for refresh partyicon, etc)


Packets rework

- Many concerned "friends" packets have been renamed && refactored to L2J actual names.

- Logout && RequestRestart packets have been totally refactored to fit with subclass lock.

- setToLocation serverpacket dropped, we won't miss it.

- SystemMessage corrected for addPcName. This is the same problem for bugged skills messages.

- /partyinvite have new checks && more retail messages, depending of the situation.

- RestartResponse serverpacket is now static type.


Deletion of stuffs dating of Noe's Arch (or even older, depending of Coriolis force on the Newton's apple).


Nothing to hurt a dancing cow in the moonlight of a hot but wet 13 July night, but still, it deletes a crappy useless stuff in gameserver loading. Happy ? Yes, you are.


Gameserver and GameStatusThread (but who use telnet ?) are affected.


And tell me if I missed removing classes from those lost && useless things. They're not even used between themselves...



- updated mysql-connector lib from 5.0.7 to 5.1.4 (must change both for ls and gs, you know the music...);



- deletion of nondroppablelist config, which wasn't used (FighterBoss, you missed it I think );

- others droppable lists (for chaotic players / pets) are kept and improved (use of arrays);



- setKarma and broadcastKarma now use collections in order to be broadcasted.

- "Your Karma has been changed to" message extended (not only for admin command use now);

- onDieDropItem() method improved (should be same rule than before);

- get/setCharmOfCourage dropped. Effect is handled directly from the L2EffectType, so it was old ruins from past empire;


Packets / Misc

- Boolean -> boolean. Blablabla;

- Corrected an self-added bug (my bad arg), which made GMs buggy shift-clicking on a corpse-like player. It was boring, so I revert it. Strange than no one reported it, it's common action on test servers w_w;


This commit was - at first - to find an issue to SweeTs report bug about pk drops. But it seems it's another big rework which await me, as knowlist need a full update due to my rev 22 L2World refactor. Well, you got some things corrected so don't cry.


Organization of templates && - complete - dyes refactor.


Okay, it's seems huge but it isn't.

Different templates types have been simply organized in folders, to make it clean. This is 90% of modified files.


The real work comes with hennas refactor (known as dyes or symbols) :

- Added 2 missing retail messages ;

- Fixed an exploit when you add a symbol ;

- Added the real way to remove dyes (added 3 clientpackets && 2 serverpackets) instead of the html way ;

- Optimized hennaTable && hennaTreeTable loadings.


An know issue still exists, but it's not only for this add : when you remove dyes, 5 go back in inventory. They actually REALLY go in inventory, but there a missing inventory refresh on addItem (the academy circlet given at kickout from clan when 2nd class change occurs should actually have the same problem). You can refresh inventory buying an item from a shop as example. If you buy 5 others dyes, it will show correctly 10 then.


Consider testing symbols and low symbols for pre-40 too, and report errors. About "text going out of window" && "text isn't the good one for my dye" issue, this is NOT a core bug, but client side. Blame NC$oft to forget to check what they do.


50th commit guys


This one is special "helpers reports" I want to thank all people which have/will contribute to the project. This 50th commit is a "pot-pourri" of many problems you reported. The right people will recognize themselves, I hope


Please remember reports you do are NEVER out of my mind. I just got priorities, that's all. All will be corrected soon or later.



- TargetMe effect (aggro type skills) got 2side effects : if victim haven't target, victim targets aggroer, and the second aggro will make victim attacks aggroer. If victim de-targets the aggroer, the next will only retarget aggroer.

- "Incorrect items count" message + a little fix about name of used skills. Affects all consumables type skills (quiver arrow, blabla).

- Wrath shows now the generic damage system message for the victim.

- Toggles are now usable even sit. It's stupid to stand up to remove Vicious Stance.

- Skillhandlers SummonFriend, TakeCastle && StrSiegeAssault got now cast conditions working, and are refactored.



- SystemMessageId refactor, using c/p of Hellbound (all is organized and seems to be all right).

- Added 5 messages about sieges (cast on artifact, artifact taken, loose/add of reputation points through sieges && change of castle owner).



- updateClanReputation() method "use" have been moved from removeOwner() ( to endSiege() (


Ty again for support, and long life to aCis !


Debugged animation/sound effect of dropped items, and surely more than that (PK drops must work now, only a supposition but it's normal to be related). Affects all dropMe effects.


This bug have been first introduced with the L2World refactor (rev 22 if I remember well). Unfortunately to make the whole mecanism working, I need to completely refactor knownlists. The good new is I got the "howto scout manual" from L2J revisions (aka, the precise revision refactoring knownlist). The bad part is I don't want to begin another big refactor (and even if it isn't as big as skills, it's still a lot of work) before ending skills one.


So I decided to revert some parts of my previous work, to make it less buggy and don't melt possible bugs between them.


Need confirmation about player's drops when you die as a PK. But as I already said, it should be related.


Organisation & fixes || affects many files again.



- AutoLearnSkills set to False by default



- Removed 2 useless craps from L2Skill, getCanLearn() && canTeachBy().



- Moved L2Character, L2Summon, L2Attackable, L2Npc, L2Playable from previous locations to "actor" folder.

- Renamed L2PlayableInstance to L2Playable, and L2NpcInstance to L2Npc.

- Renamed L2FolkInstance to L2NpcInstance.


So if you followed all, before it was "L2NpcInstance & L2FolkInstance", now it's "L2Npc & L2NpcInstance".



- drop of L2BlacksmithInstance, not used.

- refactor of L2NpcInstance (previously named L2FolkInstance) using StringBuild instead of TextBuilder.


Clan traders

- fixed multisell preview for those characters, ty rebelstrike for report and Chr.Trance for initial commit.


Fix List rev 58 :




Refactor & fixes.


- GameTimeController refactor;

- corrected a bug at any character creation, based on setOnline value problem (why no one reported it, I ask it myself);

- ShowScreenMessage serverpacket (I try to search any retail use of it, already found some);

- Added ShadowSense messages (at enterworld). Messages based on time cycle are for the moment not available.








Skills - part II

- Signets engine - as you perhaps don't know, signets use others skills. So it works (cast) without working (effect) atm.

- Signets don't use BattleForce/SpellForce because of Freya implementation. Anyway, those skills (BF/SF) will come at 5xxx... I will correct at time.

- Dodge core side. Works for blows, charges skills and PDAM skills (minus bows types skills). This last implementation is self-made, so need to test.

- Mirage uses skill 5xxx in order to trigger. So like signets, it works without working.

- Meditation core side (it's from hellbound, at Freya you're just paralyzed...).

- PlayerState olympiad added, used to verify if a skill is allowed in olympiad.



- suppression of AltGameViewNpc.



- renamed MagicSkillUser -> MagcSkillUse.








Skills, part III


You will be happy with this one Items restriction is finally working. You need to replace armor and & weapon tables, plus some weapons XMLs. The only missing part to make all skills work is more or less XMLs now.


Items restriction

- retained formula is a mix between old and new coding style. This is the best waiting items refactor, cause skills won't be affected in future.

- 7 errors are still shown, and around 200 weapons aren't loaded. It's due to the fact skills are missing (as SAs use skills). Wait skills are rewritten.


Skills engine

- TARGET_PARTY_CLAN have been deleted, which got interest only postIL (OL skills used for both clans/party members, not in IL);

- TARGET_AREA_SUMMON activated, core side for mass surrenders of summons.

- some sleeping codes awaken due to previous revisions.








L2Spawn / SpawnTable refactor.


I think this is the end of this error:

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



- The Map/FastMap use have been changed for a FastSet.

- The id and getTemplate of L2Spawns have been dropped. It need a refresh of your "spawnlist" table.



- Use of TIntObjectHashMap instead of MapTree.

- The summonsItems type (hatchling, X-mas trees, wolves,...) have been refactored. The cast is 5 seconds, you're considered casting, and many checks + improvements have been made.

- no more errors saying "the object exists already in OID map".



- 3 columns have been dropped (id, randomx and randomy).

- table's format have been improved.








GeoEngine / PathFinding refactor


Needed refactor ended . Works wonderful using Stazis.


Well, I suppose all know what is geodata. So I explain things you surely don't know :

- GeoEngine load geodata files, when PathFinding load pathnodes.

- The way to calcule pathnodes can be made differently :

- using GeoPathFinding method, which load pathnodes (need geodata + pathnodes then);

- using CellPathFinding method, which uses geodata data and calculate "on the fly".


Both ways got pros/cons, explained on the ".properties".


From those last informations and the comments of .properties, you shouldn't fail activating geodata . Anyway, here are some good settings.


For both configs : geodata = 2, ForceGeodata = True, CoordSynchronize = 2

- using geodata w/o pathnodes : CellPathfind = True. For fun, put "DebugPath = True" to see if it's works, or to check your geodata doesn't sux. You have to make a collision to activate it (wall, tree, whatever).

- using geodata && pathnodes : CellPathfind = False.


Be clever and read godamn comments. I splitted options according to their uses.




Added to that:

- I debugged multiple clicks on a player, which made you stuck.

- moved 3 options concerning IAs and not GeoData from "server" to "npcs" config file.








Spring cleaning + misc refactors.


Well, ok, it's not yet the spring, but hey, I decide if it is spring when I want !


Util cleaning

- Well, before L2World refactor GS was using stuff, and now it doesn't anymore. Lol.

- Rnd refactor.


Config cleaning

- AGAIN ? Yeah, I will leech out all heretic configs

- Deleted "not used anymore" IdFactory options, put survivors in Burned

- Deleted the assert config, true by default from now.


ItemsOnGround refactor

- some cleaning, some improvements.


All others files (mainly L2ItemInstance, preparing the next battlefield)

- typos


I need review on ItemsOnGroundManager mainly.


Fix List rev 61 :

1000-1099 xml, and appropriated core changes.

Skills refactor, part IV


L2Summon / Cubics refactor.

- Manage duration of cubics, casting ability for summons (last haven't been tested).

- Refactored formulas. Use of activationtime/chance.

- Some stats have migrated from L2Skill to L2SkillSummon


AttackStanceManager refactor

- Debugged players stuck in attack stance.

- Cubics use attack stance as activator.

- Summons && players attack stances are splitted.


Skills formulas

- Use of Freya resistances way. Will be easier to complete skills.

- Drop of many templates (all baseVuln), which were put to 0 by default and never used. It still exists on Freya, and currently it's useless... From IL to Freya.


DP side

- correction of summons, L2Npc > L2Pet

- added all ways to enchant summons. Dwarves powa.

- Refactored existing skills to use Freya resistance/vulnerability way.

- Corrected many skills, which haven't overHit or baseCritical ability in IL. ToD is now IL way (caster haven't lose of 90% CP, only 1,2k HPs).

- Add of 1200-1299.


Warning : Seeds cast (fire/water/wind) are messy. Main fault is because those skills have seen their use changed from IL to Freya, and I didn't bother at first time. I reverted back 99% of old code about seeds, but still the cast is buggy.


Warning : cubics skills are around 41xx-43XX. They currently aren't added, but have been tested. Cubic heal is pretty oped




Shutdown refactor, PunishLevel, adminCommands.


Shutdown refactor

- Freya way. Do the same but better written.



- jail punishement got now a duration

- the system is centralized (no more chatban task, ...)



- merge of AdminBan and adminBanChat;

- merge of AdminDisconnect and AdminKick. Allow //kick on a target.

- drop of the whole AutoAnnouncement system (which was already broken since low revisions, and no one cried about)


Misc :

- "Chatting is prohibited" box on all chats when chatbanned/jailed.

- teleToLocation correction.

- staticPackets (ServerClose, LeaveWorld).

- L2GameClient rework (avoids to logoff too fast if characters is subclassing / in attack stance.

- many minor corrections/typos.

- rework of main admin panels & announce menu. More work soon or later, it was just intended to delete useless buttons, and to format the code. Drop of "Mods panel".


Fix List rev 72 :

Hell's Refactdoom.


Fishing refactor

- use of ZoneManager (was using FishingZoneManager for backwards compatibility);

- many improvements (add of sounds, geodata checks,...) and typos;


MercTicketManager refactor

- add of the proximity formula for tickets (have to been ameliorated, but it works);

- all retail messages for tickets;

- some improvements (use of iterator, etc);



- Add of 6 XMLs and respective core changes (4 new conditions);

- Add of Cancel skillhandler (Cancellation, touch of death, warrior/mage banes,...);

- 3/5 cubics are working (the 2 others are only XML issue);

- correction of the CHARGEDAM formula, which is hardly bugged on Freya (topic on L2J server :

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
. It still need correction as infos come with time;

- Add of creatures natural resistances formula. It's calculated using weakness formula aswell;

- NPCs stats influences their overall stats (HPs, accuracy, critical, atkspd, etc);


Admins commands

- deleted 50+ freya commands (event engine, elementals, ride wolves...);

- corrected addlevel / setlevel;

- added "zone_visual" command, which is very useful;

- refactored all "reload" commands type to work on the same pattern. Basically 12 commands can now be typed "//reload xxxx";

- deleted some leftovers of rev 61 ("//admin5" and related commands);


GM Panel refactor

- refactored entirely the help system (FAR more simplier);

- reorganized many htm, typos and esthetic;

- drop of all TvT htms left;

- jukebox, emotes, announce HTMs reorganisation;

- deletion of all customs skills in special skills.



- deleted all freakin "innodb", "utf-8" and "myISAM" stuff and spring clean on all tables;

- reorganized skills_trees.sql;

- drop of zone.sql (leftover of IL zoneManager ?), which call a "tools" folder update;



- dropped some not used configs.

- put fishing to "false" by default. As explained in the config file, it needs geodata in rder to work like retail. Else it's buggy.


And many typos corrections.


AdminCommands && L2Party refactors



- Position is now broadcasted using a task, which send position of everyone every 10 seconds. Position code in clientpackets dissapeared;

- Many null checks added, both for party and CommandChannel;

- add of some retail messages (party and CC);

- the update of partyleader icon is now fine;

- the pending invitation formula have been changed. Now, only one invitation can be sent. You have to wait this invitation ends to send another one. Before you could spam invitations, so it was ugly.



- added //sendhome && //instant_move (alt+G panel);

- cleaned commands I judged useless (gonorth/south/west, etc). //walk, what a joke command...

- "//teleto" renamed for "//runmod". //runmod port you once, //runmod tele port you anytime, //runmod norm stop the porting state. Why a rename, it's simple : too many commands begins with "//tele" and it's hard to remember them all.



- drop of 80% of code. All those commands are already existing in another files, and as they are outdated in this one, it's stupid to have same methods twice. So HTMs use updated commands.


HTM admin part

- drop of castles and towns positions HTMs. Only one port for each (to simplify).

- esthetic of many files.

- merge of move.htm & teleports.htm, drop of useless parts.



- CW karma is now 9999999. I know, I know...

- some packets typos & spring clean.


1400-1499.xml and core support.

Xmls, refactors & misc


- Three more XMLs & core support (valakas stuff, EffectRecovery and <target NpcId="">).

- You can now //play_sound using packages (try "//play_sound systemmsg_e.char_creation" to understand).

- CrestCache refactor.

- L2GuardInstance && RaidBossInstance use a simplier code to return to initial position. No more "anti-exploit" full heal for bosses.

- Added support to mobs which mustn't random move (guards, raids, chests, etc).


Thanks Wdemon for systemmsg sounds initial idea. All will come with time.

Tanks to SweeTs for XML rework.



IMPORTANT : many skills we're doing right now are not used. In fact, an item is supposed to be attached to a skill. An skill can be itself attached to another skill (like active augments skills or signets). L2J IL made it differently, hardcoding skills effects directly on itemhandlers (SoEs for example). For backward compatibility, I use all old code, but refactor skills the new way.


Once the time of items refactor will come, each item will use its own skill. For the moment all (or near, as some hardcoded code already dissapeared) is supposed to work IL way on this side.


So if you understand all right, some stuff I'm doing actually is pointless until items are refactored. Still, it's a lot of work, and once items are refactored the right way, all should be working. For stuff like SAs and augments, it's already working.


Knownlists, AIs, misc


Well, it fixes a critical issue came around geodata/move refactor. Basically, knownlists (lists which list surrounding objects) were called during move and stop actions. Refactoring geodata, I deleted the move part. So you could only see people/monsters when you stop to run.


Now knownlists are refreshed using a single task. Knownlists have been refactored aswell.


Misc part :


- Some AIs improvements, like guards can now hit invulnerable people (before, they just didn't care).

- GeoEditor clean;

- SiegeManager uses a singleton;

- Some cleaning and code move from L2Character to L2PcInstance. Use of Collection when possible.

- dropMe() refactor + geodata checks.

- NpcInfo packet rework.


- added back engine=myISAM for etcitems.sql. Hope it will stop database installer problems. You have to know this table will disappear in a next future.

- cleaning the .classpath


Doors / StaticObjects refactors.


Doors / StaticObjects

- optimized and clean both instances and loading tables;

- added/cleaned shift-clicking panels for both of those instances;

- doors (from a CH you own) can now be opened like retail;


XMLs skills

- corrected 0-99 skills values and some skills behaviors;



- corrected a critical issue where NPCs templates provoke a 100% client critical error. Ty SweeTs for report, and FighterBoss for ollllddd one too. Some NPCs still got a template with 0 run/walk speed (less than 20 NPCs, before 77). Don't try to spawn them, you will got a direct disconnection, and couldn't log back with this character until you cleaned the NPC.



- normally (only suggestion, as it's not a 100% issue) corrected an issue when you try to revive.

- added missing accept button result for summoning friend action. It couldn't work without.


2 XMLs and associated core support.


Thx Vrugar for 4100-4199.


Cleaned code, optimizations, and 3 XMLs.


- Deleted WHCacheManager;

- Cleaned up CrestCache;

- Deleted useless class/package;

- "commons-logging" implementation switched back to "java logging";

- config + cfg moved to separate source folder;

- Cleaned useless imports;

- Cleaned up around 350 warnings;


Thanks Intrepid for core patch, and ty to DarthVader for 2/3 XMLs.




Note : the 3 apella sets are supposed to have a 80% debuff (root for Heavy, slow for Light and Wind shackle for Robe) casted on target. When in Freya the used skills are in 5600-5699.xml (and it's not debuffs anymore, it's buffs), this xml doesn't exist at all on IL.


I didn't manage to find the right effects aswell (they're supposed to don't use mana, so we must take particular skills). So this part is quoted in XML, the time the good skills IDs are found, if they exist.


If someone find the good IDs, PM me in order to correct those 3 sets boni.


Fix 30 warnings and added back the missing lib.


- 30 warnings fixed, going from "not used variables" to "private -> protected".

- activated the curse raid feature (higher than 9 lvl, blabla). Don't cry for missing skill 4515, it's not done yet.

- added back the .jar deleted on rev 69, sry about it, and ty for fast intervention.

- added back the recommendation system. IL used it as an alternative config, and in my "gogo, deleted them all" frenzy, I deleted what I think it is retail (at very beginning of the project, around rev 10). Currently and from now, player and target are stored in a table, which is cleaned up everyday at 13 (from what I rem lol). So you can't give all your rec to one people relogging everytime.


Multiple datatables refactors, and corrections.


- Reorganization of many datatables (use of singletons/Trove, load/reload options, some improvements, and many cleaning)

- Fixed a NPE at subclass change option, and added a weight limit (80%) for both add && change subclass options.

- "Fixed" 35-40 warnings.

- Added "//reload door" possibility, and fixed "//reload zone".


More singleton-ations soon


Multiple refactors, RBPoints manager, and more.


Instances refactors

- L2SiegeGuard (easier returnHome() method)

- L2RaidBoss



- IDFactory + the different types (Stack / Bitset cleaned, Compaction have been dropped)

- RaidBossManager;


RaidBossPoints Manager / Task

- open your Map > "raid" tab is now available, showing you your actual rank, RBs, and point over those RBs.

- system which give a amount of points according to numbers of killed RBs ((RBlvl / 2) +- 5), according to your rank you can earn Reputation points for your clan.

- Task is running every week (monday at 00h10), ranks and overall points are reseted.


Issues / Misc

- corrected typos;

- corrected db cleaning (friendlist), and added the clean of skills' timestamps;

- Subpledge leader is no more using a string, but the objectId. Same for all methods using private map "_members" from L2Clan.

- drop of serverpacket "AllyInfo", merged in "RequestAllyInfo" clientpacket + refactor on it.


Fix List rev 79 :

Many, "many", -many-, (many) corrections.


- Corrected all possible issues where the total of reputation points wasn't updated.

- Updated some clan packets.

- 3 NPEs fixed;

- Refactored entirely acquireSkillList/acquireSkillInfo;

- Corrected a missing thing on accessLevel (didn't do problems so far, but better to put as it should be);

- cleaned the last 8 errors, and 8 warnings (part of warnings were NPEs, and explained stuff);

- Refactored Hero model.

- L2FishermanInstance inherits from L2MerchantInstance right now.

- Deleted the "missing skill : can't store blabla" NPE issue at any character loading (FrequentSkill wasn't loaded o_o).

- refactored the WeddingManager

- added config for Divine Inspiration spellbooks, and make the original "allow spellbook" config work properly.




I didn't test Hero refactor. Nothing should make you cry, except when the new heroes are named, as it uses a "not-tested-at-all but cleaner" way to unequip then delete all hero stuff from previous heroes. So consider testing this and report if a problem occurs, screenshots appreciated.


In another way, the wedding manager haven't been tested at all, mainly because I count to delete the voicecommandhandler system, and fusion marriage commands on wedding manager HTMs.



WeddingManager refactor, VoicedCommands deletion.


I decided to delete VoicedCommandHandler, which was only used for wedding commands (the .commands).


Divorce and GoToLove are now directly handled by the Wedding manager (id 50007). The config AllowWedding has to be active to make the instance works. Configs have been reduced to the "strict minimum". The system needs more tests in order to find possible exploits, but from what I think, I made it secure.


If you got ideas of code improvement, or find an error/exploit, post in forum please.


I added too the character_raid_points table in installation setup, my bad.



Bouh, this one is pretty big...


Users command refactor.

/dismount is debugged (send the good runspd value),

/mount uses now new methods stored in L2PcInstance, and mount checks have been improved (range use). Need to add the hungry state.

/unstuck is drastically clean. No more config for the timer, as the retail messages don't fit with it.

/loc, /gmlist, /time => typos.


Sieges times debugged

Sieges are loaded at server loading, it corrects this bug from now :

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Revert back time calculation like that :

5 castles are setup on saturday, 4 on sunday (like old L2J IL SQLs, but now it's hardcoded).

Default time is 18h00 for all castle (not like L2J IL, where times were dispatched between 16h00 && 20h00).

They still come every 14 days.

Added the way to put your own castle siege time as owner (between default time : 6PM, and 2 others choices : 4PM or 8PM).


Castles / Sieges

Way way waaaayyyyy many typos.

Some singletons.

A couple of mistakes.



Improved godamn L2CastleChamberlain (got many new functions, and it is ready for future if I have to change them), uses L2Merchant as extends.

Cleaned L2Merchant, the shift click shows the regular L2Npc shiftAction from now.

L2Npc onAction() cleanup, which make drop the @overriden on L2NpcInstance.



added/corrected mount/dismount methods. Use them from now if you want to force someone to eat the ground

one boring GS warning about wrong bypass (when you send a command asking for a value but you just write nothing) have been sent on DEBUG mode.


Misc :

Corrected 20 warnings.

Added a refresh on addItem() from PCInventory (if you read timeline, you perhaps remember about the "ghost dyes" when you break a dye you're supposed to get back 5, but you had to relog). Now it's normally finished.

Corrected a self-made bug which won't show stuff on selection screen. No one saw/reported it, lol, but it exists since 2 revisions. My apologies.



L2J sync 3384, pets, teleport issue corrected


L2J sync 3384

- "Improvements on CharStat, CharStatus, ObjectPosition, Knownlist initialization, thanks Erb"

- I won't bother saying it's useful.

- Debug (from what I tested...) the teleToLocation function, where players zones types weren't updated sometimes (only happened using teleToLocation, imagine you //recall a player who was in town and you're in pvp area, he was still considered as peace/town zone).



- isHungry() implementation, and "you can't mount hungry pets" condition;

- added death message "you got 20min to ress your poor little thing, hurry or emocry because you lose it";

- doRevive and doDie improvements (IA is active at revive, the feed bar isn't set to 10% when pet die, etc);

- when you're mounted, the pet collision height and width is taken instead of regular player's race collision.

- when hungry, the pet is walking, once feed, it's running anew.


Formulas / Misc

- deleted 2 commands (unride_wyvern and unride_strider), I thought even to remove //unride (they don't know /dismount ?), but I kept only for //ride/unride.

- reverted the getStdNPCCalculators() content (part of rev 62). Mobs were way too much overpowered.

- All "Stat" types have been refactored (PcStat, PetStat, CharStat, blablabla). Adds are numerous, like :

- seperated messages if you earn only XP, SP or both;

- drop of 2 configs, the speed when mounted is only linked to the pet template runspd, nothing more.

- added MAX_EVASION config.

- pet atkspd/multiplier is divided per 2 when hungry.

- L2WyvernManager refactor.



RecipeController refactor, not a lot to say, and not a lot to load (-6mo ram on GS stats).


- .csv -> .xml

- All retail messages.

- cleaner code (with the craft custom shit removed, it removes like 20% of code).


I used a mix between Hellbound (for XML engine) and Freya for the code. The recipes.xml comes from Hellbound, minus the dynasty stuff. It's normally the same stats (to be honest I checked 10 random values to see if they fit and that fitted). If by any hazard values aren't the same (NCZoft's logic is sometimes strange), you're allowed to cry on forum.


I tested a private manufacture and self use aswell.



3100-3199.xml + core support.


Plus time correction on certain aggros.



More csv -> xml.


Ty to "theXMLizer, the mysterious contributor" for 99% of this commit. Currently he got no nick, but he knows who he is...


Drop of 3 .csv, think to add xmls. Well, GS will cry anyway if you mess.


Fix List rev 88 :

2 XMLs + core support.

2 others XMLs, ty DarthVader (but take care about element next time ).

Organizating containers type.


Nothing to care of for you, no rework atm.

Some generic fixes.


- Added 2 IAs EVENT (PARALYZE && EVADE), and removed the INTENTION_MOVE_TO_BOAT.

- Corrected the issue with "multicast", report if errors come )>

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

- Corrected all HTMs with links to ancient help section (ty DarthVader for report).

- Refactored 3 packets touching to items. Added Apprentice PK check (ty zerador for the share).

- Added the fact to remove your weapon in combat (in melee only).


I have to warn you : augments won't work from now (well, it's semi-broken). Need refactoring another place, and L2Augmentation aswell.

Misc - GM Panel, commands, and stuff


Admin Panel && commands

- Add of //camera

- Clean a couple of admincommands (deletion of old and Freya)

- Added AdminBuffs (//getbuffs, //areacancel, //removereuse) handler.

- cleaned and improved the main panels, jukeBox, && a couple of others htms.



- Added SkillCoolTime packet. You can now see the correct reuse at relog/use of skills/change subclass.

- Added more arguments on SpecialCamera.



- Siege skills take in consideration the fact the player is/isn't a noble (advanced HQs skill)

- some Singleton.

This is... SpartaCis !


Status refactor

- All status have been corrected, and 2 have been added (Folk and Attackable).

- Noblesse is fixed (only a visual bug left, but I wait next rev to correct)



- PetInfo packet refactor (many useful infos added, but reachable only in a next rev )

- karma/pvpflag stuff have been entirely dropped (it uses owner values)


Entire Death refactor (Ask that to Chuck Norris, he can't)

- isKilledAlready => isDead

- isFakeDead moved to L2PcInstance

- correct //res command (from what I tested), and add anti-exploits.


setCurrentHp refactor

- you can selfDoT using meditation now (tyrant toggle bug + meditation which break the meditation is corrected)

- when you're invul, selfDoT and selfHP consumption skills still damage you.



- NPCWalker cleaning

- killByDOT implementation (only one skill uses it)

- L2Character doAttack() method : your attack is canceled if your target enters in peace zone, can't attack with wyvern on melee)

- typos : isImobilised )> isImmobilized, and others

- corrected isHeroItem() method (any non droppable items (Manacle Penitent and such) were considered as hero items...)

- getEquipSlot -> getLocationSlot.

- doors can't be DoT anymore.

- L2Npc canInteract() method improved.

- Mobs can anew launch skills, but their animation is a little broken.


WARNING : I tested as much as I can, but it needs a shitload of tests in order to see if I didn't mess something. Changes are heavy, and touch general ingame behavior.

Couple of fix, L2Npc shift-click refactor


- Renamed MagicEffectsIcons packet -> AbnormalStatusUpdate

- Corrected the skills bar refresh at death (when buffs are retained for example).

- Beginning of L2Shift click refactor : added 4 news commands to add/remove skills to a Npc template (change ALL current monsters using this template), improved droplist view/add (added color system, ty to Vampir from MxC for original idea). The shoplists stuff will be refactored after a L2TradeItem refactor, for the moment it uses old stuff.

I believe I can fly + 1 xml


- FlyToLocation implementation.

- core support for 5000-5099, ty DarthVader for the good work on XML part.

Ty SweeTs for the Freya copy-paste


The worst is there was near nothing to change.


Fix List rev 93 :

Multiple fixes.



- Correct problem concerning the broken animation on NPC cast skills.

- correct guards non-attacking in towns.

- add the running state to a mob who hitted you (once the first 30s period is down, the mob is walking but he never run back if you don't hit him).



- AdminCreateItem refactor (ty TheLastHero for nice Freya rework).

- //areacancel debug (ty Ferb for report)



- daggers blows no longer use P.atk in calcul, but they got now critical vulnerability counted in the calcul.

- multisells have been cleaned (ty Sentinel)

- isOnline is now a boolean from A to Z (ty TheLastHero anew)

- 2 pledges packets have been completed, L2ClanMember registers now the race and sex.


NoStore implementation + 2 messages, ty Zerador for initial patch.



- only the jail and both Oracles (dusk/dawn) are setup as NoStore zones.

- both private stores (buy/sell) and private manufactures (dwarven/general) are blocked.


Privates stores/manufactures

- got more and shared conditions (must be unmounted, not in nostore zone, be alive,...)

- some packets clean, and one exploit fix.


2 messages added

- when one of your blow fails;

- when you avoid the attack of character xx.


Couple of fixes for pets/summons


- L2SummonAI refactor (enjoy the 10sec Freya copy-paste), which adds the "avoidTask" feature (when your pet is hitted, he moves around you);

- teleport is fixed with a pet (pet is ported with you);

- if the pet is 20 lvls more than you or a wyvern/sin eater, you can't make it attack;

- couple of fixes in the different summons/pets actions aswell (follow, stop, attack);

- pet follows you when you summon him for the first time (before it was standing like a tree);



- some cleanings in L2NpcWalkerAI.


XMLization !


We got another XMLlizer, treaser Ty to him for those 2 shares.


- 2 tables are now XMLs, teleport and newbie buffs.

- Reorganisation of XMLs (data/xml).

- Couple of little fixes, such as Config.DATAPACK_ROOT and unification of XMLs errors messages.


Added protection blessing core support. Wait for 5100-5199 for effect.


Inventories update, part I


- update each type of inventory.

- correct items consumption problems.

- fix around 10 different issues, such as bad synchronizing, freight exploits && missing checks.

- inventories (mainly normal inventory and freight) are loaded FAR faster.

- added not 1, not 2, but 3 configs ! Ooooohhhhh !


Break definitively augmentations, which still need a complete refactor. The pet inventory isn't supported yet aswell (need PetTable and model entire refactor).


Tested skills consumptions, and the triforce (WH, CWH, and freight). Anyway, report if errors occur.


Fix List rev 104 :

Inventories update, part II


I warn you : this update is pretty huge. Well, you could think "he says that to each commit nowadays", lol, and the worst is : you're right, as I'm right saying it's huge


Inventory refactor

- Paperdolls refactors, LRHAND dissapears (not the slot !). Bows/staff are now considered as RHAND.

- DHAIR => HAIRALL. Just to understand better 'what the hell is this crap'.

- inventories instanciation. Should make sad some exploiters.

- formal wear retail way (alldress slot).


TradeList refactor

- refactor the buylists loading (no more .csv support).

- correct and improve (adding checks, using fun stuff) packets using them. Add some checks, those sorts of stuff.


"Wear/Try on" system

- Drop of the old "wear/try on" system, and of all old methods (isWear, and such).

- The new one is buggy as I miss packets infos, and the only infos come from Freya (this stuff has been implemented on L2J around rev 44xx). WearList > ShopPreviewList, and added a new packet, ShopPreviewInfo.

- The new system doesn't need checks as it's only a packet which change the appearance of your stuff. Basically not exploitable, and extremely light in ressources' usages (before an item was created, used, then deleted).



- L2ManorManager refactor (warning : as I suck with manors uses, I didn't manage to test crops/seeds sell/buy etc. I would like someone teach me how this crap works one day, lol).

- refactor of the way to count arrows.

- some packets refactors (mainly RequestCrystallizeItem), and many cleans.

- a GM can't use hero weapons anymore if he isn't a hero himself, in order to avoid the "stupid bug" at relog, which made me lose 30min to find why it happened (and when a inventory refactor comes, you're pretty nervous about "WHY THE FOCK THIS STUPID HERO BOW IS REMOVED AT RELOG AND NOT OTHERS WEAPONS ?).

- correction of a couple (around 10) of logs names... Ty Sentinel to open my eyes on this awful critical issue which could destroy the Earth and humanity. Which isn't a awful critical issue which could destroy the Earth and humanity, but still make you cry.


Admin commands

- ended the refactor of AdminEditNpc (both "edit" and "shop" parts have been corrected and improved).

- AdminEnchant send only one message if you're the target.


And once again :



Inventories update, part III



- Warehouses clientpackets updates



- ClanHallManager refactor

- mana consumption for CH buffs corrected

- teleports lists corrected and/or added (schuttgard was missing) using Freya.



- StatusUpdate update.


ArmorSets table XMLization, ty treaser (my treasure ;o) for initial share.


XMLization of pet_stats, plus a couple of rework.


Many values are now automatically calculated, not loaded from table. I need to experiment and debug a lot on this side, as calculations seem incorrect.


Pets got many problems anyway.


Move of zone.xml in xml folder, plus a little clean on ZoneManager.


4200-4299, ty SweeTs for initial work.


Pets refactor, part II


- Reorganization of the XML and loading process

- Update of the FeedTask, with now the possibility of pet deletion if it is hungry (30% => 5% luck, 10% => 30% luck).

- Some stuff which will be used when items refactor will come.

- Hungry state setup to 55% (will be used for autoconsumption of food).


Pets are still heavily broken (3 major problems), and they need items refactors from now (currently, food isn't considered as pet item).


FishTable XMLization, ty treaser for initial share.


- XMLization of fish.sql => fishes.xml

- To respect naming conventions in the XML folder, zone.xml => zones.xml


Augmentations refactor


Yeah, fully working. What more to say...

- augmentations are added when unequip/equip items, and loaded with inventory.

- I used Freya, and deleted all accessories part, plus useless stuff (yellow array, useless method,...)

- augments are now deleted with items, when a character is deleted aswell.

- active augments got their cooltime stored.

- some security checks added in concerned packets.


About DP :

- c/p of the skillmap (go from 58ko to ~530ko)

- if there are problems about eventual postIL skills, tell me on forum. But from what I know, all are in the 3100/3200/3300.

- added a couple of configs.


Misc :

- drop of getItemGrade(), which called getCrystalType(). Why it existed, I have sincerly no idea. And you can't say dev was drunked, because he did the javadoc, and said on it "it is the same". Lol.

- mini reorganization in, in order to make lines less big. Just spaces basically.


ClanHalls refactor + Singletons


Well, it begun with a correction of singletons, and it ends by a clanhall update


CHs / Auctions

- Added the missing 22th auction, (Gludio or gludin) Moonstone Hall.

- Corrected CHs loading process (Contestable aren't considered as auctionable)

- Corrected week leases of all CHs (c/p freya), and descriptions.

- Many typos, improvements and singletonizations of related instances.



- Some singletonizations.

- Added RequestExMagicSkillUseGround packet content (signets), ty Zerador for info.

- Manufacturing checks are now made in clientpacket, not in serverpacket.


Cursed weapons refactor, 1 skill XML



- added propers messages at cursed owner login;

- debugged cw_add (missing time task activation, and bug when you added 2 weapons on same character);

- singletonizations, typos, missing checks, code actualization;

- cursedWeapons.xml renamed cursed_weapons.xml, following the general XML naming convention.

- GrandBosses, feeded beasts and guards can't drop them.



- All freakin typos errors "equiped"/"unequiped" are now "equipped"/"unequipped".

- "DropIt" => "dropIt"

- refreshed the reward method (doItemDrop) in L2Attackable.

- Added 5100-5199 (signets working without force condition, but they work);


Go post "Tryskell is right, you're all noobs" here :

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Fix List rev 110 :

4600-4699 xml + core support

Last skill XML is now commited : 4700-4799.


From now, and for any skill behavior/values, you can post problems on the unique topic "skills problem", in "reports CORE errors" section.

ConfirmDlg refactor, SummonFriend fix


- you can now add multiple things in ConfirmDlg (popups for ress, summon friends, wedding accept). Timer, Zone area and many more are now supported.

- Timer (30 seconds) and requesterId (fix bugged accept issue) added for Summon Friend. The popup shows too the zone where the requester is.

- corrected an issue (when charm of courage will work, it would make the accept button buggy aswell).

- modified the generic wedding popup generic for another (normally correct the "?" typo).



- IsInCombat fix. Fix "pets stuck in combat" issue (couldn't unsummon if you "attack" then "stop" the attack before the pet attacks).

AdminCommands refactor, HTMs spring clean


- deletion of //set (if I got many whines on forum, I will add it back, but not on this version anyway). I know it can be useful (modifying configs ingame directly), but not this form (or you have to memorize each godamn config).

- drop of AdminTest ; the only survivor, //st, has been moved to AdminSkill.

- merge of AdminShutdown && AdminLogin (read DP side).


DP side

- remove of //recall_npc ghost button

- accountinfo cleaned, charskills updated (add of removereuse button + broken link fix)

- merge of shutdown && login, to maintenance

Skills fixes (signets restrictions, ChanceSkillTrigger)


- ChanceSkillTrigger debug (work now on any L2Character instead of L2Playable). Debug mirage and all augments using this type of effects.

- RemoveTarget effect now deletes completely the attackstance (it was keeping attacking even with target off, lol).

- Added back Battle/SpellForce.

- Deleted EffectForce. Old ruin of past memories. Or something like "very very old thing"

- Added right conditions for signets cast. They now work (near) as they should.


I decided to use the generic "work everywhere" systemMessage 113 for skill's unavailable forces number condition. If you find a cooler or the exact message (if it's the wrong message), tell me.


In another hand, if you think I missed a check on FusionSkill, tell me aswell. Don't wait 40 revs to say "hey, you got a problem here". It normally checks following states : death, under attack, party break, subclass change.

Zone update

- L2PoisonZone is renamed for L2EffectZone (and reworked...).

- Skills affect only L2Playable instances type (summons and players).

- Remove a warning on L2DamageZone (no effects).



- Add an debuff effect on Orfen Lair ;p. Added to the swamp effect, you're really lame now.

- Renamed the 167 PoisonZones, nothing more.


Should correct this issue :

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If skills XMLs end didn't do it.


Fix List rev 112 :

Sieges fixes + weapons cAtk fix


All the code from sieges is entirely from me. That means yeah, I can do other things than c/p, but that means yeah, it can have after-effects as it has been tested only by me, and on a short time laps. So feel free to test all possibilities and report on forum for eventual NPEs/errors I didn't think about.



- admin commands about sieges won't bypass anymore conditions (can't reg 50 times same clan as attacker/etc).

- The SQL code to include clan on sieges has been improved (avoid duplicate).

- replaced circlets for crown at chamberlain "Give a crown" option. My bad.

- remove both crowns and circlets (before only circlets were removed) ;

- Crowns and circlets are removed only at the end of a siege (and not at middle time victory like before), and only if the initial castle's owner differs from the end owning castle's owner.

- Corrected restriction to avoid to register on multiple sieges at the same time (retail confirmed).

- Added alliance restriction, clan A/B of the same alliance can't anymore register on different side of a castle's siege. They have to be both on attack/defense.

- Added message for people who aren't clan leaders and try to register to a siege (You aren't authorized...).



- Replace all buggy "cAtk" for "cAtkAdd" in order to correct bugged critical damages, credits to SweeTs.




Issues :

- L2J Freya bug : the skill "Seal of Ruler" (seems) bugged, if you changed of target at cast's end it will try to take the objectID of your ACTUAL target, not on the previous one (so if your actual target isn't an artifact, the entire cast process fails). I got already an idea to fix it, which could be used in order to make some others actions (trade, etc) secured aswell.


I would like informations about missing stuff from sieges, in order to make another refactor part. I would like to add artifact zones mainly. So give ideas on forums, with eventually proofs about what you say.


Some deletions, circlets/crowns fix


- Deletion of L2ControllableMob (as the poll shows it, no one knew the existence of this feature).

- Deletion of WayPointNode (old code, no idea why it's still on Freya), and the 5 related variables in

- Fix the NPE scenario about circlets/crowns removal. Surely due to NPC owning castle.

- admin panel reorganization : move of strider/wyvern from "effects" to "teleport" panel, add of unride option.


If there are still errors at removal circlets/crowns, please consider to give full infos, such as actual people on, who's attacker/defender, etc. Try to test with not defenders on.


Fix List rev 117 :

DayNightSpawnManager refactor.


Duel refactor

- singletons

- one case of permaduel fixed

- code clean, typo

- less packets update


The "error" at withdrawal is related to client side. It could (and read the "could") be related to server, but it's not supported at all else. Variable $s1 should be $s2.


Seal of Ruler zoning restriction.


Ty DiNoR for initial XML/SQL values, and Ferb for idea/report.


Work better with geodata on. Don't report if you got zoning error without the use of geodata... If players respect zones, zones respect players


Correct all recipes for IL values, ty DiNoR for initial work.


If some are still missing, you're allowed to cry on forum.


Multiple little fixes


- Danse of medusa got anew a time.

- Some packets modifications (added some packets infos, etc).


Nothing to kill yourself.


Fix List rev 126 :

[spartaCis] Items refactor - part I


Many has been done those last days. Thx to DiNoR for incredible fast work on DP ^^.


- Items don't use anymore SQLs. All engine and DP is made for/of XMLs. All items can be found on data/stats/items, and follow original game system (melting armors, wepaons, and etcitems in same files).

- SkillHolder implementation.

- Duals got now their +4 passive skills.

- shortBuffTask implementation (healing potions icons).

- Apprentice PK && CW drop restrictions are now handled in DP.

- Full rework of shots, + 2 fixes (1 due to Freya, 1 old).

- Items icons now fade if the item is of same sharedReuse group. Item shortcuts timers are still buggy (as Freya).

- Potions / Elixirs can be casted during casting. Thx momo61 for initial share.

- Some beginning rework on petItem. isPetItem() => isPetCollar(), isPetItem() implementation (consider pet armors/weapons as pet items). This chapter is buggy, even on current L2J Freya. More work will come soon or later.

- update for BroadcastStatusUpdate, in order to get less sent packets (limit mana updates)

- L2ExtractableItems are ported from initial .csv to existing skills XMLs. No more loading process for it.


The second part of items refactor will come once people tested and report eventual problems with part I. So you know what you have to do : TEST !


AdminCommands refactor.


Here are fresh commands for you, mighty admins ^^.



- cameramode: same as retail //camera, thx to Airin (L2J User contribution)

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- admin_summon_info: displays an information window about target summon

- admin_unsummon: unsummon target's pet/summon or target

- admin_summon_setlvl: set the pet's level

- admin_show_pet_inv: show pet's inventory (currently NOT WORKING)

- admin_party_info: find party infos of targeted character, if any

- admin_clan_info: find clan infos of the character, if any

- admin_remove_clan_penalty: removes clan penalties



- save_modifications, part of the "Edit" button panel of the selected character.

- visible/invisible, deprecated cause of the existence of vis/invis.



- Many panels are improved. Some holes have been filled aswell with the new commands.

- Main panel have "dualbox" and "pet infos" buttons

- "List" > select a character got a fresh panel with new added commands.

- "Edit" button panel has been seriously revisited. It got only useful stuff.



- Cleaned 2 skills. Nothing for you.

- L2ClanMember typos.


Some little fixes.

- core support for isClanSkill().

- add an effect on Grade Penalty skill (-50% runspd/atkspd/cstspd).

- update correctly passive skill list when Grade Penalty occurs.

- update/complete 2 serverpackets.

- change calcLvlDependModifier formula method.


Experimental : Point3D doesn't use "synchronize" anymore, which means less used ressources. Such points are used for signets casting as exemple. If you handle strange behavior on signets positioning or such, please contact on forum asap. This fix has been released recently on L2J.


Fix hennas typos problems. Additionally improve DB structure for those tables.


Ty stanus for report.


PS : prices have been updated aswell. When they seem more... normal (from my player's PoV), if you got proofs old prices were retail, send screen / cry on forum ^^.


Items, part 1.5 ^^


Correct following errors :

- stackable items (5 missing);

- herbs effects (both DP && core issue);

- SoE castles/clans (it was using the old itemhandler, used for backward compatibility, but now it was bypassing real effects so bb old itemhandler and welcome new generation :));


Misc :

- added a config for bosses items drop rate;

- fixed the targeting issue when sitting (when you double protect something sometimes that bugs, lol).

- added Dummy skillhandler, correct "the DUMMY skillType isn't implemented". You can launch fireworks without bugs ! Eweussaumeu !



- Add core support && DP for Court Magician (allow to use castle crown's skill), currently fully working.

- Correct shields item restriction (as they migrated from L2Weapon to L2Armor).

- Improve EffectFear (geodata check). I still don't know why mobs take time to be affected. It's not due to effect anyway.


If by any hazard, the Court Magician got other stuff, consider send as much infos as you got on forum, and if possible with proofs about what you say. I didn't manage to find any decent IL infos, except the clan gate part.


Items refactor, part II


- Replace all differences in terms of values and names typos from Freya to IL.

- Added back pet armor/weapons type, and bodypart related to pet's race. Drop of is_petitem boolean.

- Added all missing onCast skills.

- correct tatoos/cloaks, add pDef to cloaks.

- Added missing SAs.

- Corrected all typos.

- And many more...


DP part entirely made by DiNoR, thanks him for the amazing work :).


Items DP is supposed to be finished. Consider report any strange item. Ty in advance.


Misc fixes.

- Correct all skills values "cAtk" from 1.3/1.4/1.5 to 1.3/1.325/1.35. Ty Zerador for the report.

- Fixes buggy entrance message on arenaZone.

- Add 2 Arena managers on Giran and Gludin arenas. Move the Derby Monster Track one outside the arena. Corrects the hardcoded CP recovery for a buff use, and add a popup if you haven't enough adenas (ty Zerador for the initial code).

- Crests refactor, should correct all problems of crests for clan/ally (staying crests after ally kick).

- Added back ToI and coliseum doors as opened at server start.

- Added the passive buff "Equip Set Items", which is added/removed in same time than a set passive skill. Verified from a L2Off.


Report if you still got problems with crests, I only managed to put/remove/change one to see if I have broken something :P.


Quest engine / AIs, part I


Quest engine.

- rework of quests engine, using the unstable L2J trunk, in order to be able to use java files (mainly AIs).

- deletion of the jscript folder. If you want to help refactoring quests, save this folder anywhere else, or dl back IL quests. "scripts" folder is added, with some AIs.

- Some AIs added. They're supposed to be final and working. Report all you can about them. I only tested chests and Gordon.

- Addition of many configs, mainly about World/Grand Bosses and quest rates. Report bosses respawn timers on the forum, as they seem all wrong.


PS : The engine has been stripped of the compiled cache stuff (.rar-ed events and such). ON_SKILL_LEARN has been dropped too.



- Reworked AIs. Mobs can know support, heal when low HPs, use skills (they spam them those bitches...)

- npc_ai_data.sql has been added. It is supposed to get all AIs stuff concerning NPCs templates.

- some infos of npc.sql have been deleted, and moved to npc_ai_data (mainly faction => clan).



- npcskills.sql is renamed npc_skills.sql

- L2MinionInstance is dropped. Now all minions are normal L2Monsters. They're still linked to the leader via the minions.sql

- datapack is now parametered to see java errors. Allow easy debug on java quests.

- NpcSat, TutorialCloseHtml, TutorialEnableClientEvent serverpackets added.

- core support for tutorial quest (Q255).




Two issues exist on hardcoded AIs :

- minions dont appear back, even if the leader is alive (whatever mobs, general AI issue).

- mobs with caster types skills don't attack back if their casting range is higher than the distance of the player. Saying it differently, they stay without moving at their position until you reach the good distance. Kinda strange.


No issue has been found currently about the quest engine itself (loading Python/Java correctly).


Fix List rev 245 :

Quests - ty to sharers.


- Addition of Q266, Q313, Q345 && Q631.

- Fix a little issue in Q619.


Quests - ty to sharers.


- Addition of Q316, Q325, Q329, Q422 && Q627.


43 quests / quest engine, misc.


Ok, that does 3 weeks I didn't commit. I worked IRL 3 days, I reinstalled OS and softwares for 2 days, I played 1 week. So yeah, in 3 weeks I worked on project only 1 week. I don't apologize, I just let you know (yyyeaahhh, changeset used as autobiography, problem ? Want to fight ? ^^).


43 quests / Quest engine

- sagas are implemented.

- Varka / Ketra alliances + related quests (except magical blabla part 2) are implemented.

- All quests sounds (6 so far, the complete amount is 8 but the 2 missing are never used) are now hardcoded and static. Ty Hasha for the idea.

- Varka / Ketra alliance system (killing ally friend drops alliance level) is moved to KetraOrcSupport and VarkaSilenosSupport. Two checks are common to 10 different quests, on regular L2J you got 10 checks (so yeah 5x2 clone arrays of registered mobs).

- addition of dropAlwaysQuestItems(int, int, int). That method is used when quest item drop is 100% (avoid to generate random number)

- fix - when possible - every onKill section in order to use dropQuestItems / dropAlwaysQuestItems methods.

- drop of the parameter in getNoQuestMsg() and getAlreadyCompletedMsg() methods.



- mob attack stances has been harmonized through the different uses (Baium, L2AttackableAIScript, etc).

- Paagrio => Pa'agrio typos fixes.

- rework of broadcastPacket() method. It will use now the static system from Broadcast class. Added to that, the particular system from L2PcInstance regarding CharInfo is dropped. A special method is now used to broadcast it (named broadcastCharInfo()).

- when you interact with a shop player, you will turn yourself in front of the player.

- TargetSelected packet isn't sent to yourself anymore (only broadcasted to others).

- Random tweaks on multiple methods (cleanup, checks imbrication, deletion of pointless stuff, and so on).

- Addition of many informations regarding "sell, buy, warehouse" packets. Generally all regarding Inventory. Additions of many null checks aswell.


Retail enchant system, quests, misc


Retail enchant system

- differentiate fighters && magic weapons (ty rocoder for the DP parsing). Implementation of isMagical() in L2Weapon.

- drop config related to jewelry.

- different rate when weapon reach +15.

- max limit is set back to unlimited.

- the chance is now a double, not an int anymore, in order to keep accuracy (for armor).



- addition of Q632 && Q642, ty Hasha && EnDmOsT.



- some packets rework, ty Java-Man. Addition of isForThisClass() method. Hennas packets should be tested deeply, but from my few tests, they work.

- Merge of HeroSkillTable and NobleSkillTable with SkillTable, ty Java-Man.

- you can't PM yourself anymore (ty xblx for suggestion). It's not retail-like.


Fix List rev 246 :

Community Board (CB) part I, misc


CB is mostly cleaned up.

Some efforts have been made in order to use static stuff (like static strings && static ShowBoard objects).


A LOT of work is needed to complete it correctly (in disorder : cleanup hardcoded HTMs, recode HTMs to fit with IL CB dimensions (on IL, CB is more little...), add missing code, add GoD region tab)



- custom region tab has been entirely dropped.

- friends panel is 50% implemented.

- clan notices system is implemented, but not tested at all (and probably not working).

- mail system is implemented, but check previous sentence for more infos.

- Clan forums aren't created anymore if CB isn't enabled.



- addReputation / takeReputation are the only commands to affect reputation (setReputation is used only for loading and as "core" for the 2 previous commands). They save *only* reputation from now, not the whole clan infos.

- getHasCastle() and getHasHideout() have been renamed getCastleId() and getHideoutId(). Creation and use of hasCastle() and hasHideout() boolean methods.

- getActingPlayer() uses on SiegeGuardKnownlist, GrandBoss and RaidBoss instances.

- many random methods are cleaned up in order to create less objects, adding checks && readability.

- addition of getClanAllies() method, used to retrieve clans in alliance.

- Addition of AllianceInfo serverpacket (untested)


Fix List rev 248 :


- fix GandBossTeleporters script (HTM/SQL side). All IDs are supposed to be ok.

- add a check for groups on Quest for radius (ty Hasha). Ideally, it needs to be spread to any solo quest.

- cleanup (L2SiegeGuard, 2 itemhandlers with postIL stuff, AttackStanceTaskManager).

- colors of title/name is corrected (ty TheEngo)

- toggles are desactivated when taking a CW.

- Drain skills HP gain effect now effects monsters (+ rework of the skillhandler).

- correct Lotto ticket (ty Pleasure).


*normally* fix AutoChatHandler issue. Misc

- Add the missing Ketra/Varka AI petrification support (allied player helping - through positive effects - neutral/enemy player which attack a friend mob). It makes the difference between who casted it aswell (pet or player is paralized depending who casted). Unfortunately, it doesn't break the cast (because onSkillSee works when skill is already launched, else it would need an ANTICIPATION of the mob).

- Fix Raid Curse stuff (too much c/p kills the c/p), and improve a little the coding.

- drop all "Util.contains(" checks on Monastery. Those checks are made way before, and aren't necessary on that script, as arrays and behaviors aren't melted... Mobs are individually registered.



Java7 invasão! O verão está chegando: a limpeza no código? Conto de um Eclipse voltar!


Sob esse título que worths melhores animes ", venha alguma limpeza eo uso de java7 características:

- Diamond para invocações do construtor (+ ativação do aviso associado para ter certeza velho sistema está corretamente limpo)

- Experimente com os recursos do bloco (também conhecido como "bloco ARM '); gota de apache jar commonsIO, queda de L2DatabaseFactory.close (con).

- Fixar todos os métodos Os possíveis quando eles podem ser estáticas (+ ativação do aviso associado)

- Fixar todos os mapas Quests estáticos (quase todos ...) para ser "private static final" e "HashMap" em vez de "FastMap".




só clique no icone em baixo :D

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É tão difícil por uma fonte 12 , ou você faz isso de proposito para o pessoal Floodar em seu Tópico ? Aumente a fonte.

Um mundo de diversão no Lineage 2

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Comunidade brasileira de Lineage. Interlude Remastered / High Five / Essence 

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amigo queria saber se esa rev tem annunce pvp chat superior ? tanbem queria saber se ela e en protugues tanbem queria saber se esa rev as skils tao ratail ?

Amigo Não sei dizer Baixe e veja (: é muito bom o Projeto só sei disso.

É tão difícil por uma fonte 12 , ou você faz isso de proposito para o pessoal Floodar em seu Tópico ? Aumente a fonte.

ce voce nao percebeu amigo apenas os 2 Ultimos fico com esse Problema de Fonte menor. o resto tá tudo normal.. Obviamente aconteceu algo.. ja foi arrumado.

esse projeto não tinha ficado privado?

Nao sei dizer, pois sempre vi tendo atualizacoes normalmente.

Esse é um dos melhores projetos L2j que existe hoje, infelizmente o source dele ficou privado, mas sempre tem atualizações.

Pois é. mas pelo menos ainda tem normalmente as att né. melhor do qe nd.


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queria saber se as class sao retail e os skils ?

Amigo Realmente nao sei dizer apenas estou disponibilizando.. mas todos que eu vi falando da rev.. falaram que ela é Muito Boa..






Editado por luan5415438543514


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

esse projeto é bom ?

é sim, pra montar um server Pvp, mais acho que um server que vá usar quest e tudo mais acredito que nao seja... lembro que tem um dev ou contribuidor que ja posto a rev 300 um pré configurado e tudo mais, ele vai saber dizer mais se é bom ou nao =D


*Alguem Sabe Me Dizer Sobre A Quest Do Baium Na Rev ACis ?*

Puts, nem cheguei a ver ou testar pra ver =s cheguei a usar , mais era um pvpzao....


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